Dick Wessel

Dick Wessel

Total Credits at Criticker: 37 (Actor), 1 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (37) | Writer (1)

    Dick Tracy vs. Cueball
    Expensive diamonds are stolen but before the thief can fence them he is strangled by ex-con Cueball... (imdb)
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    Bowery to Bagdad
    The boys find a lamp that has strange magic powers. (imdb)
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    Fright Night
    Fright Night (1947) - Short Film
    The stooges are managers of "Chopper", a beefy boxer, and they bet their bank roll on his next fight. When a gangster tells them to have Chopper lose or they'll lose their lives, the boys decide to play along. They try to soften Chopper up by feeding him rich food and having him spend time with their friend Kitty. The fight gets canceled when Kitty dumps Chopper for his opponent and the two boxers engage in some pre-match fisticuffs that result in a broken hand for the opponent. The stooges thin (imdb)
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    Two incompetent door-to-door salesmen enlist by accident. (TCM.com)
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    Unknown Island
    Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs. Piloting their ship is Captain Tarnowski, a ruthless alcoholic suffering from malaria- induced bouts of insanity. When they arrive at the island, they discover that the stories they have heard are all true. Will they survive to tell anyone what they've found? (imdb)
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    Desert Bandit
    Hatfield has his henchman Largo and gang smuggling guns across the border. When guns are smuggled past Ranger Martin, Martin is jailed. The Sheriff, a crony of Hatfield, lets Martin out, shoots him, and blames the escape attempt on Bob Crandall. Kicked out of the Rangers, Crandall joins Largo's gang. (imdb)
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    False Faces
    Manhunt for a master of disguise.
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    Hay Foot
    Colonel Barkley is very proud of his assistant, Sergeant Doubleday, who has a photographic memory. Doubleday shows off his book knowledge on firearms during a class given by Sergeant Ames, embarrassing him. Through a series of misunderstandings, Colonel Barkley thinks the gunshy Doubleday is an expert marksman, and he sets him up in a shooting match against Ames and Sergeant Cobb (the division's shooting champions)!
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    Dizzy Yardbird
    Dizzy Yardbird (1950) - Short Film
    Joe is in the army, and his sergeant is determined to make a soldier out of Joe if he has to kill him to do it. (imdb)
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    Arson Racket Squad
    New York City fireman Bill O'Connell is assigned to the Arson Sqaud with the job of apprehending the for-profit gang of arsonists who are spreading terror and loss of property, including human life. When his friend and battalion chief, J.P. Riley, is killed fighting one of the set fires, Bill declines the offered promotion to Riley's post in order to keep working against the arson gang. Riley's young son Tommy is left in charge of Bill and his fireman pal Tom Jones. (imdb)
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    Fling in the Ring
    The stooges are the trainers of "Chopper", a beefy boxer, and they bet their bankroll on Chopper to win his next fight. When "Big Mike", their boss, tells them to have Chopper lose or they'll lose their lives, the boys try to soften up Chopper so he'll lose. The fight gets canceled and the stooges have to contend with an angry Big Mike and his goons. (imdb)
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    The McGuerins from Brooklyn
    Two cab drivers try to make a beat up cab into their ticket to success. (tcm.com)
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    Corky of Gasoline Alley
    Elwood Martin (Gordon Jones), a brash extrovert with an aversion to work come to live with Walt Wallet (Don Beddoe) and his wife, Phyllis (Madelon Baker). He blunders about their house, and the diner owned by Corky Wallet (Scotty Beckett) and the fix-it shop belonging to Skeezix Wallet (Jimmy Lydon), creating havoc at every stop. (imdb)
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    Gasoline Alley
    Gasoline Alley was based on Frank King's popular comic strip of the same name. The strip's central characters, service station owner Walt Wallet (Don Beddoe) and his adopted son Skeezix (James Lydon), take a back seat to newlyweds Corky (Scotty Beckett) and Hope (Susan Morrow). Hoping to establish his independence from his family, Corky opens up his own restaurant, which results in nothing but headaches. (imdb)
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    G.I. Dood It
    Joe Besser has a fight with an army sergeant before he is drafted, and when he arrives at camp, finds the sergeant is his NCO and not adverse to taking revenge. When some documents are missing, the commanding officer offers a promotion to anyone who finds the. Joe and the sergeant get into a fight in the kitchen, and Joe discovers the paper. He is promoted to sergeant and the sergeant is busted to a private. (imdb)
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    Missing Daughters
    Josie Lamonte (Marian Marsh), upset by experiences at the "Club Naturelle", where she had hoped to acquire 'poise and personality' for a stage career, fires a tirade at club owner ""Lucky" Rogers (Edward Raquello) for his unprincipled ways of recruiting nightclub girls. The suicide of Josie prompts a broadcast by newscaster/columnist Wally King (Richard Arlen) in which he blasts Police Captain McGraw (Wade Boteler) of the Missing Persons Bureau.
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    Hawk of the Wilderness
    An expedition arrives on an uncharted jungle island to rescue the local natives, led by a jungle boy, from a volcano that is about to erupt. (imdb)
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    Slappily Married
    Joe's wife, who thinks he's been carrying on with another woman, moves out. (imdb)
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    The Traitor Within
    Ambitious young truck driver Sam Starr is in love with Molly Betts, who shares with her father a resentment against John Scott Ryder,the town's Mayor. In WW I, Ryder took credit for an act of heroism performed by "Pop" Betts and all of Ryder's success since then has been the direct result of the hero-worship of the town's citizens---adulation which should have been extended to Betts.
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    Andy Plays Hookey
    Andy makes elaborate plans to attend a prizefight, and they all backfire.
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    So You Won\
    A shy book reviewer is confused with a notorious gangster who has just been release from prison.
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    Wife To Spare
    Wife To Spare (1947) - Short Film
    Andy tries to fix a dilemma between a gold digging blonde and his brother-in-law who's smitten with her. This causes problems for Andy's wife. (imdb)
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    Do or Diet
    Do or Diet (1947) - Short Film
    Edgar's boss gives him a few days off as a reward for being promoted. His wife, Florence (Florence Lake), mother-in-law (Dot Farley) and brother-in-law (Jack Rice), think he has been fired for being too fat and, over his fruitless objections, put him on a strenuous reducing program that nearly kills him.
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    Hectic Honeymoon
    Sterling works as a woman's hosiery salesman, and marries one of the office secretaries only to find out that his boss has just decided that anyone in his employ that gets married will be fired. His antics to keep his wife and his boss apart leads to troubles on both fronts.
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    Dig That Gold
    Dig That Gold (1948) - Short Film
    Edgar has an argument with his next door neighbor concerning a spite fence the neighbor is building between the two properties, Then Edgar gets the idea that there is buried treasure on the neighbor's side of the fence.
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    Billie Gets Her Man
    Billie has the mistaken impression that her only daughter is pregnant and must rush to the hospital. At the same time, her old boyfriend, now wealthy, returns to make amends with her.
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    Flat Feat
    Flat Feat (1948) - Short Film
    Sterling, a rookie cop, finds it hard to live up to the reputation his father, who was also a police officer, has.
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    His Baiting Beauty
    Harry has to leave town on a business trip to take part in the opening of a new radio station. However, his wife suspects that he is actually going to meet another woman.
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    The Twilight Zone
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    Harry, who plays a gangster on a radio show, is mistaken for a real one.
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    Hot Heir
    Hot Heir (1947) - Short Film
    This Columbia All-Star Comedy short (production number 8424) has Hugh Herbert all excited over the pending arrival of his rich uncle, but Hugh has to first deal with a jealous husband whose wife ripped her dress in Hughs room, and, when the uncle does arrive, there is a case of mistaken identity.
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    Nervous Shakedown
    Hugh Herbert is a nervous millionaire who goes to a sanitarium for treatment of his affliction, which immediately worsens when he ends up in the hands of two escaped convicts, who fully intend to kill him.
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    Radio Romeo
    Radio Romeo (1947) - Short Film
    Harry gets a job at a radio station as an "advice to the lovelorn" host and winds up getting involved in a young woman's marital problems.
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    The Fugitive
    The Fugitive (1963) - TV Series
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    Eight-Ball Andy
    Eight-Ball Andy (1948) - Short Film
    Andy is caught in the middle when his wacky-inventor brother-in-law invents a weird cure for termites, and the fact that the cure is worse than the evil becomes apparent when the solution eats huge holes in the trousers of a prospective buyer. And his brother-in-law's "atomically-energized" gasoline ruins Andy's car.
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    Trouble In-Laws
    Trouble In-Laws (1951) - Short Film
    Hugh is driving his brother-in-law's car, bumps into a fire hydrant and drenches a pretty blonde. She gets into the car, removes her dress to dry it, puts a lap-robe around herself...and then her husband shows up and tees off on Hugh. The husband land's in jail. Later, Hugh has to go to the Blonde's apartment, on business for his boss.
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    In Room 303
    In Room 303 (1947) - Short Film
    Leon needs to make a business deal with Mr. Marshall but can't unless his son and Marshall's daughter straighten out their romantic problems. Leon, probably based on his own past history and the assumption that an apple never falls far from the tree, suspects that his son is playing around with the girl in room 303. His investigation reveals that his son isn't, but the girl's boy friend thinks Leon is.
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