Demet Evgar

Demet Evgar

Country: Turkey

Total Credits at Criticker: 19 (Actor)

Biography last updated by Bullt, and picture by cambel

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (19)

    Adapted from a play, Banyo examines the fears and frustrations of its protagonists from the most personal space in a house: the bathroom.
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    Tortured bodies and cut off human legs have been found in different locations of Istanbul. When the murderings start to lead to a great panic among the public, Fatih, who is a ranked police officer, has taken the case to investigate with his partner Doruk, a well educated psychiatrist from the United States. (Yahoo Movies)
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    Günesi gördüm
    A mountain village perched on the border between two worlds... The home, for generations, of the Altun family... But with the introduction of forced migration policies, the family finds itself wrenched from the village. This is the story of their relocation from east to west. Haydar and Isa Altun arrive with their respective families in Istanbul, where they decide to stay. But Davut Altun, his wife and children set their sights further afield and travel on to Norway... (imdb)
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    Yahsi bati
    Ottomans go to USA for a mission and events occur..
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    Vay Arkadas
    A manic adventure shared by a crazy group of friends in Istanbul
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    Sen Aydınlatırsın Geceyi
    In a small Anatolian town, Cemal -who can see through the walls- has no expectation out of life and looks for a way out with Yasemin -who can move objects with her fingers- as he is trying to deal with the distress that fell on his. However, Defne, who can freeze time will muddle things up; Yasemin's immortal boss' actions will contradict the invisible elementary school teacher's advices who is trying to eliminate the worries of Cemal. (IKSV)
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    1 Kadin 1 Erkek
    About Love Bugs focus on humorous and universally recognized differences between men and women.
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    Yok Artık!
    A Turkish taxi driver tells stories which are almost unbelievable.
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    Emret komutanim
    A Turkish comedy series set within a military unit.
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    Kötü Kedi Şerafettin
    Produced by Turkey's biggest animation studio, Anima Istanbul, The Bad Cat is an animated epic for young adults featuring the unforgettably bad cat, Shero and his foul mouthed gang in action. As animals inhabiting streets Shero and his friends are after what anyone else in their notoriously sleazy Istanbul neighborhood wants: debauchery with girls, food and the occasional drinking binge. This ordinary looking day will prove otherwise as their paths cross with humans... (imdb)
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    Sofra Sırları
    Meet Neslihan. A perfect cook, an expert on Turkish cuisine, strictly loyal to her husband, an impeccable house wife ...and a serial killer. (imdb)
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    Askin Gören Gözlere Ihtiyaci yok
    Salim(30) is a homicide detective. And he is going to be blind in 1-2 months. He fell in love with blind pianist Handan. And he is plannig to escape and live with her...
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    Aile Arasinda
    Life of a singer, her daughter and her friends change when they meet with a divorced man.
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    Avlu (2018) - TV Series
    A woman entering a prison trying to establish her own justice. These women who are forced to give up their freedom are struggling in Karakuyu against their own order and their own laws. (imdb)
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    Topal Şükran\
    A tragicomedy with no dialogue about a young woman, Sükran, who has an accident at the age of 10 and remains crippled for the rest of her life. Throughout the film, she seeks to create common ground with others. Despite her hunger to do so, she fails with people of the opposite sex, and so turns to her own gender. Just like all of us, Şükran keeps searching desperately for ways to communicate with other people until the bitter end. (
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    Alev Alev
    Alev Alev (2020) - TV Series
    The flames that changed all the lives they touch, the flowers sprouting from the ashes of a fire. The story of finding yourself, continuing on the road, seeking justice and true love. (imdb)
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    Yaparsin Sekerim!
    Yaparsin Sekerim is a documentary film about Haldun Dormen.
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    This documentary traces the life and career of Turkish theatrical legend Yildiz Kenter through interviews with her family, fellow actors and students. (
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    Bahar (2024) - TV Series
    The life of a devoted housewife becomes full of disappointments when she returns from the dead. Bahar returns to the profession she left unfinished, becoming a doctor. (imdb) Turkish version of ''Doctor Cha''
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