David Gorcey

David Gorcey

Total Credits at Criticker: 47 (Actor)

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    The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters
    Slip, Sach and the rest of the Bowery Boys enter a haunted house, where they engage in slapstick with a gorilla, a robot and a vampire. (imdb)
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    Spook Busters
    The Bowery Boys--Slip, Sach, Bobby, Whitey & Chuck--start their own exterminating service, and get a job which takes them to a spooky old abandoned mansion in the middle of the night. Meeting up with pal Gabe and his new French bride, the boys are tormented by mad scientists who try to convince them the place is haunted and then kidnap Sach in order to place his brain inside a gorilla. (imdb)
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    Mr. Hex
    Sach is given a post-hypnotic suggestion that turns him into a championship prizefighter. (imdb)
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    Hard Boiled Mahoney
    Sach and Slip go to a private detective agency to collect money Sach earned for working there. A woman comes in, mistakes the two for private detectives, and hires them to find a missing woman. The case isn't quite what it seems to be, and the boys find themselves mixed up in intrigue, blackmail, and a crooked fortune teller. (imdb)
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    News Hounds
    Slip and Sach are working for a local newspaper as a reporter and photographer, respectively. Slip wants to get the goods on a local gambling ring that is fixing sporting events, so he and Sach go undercover to expose the ring. Unfortunately, their eagerness has unforeseen consequences when the leader of the criminal gang slaps a $4-million libel suit on the newspaper. (imdb)
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    Bowery Buckaroos
    The Bowery Boys head west to clear Louie of an old murder charge that he had killed his gold-mine partner. Sach has the map to the gold mine painted on his back, and Blackjack McCoy has him kidnapped by Indian Joe. Gabe poses as a dangerous gunman, the Klondike Kid, while Slip is in charge of all the remaining loose ends. (imdb)
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    Slip invites his cousin Jimmy to stay with his family after he is released from prison. However, Jimmy soon gets mixed up with an auto-theft ring. While trying to help Jimmy get out of the gang, Slip is implicated in a warehouse break-in that was actually committed by Jimmy and the auto theft ring. (imdb)
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    Jinx Money
    A man wins $50,000 in a card game with gamblers, but is soon found dead and the money missing. Slip and Sach find the money near where the body was discovered, and soon find themselves the target of both the police and the gamblers. (imdb)
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    Slip mistakenly believes that he has inherited an old Long Island estate, and he and the gang go to see what their new "home" looks like. Unbeknownst to them, the real owners of the estate have hired a caretaker to run it in their absence, and the caretaker is running a smuggling operation. He determines to get rid of the boys before they can expose his activities. (imdb)
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    Bowery Battalion
    In order to trap some spies, the Bowery Boys join the Army. (imdb)
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    Ghost Chasers
    A ghost helps the Bowery Boys capture a gang of crooks led by a mad doctor. (imdb)
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    The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors. (imdb)
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    Those wacky Bowery Boys invent a superfast fuel, which will help them win an auto race (isn't this cheating?). However, the fuel is stolen by the bad guys just before the big race... (imdb)
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    Paris Playboys
    Sach is the exact double of a famous French scientist who has invented a powerful rocket fuel. Enemy agents, mistaking Sach for the scientist, attempt to kidnap him and get the formula for the fuel. (imdb)
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    High Society
    Sach is informed that he is the heir to the fortune of a high society mogul. When he arrives for the reading of the will, he discovers that the real heir is a young boy, and that Sach's birth certificate had been forged by family members who don't want the youngster to inherit all the money. Sach and the gang determine to expose the relatives' scheme and see that the boy gets what is rightfully his. (imdb)
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    Up in Smoke
    In order to be able to get the names of winning horses at the track, Sach agrees to sell his soul to the devil. (imdb)
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    In the Money
    Sach is hired as the companion for a poodle on an ocean voyage from New York to London. What he doesn't know is that the people who hired him are actually diamond smugglers, and there is a cache of diamonds hidden in the poodle's coat. (imdb)
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    Flying Wild
    A group of young men who work at an aviation factory begin to suspect that a doctor who runs an air ambulance service is secretly a spy transporting secret information from the plant to enemy agents. (imdb)
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    Hold That Hypnotist
    Sach and Duke set out to expose a stage hypnotist as a phony. In order to do so, Sach allows himself to be hypnotized and "regressed" to a past life--which he discovers was as a tax collector who gets a map of buried treasure from Blackbeard the Pirate. The hypnotist gets Sach to reveal the location of the map and the treasure, planning to lock up the boys and get the treasure for himself. (imdb)
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    Angels in Disguise
    The Bowery Boys investigate a murder, and all the evidence points to the involvement of the notorious Loop gang. (imdb)
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    Bowery Bombshell
    Sach has his picture taken in front of a bank, not knowing that a robbery is going on inside. When the police see the picture, they immediately suspect Sach to be one of the robbers. Slip and the gang soon find out who the real robbers are, and determine to find a way to expose them and prove that Sach wasn't involved. (imdb)
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    Clipped Wings
    Slip and Sach to go the local Air Force base to find out why their friend, an Air Force enlisted man, is in the stockade and charged with treason. Mistaking a recruiting office for a visitors office, they inadvertently enlist in the Air Force. They soon learn that not only is their friend not a traitor, but he is being used as bait to expose a spy ring. The boys decide to do a little exposing of their own, and wind up almost gumming up the works. (imdb)
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    Crashing Las Vegas
    An electric shock enables Sach to predict numbers. (imdb)
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    Fighting Fools
    The gang teams up with a fighter to break up a fight-fixing racket. (imdb)
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    Fighting Trouble
    Sach and Duke are trying to take a photograph of a famous gangster to sell to a local newspaper. They succeed, but Sach accidentally ruins the negative. In order get another picture, they must disguise themselves and get into the gangster's' nightclub, where, unknown to them, he is running a counterfeiting ring. (imdb)
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    Hold That Baby!
    While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them. (imdb)
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    Hot Shots
    A precocious young TV star steals Sach's and Duke's car, and they run up against some network executives when they go to find out what happened. The executives believe that the boys know how to handle the little brat, and hire them as the boy's companions, with the titles of Vice President. Soon afterward the boy's uncle and manager kidnap him for ransom, and Sach and Duke set out to rescue the boy. (imdb)
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    In Fast Company
    As repayment to a priest who got him out of a scrape with the law, Slip agrees to drive the cab of a cabbie who has been injured in a collision. The job turns out to be more trouble than it's worth, as Slip's girlfriend is mad at him for working so much he hardly sees her, and Slip finds out that a rival cab company is involved in a scheme to wreck all of their competitors' cabs so they can have the whole city to themselves. (imdb)
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    Jungle Gents
    When the boys discover that Sach has a strange ability to sniff out diamonds, they hatch a scheme to make money out of it. (imdb)
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    Looking for Danger
    Sach recalls his days as a spy during World War II when he was sent to an Arabian kingdom disguised as a Nazi officer to make contact with an underground leader known only as "The Hawk." (imdb)
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    Loose in London
    The Bowery Boys find themselves in London, in an old mansion complete with a dungeon, an ominous bell tower and the ghost of an old hangman. (imdb)
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    Master Minds
    When Sach eats too much sugar, he goes into a trance whereby he's able to predict the future. Slip tries to make some money off of Sach by using him as a fortune teller in a carnival, until a mad scientist kidnaps Sach to use him in an intelligence-switching experiment with a monster. (imdb)
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    Prairie Moon
    The dying outlaw Barton gets Gene to be the guardian of his three boys. The three troublemakers arrive on the Barton ranch from Chicago where they soon uncover Welsh's smuggling operation located there. So Welsh adopts the boys and boots Autry out. Gene counters by bringing three other boys and getting the Judge to declare them to be the real Bartons. (imdb)
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    Private Eyes
    After being punched in the nose, Sach finds out that he has the ability to read minds. Slip and the gang start up a detective agency try to cash in on Sach's new powers. (imdb)
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    Spook Chasers
    The gang gets stuck during a thunderstorm in a spooky mansion, where they run into ghosts, gorillas and various "apparitions." (imdb)
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    Spy Chasers
    Slip, Sach and the gang get mixed up in political intrigue when they try to help an exiled European king and his daughter regain the throne that is rightfully theirs. (imdb)
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    Triple Trouble
    While coming home from a masquerade party, the boys stumble upon a warehouse robbery in progress. They try to stop it, but wind up being arrested and accused of committing it themselves. While awaiting trial, Slip discovers that one of the men involved in the robbery is in prison on other charges. Slip decides that the boys should plead guilty and go to prison so they can find out who was really responsible for the robbery. (imdb)
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    Trouble Makers
    While checking out a new telescope, the boys inadvertently witness a murder committed in a room of a nearby hotel. They tell their friend, a police officer, about the crime, but when he investigates he can find no evidence of any murder having been committed in the room, which belongs to a local gangster. The boys eventually find out who the victim was, and join forces with his daughter to expose the murderers. (imdb)
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    Junior G-Men of the Air
    A group of street kids battle a terrorist gang led by a Japanese spy. (imdb)
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    Call a Messenger
    A tough street kid attempts to rob a post office and is caught. In order to avoid reform school, he takes a job as a messenger with the post office. He finds that he likes it, and when his brother is released from prison, attempts to help his brother go straight. However, the two of them get mixed up with a local gangster, who has plans to start robbing post office branches and using the messenger and his brother to do it. (imdb)
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    Code of the Streets
    Hoodlum Tommy Shay is sentenced to die for the murder of Police Lieutenant Carson, although Tommy was in a poker game at the time with a man calling himself "Denver" Collins. Collins has disappeared, and perjured evidence leads to Tommy's conviction. Tommy's younger brother Danny and his gang of alley kids,"The Little Tough Guys"--- "Sailor", "Murphy", "Monk", "Trouble" and "Yap"---scheme to save Tommy from the electric chair. (imdb)
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    The French Key
    Private detective Johnny Fletcher and his sidekick Sam Cragg skip out on their rented room, but when they sneak back to retrieve their luggage, they discover a dead body on the bed, holding a gold coin in its hand. Fletcher is told by a coin collector that the piece is an old and valuable Spanish coin, but Fletcher soon begins to suspect that the man is himself involved in the murder. Fletcher's investigation leads to he and Sam getting caught up in a murder and gold smuggling scheme. (imdb)
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    Little Tough Guy
    The son of a man sentenced to death for a murder he didn't commit vows to become a criminal himself. He starts his own street gang, and their crime spree is financed by a mysterious young man--who turns out to be the son of the District Attorney who sent the boy's father to the electric chair. (imdb)
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    Little Tough Guys in Society
    A society matron invites the gang to her estate as playmates for her spoiled brat son. (imdb)
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    A beautiful girl inherits a newspaper that sponsors a charity home for boys. (imdb)
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    Crazy Over Horses
    The boys get mixed up with a race horse & crooked gamblers. (imdb)
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    Juvenile Court
    Public Defender Gary Franklin, frustrated by being unable to save criminal Dutch Adams from a death sentence by blaming the slums environment as the cause of Dutch's crimes, enlists the aid of Dutch's sister, Marcia Adams, to get the slum dwellers at appeal for public monies to provide recreational places for the slum kids. (imdb)
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