D.W. Griffith

D.W. Griffith

Date of Birth: 22 Jan 1875

Country: USA

Biography: Born to a Confederate Army colonel in rural Kentucky, Griffith was the first giant of the motion picture industry, the genius of film who is credited with making it an art form. He improvised new ways to use the camera and to cut the celluloid, redefining the craft for the next generation of directors.

Total Credits at Criticker: 22 (Actor), 329 (Director), 147 (Writer)

Biography and picture submitted by Shmendrek

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (22) | Director (329) | Writer (147)

    The Birth of a Nation
    The Civil War divides friends and destroys families, but that's nothing compared to the anarchy in the black-ruled South after the war. (imdb)
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    Broken Blossoms
    Cheng Huan is a missionary whose goal is to bring the teachings of peace by Buddha to the civilized Anglo-Saxons... (imdb)
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    Intolerance and its terrible effects are examined in four historical eras. In ancient Babylon, a mountain girl is caught up in the religious rivalry that leads to the city's downfall. In Judea, the hypocritical Pharisees condemn Jesus Christ. In 1572 Paris, unaware of the impending St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, two young Huguenots prepare for marriage. Finally, in modern America, social reformers destroy the lives of a young woman and her beloved. (imdb)
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    The Battle at Elderbush Gulch
    Drunken red Indians carouse in pagan revelry, whipping up their appetite for dog meat. In search of supper, a party of Indians attempts to kidnap the pets of some nearby pioneers. The settlers shoot the Indians which instigates a war. Will the isolated town of settlers survive the onslaught of the savages long enough for the cavalry to arrive? (imdb)
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    True Heart Susie
    Susie, a plain young country girl, secretly loves a neighbor boy, William. She believes in him and sacrifices much of her own happiness to promote his own ambitions, all without his knowledge. Eventually he rises to a position of success and sophistication, and Susie realizes that she has through her own efforts raised him to a level where he is inaccessible to her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Way Down East
    The callous rich, portrayed by Lennox, think only of their own pleasure. Anna is but a poor country girl whom Lennox tricks into a fake wedding. She believes that it is true, but secret, while he has his way with her. When she is pregnant, he leaves her and she must have the baby, named Trust Lennox, on her own. When the baby dies she wanders until she gets a job with Squire Bartlett. David falls for her, but she rejects him due to her past and then Lennox shows up lusting for Kate. (imdb)
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    Orphans of the Storm
    Henriette and Louise, a foundling, are raised together as sisters. When Louise goes blind, Henriette swears to take care of her forever. They go to Paris to see if Louise's blindness can be cured, but are separated when an aristocrat lusts after Henriette and abducts her. Only Chevalier de Vaudrey is kind to her, and they fall in love.(imdb)
    Your probable score
    Abraham Lincoln
    Brief vignettes about Lincoln's early life include his birth, early jobs, (unsubstantiated) affair with Ann Rutledge, courtship of Mary Todd, and the Lincoln-Douglas debates; his presidency and the Civil War are followed in somewhat more detail, though without actual battle scenes; film concludes with the assassination. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Judith of Bethulia
    A fascinating work of high artistry, "Judith of Bethulia" will not only rank as an achievement in this country, but will make foreign producers sit up and take notice. It has a signal and imperative message, and the technique displayed throughout an infinity of detail, embracing even the delicate film tinting and toning, marks an encouraging step in the development of the new art. (imdb)
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    Hearts of the World
    A group of youngsters grow up and love in a peaceful French village. But war intrudes and peace is shattered. The German army invades and occupies village, bringing both destruction and torture. The young people of the village resist, some successfully, others tragically, until French troops retake the town. (imdb)
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    A Corner in Wheat
    A greedy tycoon decides, on a whim, to corner the world market in wheat. This doubles the price of bread, forcing the grain's producers into charity lines and further into poverty. The film continues to contrast the ironic differences between the lives of those who work to grow the wheat and the life of the man who dabbles in its sale for profit. (imdb)
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    For His Son
    For His Son (1912) - Short Film
    A father, anxious for his son's financial well being, develops a special soda pop called Dopokoke which is laced with cocaine. Dopokoke is advertised as relief "for that tired feeling." The drink is a success, but the son becomes addicted to it, much to his father's regret. Loosely based on the allegations that the Coca-Cola company and other soft drink manufacturers laced their soda with dope. (imdb)
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    The Musketeers of Pig Alley
    A young wife and her musician husband live in poverty in a New York City tenement. The husband's job requires him to go away for for a number of days. On his return, he is robbed by the neighborhood gangster. Sometime later, an unrelated mob shoot-out ensues. The husband happens upon the melee, recognizing the crook who robbed him. Can the husband retrieve his money? (imdb)
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    The Struggle
    A young couple's marriage is jeopardized by the husband's descent into alcoholism. (imdb)
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    The House with Closed Shutters
    During the Civil War a young soldier loses his nerve in battle and runs away to his home to hide; his sister puts on his uniform, takes her brother's place in the battle, and is killed. Their mother, not wanting the shameful truth to become known, closes all the shutters (hence the film's title) and keeps her son's presence a secret for many years, though two boyhood chums stumble upon the truth... (imdb)
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    The Lonely Villa
    A gang of thieves lure a man out of his home so that they can rob it and threaten his wife and children. The family barricade themselves in an interior room, but the criminals are well-equipped for breaking in. When the father finds out what is happening, he must race against time to get back home. (imdb)
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    The Adventures of Dollie
    On a warm and sunny summer's day, a mother and father take their young daughter Dollie on a riverside outing. A gypsy basket peddler happens along, and is angered when the mother refuses to buy his wares. He attacks mother and daughter but is driven off by the father. Later the gypsy sneaks back and kidnaps the girl. (www.imdb.com)
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    Those Awful Hats
    A gentleman with a top hat, and a series of women with ever more ludicrous hats enter a movie theatre. They refuse to remove them, until a giant bucket forcibly removes one hat. All but one woman then remove their hats, and the bucket returns to remove the woman. (imdb)
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    The Sealed Room
    The Sealed Room (1909) - Short Film
    In this movie suggested by Poe's "A Cask of Amontillado", The king constructs a cozy, windowless love-nest for himself and his concubine. However, she is not faithful to her sovereign, but consorts with the court troubadour. In fact, they use the king's new play chamber for their own lovecraft. When the king discovers this, he sends for his masons. With the faithless duo still inside, the masons use stone and mortar to quietly seal the only door to the vault... (imdb)
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    Lady Helen\
    A bored Lady Helen goes slumming as a domestic in a boarding house. There she falls in love with a sensitive young musician. The other women in the house are jealous, and accuse her of trying to steal the musician's violin. (imdb)
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    The Mended Lute
    The Mended Lute (1909) - Short Film
    Rising Moon loves Little Bear, but her father prefers Standing Rock, a richer suitor. Standing Rock takes her to his teepee under guard, but she escapes and joins Little Bear as they attempt to escape. (imdb)
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    Nursing a Viper
    Nursing a Viper (1909) - Short Film
    During the French Revolution, a wealthy couple lives safely by professing republican beliefs. When a mob attacks a nearby chateau an aristocrat bursts into the couple's home. They save his life by disguising him as a servant, but he soon forces his attentions on the wife. Hearing their struggle, the husband intervenes and, stripping the aristocrat of his disguise, thrusts him outdoors to be killed by the mob. (imdb)
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    The Girl and Her Trust
    Some tramps assault the telegraph office trying to rob $2000 delivered by train. The telegraphist girl, trying to help, telegraphs the next station and then the men are captured. (imdb)
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    The Transformation of Mike
    Mike breaks into an apartment to steal an old man's money, not realizing it's his girlfriend's father. When he discovers whose apartment it is, he begs her for forgiveness. (imdb)
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    The Gibson Goddess
    A pack of admirers won't leave a beautiful woman alone at a seaside resort, so she devises a plan. She appears in a leg-revealing swimsuit, but the stockings have been stuffed with cotton to make her limbs appear misshapen. All but one of the men is driven off, and regret it when she removes the misleading leggings. (imdb)
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    A Trap for Santa Claus
    The children set a trap for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, knowing he has to come through the window because their estate has no chimney. Their father, who abandoned them and his wife before she inherited her fortune, plans to burglarize that very house, unaware of the occupants or the trap. (imdb)
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    What Drink Did
    What Drink Did (1909) - Short Film
    A man leaves his wife and two daughters for work in a carpentry shop. At work, he initially refuses a beer with lunch, then gives in. After work, two friends take a little while to convince him to go for a refreshing malt beverage, then to have another and another.... (imdb)
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    The Painted Lady
    A lonely young woman lives with her strict father who forbids her to wear make-up. One day at an ice cream social, she meets a young man you seems interested in her. However, unknown to her, he is a burglar who is only interested in breaking into her father's house. One night she is awakened by a noise. Grabbing a pistol, she enters her father's downstairs office where she confronts a masked intruder . . . (imdb)
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    The Little Darling
    Lillie runs a boarding house full of young bachelors. A friend writes to say she's sending her little darling daughter for a visit. The bachelors all buy toys for a little girl, but an attractive young woman gets off the train instead. (imdb)
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    As It Is in Life
    A widower must raise his young daughter by himself. He gets a job at a pigeon farm. He falls in love with another woman, but decides not to marry her because he cannot support a family of three. Years later his daughter who was away at school returns home. She falls in love with a young man, but her father feels jealous of her new boyfriend. She runs away, gets married, and later has a baby. Her husband is busy working all of the time so she visits her father and introduces him to his grandbaby. (Answers.com)
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    The Unchanging Sea
    In this story set at a seaside fishing village and inspired by a Charles Kingsley poem, a young couple's happy life is turned about by an accident (imdb)
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    The Battle
    The Battle (1911) - Short Film
    Union soldiers march off to battle amid cheering crowds. After the battle turns against the Union Army, one soldier runs away, hiding in his girlfriend's house. Ashamed of his cowardice, he finds his courage and crosses enemy lines to bring help to his trapped comrades. (imdb)
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    Friends (1912) - Short Film
    The orphan Dora is courted by two different gold miners. (imdb)
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    The Hessian Renegades
    During the American Revolution, a young soldier carrying a crucial message to General Washington is spotted and pursued by a group of enemy soldiers. He takes refuge with a civilian family, but is soon detected. The family and their neighbors must then make plans to see that the important message gets through after all. (imdb)
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    Blind Love
    Blind Love (1912) - Short Film
    A country girl is persuaded to elope with the minister's nephew but she discovers that he is worthless. After he is killed in a brawl, her former sweetheart takes her back to her home. (BFI)
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    Fighting Blood
    Fighting Blood (1911) - Short Film
    After the Civil War, an ex-soldier and his family settle in the Dakota Territory. The son quarrels with the father and leaves home. Riding in the hills, he spots a band of Indians attacking a neighboring homestead, and he races back to warn his family as the Indians chase him. (imdb)
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    Under Burning Skies
    Joe, "The Bad Man of San Fernand," is one tough customer. He sets his sights on a lovely young lady who spurns his advances and elopes with a fresh-faced young cowpoke. An angry Joe eventually gets his revenge.
    Your probable score
    The Lonedale Operator
    When her father becomes ill, a young woman takes over the telegraph at a lonely western railroad station. She soon gets word that the next train will deliver the payroll for a mining company. The train brings not only the money, but a pair of ruffians bent on stealing it. All alone, she wires for help, and then holds off the bad guys until it arrives. (imdb)
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    The Avenging Conscience
    Thwarted by his despotic uncle from continuing his love affair, a young man turns to thoughts of murder. Experiencing a series of visions, he sees murder as a normal course of events in life and kills his uncle. Tortured by his conscience, his future sanity is uncertain as he is assailed by nightmarish visions of what he has done. (imdb)
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    The Fight for Freedom
    In a saloon in a Mexican border town, a group of cowboys, including a Mexican named Pedro, play poker. One man is discovered cheating, and is shot dead by Pedro, who is wounded as he attempts to escape. Pedro is followed home by the local sheriff, who proves the next victim of Pedro's quick temper and pistol. Pedro's wife, Juanita, is thrown into jail, but he manages to break her out. They head for the border, unaware that a posse is waiting for them. (imdb)
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    The Black Viper
    The Black Viper (1908) - Short Film
    A thug accosts a girl as she leaves her workplace but a man rescues her. The thug vows revenge and, with the help of two friends, attacks the girl and her rescuer again as they're going for a walk. This time they succeed in kidnapping the rescuer. The girl runs home and gets help from several neighbors. They track the ruffians down to a cabin in the mountains where the gang has trapped their victim and set the cabin on fire. (imdb)
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    Deceived Slumming Party
    Several scenes of tours being conducted in New York. At the end of each scene it becomes obvious that the events of the tours have been set up to shock and defraud the tourists. (imdb)
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    A Calamitous Elopement
    A young couple are enjoying a romantic interlude in the young woman's home, when her father discovers them and angrily chases the young man out of the house. They thus decide to elope, and they make plans accordingly. But as they are leaving, a thief discovers their plans, and he decides to turn the situation to his own advantage. (imdb)
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    Balked at the Altar
    A woman who is filled with romantic ideas is making no secret of her eagerness to find a husband. Her father decides to help her by pressuring and threatening an eligible bachelor, who reluctantly allows wedding plans to be made. But just as the wedding ceremony is about to begin, the man decides to make a last desperate attempt to get out of it. (imdb)
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    Behind the Scenes
    A mother works as a dancer to support her ill daughter. One night while performing, the mother has a vision of her child dying. She rushes home, but it is too late. (imdb)
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    Where the Breakers Roar
    An early Biograph short in which two separate sequences of events collide and the leading man must save his lady from the villain. The first storyline involves a group of young adult beach-goers, particularly focusing on one couple in love. The other storyline involves a criminal who escapes from two policemen. The con eventually makes his way to the beach where the other group is frolicking. He takes the leading lady hostage out in a rowboat, and it is up to her man to save her. (imdb)
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    Romance of a Jewess
    This early D.W. Griffith short shows the director's interest in Jewish ghetto life, portrayed here with sympathy and sentimentality. The melodramatic plot involves the conflict between generations in an immigrant Jewish family. (imdb)
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    The Taming of the Shrew
    Based on Shakespeare's play: Petruchio courts the bad-tempered Katharina, and tries to change her aggressive behavior. (imdb)
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    The Clubman and the Tramp
    A tramp tricks a cook into leaving her wealthy employer's house. While the clubman's house is empty the tramp makes himself at home, starting by helping himself to a good meal, then going upstairs for a bath and a new set of clothes. Attired in the clubman's clothes, the tramp walks around town, where he is continually mistakes for the clubman. (imdb)
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    An Awful Moment
    An Awful Moment (1908) - Short Film
    As a judge passes sentence on a man, a gypsy woman in the audience vehemently protests, and she has to be physically removed from the courtroom. Soon afterwards, the judge returns home, and enjoys some time with his wife and child. But all the while, the gypsy woman is watching him closely, and is plotting a cruel revenge. (imdb)
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    The Heart of an Outlaw
    A man gets revenge on his cheating wife by killing her and her lover. He thinks he has killed his daughter as well, but she survives and is adopted by the sheriff. A few years later the man, now an outlaw, ambushes the sheriff and plans to kidnap and murder the sheriff's daughter. (imdb)
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    Those Boys!
    Those Boys! (1909) - Short Film
    Two boys find a pistol their father has hidden. While they're playing with it, they line up a target, not realizing their sisters are on the other side of the door. The parents realize the gun is missing and avert the disaster. (imdb)
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    The Fascinating Mrs. Francis
    A young man becomes infatuated with Mrs. Francis after she sings at a party. His father convinces her to discourage the young man's attentions. Out of despair, the young man considers suicide, until he meets a woman his own age. (imdb)
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    The Cord of Life
    After being refused a loan by a friend, an angry Antonine vows revenge. Finding his friend's child at home alone, he ties the child to a rope suspended precariously over a five-story drop. Then he follows his friend and tries to stab him. When caught, he boasts about the child in danger, giving the father enough time to rush home and affect a rescue. (imdb)
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    The Girls and Daddy
    Portrays two teenage girls who are safeguarding money for their father and their reaction to a burglar's attempt to steal it. (imdb)
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    The Brahma Diamond
    An unscrupulous tourist plots to steal the famous diamond, "The Light of the World," tricking a young woman into helping him. She is caught and imprisoned, while he prepares to sell the diamond and make his getaway. (imdb)
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    The Curtain Pole
    An upper class drawing room. A gentleman breaks the curtain pole and goes in search of a replacement, but he stops into a pub first. He buys a very long pole, and causes havoc everywhere he passes, accumulating an ever-growing entourage chasing him, until he escapes them through a bit of movie magic, only to discover that the pole has already been replaced. (imdb)
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    His Ward\
    His Ward's Love (1909) - Short Film
    Reverend Howson loves his young ward, but urges her to marry someone else. She accepts the proposal, but then sees the Reverend kissing an object she has dropped, and realizes he loves her. (imdb)
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    The Politician\
    A corrupt politician, on seeing a satirical cartoon in a newspaper, rushes to the paper's offices to shoot the cartoonist. On discovering the cartoonist is a pretty woman, he falls instantly in love and wastes no time in wooing her. (imdb)
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    The Golden Louis
    An anonymous donor drops a gold coin in the shoe of a homeless girl as she sleeps. A gambler with a 'sure thing' borrows the coin and wins a fortune, but he can't find her again to repay her. (imdb)
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    At the Altar
    At the Altar (1909) - Short Film
    A rejected suitor sets a trap that will kill a bridal couple at the altar, then he kills himself. Before he dies, he writes out a confession of what he planned. His confession is discovered in time, and a policeman races to the church to prevent disaster. (imdb)
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    The Prussian Spy
    Lady Florence hides her lover, a Prussian spy, from the French troops who are hunting for him. One of her other suitors, a French officer, discovers the hiding place and threatens to kill the spy. (imdb)
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    His Wife\
    Jones's mother-in-law prohibits his smoking and drinking, so he takes her out for the evening and gets her drunk. (imdb)
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    A Fool\
    A court fool believes the Duke is after his beautiful daughter, and arranges to have the Duke murdered. The daughter overhears the plot and, disguised in the Duke's cloak, sacrifices her life to save him. (imdb)
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    The Wooden Leg
    The Wooden Leg (1909) - Short Film
    A father wants to marry his daughter to a rich man, but she's in love with someone else. She borrows a tramp's wooden leg, pretending that it's hers, and the disgusted suitor rejects her. (imdb)
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    The Lure of the Gown
    Enrico, a poor street singer, forsakes his sweetheart, Veronica, when he meets a fashionably-dressed young woman. A rich couple takes pity on the shabbily-dressed Veronica, and buys her a new gown. At a dance, Enrico sees Veronica in her new dress and tries to win her back. (imdb)
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    I Did It
    I Did It (1909) - Short Film
    A mother punishes her son for eating a plate of cream puffs, unaware that the daughter really did it. As the daughter watches the punishment, she feels guilty, and confesses her misdeed. (imdb)
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    The Voice of the Violin
    A music teacher is in love with Helen, one of his students, but she rejects him. In his anger he joins a communist group who plan to blow up a rich capitalist's house. When he realizes it's Helen's house, he tries to stop the plan. (imdb)
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    The Deception
    The Deception (1909) - Short Film
    A wife offers to support her artist husband by teaching piano. She can't find work at the conservatory, and ends up working in a laundry, without telling him the truth. When he discovers her lie, he is determined to leave her, until she is injured and he understands the sacrifice she made for him. (imdb)
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    And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
    Seven years after the death of their first child, a couple has grown apart and decides to divorce. Their second child asks a question about who will keep the first child's most cherished toy after they separate. This leads the couple to reconsider their actions. (imdb)
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    A Burglar\
    Henry is being blackmailed. When the blackmailer breaks into his house, Henry apprehends him at gunpoint and takes the opportunity to rid himself of the blackmailer's threat. (imdb)
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    The Medicine Bottle
    While she attends a party, Mrs. Ross leaves her young daughter to care for her bed-ridden mother. At the party, Mrs. Ross realizes she left the wrong medicine, and desperately tries to contact her daughter before it's too late. (imdb)
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    Jones and His New Neighbors
    Jones' new house looks like all the others on the street. One night Jones enters the wrong house and finds himself in a precarious situation. (imdb)
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    A Drunkard\
    A drinking man arrives home, late and sozzled as usual. His wife reminds him that he promised to take their child to a play. The play proves to be a morality tale about the evils of drink; he sees the parallels in his own life and swears off the demon brew. (imdb)
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    Trying to Get Arrested
    A tramp tries to get himself arrested so he can sleep in the nice, warm jail, but the police keep ignoring him or arresting the wrong person. (imdb)
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    The Road to the Heart
    Miguel casts out his daughter when she marries a poor man, causing his wife to leave him, too. After he is unable to find a reliable cook, he reconciles with his daughter so he can get a good meal. (imdb)
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    Schneider is trying to write a speech but he can't concentrate with all the noise around him. During the night, Schneider catches burglars in his house, but when he sees they are stealing all the noisy distractions, he helps them get away. (imdb)
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    A Rude Hostess
    A Rude Hostess (1909) - Short Film
    Mrs. Leffingwell runs after the last of her departing party guests to return a forgotten muff. While she's out a burglar enters the apartment and opens the safe. He can't make his getaway before she returns, and tries to bluff his way out by saying he entered the wrong apartment. She sees the open safe and secretly tells the butler to get the police. (imdb)
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    The Winning Coat
    A young courtier gambles in a tavern and wins a coat from the leader of a gang. In the pocket he finds details of a plan to kidnap the Queen. He returns to the castle and hides until the kidnappers show up, then he exposes the kidnapping plot. (imdb)
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    A Sound Sleeper
    A Sound Sleeper (1909) - Short Film
    A tramp manages to sleep through a street riot and having hot ashes dumped on him. (imdb)
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    Confidence (1909) - Short Film
    Nellie flees her old life and goes east to become a nurse, where she marries a doctor. One of her old colleagues finds her and tries to blackmail her. When the blackmail plot is exposed, Nellie's husband expresses his complete faith in her. (imdb)
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    A Troublesome Satchel
    Sight unseen, a man buys a bag that turns out to contain burglar tools. He can't get rid of the bag, even when he's robbed. The thieves assume he's a colleague and return the bag and tools. (imdb)
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    The Drive for a Life
    Harry's jealous former mistress puts poison in some candy intended for his new fiancée. Harry discovers what she has done, and races to save his fiancée before she eats the candy. (imdb)
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    Twin Brothers
    Twin Brothers (1909) - Short Film
    Twin brothers are separated for many years. One of them takes a job in a cheap circus where he wears a gorilla suit. He is forced to enter a lion's cage, but is relieved to see that the 'lion' is his long-lost brother. (imdb)
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    Lucky Jim
    Lucky Jim (1909) - Short Film
    Gertrude chooses Jim over Jack, which makes Jack very jealous. Later Jim dies, and Jack marries Gertrude. He finds himself once again very jealous of the late Lucky Jim. (imdb)
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    Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good
    Out-of-work, Tim steals a sandwich, then knocks out the policeman who chases him. He changes into the policeman's uniform, and is approached by a wife who needs help with her drunken husband. (imdb)
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    The Suicide Club
    One of the members of a suicide club learns he has inherited some money, but only after he drew the fatal lot and is expected to kill himself. (imdb)
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    The Eavesdropper
    Hidalgo offers his daughter's hand in marriage when he can't repay a loan to Manuella. But when Manuella overhears the daughter bidding farewell to her lover, he is so moved by their devotion that he cancels the debt. (imdb)
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    The Note in the Shoe
    A shoe-factory worker puts a note in a shoe box offering to marry the lucky buyer. As a result, she is dismissed from her job, but her employer finds her so attractive that he suggests a new job for her, as his wife. (imdb)
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    One Busy Hour
    One Busy Hour (1909) - Short Film
    Jim decides to sell his store because business is bad. When his prospective buyer comes to look the place over, Jim offers friends and strangers money to visit the store and make it look busy. (imdb)
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    The French Duel
    The French Duel (1909) - Short Film
    Alphonse and Gaston get into an argument over cocktails and agree to a duel. (imdb)
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    Jones and the Lady Book Agent
    After overhearing Jones mocking her, the lady book agent slips a suggestive note into Jones's pocket. A jealous Mrs. Jones finds the note, and a huge quarrel erupts. (imdb)
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    A Baby\
    A Baby's Shoe (1909) - Short Film
    A poor mother abandons her daughter on the doorstep of a wealthy family. On the way home she becomes ill, but manages to confess what she's done to a priest before she dies. The priest adopts her son. He grows up and falls in love with a girl he saved from a runaway horse. When the priest visits her parents' house to arrange the engagement, he discovers she's the long-lost daughter. (imdb)
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    The Jilt
    The Jilt (1909) - Short Film
    John is seduced and abandoned by a cruel flirt. Later he learns that his friend Frank is engaged to the same woman. He relates his story to Frank and convinces him to jilt her at the altar. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Resurrection (1909) - Short Film
    Nekhludoff, a Russian nobleman serving on a jury, discovers that the young girl on trial, Katusha, is someone he once seduced and abandoned and that he himself bears responsibility for reducing her to crime. He sets out to redeem her and himself in the process. (imdb)
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    Two Memories
    Two Memories (1909) - Short Film
    A dying man sends a note to his lost love, asking her to visit him. As a lark she does, but brings along some drunken party guests. They find him dead, and she repents her lightheartedness. (imdb)
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    Eloping with Auntie
    A girl is being shipped off to Europe with her aunt to break up her romance. Her suitor dresses himself as the aunt and manages to fool everyone long enough for them to elope. (imdb)
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    The Cricket on the Hearth
    After three years at sea, Edward returns home to find his sweetheart forced into an engagement with a much older man. (imdb)
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    His Duty
    His Duty (1909) - Short Film
    A policeman faces a difficult decision when he finds out that his brother is a thief. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Eradicating Aunty
    A young couple must endure a tedious visit from their aunt until their friend offers to find a way to make her leave. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Violin Maker of Cremona
    A contest is being held in Cremona for the best violin, with Giannina's hand in marriage as the prize. Filippo is secretly in love with her, but is also ashamed of being a cripple, so he switches his superior violin with that of another apprentice, Sandro, whom Giannina loves. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A New Trick
    A New Trick (1909) - Short Film
    To help a woman whose purse has been snatched, two college boys stage a murder scene and trap the purse snatcher. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Son\
    A son leaves to seek his fortune in the city. Many years later he returns and checks into his parents' inn. They don't recognize him, but noticing his fat wallet, plan to rob him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Faded Lilies
    A disfigured violinist mistakes a token of appreciation for a love bouquet. When he realizes his mistake, he loses his mind. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Her First Biscuits
    A new bride has made a batch of biscuits. Her husband pretends to like them, so she delivers the rest to his office. But one bite of these biscuits makes you violently ill, and soon all his visitors (he runs a theatrical booking agency), plus the workmen at home, are ill; when she shows up at the office, they all go after her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Was Justice Served?
    An ex-con is accused of stealing a wallet, but the real thief happens to be on the jury and refuses to vote for a guilty verdict. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Peachbasket Hat
    Mrs. Jones leaves her baby with the maid and goes shopping for a new hat. Meanwhile, the maid invites a band of gypsies into the house for a palm reading. After the gypsies leave, no one can find the baby, and everyone assumes it's been kidnapped, until the baby is found under a hatbox. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Mexican Sweethearts
    A Mexican spitfire romances an American soldier to make her Mexican lover jealous. When the lover is about to kill his rival, she convinces him it was all a joke and the two reconcile. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Way of Man
    The Way of Man (1909) - Short Film
    A woman is scarred in an accident and refuses to stand in the way of her lover's marriage to another. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Necklace
    The Necklace (1909) - Short Film
    Mrs. Kendrick borrows a jeweled necklace from a friend for an important social event. Afterwards it is stolen, and Mrs. Kendrick goes into debt to duplicate it. The thief discovers it's costume jewelry, but Mrs. Kendrick never learns the truth, and struggles for years to pay off the huge debt. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Message
    The Message (1909) - Short Film
    Effie marries an honest farmer, rejecting a suitor from the city. Years later he returns and tries to persuade her to run away with him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Cardinal\
    A royal woman rejects her arranged marriage. The cardinal hatches a plan: the suitor will shave and change clothes. He arranges with 4 clowns to stage an attack on the princess which he easily repels. It works; the princess falls for him, especially when the cardinal arranges his arrest. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Friend of the Family
    Robert is about to abandon his family for a society beauty. His best friend romances the beauty, who then drops Robert and sends him back to his family. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Tender Hearts
    Tender Hearts (1909) - Short Film
    A country boy and a city boy are both courting the same girl. The girl sees the country boy's tender treatment of a wounded bird and chooses him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Renunciation
    Two miners are fighting over a woman, and one is about to murder the other in his sleep. At the critical moment, the woman introduces her fiancé from the city. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Sweet and Twenty
    Alice misunderstands when she sees her sweetheart kissing her sister. Despondent, he tries to drown himself, but Alice wants to make up and coaxes him out of his gloom. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Jealousy and the Man
    House painter Jim Brooks thinks his wife is cheating on him with his best friend John West. The intrigue is in fact a birthday surprise. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Convict\
    Thanks to a friend, an ex-convict gets a job. He accidentally kills another worker and goes to prison. Later he escapes, but turns himself in so his friend can claim the reward. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Slave
    The Slave (1909) - Short Film
    A Greek woman marries a struggling sculptor. When he can't support her and their baby, she offers to sell herself as a slave to allow them to buy food. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Strange Meeting
    Mary is coerced into helping with a burglary of a minister's apartment. Later she repents and goes to the minister's storefront mission to help. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    They Would Elope
    Two lovers elope and expect to be pursued by her father. But the clever father has tricked them into running off, and celebrates their wedding when they return home. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Mr. Jones\
    Mr. Jones stays out late playing poker with his buddies. While he's gone, a burglar starts to break into his home. Mr. Jones arrives home just in time to catch him. Instead of calling for the police, he restages the capture in an overdramatic fashion and makes sure his wife sees it. She is so grateful she forgets to be mad at him for staying out so late. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Better Way
    The Better Way (1909) - Short Film
    Elizabeth is in love with a young man, but she is pressured by her mother to marry a wealthy but kind older man. After the marriage, her suitor still pursues her. Her husband finds them together and gives them his blessing. Soon Elizabeth learns her lover is not the man she thought he was and longs for her kindly older husband. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    With Her Card
    With Her Card (1909) - Short Film
    Adele is in love with a rich Wall Street trader, but he treats her indifferently. With the help of another suitor, she plots to ruin him financially. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Mrs. Jones\
    Mr. Jones jumps to the wrong conclusions when he sees a bouquet of flowers and a man's hat in the parlor. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    His Wife\
    Harry leaves his new wife at home while he goes out to play poker. Angry, his wife fakes evidence that she has had a male caller while he was gone. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Indian Runner\
    An Indian comforts a dying prospector in his last moments. In exchange, the prospector tells him the location of his gold claim. A group of cowboys tries to get the information and go as far as kidnapping the Indian's wife. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Seventh Day
    The Seventh Day (1909) - Short Film
    A neglectful woman wants custody of her children in her divorce. The judge rules that he will give her the children only if she can demonstrate her children's love for her within a week. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Oh, Uncle!
    Oh, Uncle! (1909) - Short Film
    Harry's rich old bachelor uncle thinks Harry is still single. When Uncle announces a visit, Harry's wife has to play the part of the housekeeper so Uncle doesn't discover the truth. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Mills of the Gods
    A woman in love with an unsuccessful author tries to convince a publisher to accept his work. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Pranks (1909) - Short Film
    Tom and Ethel separately decide to go bathing in a river. Pranksters switch their clothes and they each have to dress up as the opposite sex. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Comata, the Sioux
    Comata loves Clear Eyes, but she is seduced by a cowboy and goes to live with him, eventually having his baby. Comata discovers the cowboy courting Nellie, a white woman. He brings the baby to Nellie as proof of the cowboy's perfidy. At first the cowboy denies everything, but once brought together with Clear Eyes and the child, he admits it all, and loses both women. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Children\
    Three little girls fall into a sand pit and can't get out. One of them ties a note around her pet pigeon's neck and releases it. The pigeon flies home, alerting the parents to where the girls are trapped. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Getting Even
    Getting Even (1909) - Short Film
    All the young men in the mining camp flirt with Lucy. Bud, the youngest of them, doesn't stand a chance. At a dance, Bud dresses as a woman and all the men flirt with him and abandon Lucy. When his disguise is revealed, the other men are too embarrassed to approach Lucy, and Bud dances the rest of the night with her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Broken Locket
    Before George goes out west to earn his fortune, he and Ruth each take half of a broken locket as a pledge of their love. Out west, George becomes a drunk, and is seduced by a girl who writes to Ruth, telling her that George is dead. In shock, Ruth becomes feverish and loses her sight. Later, when George returns a broken-down drunk, Ruth can't see what a sad mess he's become, and is joyous at his return. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    In Old Kentucky
    Brothers George and Robert enlist on opposite sides in the Civil War. Robert is captured as a spy for the South, but escapes and hides in his parents' house. George leads the search party, but doesn't reveal his brother's hiding place, and Robert escapes. After the war, George is a hero and Robert is down on his luck. George cautiously welcomes him back into the family home. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Fair Exchange
    A Fair Exchange (1909) - Short Film
    Silas Marner takes care of a dying friend while William Dane steals the dying man's money and leaves evidence to incriminate Silas. Found guilty of the crime, Silas restores the money out of his own savings, but is shunned by the townsfolk. Years later he is a bitter miser, but regains his good heart with a help of a homeless child. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Leather Stocking
    A short version of James Fenimore Cooper's famous tale about Natty Bumppo, or "Hawkeye," and his exploits during the French and Indian war. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Wanted, a Child
    Wanted, a Child (1909) - Short Film
    A poor, elderly couple with many children is tempted when the husband's brother offers to pay to adopt one of the children himself. However, when forced to choose, the parents realize they can't part with any of their children. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Awakening
    The Awakening (1909) - Short Film
    A confirmed bachelor learns that he will inherit his late uncle's fortune only if he marries, which he does reluctantly. Shortly afterward he returns to his bachelor lifestyle but realizes he can't get his wife's face out of his thoughts. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Pippa Passes; or, The Song of Conscience
    Pippa awakes and faces the world outside with a song. Unknown to her, the music has a healing effect on all who hear her as she passes by. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Fools of Fate
    Fools of Fate (1909) - Short Film
    On a lake in the woods, a man's boat suddenly capsizes. He nearly drowns, but another man camping nearby sees him and rescues him. After they part, the rescuer meets the first man's wife and, not knowing who she is, he befriends her and begins to spend time with her. It is not long before a tense and very uncomfortable situation develops. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Little Teacher
    A young female teacher is assigned to an unruly class. After a student revolt, a passing surveyor helps her restore order, and the teacher becomes interested in him. Soon she learns that he has a wife. Dave, an older pupil, offers the teacher solace and it becomes apparent that he is smitten with her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Change of Heart
    Howard uses a friend as a fake minister to dupe a simple country girl into a phony marriage. Eventually the girl learns the truth and flees back to her father's house. Howard realizes the error of his ways and catches up to her, then they go to her father's house together with a real minister. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    His Lost Love
    His Lost Love (1909) - Short Film
    Mary marries James, after jilting his brother Luke. Mary's sister arrives and soon James is professing his love to her. The shock of this kills Mary and leaves her newborn daughter motherless. Luke offers to raise the daughter. Years later James returns and tries to convince his daughter to leave Luke, the only father she's ever known, and come with him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Expiation
    The Expiation (1909) - Short Film
    William is drawn to Edward's wife, Helen. Sensing his feelings might lead him into an affair, he decides to go away. As he says goodbye to Helen, Edward spies from behind a curtain. Soon afterwards Edward shoots himself, believing Helen can be happier with William. When William returns to convince Helen to become his wife, she refuses, blaming herself for Edward's suicide. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    In the Watches of the Night
    An honest worker, John Whitney, finds himself unemployed and unable to provide for his family. Desperate, he robs a rich man's home and is arrested. One of the police officers is an old friend and accompanies Whitney home to allow a farewell with his wife. Humiliated, Whitney decides to kill himself and his family. The rich man learns of his desperate situation and arrives in time to save the family and drops the charges. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Lines of White on a Sullen Sea
    Soon after their engagement, Bill goes to sea, and Emily vows to stay true until his return. Unknown to her, Bill marries another woman from a different port. Emily waits faithfully for six years, finally becoming dangerously ill. When Bill suddenly appears in town with his family, Joe, who has loved Emily all along, forces Bill to make Emily's final moments happy by pretending he has returned to marry her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Papa is proud of his new birthday present, a shotgun. Mary's boyfriend arrives for a visit and she is anxious to introduce him to Papa. When Harry sees Papa walk in with a shotgun he misunderstands and departs in terror. Harry continues to encounter Papa everywhere and runs away, baffling the old man. At last Papa hauls Harry back home for an explanation and a reunion with Mary. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Light That Came
    A disfigured young woman with two beautiful sisters is courted by a blind man. Will he still love her when his sight is restored? (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Two Women and a Man
    A man strikes it big on the stock market and abandons his wife for a singer. Later his stocks collapse and his new wife refuses to pawn her jewels to help him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Sweet Revenge
    A Sweet Revenge (1909) - Short Film
    After being jilted for another, a woman sends her lover's old letters to the new fiancée and looks forward to the reaction. But when she spots her old lover's glove left behind, she has a change of heart and repents. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Midnight Adventure
    Mercedes orders her sweetheart to prove his love by doing something dangerously heroic. He agrees, breaking into another young woman's house in order to steal a photograph. The young woman catches him and has him arrested, but he is released when a family friend bribes the police. Mercedes eventually returns the stolen photograph only to find her boyfriend in the other woman's arms. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Open Gate
    The Open Gate (1909) - Short Film
    Hetty is engaged to George, but after her sister dies she breaks the engagement in order to raise her sister's orphaned daughter. After many years, Hetty's niece has grown up and has fallen in love with George's nephew, but they have split up after a quarrel. George, still heartbroken at losing Hetty, helps his nephew make up with Hetty's niece, and in doing so, reconciles with his own long-lost sweetheart. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Mountaineer\
    A mountain girl is seduced by a traveler from the valley. Her brother tracks the seducer down and kills him. In retaliation, the sheriff captures the brother and prepares to lynch him. Mother intervenes and, to save her son the disgrace of hanging, shoots him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Trick That Failed
    Nellie is a struggling artist whose paintings lie unsold. Billy, a successful painter, loves her, but she tells him that she cannot marry until she sells her paintings. Billy recruits his friends to buy her paintings. At first she is excited by the sudden success, but when she learns the truth, Nellie leaves her sweetheart to accept the proposal of a rival painter. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    In the Window Recess
    An escaped convict takes refuge in the home of a police officer out on duty. He seizes the officer's daughter and pulls her into a window recess, with a pistol to her head. The officer returns and discovers the convict's hat. He suspect his wife is concealing an affair and she must avoid revealing the convict's presence for the sake of their daughter. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Death Disc: A Story of the Cromwellian Period
    During the reign of Oliver Cromwell, Catholic worship is forbidden on pain of death. Three soldiers are arrested as Catholics and condemned to die. Cromwell decides to spare two of them and to determine which should die by chance. The guards bring the first child they meet. Whichever soldier she gives the 'death disc' to shall die. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Through the Breakers
    A society couple, neglect their young daughter in favor of their social life. When the girl becomes seriously ill, the father realizes the errors of his ways and stays home with her, demanding his wife do likewise. She sneaks out to a dance and the child takes a turn for the worse. By the time she returns home the child is dead. After her husband leaves her, the mother realizes her selfishness and begs forgiveness at her daughter's grave. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Red Man\
    An Indian village is forced to leave its land by white settlers, and must make a long and weary journey to find a new home. The settlers make one young Indian woman stay behind. This woman is thus separated from her sweetheart, whose elderly father needs his help on the journey ahead. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Test
    The Test (1909) - Short Film
    Harry, preparing to leave on a business trip, tells Bessie that her photograph will always be with him. To test his sincerity she removes the photo from his bill case, and when he writes her that he is looking at her picture, she writes back that she knows otherwise. Realizing that he has been found out, Harry obtains his mother's photograph of Bessie, and upon his return home convinces her that he had it all along. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    In a Hempen Bag
    In a Hempen Bag (1909) - Short Film
    A woman decides to drown the family cat which has become a nuisance. She ties it in a hempen bag and gives it to the deaf gardener to throw in the river. However, the children discover the cat and set if free. Meanwhile a maid who has been fired decides to take revenge and hides the baby in the same sack. The deaf gardener takes the sack, but doesn't notice the change in contents and is unable to hear the baby. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    In Little Italy
    In Little Italy (1909) - Short Film
    Marie has two suitors. She accepts Victor and rejects Tony, who stabs Victor in a fit of jealousy. When he learns that Victor is still alive, he breaks into the room in Marie's house where Victor is convalescing and attacks him again. He is threatening to attack Marie when lawmen burst in and arrest him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    To Save Her Soul
    Agnes, a singer in a country church, is practicing one day when a vaudeville manager hears her and offers her a job. Over the objections of the curate who loves her, she accepts the offer and goes to the city. Later the curate goes to hear Agnes perform and, fearing that her soul is being corrupted by show business, he asks her to return to the small town with him. When she refuses, he is prepared to kill her in order to protect the purity of her soul. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Day After
    The Day After (1909) - Short Film
    Mr. and Mrs. Hilton throw a New Year's Eve party. They agree not to drink the punch themselves, but as guests begin to arrive their resolve weakens, and soon they are both cavorting drunkenly. Next morning Mr. Hilton, feeling very sick, is conscience-stricken over his behavior. He fears to face his wife until he discovers that she feels just as guilty herself. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Choosing a Husband
    Four bachelors all want to marry Gladys. To test their fidelity she pretends to be away, and when they come to visit, each in turn is met by her pretty younger sister. One by one they fail the test by flirting with the sister. Gladys renounces them, then is reunited with her real sweetheart, who has been abroad. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Last Deal
    The Last Deal (1910) - Short Film
    Owen Moore is addicted to gambling and about to lose his family and job because of it. James Kirkwood,his brother-in-law, shows up and cures him of his gambling fever. Footage of this film (and 1909's IMP production of "Behind the Stockade") was used in the first release (October, 1947) of the 1947-48 production season of "Flickers Flashback" series of RKO shorts. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Englishman and the Girl
    A small-town drama group's rehearsal is interrupted when one of their members receives a letter telling him his English relative is arriving for a visit. The Englishman turns out to be a stuffy and humorless, and is the butt of several pranks. The drama group dresses as Indians and threatens him, but he turns the tables, pulls out a gun and chases them away. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    In Old California
    An historical dramatization of a Spanish woman during the reign of Spanish and Mexican owned California in the early 19th century. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Faithful (1910) - Short Film
    Adonese is returning home from seeing the woman he is courting, and he is driving around a corner when his car accidentally brushes against the tramp 'Faithful' and knocks him over. Feeling sorry for him, Adonese helps him up and buys him a new suit of clothes. The naively innocent Faithful reads too much into this gesture, and he begins to follow his benefactor everywhere, expecting to receive future gifts. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Over Silent Paths
    A lone miner and his daughter make the journey to California by prairie schooner. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Ramona (1910) - Short Film
    Ramona, a young girl growing up on her adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian lad Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the two lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the bigotry and greed of the white landowners. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Child of the Ghetto
    After her mother's death, Ruth struggles to support herself as a seamstress. While Ruth delivers shirts to the factory owner, the owner's son steals some money and Ruth is accused of the crime. She flees the ghetto of New York's Lower East Side and hides in the country where a young farmer takes her in and they fall in love. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    In the Border States
    During the Civil War, a father living in a border state leaves to join the Union Army. After he leaves, Confederate troops forage on his property, where a soldier encounters one of his daughters. The father himself is wounded on a hazardous mission and must run for his life, pursued by Confederate soldiers. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Usurer
    The Usurer (1910) - Short Film
    A wealthy, callous moneylender finds a terrifying way to learn about money's limitations. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Wilful Peggy
    Wilful Peggy (1910) - Short Film
    Peggy is a high-spirited young woman from a poor family. One day she catches the eye of a wealthy lord, who proposes marriage and wants to introduce her into his social circle. But complications arise when the lord's nephew also becomes attracted to Peggy. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Affair of an Egg
    A whimsical farm girl writes a message on an egg that finds its way to a city restaurant where it is served to a young man. Intrigued, the young man sets out to locate the message-writer. He makes the long and arduous trip by train to the country and confronts the young woman, who, much to his dismay, doubles up her fists and hits him. The next scene shows the young man boarding a train, and the young woman on her knees beseeching him to return to her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    His Trust
    His Trust (1911) - Short Film
    A Confederate officer is called off to war. He leaves his wife and daughter in the care of George, his faithful Negro servant. After the officer is killed in an exciting battle sequence, George continues in his caring duties, faithful to his trust. Events continue to turn for the worse when invading Yankee soldiers arrive to loot and torch the widow's home. George saves the officer's daughter and battle sword by braving the flames. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    His Trust Fulfilled
    Continuing where His Trust (1911) leaves off, George, a slave, takes care of his deceased master's daughter after her mother's death. He sacrifices his own meager savings to give the girl a good life, until the money runs out and he tries to steal money from the girl's rich cousin. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Fate's Turning (1911) - Short Film
    A young girl working as a waitress at a resort for the wealthy is swept off her feet by a rich young gentleman, and before she knows it, she's pregnant. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    What Shall We Do with Our Old?
    An elderly carpenter is told by a doctor that his wife is seriously ill. Soon afterwards, an insensitive shop foreman lays him off from his job because of his age. Unable to find work, and with his wife's condition getting worse, he soon becomes desperate. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Fisher Folks
    Fisher Folks (1911) - Short Film
    A crippled girl marries a fisherman, who also has eyes for the town flirt. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    His Daughter
    His Daughter (1911) - Short Film
    William promises to marry his sweetheart, Mary, after completing medical school. William's father has saved enough money to set up William's medical practice. However, Mary's alcoholic father discovers the savings and steals it. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Conscience (1911) - Short Film
    As they have breakfast in their hunting lodge Howard jokingly tells his wife to improve her coffee or he'll shoot her. Later she meets him as he's out hunting and is accidentally shot and killed by another hunter. Because the maid overheard his joke at breakfast Howard is arrested for her murder. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Was He a Coward?
    Norris gets a job as a ranch hand and falls in love with Kate, the rancher's daughter. The jealous foreman challenges him to a fight, but he refuses, and Kate thinks he's a coward. When smallpox hits the ranch, Norris cares for the sick at the risk of his own life, and shows Kate his true heroism. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Spanish Gypsy
    Jose becomes engaged to Pepita, but still has eyes for Mariana. He runs off with Mariana, but he is accidentally blinded, and she deserts him. Pepita discovers him wandering blindly, and forgives him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Broken Cross
    Before Tom departs for the city, he becomes engaged to Kate. She gives him half of her broken pendant cross, with the agreement that either can end the engagement by sending his or her half to the other. In a city boarding house, Tom is vamped by a flirtatious manicurist who learns of the agreement and sends Tom half a cross, pretending it is from Kate. Tom realizes he has been tricked and returns to the country and his fiancée. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Chief\
    Frank becomes engaged to an Indian chief's daughter. Susan, Frank's first fiancée arrives from the East. The chief's daughter finds out about Susan, and confronts them both. Frank ends up losing both fiancées. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Knight of the Road
    A tramp overhears a rancher's plans to go to town for the ranch's payroll. He tries to enlist another loafer (the Knight) to help with a robbery. Instead, the Knight helps thwart the robbery. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    His Mother\
    Two brothers, living in a wilderness cabin, rescue a girl from an Indian attack. They both fall in love with her, and their mutual jealousy almost leads to violence. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Two Sides
    The Two Sides (1911) - Short Film
    A rancher's daughter runs away and hides in the barn, where she falls asleep. A workman throws away a cigarette and the barn catches fire. A ranch hand sees the hay starting to burn but, angry that he's just been fired, decides to do nothing. He overhears the rancher calling for his missing daughter... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    In the Days of \
    Bill hits a rich gold strike and sends for his wife, Edith, to join him. While traveling on the stage, Edith meets and flirts with Jack, an old friend of Bill's. Once they arrive at the mining camp, Edith and Jack continue meeting secretly, and plan to run off together. Bill confides in Jack, wondering why Edith has become cold to him. Jack realizes that Bill's love for Edith is more worthy than his, and he leaves the camp. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The New Dress
    The New Dress (1911) - Short Film
    Marta asks her husband Jose to buy her a new dress she saw at the market. On his way home, he goes with a friend to a saloon and drunkenly gives the dress to a barmaid. At home Jose tells his wife he lost the dress. She retraces his steps and finds the barmaid modeling her new dress. Faced with the truth, she goes mad. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Romany Tragedy
    A gypsy woman must take revenge on her lover after he kills her brother. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Enoch Arden: Part I
    Enoch Arden, a humble fisherman, marries Annie Lee. He signs on as a sailor to make more money to support their growing family. A storm wrecks his ship, but Enoch swims to a deserted island. Annie waits vainly for his return. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Enoch Arden: Part II
    Annie remains faithful to her husband, Enoch, even though he's been lost at sea for many years. Finally her grown children convince her to marry Philip, her former suitor. Enoch is rescued from the deserted isle where he has been stranded, and returns home. He discovers Annie's new life, and decides not to interrupt her happiness. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Primal Call
    The Primal Call (1911) - Short Film
    A young woman who is engaged to a millionaire she doesn't love meets and falls in love with a rough sailor. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Bobby, the Coward
    Bobby's girlfriend thinks he's a coward when he refuses to fight a gang of toughs after they insult him. But when the gang breaks into his apartment, he fights them off, and wins his girlfriend's respect again. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Indian Brothers
    A renegade Indian kills a chief who has insulted him. The chief's brother swears vengeance and pursues the renegade, overtaking him just in time to rescue him from another tribe who are angry with him for stealing a horse. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Country Cupid
    A Country Cupid (1911) - Short Film
    Schoolteacher Edith breaks off her engagement after an argument with her fiancé. She writes him a note of reconciliation but throws it away. Without her knowledge, one of her students fishes it out of the trash and sends it to her fiancé. Later, Edith is alone grading papers when a man bursts in and threatens her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Last Drop of Water
    A wagon train heading west across the great desert runs out of water, and is attacked by Indians. One man -- their last hope -- is sent out to find water. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Ruling Passion
    A brother and sister decide to play pirates with a real boat. It becomes untied from the dock and drifts away with the kids in it. Soon it starts to sink. Their father hires a motor boat to rescue them before it's too late. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Blind Princess and the Poet
    A blind princess is informed that her sight can be restored by the first kiss of unselfish love she receives. She remains blind until a humble poet steals a kiss. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Rose of Kentucky
    A farmer takes in a young orphan after her mother's death and sends her off to school. After she's grown, he encourages her to consider his younger brother as a husband. When the younger brother proves to be a coward, she chooses the older brother instead. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Swords and Hearts
    A poor girl is secretly in love with a wealthy young planter. During the Civil War she helps him escape capture by Union soldiers. After the war, with his fortune gone, she confesses that she loves him. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Squaw\
    Wild Flower follows her banished lover, Gray Fox, into the wilderness. Her departure is witnessed by Silver Fawn, who mistakenly thinks Wild Flower is stealing her fiancé. Silver Fawn sets out in pursuit and jealously attacks Wild Flower. They fall into the river but are rescued by Gray Fox. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Dan the Dandy
    Dan the Dandy (1911) - Short Film
    Dan has returned from the university weak and lazy. His father wants to toughen him up so he hires a tramp to pick a fight. This doesn't work, but when the tramp starts paying attention to a young heiress, Dan resolves to toughen up and win the heiress for himself. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Her Awakening
    Her Awakening (1911) - Short Film
    An attractive young woman is ashamed of her shabbily-dressed mother, and won't introduce her to her suitor. Distraught, the mother wanders into the street and is killed. Too late, the daughter realizes how badly she treated her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Making of a Man
    A young woman becomes infatuated with the leading man of a traveling theatrical troupe. She sneaks away to join him in the next town, but her father forces her to return home... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Adventures of Billy
    Billy witnesses two tramps accidentally kill someone during a robbery. The tramps lock him up and decide that he must be killed, too. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Love in the Hills
    A pretty mountain girl has to decide between three suitors, an upright young man from the mountains, a shiftless fiddler, and a visitor from the city. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Long Road
    The Long Road (1911) - Short Film
    Edith enters a convent after losing her fiancé to someone else. Years later, Edith finds him again, now poverty-stricken, and secretly helps his family. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Through Darkened Vales
    Hard-working Dave loves Grace, but she rejects him for a flashier suitor. Grace is blinded in an accident, and her suitor abandons her. Meanwhile, Dave also goes blind from eye strain caused by overwork. Dave learns of Grace's misfortune and gives a doctor the money he was saving for his own operation, so her sight can be restored. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Miser\
    Thieves decide to steal the money an old miser has hidden away. He refuses to open the safe for them, so they threaten to kill a girl who lives in his building. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Woman Scorned
    A Woman Scorned (1911) - Short Film
    Thieves follow a doctor as he takes home a large sum of money. Later, when they break into his house, the doctor's wife and daughter are trapped. One of the thieves has jilted his sweetheart, who tells the doctor of the robbery, and helps him save his family. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Failure
    The Failure (1911) - Short Film
    A man loses his business and his fiancée, and drifts into the saloons. There he meets a similarly-downtrodden young woman. She works behind the scenes to help him recover his life, and eventually he realizes how steadfast she is. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    As in a Looking Glass
    A father's drinking leads him to neglect his family. His young son emulates his father's actions when playing with his friends. The father sees his vices reflected in the child's play and resolves to change his ways. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Terrible Discovery
    A criminal designs a plan to get revenge on the district attorney who convicted his brother. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Voice of the Child
    A businessman neglects his wife, who is tricked into believing he is having an affair. She packs to leave him, but is distracted by their little girl, and can't bear to go. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Eternal Mother
    John and Mary divorce their spouses to marry each other. Mary dies after giving birth and the baby is taken in by John's first wife, Martha. She refuses all contact with John until many years later when he becomes ill and she finally forgives him for deserting her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Old Bookkeeper
    A beloved old man is fired by a new manager who wants to give the bookkeeping job to his friend. Trying to contact his employer, who doesn't know about the firing, the old man foils a robbery at his employer's house. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Blot on the \
    An aristocrat is delighted when a nobleman asks for his sister's hand in marriage. But delight turns to shock when he discovers that the engaged couple are already lovers. He kills the nobleman in a duel, watches his sister die of grief, and then poisons himself. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    While their mother is away from home, Billy and his sister are set upon by marauding Indians, who trap them in their cabin. Billy rigs a keg of gunpowder and tricks the Indians into entering the cabin, while he and his sister escape. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Mender of Nets
    A young woman who works mending fishermen's nets is engaged to be married. But her fiancé has an old love who refuses to let him go. Further, his former girlfriend has a brother who is willing to use violence to protect his sister's honor. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Sunbeam
    The Sunbeam (1912) - Short Film
    Set in a tenement boarding house, a lonely confirmed bachelor occupies a room across the hall from a dour spinster. Children run amok in the hallways playing pranks. Believing the bachelor perpetrated one particular prank, the spinster woman enters his room to confront him. She is followed by a neighbor child. Meanwhile, the other children have stolen a scarlet fever quarantine sign and posted it on the bachelor's door. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A String of Pearls
    A poor young man is seriously ill, but his rich employer won't help him. Instead he spends a fortune on a pearl necklace for his wife. The poor man recovers with the help of his kindly neighbors while the rich man's wife becomes sick and dies, with the useless necklace by her side. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Root of Evil
    A rich man's daughter marries against his will, and is disinherited. A manipulative attorney contrives to keep the rich man poisoned against his daughter in order to make himself heir. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Female of the Species
    Four survivors from an abandoned mining town - a married couple, the wife's sister, and a younger woman - are making a desperate trip to safety across the desert. The wife suspects the younger woman of having an affair with her husband, and soon afterwards the husband dies suddenly. The three women must then continue their journey amidst the growing tensions caused by the wife's desire for revenge. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    One Is Business, the Other Crime
    Griffith intercuts between the lives of two couples married on the same day. One couple is rich, the other is poor. Time passes, and in desperation over joblessness, the poor husband attempts to burgle a home, only to be captured a gunpoint by the mistress of the house. It is the home of the rich couple. While holding the poor intruder at gunpoint, the rich wife accidently discovers evidence implicating her own husband in a bribery scheme . . . (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Lesser Evil
    The Lesser Evil (1912) - Short Film
    A young woman's peaceful existence is shattered when she is abducted by the crew of a boat of smugglers, who then also turn against their captain. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Temporary Truce
    As Jim, a well-known loafer, is drinking in a saloon, he provokes a confrontation with a prospector who has just come in. The prospector humiliates Jim, who then swears to get even with him. Meanwhile, three malicious drunks have just killed an Indian, solely to amuse themselves. When Jim abducts the prospector's wife, and takes her to a remote place, he soon afterwards encounters a party of angry braves seeking revenge. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Man's Genesis (1912) - Short Film
    A man tells his grandchildren about prehistoric man. Weakhands is unable to court a woman because of his physical weakness. Humiliated by Bruteforce, he bumps into Lillywhite, who has also been cowering since her mother died. But when they venture out in search of breakfast, Bruteforce separates the couple and sends Weakhands scrambling into a cave. There, he hits upon the design for a club: A rock on the end of a stick. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Narrow Road
    The Narrow Road (1912) - Short Film
    Two men are released from prison after having served their sentences. One is determined to go straight and stay out of trouble, but his fellow ex-con has other ideas, and his plans wind up spelling trouble for both of them. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    An Unseen Enemy
    An Unseen Enemy (1912) - Short Film
    The physician's death orphans his two adolescent daughters. Their older brother is able to convert some of the doctor's small estate to cash. But it is late in the day, and with the banks closed he stores the money in his father's household safe. The slatternly housekeeper, aware of the money, enlists a criminal acquaintance to crack the safe. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The New York Hat
    When Mrs. Harding dies, she leaves a mysterious letter to her pastor. The note tells how her cold, miserly husband worked her to death. She asks the pastor to administer a small trust which she has bequeathed her daughter so that the girl might enjoy some finery which her father has always denied her. The village milliner carries the latest hat styles from New York, one of which has caught the girl's fancy. The pastor, loyal to the dying mother's wishes, buys the young lady the hat. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Burglar\
    In this latter day Cain and Abel story, a jealous brother strikes down his sibling just as a young burglar is about to enter the house. The jealous brother summons police, who then charge the young intruder with murder. How can the burglar prove his innocence? (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Unwelcome Guest
    Just before she dies, an elderly married woman stashes the horde of money she's secretly accumulated beneath the false bottom of an old shipping trunk. After her death, her husband, believing himself penniless, has to leave their old home and move in with his son's family, where he's treated with no respect or consideration. Also on the scene is a newly-hired kindly young housekeeper (Mary Pickford); she and the old gentleman become close friends and eventually run away together. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The House of Darkness
    A potentially violent patient in an insane asylum is calmed when he hears a nurse playing the piano. But shortly afterwards he breaks free, eludes his pursuers, and acquires a gun. He soon comes to a house where a young wife is home alone, and there is a tense confrontation. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Two business partners pursue the same woman. She accepts the marriage proposal of the irresponsible partner, much to her later regret. He squanders money on gambling, as his interest in her gradually wanes. One day after losing the company money in a card game, he decides to commit suicide. He telephones his wife from the office, as he puts a revolver near his head. The wife tries to keep him talking while the reliable business partner races to the office in an attempt to save his old friend. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Mothering Heart
    A young couple struggle to get ahead, the wife always assuaging the troubles of her melancholy husband. As he climbs the ladder of success, he abandons the homely values and takes up with another woman. His wife leaves him, returning to her mother's home where she bears a child. When the husband is abandoned by his concubine, remorse drives him to find his wife... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Massacre
    The Massacre (1912) - Short Film
    The story of the massacre of an Indian village, and the ensuing retaliation. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Brute Force
    Brute Force (1914) - Short Film
    A primitive tribe are attacked by apemen and menaced by various prehistoric monsters. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Home, Sweet Home
    John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Escape
    A dramatic comparison between the mating habits of animals and the way humans choose their own partners. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Great Love
    An idealistic young American during World War I, itching to fight the Germans and not wanting to wait until the U. S. joined the war, journeys to Canada and enlists in the British army. He is sent for training to England, and then to the front in Ffance, where he is wounded. Returned back to England to recuperate from his wounds, he falls in love with the daughter of an Australian minister. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Greatest Thing in Life
    Jeannette Peret, daughter of a cigar-store owner, leaves her Greenwich Village home for France in hopes of finding there the love which eludes her at home. She becomes enamored of le Bebe, a giant of a vegetable peddler, but his unsophisticated ways disillusion her. Edward Livingston, a wealthy young man from home who had spurned Jeannette, now turns up and realizes the error of his ways. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Romance of Happy Valley
    John Logan leaves his parents and sweetheart in bucolic Happy Valley to make his fortune in the city. Those he left behind become miserable and beleaguered in his absence, but after several years he returns, a wealthy man. But his embittered father, not recognizing him for who he is, plans to murder the newly- arrived "stranger" for his money. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Girl Who Stayed at Home
    Story of two brothers who go off to France to fight in World War I, the women who love them and an American expatriate living in France who rallies behind his former country. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Scarlet Days
    A romantic bandit named Alvarez, wanted for raids on the mining camps of the California gold rush in 1849, is reformed by the love of a good woman. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Greatest Question
    An orphan girl is given shelter by a farm family, but soon finds herself in the clutches of a murderous farmer and his wife. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Dream Street
    Three men in London compete for the love of a dance-hall girl. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    One Exciting Night
    A young orphan girl, courted by an unpleasant older wealthy man who has a hold over her adoptive mother, falls in love with a young stranger at a party. Odd noises begin to be heard as a group of bootleggers clandestinely try to get away with their hidden loot. One of them is killed and the young man is suspected of being the killer. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The White Rose
    A wealthy young Southern aristocrat, Joseph, graduates from a seminary and, before he takes charge of his assigned parish, decides to go out and see what "the real world" is all about. He winds up in New Orleans and finds himself attracted to a poor, unsophisticated orphan girl, Bessie. One thing leads to another, and before long Bessie finds that she is pregnant with Joseph's child. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The story of a family caught up in the American Revolutionary War. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A family of Polish refugees tries to survive in post-World War I Germany. For a while it seems that they are making it, but soon the economic and political deterioration in the country begins to take their toll. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Sally of the Sawdust
    Judge Foster throws his daughter out because she married a circus man. She leaves her baby girl with Prof. McGargle before she dies. Years later Sally is a dancer with whom Peyton, a son of Judge Foster's friend, falls in love. When Sally is arrested McGargle proves her real parentage. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    That Royle Girl
    Joan Royle, beautiful but naive model who came from the slums, falls for Fred Ketlar, the leader of a dance band. When Fred's estranged wife Adele is murdered, Fred is arrested and convicted of the crime. Joan believes that the real murderer is Baretta, a gangster who was keeping Adele as his mistress. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Sorrows of Satan
    Geoffrey is desperately in love with Mavis, who lives at his boardinghouse and is also pursuing a writing career. Unable to marry her because of his poverty, in his anger he curses God for abandoning him. Soon Geoffrey meets Prince Lucio de Rimanez, a wealthy, urbane gentleman who informs Geoffrey that he has inherited a fortune, but that he must place himself in the Prince's hands in order to enjoy the fruits of his inheritance. What Geoffrey doesn't know is that Prince Lucio is actually Satan (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Drums of Love
    Princess Emmanuella agrees to marry the Duke of a neighboring kingdom in order to keep the peace between their two countries. However, when the duke's handsome brother arrives to escort her to her new husband, she finds herself attracted to him, and even more so when she discovers that her future husband, whom she has never met, is ugly, brutish and deformed. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Battle of the Sexes
    Gum-chewing frizzy-haired golddigger Marie Skinner cooks up a scheme with her lover Babe Winsor, a jazz hound, to fleece a portly middle-aged real estate tycoon, William Judson. Marie moves into Judson's apartment building and contrives to meet and seduce him, plying him with compliments, music, swoons, décolletage, and batted eyes. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Lady of the Pavements
    Karl, a German diplomat in Paris, discovers that his fiancee, Diane, has been cheating on him. He tells her that he would rather marry a "girl of the streets" than her. Outraged, Diane decides to grant hi his wish, and enlists the services of a Spanish singer/dancer from a disreputable nightclub to pose as a sophisticated, convent-educated singer, and surreptitiously arranges for her to meet Karl. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Fugitive
    The Fugitive (1910) - Short Film
    Two sons named John (one from a Union family and one from a Confederate family) go off to war leaving behind their mothers and fiancées. Their respective foraging parties encounter each other and exchange fire, and the Union party runs into the woods near the home of the Confederate John. (imdb comments)
    Your probable score
    The Old Actor
    The Old Actor (1912) - Short Film
    The actor loses his part as the theatre manager thinks that he is too old. On his way home he helps a dying beggar to his lodgings and is impressed by the amount of money that is found on the beggar. (BFI)
    Your probable score
    The Country Doctor
    While caring for his sick daughter, a doctor is called away to the sickbed of a neighbor. He finds the neighbor gravely ill, and ignores his wife's pleas to come home and care for his own daughter, who has taken a turn for the worse. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe (1909) - Short Film
    As Poe's lover is slowly dying he struggles to make money to care for her.
    Your probable score
    An Arcadian Maid
    D.W. Griffith film about an out of work maid (Mary Pickford) who gets a job and soon starts getting hit up on by a playboy (Mack Sennett). (archive.org)
    Your probable score
    The Mother and the Law
    A young couple endures hardships in modern life as they struggle to raise their child through homelessness.
    Your probable score
    The Oath and the Man
    The Oath and the Man was directed by D W Griffith in 1910. Griffith is often out of his depth when he goes far back in history. Herein he trivializes the French revolution. Before you criticize him, though, remember he was making two or three of these a week. If you get a few laughs, you will be laughing at it not with it. (archive.org)
    Your probable score
    Rose O\
    Typical morality tale has a Deacon coming onto a "wild child" (Dorothy West) but after she rejects him he goes back into town saying that the girl and her mother are witches. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Beast at Bay
    A Beast at Bay (1912) - Short Film
    Another D.W. Griffith film with a criminal invading an otherwise unrelated situation; this time, the interest is heightened as August's cowardice does play well against the danger offered by convict Paget. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Sands of Dee
    Mary falls for an artist, but he hides his fiancee from her. When she finds out about his fiancee tragedy ensues.
    Your probable score
    The Yaqui Cur
    The Yaqui Cur (1913) - Short Film
    The prospector had taught the Indian boy the doctrine of peace. When his tribe resisted the attack of another tribe the boy did not take part. The din of the battle, as the horsemen circled them again and again, the moans of men caught under falling horses struck terror in the boy's heart The incensed warriors cast him from the tribe with the brand of a coward. It was then that his opportunity came to follow the white man's wonderful doctrine. "Big love man lay down life for friend," (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Wanderer
    The Wanderer (1913) - Short Film
    This story is somewhat in the nature of a poetical fantasy, and may be construed as the spectator pleases. It is the story of a wanderer who prefers to seek, through his flute, the spirit of truth, that he may give it out into the world as he passes through his various journeys and experiences in life and thus make earth a better and fairer place. He prefers this to the perpetual strife for gain. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Telephone Girl and the Lady
    D.W. Griffith short intercuts two different stories before mixing them together at the end. The film focuses on a telephone girl (Mae Marsh) who leaves work for her lunch break at the same time as "The Lady" (Claire McDowell) goes to a jewelry store to pick up some priceless jewels. When the telephone girl returns to work she gets a phone call from the house of "The Lady" as a robbery (Harry Carey) has broken in and is trying to steal the jewels. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    So Near, Yet So Far
    Walter Miller loves Mary Pickford, but he is very shy and doesn't dare to speak up, so she prefers Bobby Harron. All perfectly natural. But one morning when he is nursing a hangover, Elmer Booth and Harry Carey break into her apartment and threaten her, until Walter rushes in to her rescue. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Saved from Himself
    Joseph Graybill, learning that his friends have been making a lot of money in the stock market, takes a flyer himself. However, when a drop in the shares he has bought wipes him out, he breaks into his employer's safe for money to pay for a margin call. Will the thought of his grey-haired mother and the importunities of his co-worker Mabel Normand stop him or will he descend to a life of crime? (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Father Gets in the Game
    D.W. Griffith film about an elderly father who grows tired of seeing his son bring home beautiful women so he gets a makeover and heads out on the prowl. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Winning Back His Love
    A Husband thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. His wife shows him its not.
    Your probable score
    The Revenue Man and the Girl
    In the Kentucky backwoods, Dorothy West helps her moonshiner father take some jugs to his still; along the way, she meets dashing Edwin August. Ms. West and Mr. August are immediately attracted to each other but he is "The Revenue Man", which means trouble for the moonshiners. After August begins arresting the bootleggers, citizens dependent on the alcohol trade take up arms against the man. Even West wields a rifle; when a loved one is shot, she wants to hunt down, and kill, revenue man.
    Your probable score
    The School Teacher and the Waif
    D.W. Griffith's Biograph short The Schoolteacher and the Waif (1912) can be seen as foundational in terms of this storyline. Nora, the waif, played by Mary Pickford, is forced to attend school--she is actually dragged through the dirt kicking and screaming--by local officials. She warms to her teacher for the way that he defends her against the taunts of some other students, but subsequently rejects him when she has to wear a dunce cap during a spelling bee.
    Your probable score
    Money Mad
    Money Mad (1908) - Short Film
    Money Mad is a 1908 American short crime film directed by D. W. Griffith. (en.wikipedia.org)
    Your probable score
    The Fatal Hour
    The Fatal Hour (1908) - Short Film
    This one-reeler is regarded as a Griffith thriller. It engages with the Chinese White slave traffic from the perspective of a female detective, Marion Leonard, whose assignment is to expose and break the traffic ring. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Idol Dancer
    A religious zealot and his nephew are thrown together on a South Seas Island with an alcoholic beach comber and a native dancer. A battle to see who will "civilize" whom ensues. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Love Flower
    A man murders his wife's lovers, escapes with his daughter to the South Pacific. A detective pursues him, joined by a young man who eventually falls in love with the daughter. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals
    This is a very short and rare attempt at comedy by D. W. Griffith.
    Your probable score
    Betrayed by a Handprint
    A society woman loses her money at cards and decides to break even by stealing some jewelry. Unfortunately for her, she is quickly caught after leaving incriminating evidence at the scene of the crime. (archive.org)
    Your probable score
    The Song of the Shirt
    Adaptation of a poem written by Thomas Hood.
    Your probable score
    The Rocky Road
    The Rocky Road (1910) - Short Film
    The evils of drink cause a man to separate from his family. In time he becomes sober and prosperous. Then he meets and falls in love with a young woman, and they become engaged. Unbeknownst to him this young woman is his own daughter. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Her Terrible Ordeal
    A young secretary is locked in an airtight vault by a robber. Only her boss knows the combination, and he is off on a journey. Can the boss's son locate his absent-minded father before it is too late for the girl? (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Romance of the Western Hills
    A young Native American girl dreams of living in white culture. She is adopted by tourists and falls in love with a young white man.
    Your probable score
    Muggsy falls in love with the young and beautiful Mabel. Muggsy visits Mabel at her home where Mabel's father decides to play tricks on the unsuspecting Muggsy.
    Your probable score
    A Flash of Light
    An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist so she has her younger sister take her place.
    Your probable score
    The Sorrows of the Unfaithful
    Two childhood sweethearts plan to be married soon, but things change once the girl falls for a stranger.
    Your probable score
    The Modern Prodigal
    An escaped convict saves the life of a young boy whose father is the local sheriff.
    Your probable score
    In Life\
    In Life's Cycle (1910) - Short Film
    A story about two children that are made to promise they will not forget their recently departed mother. As the two children grow up the boy regularly visits his mother's grave, while the girl has forgotten her promise.
    Your probable score
    The Adopted Brother
    A Western action film about two men who escape from prison to take revenge on the person who betrayed them. Harry's actions ensure that William and his friend get sent to prison. They escape, and want to take revenge on Harry. Harry's wife warns the sheriff, and as William and his friend are chasing Harry on horseback, they are shot by the sheriff.
    Your probable score
    The Lesson
    The Lesson (1910) - Short Film
    Short drama about the commandment "honour your father and your mother".
    Your probable score
    Love Among the Roses
    In the Kingdom of Never-Never Land there live a great Lord and Lady, each presiding over their own domain. This great Lord goes for a stroll through his estate and coming to the border of his own land he is struck by the entrancing beauty of the contiguous estate, so like his own, that the inclination to intrude is irresistible. His peregrination is halted by the appearance of the great Lady, who is indeed as fair as the flowers that clothe her land. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Italian Barber
    Tony, the barber, on his way to the shop meets little Alice, the newsgirl, who runs a stand on a neighboring corner. He at once becomes smitten and can think of nothing else. Later they are betrothed and little Alice fancies she has made a good catch. However, clouds gather when Alice's sister Florence, who is a vaudeville artist, returns from her road tour with her sketch partner Bobby Mack, for the moment Tony sees Florence he transfers his affections to her. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Salvation Army Lass
    Mary Wilson, a neglected child of the slums, falls in with Bob Walton, a tough denizen of the lower east side, and loves him with a pure, honest affection that his low nature cannot appreciate. He forces her to enter a saloon where she is insulted by Harry Brown, which is resented by Bob. They quarrel, come to blows, and Brown draws a gun as Bob closes in on him, forcing the muzzle against Brown's breast as it explodes, thereby causing him to shoot himself, dying almost instantly. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Golden Supper
    Julian loves his cousin and foster sister Camilla, who is wooed and won by Lionel, his friend and rival. He is a witness to their marriage and after the ceremony he departs heartbroken to his own house. Utopian was the existence of Lionel and Camilla, until some time later Camilla is seized with a serious illness, and Lionel's grief knew no bounds when he heard "That low knell tolling his lady dead." (imdb)
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    The Two Brothers
    In Camarillo, principality of the Spanish dominion, there lived two brothers, Jose and Manuel. Born in a noble Spanish family and reared by a mother noble in both station and character, they were vastly different morally. Jose was a dutiful son and upright young man, while Manuel was the black sheep. It was on Easter Sunday morning during the processional that Manuel appears in an intoxicated condition and foully ridicules the priests and acolytes as they enter the chapel of the old mission. (imdb)
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    Heart Beats of Long Ago
    A feud existed between two Italian houses and it meant disaster to any one of the belligerents to intrude into the opposing house. The Lord of the house gives a feast in honor of the arrival of a wealthy foreign noble, whom he expects to make his son-in-law. The daughter, however, has given her heart to the son of her father's enemy. That he may be present at the festival, she surreptitiously takes her father's signet ring, throwing it to him from the window, which, of course, admits him. (imdb)
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    The Fall of Babylon
    In the last days of ancient Babylon, a tomboyish mountain girl fights for her king when the city is attacked. (imdb)
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    Mr. Jones at the Ball
    Mack Sennett appears as a butler and a policeman in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
    Your probable score
    Mr. Jones Has a Card Party
    Mr. Jones, since his last escapade, had made strenuous efforts to amend the reputation he had gained in the eyes of the ladies of the Temperance League. But Oh! the ordeal, for such it was, was telling on him, and his pent-up spirits were threatening ebullition, when at last the chance comes. The league arranges to attend a three-days' convention out of town, and when Mrs. Jones departs, Jones sends a note to Smith, telling him to bring the gang, and they would have a "Prayer Meeting". (imdb)
    Your probable score
    What the Daisy Said
    Two sisters want to know whether there is romance in their future. One sister pulls the petals off of a flower, while the other has her fortune told by a gypsy. When the gypsy tells the fortune so as to serve his own purposes, complications soon develop.
    Your probable score
    The Little Tease
    The supposition was that she was born a tease, for from her first teeth to the time she was almost grown, she vented her witcheries on her unsuspecting parents and the wild things of her mountain home. But that was before the man from the valley lost his way and later found it back again, bearing away the little tease to the valley.
    Your probable score
    Lena and the Geese
    For reasons of state, the first-born, a baby girl, is sent away and placed in the care of Gretchen, a trusted peasant woman, who is the widowed mother of a little child about the same age. The two children grow up as sisters. Later, upon her deathbed, the noble lady repents and sends for her child to reinstate her. Gretchen takes this opportunity to make a great lady of her own daughter Lena, the goose girl, by sending her to court instead of the real heiress.
    Your probable score
    Iola's Promise (1912) - Short Film
    Iola, the little Indian girl, is held captive by a gang of cutthroats, from whose clutches and abuse she is rescued by Jack Harper, a prospector. She is truly grateful to Jack, for she regards him as something different from the white people she has seen. Jack's sweetheart and her father are parties of a wagon-train headed for this place, and as luck has been against him, he is somewhat gloomy. Iola learns the reason, and promises to help him find gold.
    Your probable score
    The Inner Circle
    A lonely widower living in the Italian quarter of the city, whose only solace since the death of his wife is his little child, is reluctantly a member of a secret society existent among his countrymen. The active members of this society have observed with envy the success of another Italian and feel that they should share the proceeds of his industry without working for it, so to this end send the wealthy man a demand for $5,000, ostensibly to defray the expenses of their society.
    Your probable score
    The Newlyweds
    The Newlyweds (1910) - Short Film
    A young man and a young woman, each unlucky in love, determine never to marry. But Cupid has other ideas.
    Your probable score
    An Indian Summer
    A lonely old widower ( W. Chrystie Miller ) arrives in town and seeks out a pleasant boarding place. The house he selects may be pleasant and homelike, but most of all it is owned by a widow ( Kate Bruce ), and managed her daughter ( Mary Pickford ). The widow and the widower are impressed with each other at first sight and a romance is imminent, but it came very near spoiled.
    Your probable score
    The Zulu\
    The Zulu chief of the Amatabele tribe has an only daughter who, at the age of four years, dies of fever, and in the opening scene of this Biograph story we find him burying her. Scarcely has the poor bereft father laid the little one in the ground, when the war cry is heard resounding in the hills. There is an uprising and the chief is summoned to action.
    Your probable score
    The Call of the Wild
    George Redfeather, the hero of this subject, returns from Carlisle, where he not only graduated with high honors, but was also the star of the college football team. At a reception given in his honor by Lieut. Penrose, an Indian agent, the civilized brave meets Gladys, the lieutenant's daughter, and falls desperately in love with her.
    Your probable score
    Broken Ways
    Broken Ways (1913) - Short Film
    In this story the young wife concerned is called upon to solve a rather momentous question. After separating from her husband, whom she has discovered to be a brute and a criminal, she is about to give herself to another man, believing her husband dead, when he appears before her fleeing from justice. Shall she deliver him to the law or surrender to his claims? She yields in one instance, but not in the other. Then justice intervenes.
    Your probable score
    That Chink at Golden Gulch
    Charlie Lee, the poor chink, is the hero of this Biograph story. Having located at Golden Gulch as a laundryman, his old father is about to take his leave for his home in the Flowery Kingdom. Before going the old man warns his son to cherish his sacred queue, for should he lose that he would be an outcast and disbarred from returning to his country, which every Chinaman who leaves, looks forward to doing.
    Your probable score
    A Feud in the Kentucky Hills
    The two brothers and the little adopted daughter of the household grew up from childhood together. The girl and the younger brother were childhood sweethearts, he being so different in nature from his elder brother, who was considered the bad man and dead shot of the hills. The younger brother has been living in the valley for a long time and returns to his home at the time the story opens.
    Your probable score
    A Lodging for the Night
    Dick Logan, a young writer in search of local color, stops at a little border town in the Southwest and engages lodging at the Mexican Inn. Two tramps see the amount of money he has and plan to secure it. In the town he befriends a Mexican girl by stopping her uncle from beating her for having broken a water jar. That night, to while the time, he plays faro and breaks the bank, which greatly augments his already large amount of money.
    Your probable score
    Fate (1913) - Short Film
    Sim Sloane and his beloved son were the reprobates of the village, not what would be called lovers of peace and kindness. But granddad dwelt in a house filled more with love, and when Sim came in for his brutal sport, he soon went out assisted by granddad. Incited by ridicule and drink, Sim swore to get even. That was where granddad's new supply of powder came in. Sim appropriated it and although he wrecked the house of love, he destroyed through his venom the only thing he cherished in life.
    Your probable score
    A Child\
    Mrs. Thurston, a socially ambitious widow, is holding one of her famous Bohemian parties. To these functions are invited the leading lights of the several professions, actors, artists, musicians, etc. Surrounded by these men and women of art and letters, she was at first entertained, but they soon palled and bored. On this evening in particular, she is especially possessed of ennui, until the appearance of Raymond Hartley, a wealthy young bachelor, who is introduced into the circle by a newspape
    Your probable score
    When a Man Loves
    Mr. Bach, now a wealthy man, visits the scenes of his boyhood days in his auto and meets farmer Brown, his boyhood friend. Brown is the father of a very pretty daughter named Tessie. Bach becomes deeply smitten with the artless little country lass, and secretly hopes to win her. Tessie, however, has a host of admirers in the little village, the favored one being John Watson. John is a bit superior to the other fellows of the neighborhood.
    Your probable score
    My Baby
    My Baby (1912) - Short Film
    When the double wedding takes two daughters away from the old man at once, the youngest, now the only one left, in outraged spirit promises never to leave her father, but soon she too is departing for a new home. Then comes a cold hard fact of life. The son-in-law claims his right to make a home alone for his wife. In his bitterness and anger, the father denies them both the house. Several years later the lonely old man meets at the gate a babe in arms.
    Your probable score
    A Timely Interception
    After a hard struggle the old man has just saved enough money to justify the marriage of his daughter and adopted son, when word comes from the oil fields nearby that his brother has lost his job, the little girl is very ill, and there is no money in the house. The sacrifice is a big one, but it has to be made. The wedding is postponed. One day his brother rides over on a bicycle to pay a visit to his benefactors, but does not bring the money.
    Your probable score
    A Smoked Husband
    After his wife receives an extravagant dress, a man find himself the victim of an attempted burglary; He hides in his fireplace, which is then fired. The police arrive and pursue the man, now covered in soot. He jumps onto the roof below his, landing two dandies into a trough of paint.
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    The Planter\
    John Holland, a small planter, is devotedly attached to his wife and infant. The wife wearies of the monotonous grind of farm life and is easy prey of a contemptible villain: Tom Roland, the ubiquitous "other man." (imdb)
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    Footlight Varieties
    A compilation of scenes and acts from various comedy and musical shorts over the years.
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    The Battle of the Sexes
    The Battle of the Sexes is a 1914 American silent drama film directed by D. W. Griffith for the Majestic Motion Picture Company. No complete print of the film is known to exist; however, a fragment has survived. Griffith remade the film as The Battle of the Sexes in 1928 as a comedy-drama and this latter version is available on DVD. (wikipedia.org)
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    The Reformers; or, The Lost Art of Minding One\
    Behold in this film the Uplifter, a peculiarity of the human species, quite convinced that all that is, is wrong. Forth to the uplift he minds everybody's business but his own, until that business is as clean, pure and spotless as himself. Verily in these later days is there no school of art named, "Minding One's Business."
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