Clelia Matania

Clelia Matania

Total Credits at Criticker: 22 (Actor)

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    John and Laura Baxter are living in Venice when they meet a pair of elderly sisters, one of whom claims to be psychic... (imdb)
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    The Monte Carlo Story
    A gambler very much in debt, sets his cap for a beautiful woman, not knowing that she is also penniless.
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    Just Before Nightfall
    Charles Masson, an advertising executive, is having an affair with Laura, the wife of his best friend, the architect François Tellier. Charles strangles Laura when one of their S&M games goes too far. Dazed, Charles walks out of the borrowed apartment in Paris and soon bumps into François in a nearby bistro. They drive back together to Versailles, where they have beautiful neighboring houses designed by François. (imdb)
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    Conquered City
    A group of people are surrounded in a hotel by a group of rebels; one of them is trying to betray their arms cache to the rebels. (BFI)
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    After getting a woman (the Virtue) pregnant, a school teacher (the Man) tries to make her copulate with her rude husband, a ship Captain who's always traveling (the Beast). Based upon a novel by Luigi Pirandello.
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    Seven Hills of Rome
    On a train to Rome, the American singer Marc Revere meets the Italian Raffaela. He notices that she intends to work and live at her uncle's. When he gives her a ride, it turns out that said uncle has moved to South America. So Revere offers her to live with him at his cousin's, an impecunious pianist. (imdb)
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    Sette ore di guai
    Totò is a tailor but not a great tailor. He is married and his son is to be baptized and Totò hopes that his grand-mother will be moved by the baptism, so moved to help him. Unfortunately his wet nurse Maria loses his son in the garden. Totò doesn't lose heart and rents Rita's daughter and leaves looking for his son. Many adventures are awaiting for him. (imdb)
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    Les Hussards
    During the Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars Brigadier Le Gouce and private Jean-Louis forfeit their horses. Afraid of a severe punishment both lie to Captain Georges. They just make up a story about them having been the target of a selective ambush. Little later their regiment is annihilated by an Austrian attack. Only the two humbuggers are lucky enough to survive. Napoleon has them celebrated as heroes and thus they get into the books of history. (Wikpedia)
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    Il ratto delle sabine
    1905. Aristide Tromboni and his down at heel company of actors are in search of scripts and above all food. In a small country town they get to know Professor Molmenti, who is anxious to have performed his dramatic play, Il ratto delle Sabine. (wolrdcat)
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    Mamma sconosciuta
    Mara never told her husband Aldo - a famous singer - that her first husband and child died at war... and when blackmailed by him, apparently alive, she is accused of having an affair and is kicked out of the house! At the appointment for the exchange of her daughter against a diamond necklace, Mara would have been killed... if it had not been ... (movie-time)
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    Il carabiniere a cavallo
    A soldier has his horse stolen on his wedding day and spends the first day of his honeymoon looking for it. (imdb)
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    Totò e le donne
    Antonio Scaparro (Toto) is obsessed for women. He invents his own way to hide from them - in the attic of his house. (letterboxd)
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    Guai ai vinti
    From the novel "Vae Victis" by Annie Vivanti. (bfi)
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    Anni facili
    Story of a Sicilian professor who goes to Rome to obtain Govt. approval on the production of a new medicine. (bfi)
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    Campane a martello
    Italian language version of CHILDREN OF CHANCE (1949) (bfi)
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    La spiaggia
    Story of prostitute and her child who spends a holiday in the seaside. (bfi)
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    Carosello napoletano
    Pageant of the singing city of Naples from its earliest beginnings to the present day. (bfi)
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    Night Ride
    Two truck drivers fired by the crooked trucking firm they worked for start their own company. Their former boss, worried about the competition, tries everything he can to drive them out of business, from sending his pretty daughter to seduce them to having his henchmen sabotage their trucks. (imdb)
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    La fuggitiva
    In the absence of the biological mother, too busy pursuing her theatrical career, we see the glorification of the maternal surrogate, a woman who is a paragon of sacrifice and self-abnegation. La Fuggitiva is also a film in which a child actress takes a prominent role. In this sentimental drama, the little girl suffers for and rebels against the loneliness and neglect stemming from the lack of a mother and a loving family setting. (imdb)
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    Se io fossi onesto
    The nephew of a wealthy nobleman, convicted for a forged check, is replaced in prison by a poor engineer. From the exchange of people derives a chain of misunderstandings and trouble...
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    La Bisarca
    The barber Toni La Motta is engaged to Greta, the shop's beautiful manicure: being jealous, she often quarrels with clients who are too gallant. One of these, one day, reacts by hitting him with a punch and sending him to bang his head against the radio that is broadcasting the magazine "La bisarca". The barber loses consciousness and begins to dream. He is now in the shop, invaded by the waters of a new universal flood. With the girl he gets on the Bis-Arca, where animals of all species and a r
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    A che servono questi quattrini?
    Marquis Eduardo Parascandolo, after having squandered all his possessions for not having cared about his finances, spends his time professing to some young people his philosophy of life.
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