Clare Thomas
Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Actor)
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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (3)
Young Dracula (2006) - TV Series
Dracula family must flee from Transilvania. They are: a soon to be Dracula Vlad, Ingrid her sister, and Igor their servant. They end up installing themselves in a border London neighborhood. Vlad, that wants to be a regular kid, will meet Robin, an obsessed with vampires kid, that will help him to fix all the troubles his father will unleash. Not easy when you are undead.
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Fungus the Bogeyman (2004) - TV Mini-Series
Fungus' job is to venture above Bogeydom and scare Drycleaners (aka humans). Unfortunately, a crisis happens when a Drycleaner discovers the existence of Bogeys. (imdb)
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