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Chu Su
Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor)
Find more information about Chu Su at The Internet Movie Database
Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2)
Very weird magic fu, filled from start to finish with evil wizards, laserbeams, and crazy spells.
AKA Chinese Magic 2 (The Movie Database)
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The Japanese have conquered Chow Chu, a Chinese village, and have it ruled by Captain Chow, a collaborationist, and his henchmen. Yu-Kong, a most wanted patriot, takes refuge at Yen Wei's as he must hand over an important message to Tong Ye, her husband. But Tong Ye has been taken hostage and has just been shot by a firing squad. Bad for the Japanese, Yen Wei accepts the mission meant for her husband. In memory of him...
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