Chao-jung Chen

Chao-jung Chen

Country: Taiwan

Total Credits at Criticker: 9 (Actor)

Biography and picture submitted by Bullt

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (9)

    Goodbye Dragon Inn
    On the last night before the old movie theater is shut down, a Japanese youth, despite the hard rain, comes running into the theater. The theater seems empty, void of life; yet there are some people, and some may not be people... (Wellspring Media)
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    The Personals
    Issues of modern romance and personal identity are played for intelligent laughter in this tart comedy from Taiwan. Wu (played by Rene Liu) is a businesswoman in her early 30′s whose professional life is going just fine. It's her personal life that's giving her problems. Since she's not meeting the right sort of man in her daily life, she decides to take the bull by the horns and place a personal ad in the newspaper; she gets over 100 responses to her ad. (
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    What Time Is It There?
    When a young street vendor with a grim home life meets a girl on her way to Paris, they forge an instant connection. He changes all the clocks in Taipei to French time; as he watches Francois Truffaut's Les 400 Coups, she has a strange encounter with its now-ageing star (Jean-Pierre Leaud). (imdb)
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    Vive L\
    The film focuses on three city folks who unknowingly share the same apartment: Mei, a real estate agent who uses it for her sexual affairs; Ah-jung, her current lover; and Hsiao-ang, who's stolen the key and uses the apartment as a retreat. (imdb)
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    Rebels of the Neon God
    Hsiao Kang is a troubled student. Ah Tze and Ah Bing are petty criminals. During a random act of violence on the streets of Taipei, their stories intermingle...
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    Blood of Dragon Peril
    The Master of Manchuria's most renowned school of kung-fu is slaughtered when he resists the invading Japanese. His eldest son is beaten so badly he becomes mentally retarded. The second son, Lui, surrenders and joins the army - much to the derision of the villagers. The last son disappears. When a masked man begins appearing and making trouble at the Japanese army bases, Lui is ordered to find and kill him. He almost succeeds, but at the last moment discovers the masked man's secret... (imdb)
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    Romance of Book and Sword
    The series follows the Battle against the Qing Dynasty and its Manchu ruler Chen Long, the opposition being a Han lead organization called 'The Red Flower Society' which is trying to return the country to its rightful owners - The Han Chinese. Little do many people know though, the leader of the society (Chen Jia Luo) is actually the Emperors brother! (imdb)
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    Fire Ball
    The story is about the Chinese monk called Tripitaka who leads his fairy animal neophytes Monkey, Pigsy, Sandy and Horse on a long journey to India in search of the Book of Wisdom and Truth. Along the journey they come to a place constantly in flames called Flame Mountain . Our heroes intend to put out the fire with the Princess's mighty fan. (
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    Murmur of Youth
    A rather dejected Mei-li Chen lives with her extended family in the suburbs. She drops out of college when the boy she has a crush on finds a girlfriend. Mei-li eventually ends up selling tickets in a movie theatre. A great camaraderie then builds up between the two cashiers in the small ticket booth. (imdb)
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