C.J. DiMarsico

C.J. DiMarsico

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2)

    Screaming Dead
    Screaming Dead (2003) - Direct-to-Video
    An abandoned insane asylum looms dark and foreboding on the horizon. Into it pass six individuals who are about to discover its terrifying secrets and come face to face with its blackest horrors.
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    The Tenement
    For the residents of a run-down tenement, life's becoming distinctly more horrific with each passing day. Ethan (Joe Lauria) can't stop fixating on the movies of horror director Winston Korman; Sarah (Carold DiMarsico) can't speak but always listens to the radio, attracting the attentions of her neighbor Henry (John Sudol); Jimmy (Mike Lane) thinks he's metamorphosing into a werewolf; and a serial killer calls one of the apartments home, too.
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