Bobby Rydell
Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Actor)
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Conrad Birdie is the biggest rock & roll star of the 60's ever to be drafted. Aspiring chemist and song writer Albert is convinced he can make his fortune and marry his girlfriend Rosie if he gets Conrad on the Ed Sullivan show to kiss a high school girl goodbye... (imdb)
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This is the story of Alan Freed. He was working as a DJ when he discovered Rhytym & Blues, however, the music is considered to be "BLACK" music. So, most radio stations won't play it. However, Freed believed that it's the next wave, so he fights to have it played on the air. Eventually, he went into the big time - New York, and he decided to dub this music "ROCK & ROLL". Despite his success, he still had a lot of opposition and made deals with the wrong people, which would lead to his downfall. (imdb)
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