Bigas Luna

Bigas Luna

Country: Spain

Total Credits at Criticker: 1 (Actor), 16 (Director), 15 (Writer)

Biography last updated by ehk2, and picture by bernardobrum

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (1) | Director (16) | Writer (15)

    Jamón, jamón
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    Sound of the Sea
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    The Tit and the Moon
    A child does not stand the idea of having a new brother and dreams about drinking milk from the breasts of his mother again. The child asks the moon to bring him a tit only for him.
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    Her name is Mina, but she is called Bambola (doll). Upon the death of her mother, she and her homosexual brother, Flavio, open a pizzeria. A man named Ugo loans Bambola the money, but is then killed in a fight with another one of her boyfriends, Settimio. While visiting Settimio in jail, she meets a sadistic man named Furio, and they begin a relationship. (imdb)
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    The Chambermaid on the Titanic
    Horty, a French foundry worker, wins a contest and is sent to see the sailing of the Titanic. Marie, saying she is a chambermaid on the Titanic and cannot get a room, asks to share his. They do, chastely; when he awakens, she is gone, but he sees her at the sailing and gets a photo of her. When he returns home, he suspects that his wife Zoe has been sleeping with Simeon, the foundry owner. Horty goes to the bar, where he starts telling an erotic fantasy of what happened with him and Marie. (imdb)
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    Di Di Hollywood
    An aspiring Spanish actress is tired of bartending in nightclubs. Her dream is to make it big in Hollywood. She decides to leave her miserable life and the lack of opportunities, so she and her crazy stripper friend travel to Miami to try their luck in the Latin world. (Petercoyotecom)
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    Leo, a sexually frustrated voyeur dreams of kidnapping a prostitute.
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    Story of two brothers, Bernardo and Eloisa, who live alone in a huge mansion and as result from an inheritance, begin to hate each other. Their little dog, a white poodle becomes the unusual witness of this situation and the real lead of the film.
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    The story revolves around Goya's womanising and the mysterious death of the Duchess of Alba at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th Centuries, at a time when Madrid was wobbling through a difficult time and setting the scene for the following Prim vs Crown uprising (imdb)
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    My Name Is Juani
    A pair of women leave their small town and dud boyfriends behind for fun in Madrid. (imdb)
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    In a Barcelona beach corpse of a young man appears, his face eaten by fish, who has tattooed on his arm the phrase: "I was born to revolutionize hell." So begins a strange enigma. To begin we must find a name for this dead find their identity. This is the task that receives Pepe Carvalho, Galician detective, former CIA and vocational skeptical, which does not prevent you enjoy and savor the pleasures of good food and good bed.
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    Lola leaves her abusive boyfriend Mario and moves to Barcelona, where she meets wealthy French businessman Robert, with whom she begins a relationship. Four years later, Mario returns on the scene and Lola is caught in a conundrum: should she leave the security of Robert, or return with Mario, for whom she still has considerable affection? (imdb).
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