Benny Rubin

Benny Rubin

Total Credits at Criticker: 28 (Actor), 9 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (28) | Writer (9)

    Montana Moon
    While returning to Montana from a fling in New York, wealthy Joan Prescott leaves the train, intending to return to the big city. She runs into handsome cowboy Larry and gets engaged. On their wedding night she does a sultry dance with Jeff which ends with a prolonged kiss. Larry slugs Jeff. Angry Joan entrains for New York, but train robbers kidnap her. The leader of the pretend-bandits is Larry. (imdb)
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    During World War I, a French girl is romanced by an American doughboy even though she is promised to a French soldier who is fighting at the front. (imdb)
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    Income Tax Sappy
    Tax cheats Moe, Larry and Shemp decide they're so good at cheating the government, that they start a business as crooked tax advisors. They become rich, but an undercover agent from the IRS gets the goods on them, and its off to jail for the stooges. (imdb)
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    Masterson of Kansas
    Dodge City Sheriff Bat Masterson is out to prove that a group of cattlemen have framed Merrick for murder because he negotiated a treaty granting the Kiowas a reserve in the grass country that the cattlemen wanted for their own grazing land. Knowing that the tribes will wage war again if Merrick is executed, Masterson begins a search for Clay Bennett who testified he saw the murder. Joining him in the hunt is Marshal Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, both for different purposes. (imdb)
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    Hollywood on Parade No. B-9
    Jimmy Durante asks popular song writing team Mack Gordon and Harry Revel to demonstrate some of their songs. There is interplay with impersonator Florence Desmond, Ben Turpin, Rudy Vallee and many others. (imdb)
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    Crazy House
    Crazy House (1930) - Short Film
    Benny Rubin takes a tour of the "Lame Brain Sanitarium" and meets some of its strange patients. (imdb)
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    Dumb Dicks
    Dumb Dicks (1932) - Short Film
    Two incompetent private detectives pose as swamis in order to infiltrate a gang of bank robbers. (imdb)
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    Guests Wanted
    Guests Wanted (1932) - Short Film
    Benny Rubin is a New York City vaudeville performer who inherits a hotel in California, and takes all of his ham-actor friends there, as chefs, bellhops, maids and waiters, to help him run it. BUsiness is bad so Benny plants a story that his late uncle hid his fortune in the hotel. The place is soon filled with guests who tear down the hotel looking for the non-existent fortune. (imdb)
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    The Promoter
    The Promoter (1932) - Short Film
    Benny Rubin promotes a wrestling show but ends up wrestling Constantine "Strangler" Romanoff himself. (imdb)
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    Julius Sizzer
    Julius Sizzer (1931) - Short Film
    After the success of "Little Caesar," "Public Enemy" and "Scarface," here is the inevitable parody, in which Liddle Sizzer engages in a vicious Chicago gang war. He's aided by his innocent twin brother, Julius, a greenhorn from the Old Country. Both are played by Benny Rubin. (imdb)
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    The Messenger Boy
    Benny Rubin is a Messenger Boy who gets into trouble with everyone.
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    Hot Curves
    The star pitcher on the Pittsburgh ball team gets into trouble with a gold-digging groupie and his catcher helps him get back into the game. (imdb)
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    Sunny Skies
    The first of two films pairing western/serial/action-film leading man Rex Lease (who also sings and dances here) and dialect comedian and comic writer Benny Rubin. (imdb)
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    The Bashful Bachelor
    Lum Edwards is annoyed with his partner in Pine Ridge's Jot-'em-Down general store, Abner Peabody, because Abner has swapped their delivery car for a racehorse. Lum is also too timid to propose to Geraldine, so he involves Abner in a "rescue" effort which nearly gets both of them killed. They try again, and this time Geraldine is impressed. Lum writes a proposal note, but Abner, by mistake, delivers it to the Widder Abernathy, who has been ready to remarry for years. (imdb)
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    Space Ship Sappy
    An eccentric scientist tricks the stooges into joining himself and his daughter on an expedition to Venus. On Venus, the boys go exploring and encounter some cannibalistic amazons who plan to devour them. The stooges escape and take off in the spaceship which goes wildly out of control. As the ship is about to crash, the scene changes to the annual meeting of the Liars Club, where the stooges win the prize as the biggest liars in the world. (imdb)
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    Hoofs and Goofs
    Hoofs and Goofs (1957) - Short Film
    Joe dreams that the stooge's sister Birdie has died and been reincarnated as a horse. The stooges take Birdie home but must conceal her from the snoopy landlord. They succeed, but more complications ensue when Birdie gives birth to a colt. Joe wakes up to suffer some abuse from the real Birdie (Moe in drag), when he tells her he dreamed she was a horse. (imdb)
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    Blunder Boys
    Blunder Boys (1955) - Short Film
    The stooges go to criminology school and graduate with the lowest possible honors. The boys join the police force and are assigned to track down a crook called the "Eel", who disguises himself as a woman. The stooges track the Eel to a hotel, but he slips through their hands after a wild chase. The stooges are booted off the force and wind up as ditch diggers. (imdb)
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    Casey and Babe are sisters who work in a department store and each year the store puts on a show. As expected, things are going wrong with every act until Casey comes out to help Babe with her song. They are a hit, but in the final act, Casey again comes out and this time the president sees her act and fires both her and Babe on the spot. Benny is able to book Casey, Babe and Dean into Vaudeville and their act is popular. (imdb)
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    Zis Boom Bah
    "Hey, kids, let's get together and put on a show!" That's the idea behind this raucous spoof about a vaudeville performer who goes to college to spy on her bratty son. (imdb)
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    The Dick Tracy Show
    Cartoon series produced by UPA, in which Dick Tracy (voiced by the distinguished film and stage actor Everett Sloane) played more or less of an incidental role.
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    Tangier Incident
    Steve Gordon, an American agent posing as a black market operator, is in Tangier on a mission to stop the plans of three atomic-scientists who are there to pool their secrets and sell them in a package to the Communists. (imdb)
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    Love in the Rough
    When shipping clerk Jack Kelly is recruited by his employer to help his golf game, his boss insists he conceal his humble identity at the country club. (imdb)
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    The Untrained Seal
    A newborn seal pup has to learn how to fish on his own, without help from any of his family or friends.
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    The Delicatessen Kid
    Benny is fascinated by famous actors and dancers but his father just wants him to work at the delicatessen.
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    Happily Buried
    Happily Buried (1939) - Short Film
    For some unknown reason, the sale of waffle irons has plummeted, equally and negatively affecting family owned and operated Four Square and Magic Circle, two of the leading waffle iron companies. What could be both companies' saving grace is that their respective presidents, Richard Wright and Evelyn Foster, are in love with each other, with their personal merger in terms of a marriage resulting in a planned business merger of the two companies.
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    Somewhat Secret
    Somewhat Secret (1939) - Short Film
    At the Dimsdale Hall Finishing School, Assistant Dean Emily Godsall declares that any student who associates herself with swing music will be severely punished. Complications develop when she finds out that her boyfriend, a chemistry professor at the school, is also a well-known swing bandleader.
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    Mr. Magoo
    Mr. Magoo (1960) - TV Series
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    How to Frame a Figg
    Don Knotts is Hollis Figg, the dumbest bookkeeper in town. When the city fathers buy a second-hand computer to cover up their financial shenanigans, they promote Figg to look after things, knowing he'll never catch on. Their plan backfires when Figg becomes self-important and accidentally discovers their plot. (imdb)
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