Andy Dick

Andy Dick

Country: USA

Total Credits at Criticker: 44 (Actor), 1 (Director), 2 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (44) | Director (1) | Writer (2)

    Danny Roane: First Time Director
    A television actor (Andy Dick) drinks too much and gets blackballed from the industry, and then he decides to break back in by directing his own movie. Eventually, he gets sober, and then falls off the wagon and goes crazy and turns his film into a musical. (imdb)
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    Division III: Football\
    When the head coach unexpectedly dies, the future of a small liberal arts college's Division III football program is in jeopardy. In a desperate attempt to create some media attention for the athletic program and the university, President Georgia Anne Whistler (Mo Collins) hires known lunatic and felon, Coach Rick Vice (Andy Dick). (imdb)
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