Albert E. Smith

Albert E. Smith

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor), 12 (Director), 1 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2) | Director (12) | Writer (1)

    Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies
    This shows the heart of the tremendous drifts in the east end of Galveston. Hundreds of bodies are concealed in these immense masses, and at the time the picture was taken the odor given out could be detected for miles. The subject shows a gang of laborers clearing away the debris in the search for corpses, one of which was discovered while the picture was being taken. (Edison Films)
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    Raising Old Glory Over Morro Castle
    "Down goes the Spanish flag, and up floats the Stars and Stripes. Down falls the symbol of tyranny and oppression that has ruled in the new world for four hundred years, and up goes the Banner of Freedom. In the distance are the turrets and battlements of Morro, the last foothold of Spain in America." (imdb)
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    At the first news of the disast by cyclone and tidal wave that devastated Galveston on Saturday, Sep 8th, 1900, we equipped a party of photographers and sent them by special train to the scene of the ruins. Arriving at the scene of desolation shortly after the storm had swept over the city, our party succeeded, at the risk of life and limb, in taking about a thousand feet of motion pictures, although Galveston was under martial law and photographers were shot down at sight by the excited police. (imdb)
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    Mysterious Cafe, or Mr. and Mrs. Spoopendyke Have Troubles with a Waiter
    As the above title indicates, the scene does not take place in an ordinary restaurant, but one in which all natural rules of order and gravitation are reversed. The couple above mentioned have a most trying experience while endeavoring to partake of a square meal. They find themselves flying about the room from chairs to table, and vice versa, until they are both completely bewildered, ending in a general mix-up, which is sure to provoke much merriment. (imdb)
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    Leaping Dogs at Gentry\
    In the center of the ring the trainer forms a pile of baskets many feet in height. Greyhounds leap in rapid succession, forming a graceful arch and landing on the ground as lightly as so many feathers. The position of the camera was a most happy one, as the dogs appeared to leap directly toward the audience and the film is both beautiful and exciting. (imdb)
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    Panoramic View of Boston Subway from an Electric Car
    Persons who have visited the "Hub," no doubt carried away with vivid recollections of Boston's famous system of Underground Transportation and this film takes the audience from the bright sunshine into the dim obscurity of the subway. The Underground stations and rows of Electric Arc lamps are plainly shown and, after traversing the tunnel for a considerable distance, the car finally emerges opposite the railroad depot. (imdb)
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    Captain Blood
    Peter Blood, a young Irish physician, treats a rebel soldier wounded in battle, and he is arrested, tried for treason and sent into slavery to Barbados. He and his friend Jeremy are bought by the vicious Col. Bishop, who purchases them for his niece Arabella. Blood rallies the other slaves to rebel against their slavery; they escape and take over a Spanish galleon. Only 1/4th (28 minutes) exists of the original adaptation of Rafael Sabatini's novel.
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    The Shamrock is seen after its defeat in the 1899 America's Cup, along with the Erin, which served as its tow boat across the Atlantic.
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    Jeffries Throwing the Medicine Ball
    James J. Jeffries throwing the medicine ball. An absolutely perfect picture of the champion heavyweight of the world.
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    Panorama of East Galveston
    It's what it says on the label: a panoramic shot of East Galveston, right after the Storm of the Century came through, ripping up trees and destroying house like they were made of cards. Then, a decade and a half later came another Storm of the Century for Galveston.
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    Children Bathing
    A pretty and natural picture in which the principal actors are two tiny tots who are evidently not a bit afraid of the briny deep as they splash around in the waves in very evident delight and enjoyment. The water effects are splendid and this is a beautiful subject of "Child-life." We recommend this to make a hit with any audience.
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    This picture shows the Columbia crossing the line, leading the Shamrock by about 1/2 mile. The Shamrock is plainly seen in the distance and she later comes up and crosses the line in the same picture. (imdb)
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