Al Christie

Al Christie

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor), 52 (Director), 6 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2) | Director (52) | Writer (6)

    The Chased Bride
    A young woman is being pressured by her father to marry a cad because he has something on the father. However, the boy who really loves her is determined to stop the wedding at any and all costs and marry her himself. (imdb)
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    Half a Sinner
    Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. (imdb)
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    Rowdy Ann
    Rowdy Ann (1919) - Short Film
    Ann is one tough cowgirl. After she beats up Hank, her parents send her East to college, hoping she'll come back a lady. (imdb)
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    Choose Your Weapons
    In many ways, this reminds me of another Bobby Vernon film, RENO OR BUST. That's because both films star Bobby and consist of him trying to rescue his lady from being forced to marry a man she doesn't love. However, in this case she's being forced to marry the king of a fictional country and the king, unbeknownst to his subjects, is already married. (imdb)
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    Going Spanish
    Going Spanish (1934) - Short Film
    A South American festival brings slapstick love trouble to Bob Hope. (imdb)
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    Hotel Anchovy
    Hotel Anchovy (1934) - Short Film
    The Ritz Brothers cause chaos in a bankrupt hotel. (imdb)
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    Three Magic Words
    Short film from the H.L. Handy company about pork.
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    Meet the Folks
    Meet the Folks (1927) - Short Film
    Jimmie Adams, a comedian who bears a strong resemblance to comedian Charley Chase, stars as a man going to the hills of Tennessee to visit his kin. On the way, he meets a sweet lady and they hit it off well. However, they don't realize that both are coming to visit relatives who are in the middle of a serious feud. Instead of a warm welcome, her kin tries to blow his butt off and he is forced to make a run for it. Unfortunately, his relatives don't seem much nicer. (imdb)
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    The Chemist
    The Chemist (1936) - Short Film
    Buster plays Elmer "Happy" Triple, a scientist who is expected to develop the next big thing. That big thing ends up to be a powder when combined with water, produces major blasts that make no sound, which catches the eyes of three robbers who want Elmer's secret powder.
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    Gifts in Rhythm
    Gifts in Rhythm (1936) - Short Film
    The Cabin Kids in the Educational Pictures comedy short "Gifts in Rhythm" (1936).
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    Know Thy Wife
    Know Thy Wife (1918) - Short Film
    Rather than telling his parents, who have another girl picked out for him, Bob brings home his new wife disguised as his friend "Steve." (imdb)
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    Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney pressure fellow student Fancourt Babberly to pose as Charley's Brazilian Aunt Donna Lucia. Their purpose is to have a chaperone for their amorous visits with Amy and Kitty, niece and ward of crusty Stephen Spettigue. Complications begin when Fancourt, in drag, becomes the love object of old Spettigue and Sir Francis Chesney. (imdb)
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    The Affairs of Pierre
    Willie Howard is a French language teacher.
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    Playboy Number One
    Professor Pierre Ginsberg, extraordinary French instructor, is sailing with a wealthy couple as their instructor and guide in France. But when his client tries out his French in the dining room and everything is wrong, he fires Ginsberg. Two gangster-type Americans ask Ginsbeg to order them a meal, and advise him to get a girl for the ship's ball that night. Ginsberg, of course, picks the wife of one of them. (imdb)
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    How to Dance the Shag
    This one time rare instructional video is a must see for those interested in Collegiate Shag. This style is more commonly known as Arthur Murray Shag. Arthur breaks it down, then has a few "students" demo it and then a group performance at end.
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    The Miss They Missed
    Professor Pierre is assigned to find a missing heiress whose fortune will go to a worthless relative if she isn't found. He uses most of his dialect ability in the search by posing as a Chinaman, an Englishman, a sailor and a Scotchman, but is unable to find her. He meets his sweetheart at a restaurant and, there, discovers she is the heiress he has been searching for. She breaks off their romance when she finds out she is rich. (imdb)
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    Pardon My Accident
    Professor Pierre Ginsbairge, an instructor at a success school, tells his class that nothing falls from the sky into their laps. On his way out, a safe falling from an upper-story window, nearly drives him into the sidewalk. Uninjured, but learning that the safe-owning company is insured, he claims to be injured and is sent to the hospital.There, he is mistaken for a look-alike famous surgeon and is in a jam when the surgeon arrives and finds Pierre making love to his wife, the nurse. (imdb)
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    Neal hates to give up his evenings with "the boys." even for his wife Betty. She gets a burglar scare and insists on his staying home. However, he wants to go to a masked ball, so he gives her a powder, telling her it will make her sleep soundly. She slips the powder into his favorite decanter, hides his costume, and then retires. In the kitchen, the cook gives a policeman some of the doped whiskey. Neal takes the cop's coat, hat, and stick and starts for the ball.
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    Why Husbands Flirt
    In this short, a restless newlywed, tired of the routine of married life, decides to sow a few more wild oats. Little does he realize that the young woman he's singled out for a dalliance is his wife's school chum, visiting from out of town. Complications ensue when the girls decide to teach the errant husband a lesson.
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    A Husband in Haste
    Jack (Earle Rodney) wants to marry Betty (Helen Darling) but inadvertently offends her parents, who demand "anybody in the world but that whippersnapper!" With the help of an "old time actor friend" (Eddie Barry), he makes his prospective in-laws rue their words.
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    As Luck Would Have It
    Eddie Barry wants to keep wife Betty Compson happy, and she wants him to be a race car driver, so he hires a driver to impersonate himself on the track; but there is an accident and he has to go to the hospital and convince the doctor to have him bandaged.
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    Her Bridal Night-Mare
    Mary, a bride-to-be, has a troublesome wedding day. (imdb)
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    Making a Man of Her
    In order to get a job as a cook on a ranch, a young girl disguises herself as a boy. Problems arise when several of the young women at the ranch fall in love with "him". (imdb)
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    Dime a Dance
    Dime a Dance (1937) - Short Film
    June Allyson is a cashier in a dance hall and her friend Imogene Coca wants to get a job there as a dance hostess. June advises her she needs to first make herself attractive to men,and gives her a book on the subject. But Imogene, by mistake, picks up the wrong book and reads one on the art of jiu-jitsu. Imogene's first customer is a bashful sailor (Danny Kaye) who gets turned every which way but loose. (imdb)
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    Her Indian Hero
    Her Indian Hero (1912) - Short Film
    The Chief's son, Silver Water, returns from college and is met at the station by the tribe. The Indians make merry to celebrate his homecoming. Hal Benton, an easterner, rides on to ask his way to the hotel, where he is stopping with some friends, among them his fiancée, Veda Mead, and her father. Knowing that the Indian ceremonies will interest his friends, Hal obtains permission to come the next day and bring his friends. (imdb)
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    Bob's Busy Day (1942) - Short Film
    Bob, his girlfriend and her mother are driving through South America. Bob wants to get married at the next town, Los Poach-os Egg-os, where they are currently holding a festival called Dontdoit Day. The road to wedded bliss for Bob and his girl hits a slight bump as his girl catches the eye of a dashing gaucho, and the Mayor, who is the only official in town who can perform the wedding, refuses to do so on Dontdoit Day.
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    A Roman Scandal
    A Roman Scandal (1919) - Short Film
    Mary refuses a marriage proposal, in order to devote her life to "the stage." Hilarity ensues.
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    A Barnyard Cavalier
    Bobby Vernon dreams he's part of The Three Musketeers.
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    A Hula Honeymoon
    Henry Murdock & Babe London go on Honeymoon to Hawaii.
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    Busy Buddies
    Three hungry pals go to great lengths to feed their appetite.
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    Stork Mad
    Stork Mad (1926) - Short Film
    A baby is dumped on a couple's doorstep, neither knows how to take care of the child, and funny situations arise. But things get more complicated when the husband receives a letter informing him that his mother is sick.
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    Sing for Sweetie
    Sally Newton is in love with Lee Sullivan, a young tenor singer with Johnny Johnson's Orchestra, but her father prefers a stuffy young clerk as her suitor. She makes him taker her to the nightclub where Lee sings. Lee has arranged for Sally to elope with him, his song "Let's Take It on the Chin" being the signal for her. But the clerk has hired a tough gangster to keep Lee from singing.
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    Gags and Gals
    The first of the series of shorts, featuring magazine-and advertising illustrator and syndicated cartoonist Jefferson Machamer, produced by Educational Pictures, for 20th Century Fox distribution, as Educational Pictures did not operate exchanges of their own. The title for this initial entry was taken from his longest-running strip, "Gags and Gals" of the several he did.
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    Pink Lemonade
    Pink Lemonade (1936) - Short Film
    One of only ten made, starring The Cabin Kids a musical quintet made up of five black brothers and sisters. They were ushered in to show business by their aunt and legal guardian and appeared in several motion pictures before vanishing from the public's consciousness, not much is known about them. This short, directed by esteemed comedy producer Al Christie, also stars silent comic Toto The Clown in one of his last film appearances and one of his only talkies.
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    Behind the Screen
    A behind-the-scenes look at film production at Universal Studios.
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    Mr. Widget
    Mr. Widget (1935) - Short Film
    In this short film from Educational Pictures, comic Joe Cook plays the title character, Joe Widget. It begins with Widget receiving an award as the company's best salesman. Unfortunately, it was all a dream.
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    Mixed Policies
    Mixed Policies (1936) - Short Film
    Orval Whitledge is trying to get a life insurance policy, and the doctor for the insurance company is coming over to examine him; if he is in perfect health, there's the policy. On the other hand, plaster from the ceiling fell on his head, and if they can convince the apartment owner's insurance doctor he's going to die, he and wife Clara Barry can collect $300. Can they keep them straight?
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    Penny Wise
    Penny Wise (1935) - Short Film
    When the owner of a department store is about to go on vacation, he tells his children that any idiot could run the store. So they put Joe Cook in charge.
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    That Rascal
    That Rascal (1932) - Short Film
    Harry Barris and Audrey Ferris want to get married, and her father, Harry Holman, likes Barris' piano playing. However, he hates it when Barris sings songs like "I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You Rascal, You".
    Your probable score
    He's a Honey (1932) - Short Film
    Harry Barris wants to get married to Eleanor Hunt, but there's an impediment in the way, so he tells her he'll sing "I Surrender, Dear" during his broadcast if they can be wed.
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    Gentlemen of the Bar
    Ernest Truex is a lawyer feuding for no clear reason with the lawyer across the hall. Truex gets a woman seeking a divorce; the lawyer across the hall gets the husband. Each must produce evidence of infidelity, which they do .... of their clients.
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    Detective Dan Cupid
    Lovelorn Bob is infatuated with a young woman whose name he does not know. He has been following her around for a week and he feels that his heart will burst if he does not get an opportunity to declare his passion. One day he follows her to a park and there conceives an idea. If he could only steal her handbag and later return it to her at the hotel, using the incident as an introduction, the rest, he believes, would be smooth sailing.
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    A Perfect 36
    A Perfect 36 (1923) - Short Film
    In order to escape from the police after a small car accident, Bobby dresses as a girl and a sailor in a boat ride.
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    The Big Meow
    The Big Meow (1934) - Short Film
    When the story begins, Harry the Heaver calls a judge and threatens him. The police, however, have no idea where the crook he hires two idiots to follow Harry's girlfriend so that they can lead them to his hideout. Unfortunately, since they are pretty dim, they end up following the judge's wife instead!
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    Moon Over Manhattan
    A musical short about a young couple, an artist for an advertising firm and a hopeful model. They try a couple of schemes to get Sally a job with the firm.
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    Second Hand Husband
    Tom Howard has married a widow. She keeps comparing him to her first husband, to Howard's cost. To make himself seem nobler, he has pal George Shelton burgle the place. However, another burglar is also trying to break in, to general confusion.
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    The Wrong Bottle
    In "The Wrong Bottle", Tom is annoyed since his freeloading brother-in-law lives with them and he's quite thoughtless. After some arguing, the brother-in-law informs Tom that his insurance policy has lapsed....and soon after this Tom thinks he's accidentally drank poison. However, when he heads to the store to buy some antidote, he's frustrated by a dopey druggist and other store employees....and there's more craziness after this.
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    Whose Baby Are You?
    Druggist George Haggerty's wife is about to give birth. Because all his customers pay on credit, he has no money, and the phone company is taking out the pay phone. Pal Bert Lahr agrees to get the news on his phone, and forward it to Haggerty. To top it off, Haggerty is getting a business loan, and doesn't want anyone to know about it, so Lahr agrees to not mention it when anyone is about. Naturally, Lahr's fiancee shows up when Lahr gets the call, and thinks it's his child.
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    One Big Happy Family
    When Tim Ryan's leading lady walks out in a small hillbilly town, the leading lady he selects -- at gunpoint -- is dumb bell Irene Ryan.
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    The Magic Word
    The Magic Word (1935) - Short Film
    A couple of hecklers ruin a magician's act when the magician asks for an audience volunteer.
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    Hollywood Runaround
    Monte is running for mayor of Hollywood against a crooked gang member. When the mob kidnaps Monte, it's up to the Hollywood Actors Club to save him. (imdb)
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    Winter Has Came
    Winter Has Came (1923) - Short Film
    A burlesque of the old standard dramatic plot in which daughter, returning from the big city with unexpected wealth, arrives just in the nick of time to defeat the cruel, cruel landlord, save the old homestead from a tragic foreclosure, and keep the aged folks from being driven out into the blinding snowstorm.
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