Bug Fixes - June 17

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Bug Fixes - June 17

Post by mpowell »

Hey everyone,

Got a big bunch of new bug fixes this week! Please let us know if you notice any problems associated with these fixes, or with anything else. As always, our preferred way to get new bug reports is over email (support@criticker.com) but you can also post them in the Bugs Forum!

Special characters in search
People were unable to search on special characters like "ñ". Now, both of these work:

Mismatch in Filmmaker Relationships
This was causing films to appear incorrectly as "seen" or "unseen" in lists of filmmaker's films. There was also a problem with sorting by year or PSI, which has been resolved.

Negative Runtime Causing Issues
Some titles without a set runtime were showing their runtimes as "negative". That's now been fixed!

Stars not showing marked
People were unable to leave stars on pages like the Kumpel page, or the Starred Review page. This should all work properly now!

Title Type for Films on Games Submissions
When someone was submitting a game, we were only showing Film/TV options like "Film" or "TV Series" for the "type". Now it gives you a selection of "Base Game" or "Expansion" as had previously been the case.

Full ratings for other users
There was a bug preventing people from seeing the full lists of other users, when clicked through their profile.

Applying Collection on Other User's Ratings
If you're looking at someone else's ratings, you should be able to apply a collection to their ratings. That wasn't working, but now it is.

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