The Point Men

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The Point Men

Post by hotsake »

I watched this movie with no expectations and no idea about what it was about and I'm glad I did. I seem to be in the minority here since most people seem to dislike this movie quite a bit. A lot of the hate seems to come from this being a "boring Action film" but this isn't an Action film, it's a Dramatic spy thriller and a low key one at that. Aside from Christopher Lambert there aren't any big name actors, but all of the actors do a good job and it was nice to see a true international cast. Yes the film was low budget, and yes it was on the slow side and lacked any flashy edits or visual flares but to me at least that was a good thing. This was less the 2002 Bourne Identity and more in tune with the spy thriller from the '80s such as the 1988 Bourne Identity.

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