- finding other people with similar movie taste (low TCI)
- making accurate predictions for how much you will like a given film (PSI)
This literally begs for introducing some measure of how accurate those predictions are.
Criticker users are surely interested in how good their predictions have become and
will appreciate seeing their accuracy rise with time as they rank more and more films
(which is an additional incentive to rank more films, thus improving criticker's health).
Seeing that you like 3-letter acronyms (PSI, TCI), I named this measurement the
Prediction Accuracy Index (PAI).
One could also call it Mean Prediction Error (MPE).
It compares the probable score to the actual score.
I just added each film's difference between its PSI and my ranking and then divided the sum by the number of films.
Code: Select all
PSI score diff
film 1: 14 0 14
film 2: 37 15 22
film 3: 34 10 24
film 4: 56 65 9
film 5: 89 85 4
film 6: 100 100 0
film 7: 32 25 7
film 8: 91 100 9
film 9: 36 35 1
film10: 24 50 26
Code: Select all
116 / 10 films = 11.6
11.6/(maxscore–minscore) = 11.6/(100-0) = 11.6%
As an example, above are my 10 last ranked films, which have a PAI of 11.6
Which means that based on these 10 films, my PSIs are off by about 12 points on average.
(The user's PAI would of course be calculated based on ALL his rankings, not just 10 films.)
This is a pretty good (low) value, given that I have only imported 66 movie rankings into my profile thus far, therefore the PAI can be expected to get better (lower) as more rankings are added.
How do you like that idea ?
I think rather than as an absolute number, it would be more meaningful to express the PAI as a percentage of the user's scoring scale, spanning from the user's lowest ranked film to the highest ranked one (e.g. 20-95).
My scale ranges from 0 to 100, so my PAI is 11.6 %
Unless you can think of a better place, I'd display the PAI in the own userprofile and also in other userprofiles: