The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

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The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »


Welcome to The Players Championship!

To make it clear from the start, this is open to everybody who wants to play and not just the players who have submitted the content for the competition

How the Competition will work

For those of you somehow still unfamiliar with these things, this is a completely different format to the long running 'Guess the Image' game thread. Here, I will be the only one who posts images, and everybody else tries to guess them to score points.

Each ‘round’ consists of at most 4 images from a single movie. Each time an image is posted, ALL players are allowed to take ONE guess at the identify of the movie VIA CRITICKER DIRECT MESSAGE. ...


Images will be played at the same times every day and will remain ‘active’ and in play until the next one is posted. Because of the Direct Message (DM) system, there is no advantage to being ‘first’, so a correct guess sent hours after the image is posted has the same value as one sent after a few minutes. The image posting windows are as follows

Window 1 (12 hrs): Image is posted at 10.00 BST (05.00 EST, 02.00 PST) and stays active until

Window 2 (12 hrs): Image is posted at 22.00 BST (17.00 EST, 14.00 PST) and stays active until Window 1 reopens.

So it's simple. An image gets posted at the same time in the am and pm and you have 12 hours to play an image. Everybody should be able to manage this, and if you can't then you can just go f*** yourself ;)

How the Scoring will work

Correct answers on the first image from a movie are worth 4 points
Second images are worth 3 points
Third images are worth 2 points
Fourth images are worth 1 point

All players are allowed one incorrect guess per round (not per image). Subsequent incorrect guesses in the same round will each incur a minus one point penalty.

The Player who has submitted the round content will score a rounded average of all scores of the round. (e.g. 2.5 or above will score 3)

There will be six single window Bonus Rounds that are spread throughout the competition. Bonus Rounds are worth one point. Bonus Round submitters will again score the average for that round.

... which brings me to the secondary scoring system

The Players Championship - CIVIL WAR!

That's right people, it's not you vs me like in the previous couple of tournaments, its you versus each other!

I've split the players up into two teams and it will be a simple case of adding up the scores of the players on each team to see who wins! We've had two tournaments with the top two player in both swapping title wins so it's only fitting that they serve as Team Captains, so I give you




Teams have been sorted by a very crude seeding based on previous tournaments and image game scoring. It could easily go lop sided if one or two players under/over perform but we'll see how it goes :)

The Leaderboards

At the end of each round (ie when moving on to the next movie) a confirmation of the players who scored points during the round will be posted. Cumulative Weekly Leaderboard updates will then be posted every Saturday morning to let everyone see the scoring progression and how they are doing overall against the other players. The final Leaderboard will be posted after the final round has completed.

Official Rules

1. The Tournament starts at 10am BST on Sat 26th May 2018 and concludes at 10am BST on Fri Weds 20th June 2018 at which time the final leaderboards will be posted.

2. Players can play as many rounds as they like, and can join in when the tournament is already started if they choose.

3. Guesses must NOT be posted to the forums. As I said, I can not stress this enough. They MUST be submitted to me via criticker DIRECT MESSAGE. (To send a Direct Message, click my profile and 'send philamental a message' is right under my avatar). I have discussed this with mpowell who has agreed to ban offenders from the thread or even the site depending on the severity of the case.

4. Active images/rounds can be discussed in the Discussion Thread so long as the answers aren't posted or clues aren't given. It is ok however to speculate your thoughts if you wish "e.g. this one is really frustrating me. It's reminiscent of Lubezki but I can't place it."

5. Only one guess per image is permitted per player. Multiple guesses sent from the same player for a single image will result in that player being excluded from the rest of the round and a minus three point penalty score will be applied. If you realise the correct answer after you have already guessed, you must wait until the next image is posted before guessing again.

5. Internet searching is permitted. I made sure all the submitted images could not be identified by using Google Image Search or Tineye. If there is some method of image searching I've overlooked that reveals the answer, then I'd ask you to inform me immediately and avoid using it from that point on. Other than that, feel free to use the internet to help you identify the images as much as you want.

6. ALL of the selected movies have a minimum of 500 criticker ratings (click the film profile and scroll down to bottom of the reviews column)

7. I will accept abbreviated movie title answers that are undeniably clear; eg. 'To Wong Foo' is acceptable for 'To Wong Foo thanks for everything, Julie Newmar'

8. If the film is from a series or franchise the specific film must be named. A guess of 'Harry Potter' will not be accepted if the specific answer is 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' and will be considered an incorrect answer.

9. If an image is from a specific cut of the movie, I will accept any variation of the title e.g. 'Apocalypse Now'/Apocalypse Now Redux

10. I will attempt to apply and interpret the rules as fairly and consistently as possible, but I reserve the right to make exceptions to the rules or change them if I feel it is for the benefit of the tournament. My decisions are final.

11. Any further rule changes will be amended in this original post and referenced in the latest post of this thread and also in the discussion thread.

Other Points for Consideration

Some players are choosing to remain anonymous until the round is completed so no clue is given to the answer.

I aim to reply to all correct answers via DM before the next image is posted if the round is continuing. If I have time and opportunity I will reply to incorrect guesses as well, but if you do not receive a DM reply to your guess, you can take it that you were wrong.

I'm one person and can't guarantee a flawless experience. If I screw up during the month, deal with it. If I make a decision that you don't like, tough. If events in my personal life result in an image being delayed or being missed out entirely then it's out of my control. If I anticipate being unable to post an image on time due to work or personal commitment I may choose to post it early but I'll try to avoid doing this if I can.

TPC is meant to be a bit of fun and a distraction from our day to day lives, so treat it that way and don't take it too seriously.

For any questions, comments or discussion, please post in the Discussion Thread here ...

Good luck to you all!
Last edited by philamental on Sat May 26, 2018 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

Lets kick it all off with

Round 1 Image 1


The submitting player has chosen to remain anonymous until the end of the round 8-)

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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

No nibbles of any kind at the first image

Round 1 Image 2


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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

Sorry I fell asleep at the wheel there due to a lack of guesses so far 8-)

Round 1 Image 3


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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

One correct answer and one incorrect guess for image 3

Round 1 Image 4


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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

(Just realised that the last image was labelled Image 3 when obviously it was the fourth and final image of the round, sorry)

One more correct answer closes the round.

The answer was Logan (2017)

4 pts -
3 pts -
2 pts - akilnayak
1 pt - Kasper L, CMonster

Round Average was 1.33 so the submitter scores 1 point.

CMonster notches the only Civil War point of the opening round so we start with Team CET 0 - Team SNALLY 1
(NB score does not yet include submitter point)

I'm unable to reveal the identity of the submitter for Round 1 yet as it's time for their bonus round, but feel free to speculate who is responsible for all this in the discussion thread before their reveal later ...

Bonus Round 1


Just to be clear for anyone who isn't a regular player, the bonus rounds use a more abstract approach to giving clues to identify a specific movie title and last for a single 12 hr window, so you must guess before 10pm British Summer Time. A correct answer is worth 1 point and there is no point deduction for an incorrect answer.

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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

Only one correct answer and three incorrect guesses for that one ... So the answer to the Bonus Round was …

From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

Round 1 and the Bonus were submitted by … Bowfinger … who sent me the explanation of his logic as follows …

"You have titties top left, and Twister below. There is a key location in FDTD called the Titty Twister. And the other image is an Incan temple which makes no sense to FDTD but it’s arguably shown at dawn... unless you remember that at the end of the movie, right before the credits start rolling, it is revealed with an aerial shot that Titty Twister is actually the top floor of an ancient Incan pyramid."

Don't forget to pop into the discussion thread to tell bowfinger how crap/brilliant his round was! ;) The only player to score a point in the bonus round was maaxwell so well done to him! :)

Updated Civil War scoring is Team CET 2 - Team SNALLY 1 (bowfinger's point for round 1 now added)

A reminder to those who may not be familiar with these tournaments/competition, the Individual Leaderboard updates take place once a week on saturday morning. It's been a sluggish start to TPC but lets see how you all go with ...

Round 2 Image 1


Again the submitting player has requested to remain anonymous until the end of the round

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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

One correct answer for the first image! On to …

Round 2 Image 2


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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

Two more correct answers there ... TPC is starting to heat up ;)

Round 2 Image 3


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Re: The Players Championship 2018 (Image Game) - MAIN THREAD - DO NOT POST HERE

Post by philamental »

The suits didn't help anyone, only one incorrect guess there …

Round 2 Image 4


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