Sending Messages

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Sending Messages

Post by JooJoo »

The system only allows you to pick from your list of kumpels when sending a message. Of course, I could just temporarily add this person for this single communication, but why the hassle? With conjecture on public collections there's more reason than before to converse with people you normally wouldn't so why not just open this up to a manual entry as opposed to a limited list of people?

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Re: Sending Messages

Post by PeaceAnarchy »

If you go to someone's profile there's a link there to send them a message. You don't need to add them as a kumpel.

Posts: 523
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Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:37 am

Re: Sending Messages

Post by JooJoo »

Well, that is better but I still think having the option on your profile is a more convenient method.

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