A little rating game

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A little rating game

Post by Quicky »

How about a little time-waster game where you pick the best movie from a random pair of movies, giving Criticker the opportunity to adjust your ratings if necessary?

Because sometimes I find that I rated my movies incorrectly in the past, I adjust them from time to time to better reflect how I still feel about them. But because this is quite a boring task and I never know where to begin, I made a little program for this job, that sits along my QMDB program. What the program does is show me the titles of two movies that are relatively close on my rankings list, and I have to tell it which I find better. If I select the movie that was already higher on my rankings list, then it doesn't do anything, since they're in the correct order. If I select the lower-ranked movie, it adjusts my rankings by giving both movies the average ranking. In the end some movies will have moved around a little based on my inputs, so when I'm done I adjust the rankings manually here on Criticker.

I was thinking that this could be a fun time-waster along with the "Rank More Films" feature. If you're bored, you go to this ranking game and start clicking the movie that you find better. After some time you'd see that your rankings reflect more closely the way you feel about them now.

A quick mock-up:

For those who want transparency, Criticker could show a preliminary list of adjustments after you played the game for a while showing which adjustments it will do based on your inputs during the game, before actually saving them to the server. If necessary, you could make some changes if you don't agree with the adjustments.

Oh, and obviously, if you don't want your ratings to be changed for you, then you shouldn't play this game ;).

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Re: A little rating game

Post by prowler »

great idea, and this could prove useful. especially if you have criticker allow you to make adjustments before applying the changes

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Re: A little rating game

Post by cagedwisdom »

This is a great idea. I go through all my rankings every.. half a year or so to make them more up to date though, for several reasons. Firstly, I do sometimes tend to overrate/underrate movies right after I've seen them. Also, I have a strange obsessive thing where I want my films to be spread evenly among every number from 0 - 100. It gives me far more control over.. Stuff. Dunno. Anyway, this would be fun just for the time-wasting aspect. :P

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Re: A little rating game

Post by sengir »

A great idea, but can this be actually implamented into the website?

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Re: A little rating game

Post by Quicky »

sengir wrote:A great idea, but can this be actually implemented into the website?

I don't see why not. The more pressing question is probably: does the crew find it valuable enough to spend the coding time on it? :)

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Re: A little rating game

Post by td888 »

This is a very good idea. I have been doing this manually now, and it's very time-consuming and boring.

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Re: A little rating game

Post by mpowell »

We agree -- it's a great idea, and we can see that it'd be fun, not just as a tool to help adjust rankings, but as a time-waster. It'd be fun, too, to be able to play it on your Kumpels' ratings...

We've added it onto our list of things to look at. Thanks for the great suggestion!

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Re: A little rating game

Post by Quicky »

mpowell wrote:It'd be fun, too, to be able to play it on your Kumpels' ratings...

Lol, hadn't thought of that yet...

"How well do you know your kumpels?! ... Try it out now and be rejoiced or horrified by your kumpels' movie taste!"

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