Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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Melvin Smif
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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by Melvin Smif »

Eating shit might kill you. Just in case you every go to a restaurant and they surprise you with a plate of it.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by Zozan »

Rufflesack wrote:Oh, I didn't know it was political correctness hour.

Think of it like this:

There's a plate of food. Pretty decent food. Then there's a plate of shit. Am I not at liberty to call people who prefer to eat the shit over the food idiots? Of course they are idiots. There is personal preference, of course. But once you prefer something that is blatantly idiotic that makes you blatantly idiotic in turn.

If anyone's offended by the notion I strongly suggest they reevaluate themselves before calling me out on it. As far as I can see there's no excuse for liking this film other than age/maturity/just plain dumb. :|

Well this is movie review forum. You are not supposed to review the intellect level of the people. Go find some other place to unleash your insults towards people or stfu.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by Zozan »

Pickpocket wrote:
Rufflesack wrote: As far as I can see there's no excuse for liking this film other than age/maturity/just plain dumb. :|

You are 100% right. The movie was made for dumbass 14 year olds.

One can also blame you guys for being utterly stupid for going to a movie named "transformers: the revenge of the fallen" expecting a glorious meal. I wonder, if you really were suprised. You already knew that this was a sequel and you already knew the first one. I guess you were not expecting a T10 movie. You knew what you were gonna be served. Guess your curiosity got the best out of you. And now you whine about being served shit and try to justify the money you paid, time you spent by accusing other people for being stupid. Do you also classify yourself as brilliant for hating this movie?

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by cagedwisdom »

I can see this going out of hand pretty fast. Nevertheless, I shall stand my ground.

Zozan wrote:Well this is movie review forum. You are not supposed to review the intellect level of the people. Go find some other place to unleash your insults towards people or stfu.

Movies are about people, movies are made by people, movies are made for people. Reviewing a movie will always have something to do with people. Anything else would be ridiculous.
Zozan wrote:One can also blame you guys for being utterly stupid for going to a movie named "transformers: the revenge of the fallen" expecting a glorious meal. I wonder, if you really were suprised. You already knew that this was a sequel and you already knew the first one. I guess you were not expecting a T10 movie. You knew what you were gonna be served. Guess your curiosity got the best out of you. And now you whine about being served shit and try to justify the money you paid, time you spent by accusing other people for being stupid. Do you also classify yourself as brilliant for hating this movie?

I've seen the first film, sure. I've seen most of Michael Bay's films, in fact, and most of them are rubbish. I did, however, see the trailer for this and thought it looked a bit better than the first Transformers. My expections were never high though, I never said they were. I didn't go to see it due to curiosity, I went to see it because I go to see virtually every new film (I feel like I say this quite often). Sure, a lot of them are bad, but I like to keep up and it helps me to practice my reviewing - reviewing contemporary film will always have much more relevance than reviewing older films, at least in the context I do it. When did my going to see the film become an issue? I never said I went in expecting a glorious meal, I most definitely didn't. I don't classify myself as brilliant for hating this film, I do however classify myself more intelligent than those who like it and I think rightfully so. Because it is a stupid, stupid film.

You'll get further if you stop drawing insults out of thin air not at all based on anything I've said. Did I say I went in expecting a good film? No. So don't write a paragraph bashing me for it. I quite often say that I go to see every new film regardless of whether I know it to be good or bad - in turn I go see the ones that are good twice and have the opportunity to warn hoards of other people to stay away from the ones that are bad and I feel that makes up for it.

Also, double post some more, that always makes people happy. :)

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by Zozan »

Well then may be you could take into consideration or most probably you are gonna ignore it but I am gonna underline what I am saying once more since you claim to be taking this review business seriously and you have been focusing your responses on off-topic things.

What I am saying is:

There is a huge difference between saying "This movie is plain stupid" and "Those who like this movie is plain stupid".

In response to the first saying, one could say, "I know, I know, well I like stupid movies, it is my weakness." And would not be disturbed much by your review.

But there is no defense to second saying, becouse you are accusing people for being stupid simply for enjoying a movie. It offends me even tho I didnt see the film neither do I plan to.

Enjoying a movie has nothing to do with intelligence. Those who enjoy football are dumb? Those who enjoy chess are genius? It is just a matter of taste and many intelligent people can entertain themselves by watching some idiotic robot war.

It even depends on mood. Sometimes you are in the mood to focus, you are in the mood to admire and appreciate and you select a quality movie to watch. Sometimes you just wanna relax, have some leisure time without giving any thought into it and you just watch a low quality stupid kung fu film and have an ok time. It doesn't make you intelligent or stupid to like or dislike either of the movies. It is just mood and taste.
Last edited by Zozan on Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by cagedwisdom »

You know what, 6 months ago I would have actually agreed with you. I read a book in a film class last semester that argued that people who enjoyed mass (popular) culture were less intelligent than people who enjoyed high culture and I was deeply offended by it at the time. But I think my views have changed on it, at least to a degree. The two ways you suggest of saying it are quite different but as far as I can see they are saying the exact same thing, only the first in a less blunt way. I believe in being blunt.

Just to throwback on my initial point as a final note: It's not whether or not you enjoy this film. It's whether or not you enjoy this film more than, say.. The Dark Knight, to take a recent albeit far out of proportion example. The latter is just as spectacular, just as cinematically thrilling, but also intelligent with a proper plot and character development. It's only when you like Transformers more than such a film that I'd call you stupid, because Transformers has none of these things. I probably could have phrased myself better to begin with, but this is what I was trying to get at. If you still have a problem with that, I don't think we can reach an agreement I'm afraid. :)

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by Zozan »

Those who appreciate special effects are stupid and those who appreciate character development are intelligent?

No agreement then.

Consider you are a businessman who is constantly dealing with all kinds of problems in work. Attending meetings all the day, leading projects, cutting deals. Working 14-15 hours a day. This is the lifestyle of many men you know.

You are successful, you are intelligent, you are at the top of your game. But you barely have a couple of hours before you go to sleep at night. And you are always exhausted. You are exhausted all your life. Would you be stupid to appreciate action movies full of flaws just to dump the weight of the day? Would you be stupid if you cannot take Dark Knight without disgust? If you dislike riddled script, messages etc.? Your issue is not character development now. It is reseting your brain. You could even grant T10 to transformers for doing the dumping job better then any other movie can.

And this is not a momentary thing.. This is your lifestyle, you always appreciate special effects more then character development or proper plot.

The thing is you are making correlations among taste and intelligence. One should at least back himself with scientific research to come up with such a correlation.

If that was the case, criticker could also come up with an IQ value out of our rankings. Or IQ tests would have movie ranking questions in them.

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by td888 »

I love the internetz.. These discussions are great.

I think Rufflesack has got a point. Ofcourse there's no direct relation to taste and intelligence. But the probabilty highly increases that if people enjoy dumb movies, they're dumb people themselves as well.... And the other way around....

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by Pickpocket »

Zozan wrote:The thing is you are making correlations among taste and intelligence. One should at least back himself with scientific research to come up with such a correlation.

The thing is, he's right. There is a direct correlation between taste and intelligence. They've done scientific studies on it. The dumbest people in America enjoy Lil Wayne and the smartest like classical music. This is well documented and it has been proven. Why can't it apply to film?

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Re: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Post by tef »

Pickpocket wrote:The thing is, he's right. There is a direct correlation between taste and intelligence. They've done scientific studies on it. The dumbest people in America enjoy Lil Wayne and the smartest like classical music. This is well documented and it has been proven. Why can't it apply to film?

Can you link these studies? I have a feeling that the bias is incredibly high. Background, upbringing, etc.

I haven't seen Transformers II, but I liked Transformers I. It was simple and over the top, but I liked the Transformers as a kid. I also have the ability to shift into a camero at will. I am not dumb.

All of our assessments of intelligence are biased by the culture we come from. Intelligence tests are a fusion of on-the-fly reasoning and stored knowledge. Someone without that knowledge (from social circumstances or whatever) will do worse.

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