Saved Filters

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Saved Filters

Post by sengir »

I've noticed I've recently (about an hour ago) can't remove certain saved filters from the filter list. The filters with just a letter or number seem to delete just fine, but my older filters with values '2006' '2007', '2008) & '2009' don't seem to delete. (I think this might be because of the ' ' sign). Any way to delete these filters?

Also is there any way to
a) organise this list alphabetical (now it seems to add these add random, sometimes alphabetical and sometimes not)
b) delete the saved filters in a list of all the filters (aka editing them as opposed to now having to select them and remove them in the edit screen => the function which doesn't seem to work, at least for me, at the moment for filters with the ' ' sign around them)

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Re: Saved Filters

Post by mpowell »

Thanks for the notes about the ordering and the inability to delete filters with quotes in them. We'll look into those soon.

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Re: Saved Filters

Post by sengir »

Thanks a lot for the alphabetic ordering :), hopefully the ' ' deletion can be sorted :)

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Re: Saved Filters

Post by edkrak »

I have another problem with saved filters. Whenever I choose a filter with many countries in it, it doesn't work correctly. For example when I choose filter "Czech Republic or Czechoslovakia or Slovakia" it says "No matching films". I have to click Apply button again to make it work properly. But after that when I try to go to a next page it doesn't work again. After checking few other saved filters I think that instead of showing "Country1 or Country2 or ... or Countryn" it shows "Country1 and Country2".

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