Sort creator's works by PSI

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Sort creator's works by PSI

Post by brell »

Going to a director/writer/actor's page and sorting their works that you haven't rated by PSI seems to have broken for me. They're still ordered by year regardless of what I have selected!

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Re: Sort creator's works by PSI

Post by mpowell »

Hmmm... okay, thanks for reporting this! We'll take a look and update here once we've found the fix.

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Re: Sort creator's works by PSI

Post by TychoCelchuu »

I have the same problem. I also have rated titles listed twice: once in the normal place and again down in the unrated section.

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Re: Sort creator's works by PSI

Post by Scholar69420 »

came to report the same thing. unrated titles on a filmmaker profile page sort by year only. sort by PSI doesn't work

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Re: Sort creator's works by PSI

Post by mpowell »

This should now be working! Can you confirm whether it's fixed, or still causing issues?

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Re: Sort creator's works by PSI

Post by brell »

Appears to be working for me, thank you!

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