I know there are lots of improvements underway at the same time, but just to concur with Zarkon on this one...
mpowell wrote:Zarkon wrote:Honestly, the mouseover popup is more busy, slower to get information out of (especially with the fade-in), and less mobile-friendly compared to the always-visible "T#" numbers that it replaced.
This was a concern. There's a couple places where we've replace the "T#" with a number like "45%" or "45th". But in places where both score and percentile are shown, it's kind of confusing to see something like "92
93%" The mouseover seemed like a good way to show the information in a straight-forward way. It
should load fast, because it's a single database lookup. Our server is under a bit of strain at the moment, with the number of users switching (and fully regenerating their TCIs/PSIs). But if the lag continues, we'll take a look.
I find that when I'm on the page for a particular movie and I'm looking at the sidebar with user ratings and reviews, if it shows users' actual scores instead of something that's been normalized like percentiles or tiers, it's difficult to interpret and compare. Each of those scores only makes sense in the context of that user's individual rating system, which is unfamiliar to me. A score that looks high might actually equate to a low percentile, and vice versa. It's just hard to know what to make of them when they're taken out of each user's rating system but not normalized so they can be meaningfully compared.
The mouseover option does help some, but it means you have to "look into" each score to figure out what it means (and as Zarkon pointed out, this is not so convenient on the phone).
Also, are the scores in that sidebar color-coded in a "normalized" way that indicates the percentile? That seems to be the case, which is helpful too, but I guess I haven't been relying on the colors too much because I wasn't sure if they were normalized or if they reflected each user's color choices, since they're configurable.
I think the sidebar would probably be easier to really take in if the percentiles were primary and the original user scores were secondary or optional. One possibility would be to switch the current arrangement and show the percentiles in the sidebar and have the original user scores in the mouseover.
Or the percentiles could be large and colored and the scores could be small, the way they are on the PSI page for a particular movie (the page that comes up when you click the box with a movie's probable score). I think that works really well. I like how the percentiles are emphasized, and the scores are there but smaller, in case one is interested. (To my eye, "45%" might be a bit easier to read than "45th", but that's a minor detail.)
And a third option would be to show scores that have been converted not only from original score into percentile but then also into the rating system of the user who's viewing the page. Maybe that would seem too "adjusted", considering that these are other users' ratings that appear next to their name, but on the other hand, numbers that have been converted into the rating system of the user viewing the page are probably the numbers that are most immediate and meaningful for that user. Just a thought.