Remembering Your Preference for Expanded Information

This is where you'll find information about updates to the site -- new features we've introduced, bugs we've fixed, and anything else which might be of interest to the community!
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Remembering Your Preference for Expanded Information

Post by mpowell »

Hey everyone,

Since the big launch yesterday, this particular feature has been requested multiple times, so we thought it'd be best to announce in its own topic.

Starting now, Criticker will remember whether you prefer to see the full, expanded details and information for a title, or the more compact default version. All you have to do is click "more" once, and Criticker will remember that preference for any other titles you view. Of course, you can unset it at any time by clicking "less".

Thanks to everyone who suggested this ... this was just one of those things that the community clearly found important, so we hope this new functionality helps out!

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Re: Remembering Your Preference for Expanded Information

Post by Skavau »

This is good, but I would like to bring attention to this glitch:

If a title has no actor/writer etc data and the user *hasn't* clicked "see more" (and had it set as their default setting) they cannot actually edit any shows details, it looks like this:

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