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2h 37m
As a serial killer terrifies the San Francisco Bay Area and taunts police with his ciphers and letters, investigators in four jurisdictions search for the murderer. The case will become an obsession for four men as their lives and careers are built and destroyed by the endless trail of clues.
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2h 37m
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Avg Percentile 61.82% from 11161 total ratings

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Rated 02 Feb 2012
Making this about where dedication meets obsession was a wise choice. It could so easily have been "just Fincher's lesser serial killer film". Between Oscar-worthy performers Ruffalo and Downey Jr. and a wonderful variety of character actors, he's garnered his best cast so far. The interrogation of Leigh is intense, the basement scene positively chilling. The long running time is essential because it helps to convey the procedural nature of crime solving. Holds up really well on repeat viewing.
Rated 28 Mar 2016
Enthralling, absorbing procedural. Evokes its time and place so well I felt I'd lived in 1970s San Francisco for 3 hours. Skillfully distills an incredibly complex investigation into a coherent narrative, leading to an unconventional yet satisfying ending. A near-masterpiece.
Rated 05 Nov 2021
Director David Fincher is so ahead of the curve that he made a true crime saga a decade before it was fashionable. Zodiac includes his Greatest Hits--including a hyper focused individual aiming for a goal that only they can understand. And his love of New Hollywood Cinema shines; including the All The President's Men newsroom, 70's Paramount logo, and David Shire jazz piano score. It's an amazingly well-made film, although I'm not sure the unresolved mystery makes it a fun crowd-pleasing movie.
Rated 11 Aug 2007
Nothing like I expected, there is no need to judge Zodiac on any special expectations. The characters are not shallow, nowhere extraordinary, but they are quite consistent and well acted. Fincher takes his time in this one, we are not forcefully driven into murder mystery, infact most of the time we are not interested in who the murderer and what his motive is. The movie prevails in setting the pace, period portrayal and its subtle use of CGI composites.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
One of the few films that has eaten away at me for a long time after watching in the cinema. Fincher delivers up a methodical investigation that is as chilling (the sound of endless telephones in an office now creeps me out) as it is ambitious in scope - in essence it's more about the obsession with truth & narratives rather than the murders themselves. Some may find this opaque and meandering, I was riveted the whole way through. Not only is this Fincher's best, it's in the top 5 of the 2000's.
Rated 17 May 2014
Very smart and well made mystery movie. Fincher proves to be one of the greatest directors working today once again with Zodiac, a well-crafted, smartly written, if not just a little long piece of film history from the 2000's. Only drags a little bit really. Worth one watch.
Rated 09 Mar 2007
This film deserved to be a huge hit. It deserved Oscars. I am convinced that time will show that this film, not Fight Club, is David Fincher's masterpiece. Fantastic performances (this film got me back on RDJ's team long before Iron Man) and you can tell the crew really did their research. I love the creepily shot night scenes and the subtle costuming and set designs that illustrate the passage of time.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
This film demands you pay attention through its 2 hr. 40 min. run so that you can keep up with it, but doing so certainly rewards the viewer. Convoluted but captivating, Fincher is still a master at drawing you in and not releasing you until the credits. The thrills, though few, are really pulse-pounding and Downey Jr. is absolutely wonderful.
Rated 20 Oct 2007
I think I can safely say I consider this Fincher's best work. It's suspenseful without being overbearing and unbelievably entertaining, even when you know the outcome of the film. Gyllenhaal has the personality of a odd and socially outcast person down to perfection. Robert Downey Jr. is certainly on a career revival as his performance in this is fantastic as well. A definite must for a Fincher fan, a suspense fan or someone that likes films "based on real events" to actually feel real.
Rated 09 Jul 2009
Less about what compels a man to do evil, and more about what compels another man to decipher the compulsion. The beauty is, you're brought along with it, making you complicit in the protagonists' downfall. With great performances, fantastic distancing cinematography and a pitch-perfect setting (mutton chops!), this is the only 2.5 hour film in recent memory that didn't have me drifting.
Rated 29 Apr 2009
It may not correctly be called a horror film, per se, but this movie terrifies me. It's a deep dive down the rabbit hole; of an unknown but all-consuming force of depravity, of compulsion, obsession, paranoia. An engrossing balance struck between hard case history procedural and moody dramatization. The attention to detail never falters even beneath the breadth of its wide sprawl. There's so much to digest in this three hours, it's easy to think a little longer still might have been even better.
Rated 05 Mar 2020
An impeccably made and cast procedural drama, with a couple of nasty moments to pique the interest. It was long, but didn't feel overlong. Probably raised more questions than answers for me, and it really reminded me of another similar film about the Zodiac I'd seen a while ago (can't remember which one), but I'd probably watch this one again. Recommended.
Rated 05 Mar 2007
Fantastically eerie and always tense, this film features three fantastic performances from the leading actors. Fincher wisely concentrates on the details and not the gore, and makes a film far scarier and frightening than any "horror" film in the last few years.
Rated 05 Jun 2007
Solid film about all the events surrounding the Zodiac, but ultimately about what happens to people when they get obsessed. Great work from everyone involved.
Rated 20 Mar 2009
One of the most sprawling films I've seen. The continually building mountain of evidence and massive cast of characters reminds me of JFK, though with less of a hurtling intensity (at least until the film's final sequences). Despite its somewhat workmanlike portrayal of police investigation, this has some of the most intense and creepy scenes I've seen in any thriller. Fincher took a risk with this but it payed off big time.
Rated 17 Aug 2007
A pretty fantastic mystery early on, but eventually, it just begins to drag on and on. One thing that really pissed me off about Zodiac was how often they would tell you '2 1/2 years later' and '23 years later.' It honestly felt like the case of the Zodiac took about a century.
Rated 08 Feb 2021
How does this film warrant so much praise? How did the BBC decide that this was the 12th best film of the 21st century!? All it is is standard-fare true crime drama that's half a step away from a bland, overlong documentary. Yes, it was well-acted but Fincher's unwavering commitment to realism makes watching this flick little different from consuming a whole damn textbook on an increasingly obscure subject.
Rated 03 Jul 2020
A film of obsessions. That lady just would not let go of overalls. Bullit wanting his animal crackers. Donovan releasing Hurdy Gurdy Man to the delight of every budding serial killer.
Rated 25 Mar 2008
An ethralling, entertaining, and realistic look at one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in this country's history. Downey and Gyllenhaal both give amazing performances, and the multiple storylines mostly succeed in showing us the many different theories and perceptions about the Zodiac killer. Too bad the police story isn't nearly as interesting as the story involving the reporters or the cartoonist.
Rated 24 May 2020
Fincher excels in creating a claustrophobic feeling that is unrelated with an enclosed space. The first hour or so was really dynamite; I really enjoyed the neurotic energy of Graysmith character and Downey Jr. has its own way of interpreting arrogance. Then as usual for true stories it petered out a bit; but all in all it was a great timepiece and the Zodiac phenomenon is worth to be studied a bit; it was maybe one of the first manifestations of media hype.
Rated 26 Oct 2008
Fincher's outstanding follow-up to "Panic Room". Very engaging serial killer film, and this revived Robert Downey Jr.'s career. All-in-all a comprehensive, highly recommended crime thriller.
Rated 21 Jul 2011
Turns from a typical murder mystery to a story of unfulfilled obsession. Incredibly well made, tense, strongly acted, and filmed with a dark aesthetic that complements the plot. However, if I'm being 100% honest, I have to say I slightly prefer the conclusive justice that Dirty Harry delivers.
Rated 20 Dec 2014
So here's my new movie idea. Strange murders start happening in Hollywood. One day a film buff notices that seemingly unrelated murders in the paper have a connection, they can loosely be tied to movies. He takes it to the cops and they start pouring over unsolved murders and find a bunch that fit into this pattern. In the end the murderer is David Fincher and he gives a super creepy monologue about how his experiments are what made him such a great serial killer film maker. Give me my Oscar.
Rated 23 Jun 2007
This movie, quite simply, has absolutely everything. Runs for nearly 3 hours but holds you tight until the very end. You're not bored for a single second. Filled with interesting characters, the plot works on an vast amount of levels and the casting and acting is nothing short of genius. I take my hat off for Mr Fincher and congratulate everyone involved.
Rated 02 Aug 2016
Great movie, but it DOES drag a little bit after the halfway point. Gyllenhaal and the period-work are outstanding!
Rated 21 Jan 2008
A comprehensive, highly engaging crime drama. Sure, it's convoluted and offers plenty of loose and dead ends which can occasionally frustrate, but that's like a real crime investigation. There's very little in the way of horror or thrills here, so I can see how it failed to connect with the drooling segment of middle America, but it's a fascinating (and pretty thorough) work with a particularly stellar turn from Robert Downey Jr.
Rated 15 Aug 2011
FIncher is just the man. This film is stylish, well paced, engaging, superbly well acted, beautiful cinematography...just superb. Fincher is the -man-.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
The Zodiac case is one of the most intriguing psychological cases in U.S. criminological history. The complex intricacies which the killer breaks down into such simple actions are truly fantastic. Robert Graysmith's life is both built up and destroyed by the man who seems to be able to control his mind and moods at will. Superbly acted all around (especially Gyllenhaal & Downey, Jr.), perfectly cast, excellently shot, with writing that was gripping and exciting. Zodiac is nearly a perfect film.
Rated 13 May 2009
Some excellent performances (especially by Downey and Ruffalo) in a generally well done investigation of an investigation. Gyllenhaal's protagonist is perhaps not as intriguing as intended, but the movie mostly holds the viewer's interest for the duration of its lengthy running time, gradually building a certain amount of tension. Effective without being astounding.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Excellent crime thriller that shows Fincher continuing to mature into one of the better directors working today. Is insanely long but really only drags in a few places.
Rated 16 Mar 2007
God, this movie is engaging. I never lost interest and didn't realize until after that it comes in at just under three hours. Told like an episode of Law and Order meets Se7en, it was right up my alley. The acting, superb, even from bit players. Too good to miss.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
Entertaining movie but ridiculously flawed. Feels like two movies loosely connected together. The first half of the movie is unengaging at all and the second half tries to be way more intense than it actually is. Could have been great but winds up barely, if at all, scraping merely good.
Rated 02 May 2007
A perfectly calibrated story about the obsessions that drive and define us. Well cast and performed it never misses a beat.
Rated 03 Apr 2009
Immersive story, brilliantly plotted and acted, and scary.
Rated 16 Jul 2007
Felt like it would never end... I suppose it would've been a little more satisfying if I did not know the outcome going in, or if there would've been some kind of climax. All in all, very mediocre. The only interesting part of the movie was Downey Jr's character.
Rated 17 Jul 2007
This film starts out interesting, but fails completely in the middle. It goes on, and on and nothing interesting happens. It's way too long (almost 3 hours!) Only the last bit is mildly interesting (if you're still awake). I gave Downey Jr one last shot (after Kiss Kiss Bang Bang), but he's defintely not one of my favourite actors. I'll stay away from his films. I guess this movie is interesting if you know/experienced the time when the zodiac killer was active. Otherwise, stay away...
Rated 11 Aug 2014
I find much of this kind of unremarkable. Sure it's an interesting story, but the film is kind of painstaking until Gyllenhaal's character becomes obsessed and the film picks up a bit. I know it's based on a book, but if I wanted an extensive case history, I would rather it come from a documentary.
Rated 08 Jun 2021
Every obsession that you let get out of hand leads you to one point. You're friend/familyless staring at an old fat man in a hardware store. One of the best Hollywood films of the past 30(?)Years and for sure the best ending.
Rated 07 Jun 2011
Underrated and just really well-done. But we expect nothing less from David Fincher, who has established himself as one of Hollywood's premier directors.
Rated 21 Sep 2018
David Fincher takes the tale of the Zodiac Killer and stretches it to the point of tedium but it is still too engaging to notice. The casting is superb as everyone so effortlessly slips into their characters. The pace is hypnotic and it sucks you into this dark underworld which exists right before us. My only complaint is that the plot occasionally loses momentum but this is a small complaint.
Rated 09 Sep 2007
Fincher's best film since Se7en. I get the feeling that Gyllenhall plays it a little quirkier than he needs to, but it works. You get drawn into his obsession. Fincher's most interesting touch is the way he amps up the background noise, which adds a layer of uneasiness (although it occasionally makes the dialogue difficult to hear). Overall, it's a little longer than it needs to be, and it's not a masterpiece or anything. But it's quite engaging, well-constructed, and makes good use of its cast.
Rated 18 Jul 2014
I read the book back in the day, and I remember simultaneously thinking it was either the shitty dildo guy or just some dude taking credit for unrelated murders he didn't actually commit. Actually, I just wanted to type "shitty dildo guy". It's weird that I held that in my head for so long. The movie was pretty good in that it wasn't overly credulous about shitty dildo guy being the killer. I mean, it was a little credulous. but it worked for dramatic purposes. Shitty dildo guy.
Rated 17 Sep 2007
Fincher has always filled the screen with impressive visuals, but I'd argue this represents the first time he's backed it up with genuinely substantive, intelligent, committed storytelling. Zodiac is ambitious and gripping, serious without being self-important, and inspired in its intellectual commitment. The tone and tenor are exactly right and Fincher lathers the screen in meticulous period details that enhance the sense of time and place. This is a great film.
Rated 24 May 2010
fincher knows how to tell a story. despite its long running time. the movie manages to keep the attention till the end, which is a remarkable feat. The plot gradually gets out of hand, and leaves a lot of loose ends here and there, but that is actually the essence of the story. it keeps you in the limbo, guessing for hours on a case that was never solved. This is not se7en, nor fight club, but in a sense it's more mature and subtle.
Rated 13 Oct 2009
Fincher revisits the serial killer genre, but ventures down a more realistically somber road than he did with Seven. Though it may be less "pure" than Seven it offers a refreshing take on the agonizingly long, unrewarding and loose-ended hunt for a unknown serial killers.
Rated 24 May 2021
The rhythm isn't particularly high, and the character's presence is unbalanced. Anyway, even watching the director's cut version I was glued to the screen for the entire duration: Fincher knows how to entertain the spectator, even without a single action scene, narrating the obsessions of the people with thrilling talent
Rated 28 Oct 2007
The best film of 2007.
Rated 01 Jul 2021
Robert Downey Junior plays a Robert Downey Junior type much to the chagrin of me
Rated 21 Feb 2011
It has every upside that fincher's directing can offer, yet the material does not allow it to be more than an enhanced documentary. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, if it could offer more than clichéd murder routines and some semi-interesting characters poking around in the dark.
Rated 05 Jan 2010
The best film of the 00s. Every time I have watched this film I loved it more than before. It is such a wonderful film. A shame that Oscar ignored it.
Rated 27 Dec 2007
Very high quality crime suspense film. Fincher does very good when he's working with talent, as in this film. The cinematography and digital camerawork is almost impeccable. A massive undertaking that does not disappoint.
Rated 30 Dec 2007
A great crime procedural, with some scary early scenes and then a lot of great detective work. An amazing true story.
Rated 12 Feb 2010
This is an excellent film with a dozen good performances and superb period atmosphere. Downey, Gyllenhall and Ruffalo are all very fine.
Rated 27 Apr 2011
An incredible thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat for most of the film
Rated 31 Aug 2017
(spoilers) I liked learning all over again about the Zodiac from the perspective of this film. Such an interesting case, but with no real climax (considering he was never caught) it definitely teeters off. Not really the movies fault, but still the subject material makes for a lackluster ending where we all end up feeling just as empty as the characters in the movie.
Rated 17 Jan 2012
A strong thriller from Fincher that effortlessly switches gears halfway through to focus more on an exploration of obsession, and still manages to maintain tension throughout.
Rated 26 Mar 2008
A period film that's so engaging you easily forget that it's a period film. I watched this right before bed, which is usually a terrible idea, but I had no trouble staying awake for the entire three hour run time. Stupidly overlooked by the academy.
Rated 24 Sep 2017
I love films like this, because it's a somewhat fictionalized telling of a true story. The film clearly believes a specific person is the Zodiac killer, and it does shape my own view of who I think the person is, even if it's probably not that person. But the film doesn't present any other option, it's OBVIOUSLY that person. I don't know where I was going with this.
Rated 05 May 2008
Great film.
Rated 13 May 2008
I'm not one of those assholes who obsesses over serial killers so I can seem dark and intense, but this was an excellent serial killer film. Jake Gyllenhal poring and sweating over mountains of tedious files, graphics, and paperwork somehow yields a fascinating film. Who knew?
Rated 16 Oct 2020
A concerning lack of Ted Cruz...
Rated 08 Sep 2013
What sort of ruined this for me was the fact that they focused on the red herring of the case for at least a half hour and made that the most intense part. I felt kind of cheated when that was all for nothing. If it was Arthur Lee Allen the whole time then why did they emphasize the projectionist and that "Rick" guy so much if it was just a false lead all along? Oh that's right, because they needed to have a creepy basement scene with an eccentric man and a protagonist running for his life.
Rated 10 Jan 2009
Really not my genre/script/actors (all awful). Too much nonsense talking and too many predictable shots/scenes. Only the scene at Vaughn's house held my interest.
Rated 24 Aug 2016
One of Finchers best. Dedication turning to obsession in a slow burning bad dream. An unpleasant atmosphere that'll stick with you for days if not longer.
Rated 29 Jul 2008
Brilliant follow up to the tepid Panic Room, director Fincher, writer Vanderbilt, and the cast recreate an unsolved crime...And those who are destroyed in its wake. Somewhat harmed by its release date shortly after the new year, the film was shunned by the Oscars. Of course, then again, the Oscars are shite anymore.
Rated 29 Jul 2020
Too long? Nah, could've used another hour-I mean, that's how long I spent googling the Zodiac afterwards anyways. It's that sort of mystery-complex, endless, with countless players and procedures to dissect, and the film with its excellent technique, turns, and script (the time jumps feel natural; the third-act lens shift to Graysmith works well; Avery's arc feels like it's cut short though) captures it all with a remarkable sense of cohesion (a couple loose threads along the way) and momentum.
Rated 04 Aug 2020
Feels even longer than its 150 minutes, like two films back-to-back, and the second film is deep in the shadow of the first: Graysmith's self-insert obsession simply isn't as interesting as the original investigation. While both films are polished and skillfully crafted, the final hour really drags and I have to wonder if the narrative conceit of the desperate writer is the mistake.
Rated 10 Feb 2010
It is long but i didn't notice the length when i was watching it, i was entertained throughout. Perhaps not knowing the outcome of the real events helped my enjoyment of the film because i was guessing who Zodiac was the whole time. There was also a lot of quality acting taking place here. Very solid all around.
Rated 23 Sep 2008
Mesmerizing movie and, yes, it worked so much better for focusing on the intricate details of the procedural. Leave it to Fincher to make every single detail count.
Rated 12 Jul 2020
As a film, Zodiac is at the top of its craft, expertly directed by Fincher and with every intricate detail of the long investigation detailed. That may be where the movie gets derailed as entertainment, as it does drag at parts as Fincher lingers on some of the investigation's minutia. Gylenhaal and Downey Jr. hold a lot of the film together with their twin spirals into obsession with the case, but I do feel the film could have benefited from some shaving in editing.
Rated 21 Mar 2007
A haunting near-masterpiece from David Fincher. The movie has a lasting chill not soon forgotten. One of 2007's ten best.
Rated 01 Apr 2007
Well made and well acted, but there is no dramatic arc at all. Events just happen one after the other and the movie starts to look more like a documentary. Unless you are interested in The Zodiac enough to spend almost 3 hours on a documentary about him, you should skip this one...
Rated 13 Feb 2021
A great cast and good story. It slows down a bit towards the end and could be 30 -45 mins shorter, but entertaining nonetheless.
Rated 06 Feb 2017
Moves slowly forward, but I didn't find it boring. It doesn't overact anything.
Rated 13 May 2018
A dialogue-heavy lengthy movie that builds up its value through a superb directing by Fincher and a carefully crafted, Noir-like, 70s atmosphere.
Rated 02 Oct 2020
Very good movie in the mystery genre. based on a series of true events. which makes the ending a bit disappointing.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Undoubtedly very well made, with some highly competent performances, "Zodiac" is a fascinating watch. That said it left me with a unsatisfied feeling. The are times during this movies runtime, which is far too long, that it really does lack a sense of direction and purpose. None-the-less a high class crime thriller.
Rated 30 Jul 2007
David Fincher leaves his bag of stylistic tricks behind, and manages to create a nearly three-hour film, composed entirely of talking heads and completely devoid of any killings in the second half of the runtime, that is entirely riveting, with a constant sense of dread and danger pervading the place.
Rated 03 Aug 2007
It dragged on a bit towards the end, but a thoroughly compelling movie nonetheless.
Rated 16 Sep 2017
good. blatant color-grading though.
Rated 18 Aug 2007
Just saw it. It's really irrelevant, but i couldn't stop watching. About an hour too long.
Rated 31 Aug 2007
A near great film that gets hunkered down in its effort to be too comprehensive in chronicling the Zodiac murders. It's not until about the second half that the narrative starts gathering focus and momentum when Gyllenhaal, as Graysmith, steps up to the plate to solve the case. Despite the all-star cast, only Downey Jr. turns in a performance worth mentioning. Though the cinematography is eerie and beautiful, it does little to help Fincher in establishing a consisent tone for the film.
Rated 07 Apr 2018
But what does 86 mean?
Rated 29 Sep 2020
A smart piece that's less murder schlock violence, and more obsession compulsion thinking. Not so much about the killer himself as it is about the various people trying to unmask him. Fascinating.
Rated 04 Jul 2013
The main thing that got me was whether this was supposed to be a thriller or a mystery suspense, because it kind of got me thinking, 'where's the real focus?'. It was slow, boring, and lacked interest for something about a mysterious killer. I was especially disappointed in the leads, who I know to be very good actors, of which a few were criminally misused.
Rated 17 Sep 2021
maybe 'cause it's my first viewing since MEMORIES OF MURDER became a favourite, but it's more over-written and acted then i remembered in a '70s hollywood kinda way. still love how it's shot, paced and the overall frustrating chilling shape of it. john carroll lynch dominates my memory of the film so it blew my mind to discover he essentially just has one speaking scene in the whole thing. really brings to life that toschi quote: "soon as that guy walked in the door, I knew it was him".
Rated 24 Feb 2020
one of the top 3 donnie darko timelines
Rated 16 Feb 2008
Excellent. Acting, direction, soundtrack, costumes, everything was really top-notch. Really interestingly plotted for a crime thriller.
Rated 23 Jun 2009
This movie could have been one of the best Suspense-Thrillers if it was fictious and had a gripping climax like that of Se7en, but still it was good for a movie based on real events. But I felt it was a bit slow-paced at times.
Rated 31 Dec 2019
Sorry it took me so long to see this one. Great ensemble cast and a compelling drama about a real life serial killer.
Rated 21 Jul 2011
A quiet, dialogue-driven thriller that delivers with scene after scene of gut-wrenching anxiety. David Fincher also spends more time illustrating nuances of his characters and recreating the mood of the 70s than he does on gory details of murder.
Rated 24 Nov 2008
This one was very good and made the list of best films in 2007. It had everything a good thriller needs: suspense, murder and mystery.
Rated 14 Jun 2009
Its pacing was the biggest issue I had with this one. Mystery fans will love it.
Rated 11 Oct 2014
One of Fincher's best, a slow burn thriller that relies more on dialog and characterization than cheap tricks, with a satisfyingly disappointing ending.
Rated 19 Jun 2012
More than Seven or Dragon Tattoo, this is Fincher's great procedural epic, charting across decades with a cast of unique characters, charged moments of suspense, and plenty of investigative intrigue, woven together in a perfectly balanced package.
Rated 23 Mar 2009
Fincher is in full form with his return to the crime/mystery/thriller fold. Once you get past the beginning teases, the frustration and confusion of this entire thing is just constant; so much ground covered & I still wanted more. Absolutely rock-solid cast, production design, and a narrative steeped in procedure & investigation [much akin to JFK].
Rated 30 Mar 2021
Really Good
Rated 14 Jun 2008
very nice movie
Rated 30 Jun 2008
Don't be turned off by the long run-time. Fincher sheds light on every single detail about the famed American serial killer to the point of obsessiveness. You can't help but become as engrossed in the mystery as Gyllenhaal's character.
Rated 31 May 2022
One of a kind in the way it examines a AMERICAN obsession with violence, celebrity and the way media intersect with it. How American media mythologizes violence to a point where it doesn’t even matter if the zodiac is a real person they’re already making movies. each character has a downfall beset by the zodiac even if they don’t see it. Wouldn’t be obsession if you could see the downfall. The movie aesthetically intertwined with the history of crime and Bay Area movies/fincher’s own obsessions.


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