Zee-Oui: The Man-Eater
Zee-Oui: The Man-Eater
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Zee-Oui: The Man-Eater

Zee-Oui: The Man-Eater

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 26m
In 1946 a young man from China named Zee-Oui immigrated to Thailand in hope of a better life. His only possession was the knife inherited from his mother. However, everything did not turn out as he had thought. He was bullied and humiliated from everyone around him. He tried desperately to survive in this world. He became ill. He missed his mother... At the same time, his instincts increasingly oppressed his thoughts and behaviors. He began killing children, consuming their heart and liver in th (imdb)

Zee-Oui: The Man-Eater

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 26m
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Avg Percentile 30.95% from 2 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 10 Jun 2023
Super melodramatic with lousy acting and direction as well as a nonstop in-your-face score.


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