Your Sister's Sister
Your Sister\
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Your Sister\

Your Sister's Sister

Comedy, Drama
1h 30m
While still mourning the recent death of his brother, a bereft and confused man finds love and direction in a most unexpected place. (

Your Sister's Sister

Comedy, Drama
1h 30m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 54.58% from 543 total ratings

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Rated 17 Sep 2011
As with 'Humpday', this accomplished comedy-drama could easily have taken place on a stage - or in real life. I love Shelton's writing. She makes talky films which, despite the key array of long conversations, come off as tight, each beat propelling her simple, yet resonant story. Shelton also shows flair for eliciting the right comedic timing from her actors and being funny seems to come naturally to Duplass. I'll be watching both of their careers closely.
Rated 01 Dec 2012
As indie-movies goes it doesn't get much better than this.
Rated 12 Dec 2012
It was nice to see a movie held up by only a few people just talking about life. It's been long since I last saw a movie that succeeded with that. Blunt seems to be everywhere I look these days, but hopefully we also get too see much more of Duplass in the future. I'm really starting to like that guy.
Rated 10 Jan 2013
A fairly low-key affair that focuses not so much on big plot points but instead on letting us get to know these three characters. In its last act it does try to introduce one of those big plot points and goes cascading off the rails due to it, but even then it was still touching and up until that point it was a film with believable, flawed characters and some great, improvised, funny, realistic dialogue that also has all the touchy-feely talking-about-emotions stuff I was hoping for.
Rated 25 Nov 2012
Basically, the whole thing unravels into a melodramatic mess as the "poking holes into the condom" thing is revealed, a revelation so incongruous that it feels more suited to a soap opera than an intimate indie drama. Everything else that follows is so emotionally contrived. Sorry for being spoiler-ish.
Rated 01 Jan 2013
I really, thoroughly enjoyed the beginning. I love all of Blunt/Duplass/Dewitt, but it really devolves in the second half of the film into standard rom-com fare. The performances and dialogue are really what pulls the movie above mediocrity.
Rated 18 Dec 2012
Another great Mark Duplass movie. I just think he is a wonderful actor and really knows how to wear a denim jacket. Emily Blunt and her "sister" Rosmarie DeWitt were both great in this too. I was going to give this movie a rating in the 90's but it really started to drag about 75% into the movie. It did end really funnily though. I love a good film like this with a small cast of three people. This is a movie I could watch again and again and not get sick of it.
Rated 29 Jul 2012
This was good! I am surprised; it looked similar to every indie love drama with brunettes. The core of the film lies within the chemistry between the leads. Duplass and Blunt are especially delightful to watch. Not much happens in the film itself, as the clever dialogue and complex relationships are the focus points.The ending is, uhh, ugh.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
As in "Humpday," this movie's dialogue moves with a freshness and spontaneity that sounds improvised, even as the precisely marked story beats reveal the writer/director's hand at work.
Rated 15 Jan 2014
Rated 19 Nov 2012
I didn't completely get absorbed with it all though a nice little flick.
Rated 12 Jun 2017
Quite effective indie dramedy. It benefits a lot from it's isolate cabin location and beautiful scenery. The cast does a good job and especially Blunt and DeWitt made their characters feel real. The dialogue heavy script feels a bit far-fetched at times, but there are also some surprisingly funny scenes spread around. It might not be anything too special, but at least made me aware of director Shelton and to keep an eye her other films.
Rated 30 Oct 2013
- Good.
Rated 06 Apr 2013
Rated 30 Sep 2014
Not a terrible film by any real stretch, but not exactly a very good one either. However, if you replaced Rosemarie DeWitt and Emily Blunt with Catherine Keener and Emily Mortimer, respectively, this could undoubtedly pass for a Nicole Holofcener film, for better or for worse. Either way, Rachel Weisz definitely made the right choice passing this up for The Deep Blue Sea, however infinitely more believable her and Blunt would have probably been as sisters...
Rated 15 Dec 2012
I feel like the writing was trying to force some kind of naturalized dialogue, and it didn't always work. When it did work, like the tequila scene, or the actual confrontation, it worked very well. Also, living in the Pacific Northwest, the stereotypes here were annoyingly accurate. Everyone looked like they were constantly getting ready to go hiking, I just cringe when I see a PNW character portrayal, its not a character that anyone should want in a film, in my opinion.
Rated 07 Mar 2015
Beautiful and authentic performances from Blunt, Duplass, and DeWitt combine with refreshingly natural dialogue (thanks to a largely improvised script and actors up to the task) and a simple, yet affecting plot to make a truly heartwarming film. Nothing flashy, just a straight-forward character-driven drama with dashes of romance and consistent sprinkles of charming comedy. The typical romantic storyline here is given a new twist that results in an odd yet happy ending for this endearing flick.
Rated 07 Feb 2013
Emily Blunt turns in a performance better than this film deserves.
Rated 04 Apr 2013
Three fine performances, each with impressive emotional detail, and careful directing that manages to create a very warm and inviting atmosphere. You know it's a favorite, when after it finishes, you can start watching it all over again.
Rated 25 Jun 2020
I didn't really enjoy Your Sister's Sister. Blunt and DeWitt delivered authentic performances, while Duplass was just a vacuole for charisma. The film is well made on a low budget but is neither funny nor whacky enough tonally to get away with its ending; which is, stealthing is fine if you're a lesbian and everyone makes-up and is happy in the end.
Rated 19 Apr 2021
The kind of low stakes indie drama that I love. I have no good explanation why it took me this long to watch it.
Rated 15 Jul 2021
Watched this, went to rate it, and discovered that I'd already watched it 8 years ago. Had no memory of it whatsoever. Well, it's a charming enough indie drama even with Duplass' questionable lovable-goof acting.
Rated 07 Nov 2012
While I enjoyed much of this, I can't recommend it. I rarely say this, but this movie really needed to be longer and as it is it's really rather unsatisfying. Also of note is that this was marketed as being much funnier than it actually is when in fact it's practically a pure drama, which--again--could've been quite good if it were just longer, rather than rushing to wrap things up 15 minutes after it really gets interesting (the cliffhanger ending was likely a symptom of this also).
Rated 07 Nov 2012
One of the most enjoyable movies I've seen in a while. It is sincere, funny, painful, complicated, heartwarming, intelligent and thoroughly engaging. Great acting from Emily Blunt, Mark Duplass and Rosemarie DeWitt. The story is complex and imaginative, but felt honest and real. I really liked the characters created in this story. Also wonderful music and beautiful scenery. .
Rated 25 Jan 2013
I identify a lot with the Mark Duplass character in this which probably helps (don't have a dead brother or anything but we're similar personalities). This is a great character piece, though the central premis is maybe a bit far fetched, which is handled at a suitable pace and well acted through out. They come across as real people, with realistic reactions and motivations. Which is something I very much enjoy in a movie.
Rated 05 Sep 2013
Probably liked this more than I would've if it wasn't for Mark Duplass. Fun romantic movie.
Rated 10 Aug 2013
A warm, funny, touching, sensitive film which proves that really, three actors and a cabin in the woods are all you need to make a great picture. We should all be so lucky as to write screenplays as well-crafted as Lynn Shelton's - all her characters are treated fairly, shown in good and bad lights, act naturally and realistically, and get emotionally satisfying desserts. Duplass is still a revelation (even after I've seen 3 of his films!) and DeWitt is perfect also - where has she been hiding?
Rated 16 Jan 2022
Mark Duplass is becoming one of my most reliable actors, in that whenever he's in something there's a solid chance I'm going to enjoy it. I did enjoy this, for his performance as well as Blunt's & DeWitt's, but there were certain things regarding the direction it goes in that I'm really not sure about. One thing especially (I feel) gets brushed aside just a little too easily given how big a deal it really is & could have been under different circumstances. Still, a well acted character drama.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
A romantic comedy that doesn't cave in to the usual conventions and constantly surprises. Add the trio of superb performances from Emily Blunt, Rosemarie DeWitt and Mark Duplass and you have a great mumblecore rom-com.
Rated 29 Nov 2012
Decent but totally forgettable.
Rated 02 Jul 2012
OK, it was sort of a chick flick in that it kinda focused on the female, touchy-feely perspective. But on the other hand, it wasn't a men are only peripheral props that give women something to talk about film. Be warned that's it's a well written dialogue (gasp) film (a huge plus in my book but....), and I'm an Emily Blunt fan so I was pre-disposed to like it. It's gotta be another one in her win column. The ending is one of those rare birds--satisfying while on the brink of resolution.
Rated 18 Jan 2013
Three of my favorite people to watch in one movie? I could watch them talk about cheese and i would be interested.
Rated 18 Sep 2012
Close, introspective drama aided by nuanced performances and a mostly improvised script of a slight, but impactful story of people doing the best they can for each other.
Rated 24 Oct 2012
Despite DuPlass' annoying face, and a few lurches into the saccharine, this was pretty enjoyable mainly because of the very believable interaction between the 3 leads and some hilariously awkward moments. Shelton certainly has an eye for the telling reaction shot.
Rated 10 Jul 2012
Strong, well-observed script, delivered ably the supremely talented cast
Rated 02 May 2012
"For long stretches in its first two acts, Lynn Shelton's film is distinguished by a disarming sense of freedom and spontaneity." - Kenji Fujishima
Rated 30 Dec 2013
I hate those kind of endings.
Rated 04 Nov 2012
Strong performances and a fairly fresh look at picking up the pieces following tragedy/disappointment/emotional turmoil. It feels more genuine than your typical romantic comedy. It somewhat loses steam near the end but it doesn't necessarily conform to your expectations or tack on unnecessary beats. It just is...and that's okay.
Rated 08 Mar 2014
A really low-key mumblecore drama that is mostly nice and intimate if a little insubstantial. When big conflicts all come to a head, one of them is so out of sync with where the film had been and is reacted to in what feels like such an unrealistic way for how insecure and shaky these characters have been set up that it really pulls the viewer out of the film. Strong, naturalistic performances help minimize that withdrawal a little bit, but ultimately that disconnect lingers.
Rated 10 Mar 2016
#16#, rw5, liked, Emily.B, rewatch(2) }*{ 12#, story, Emily.B!


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