X-Men: Apocalypse
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X-Men: Apocalypse

2h 24m
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Avg Percentile 35.7% from 3094 total ratings

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Rated 18 May 2016
Same story arc over and over, Professor trying to convince Magneto that he actually has a good heart... booo-riiiiiiing. The only good that comes out of this movie is Michael Jackson's surprise cameo as Nightcrawler.
Rated 29 Jan 2017
My mutant power is sitting through mediocre movies until they're over.
Rated 21 May 2016
Weak entry: lacks the wit and irony that Singer brought previously. Crammed full of colourful characters with nothing to say or do, the leads certainly get arcs to develop their own "stuff" - 3 or 4 scenes each spread out across the movie - but it seems entirely inconsequential. It's a franchise that refuses to kill its lead characters or their relationships, so everything on screen is meaningless and reversible: they'll each have some new "stuff" introduced at the start of the next movie.
Rated 18 Sep 2016
A bland, unengaging, soulless product that's half groanworthy contrivances and half shots or poses that'll look good for the trailers. So many useless characters and vaguely defined powers/reasonings that it's impossible to care about anything. Villain should've been Shadow King instead; you still get Cairo/Storm and ways for the psi characters to be useful, without a dumb godmode baddie tha- eh, never mind. They'll keep getting these movies wrong in order to make more bank. I need a drink.
Rated 17 May 2016
For all the fanfare, the world-ending myth about the first ever mutant declaring war to mankind, the meetings taking place all over from Xavier's mansion for the gifted in NY to Berlin to Cairo -- 3,600 BC or 2016, at the day of reckoning -- Singer is simply unable to wonder or to entertain. He's simply presenting new characters and putting them together (or against each other) in dramatic, life-turning events that might or might not be explored in your next confusing, messy X-Men adventure.
Rated 27 Nov 2019
A definite disappointment after the amazing Days of Future Past, but still watchable. It's funny how no effort has been made to make the characters look older than they did 20-odd years prior in First Class. Mutant botox?
Rated 19 May 2016
With lowered expectations, I enjoyed this. Great to see the return of some favourites (newer versions), and there are some scenes that I absolutely loved as a fan. The ending was a little predictable and for the casual fan, it might also be a little confusing with all the characters, especially that of Apocalypse. But like Xavier, I think this film gives the franchise some hope moving forward.
Rated 03 Jun 2016
I only truly enjoyed maybe ten minutes of this. The scene near the end when all the X-Men decide to gang-bang Apocalypse all at once... it was an intense and emotional sequence and a reminder of what Singer at his best is capable of. The rest is just rehashed, forgettable nonsense. Not one of the new characters is interesting and the subplots are either redundant or pointless. A massive step down from DoFP and easily Singer's worst film to date IMO. A hollow, underwhelming experience.
Rated 29 May 2016
It's almost unbelievable that this is directed by the same guy, who so perfectly revitalized the franchise last time around. This is a mess, a poorly written mess, with an abundance of character none of which are given enough reason to root for, and some of whom are given almost laughably bad dialogue to suffer through (especially Fassbender and Isaac, the latter hidden away under a ton of ill advised prosthetics). There are pockets of real enjoyment here and there, but too few and far apart.
Rated 25 May 2016
Laughable characters, bad CGI and a lousy screenplay. In other words - another X-Men movie.
Rated 28 Jun 2016
Doesn't come close to living up to Days of Future Past. Several great things about this film, though. All those classic "epic" moments that you come to expect in super hero movies. Still, a real heavy crutch on the CGI, and they couldn't resist making the film without the Wolverine cameo. The climax teeters back and forth between awesome and kinda lame. I did like the shift in focus on the newer, younger characters, though. Promising if another movie is to come.
Rated 30 May 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse may be my least favourite of the Bryan Singer helmed X-Men films to date. I was entertained throughout but the overall development of the story and the characters isn't as polished compared to DOFP. Apocalypse feels like a subplot within his own film and there's far too many characters with little to say or do. James McAvoy & Michael Fassbender return in good form and Tye Sheridan & Sophie Turner are welcome additions. But once again it's Quicksilver who steals the show.
Rated 24 May 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse unfortunately falls into the trappings and cliches of comic book films past. Schlocky, filled with multiple story threads that seem to find no flow or meaningful impact, the film runs along at a pace that is both slow, over-long and rushed all at once. Emotional moments come across as rather over-expository and ham-fisted, along with a villain who is likely to make you laugh more than make you scared. This is a mixed bag of mutant action.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
I honestly thought X-men: Apocalypse was great. It does have what seems like a slow first hour that's mostly just build-up, and while the film does seem to have a different tone than the first two movies in this trilogy, the villain was truly sinister and the last 30-45 minutes are really intense and emotional. Loved how they ended it. Really good acting from pretty much everybody, and I specifically liked what they did with the professor, Cyclopes, Jean Grey, Quicksilver, and I LOVED Magneto.
Rated 27 May 2016
The most average of all of the X-Men movies. Which is a marginal recommendation for one of the better comic book franchises. After previous entries doubled as allegories on homophobia, civil rights, or humanity's shared ennui, this one has a profound lack of insight or depth. I'm also irked and confused by a nigh omnipotent protagonist who resorts to a fist fight to defeat the heroes. Still the cast is okay, although there's no breakout star like Jackman or JLaw in case the series goes forward.
Rated 24 Jan 2019
Felt less like a movie and more like reading 200 old comics in a single furious session with only energy drinks and your incessant sneezing from the mold on the flat and tired pages that no matter how much happens inevitably becomes uninteresting because the characters reek of quick cheap writing and stereotypes and sameness so I care less about the plots and more about how tired JLaw seems and I can't believe they kept Psylocke's outfit that I "practiced drawing" when I was 11 and horny.
Rated 18 Jun 2016
yeah it was fun for a while but for all those who don't know the comic books, mystique and magneto are villains, psylocke and angel are in x men. i get that you need some literary license in the movie but we don't see someone making a batman movie where robin is the bad guy and the penguin is santa, do we? and by the way, if we are not going to see mystique kick ass, why the hell is she in it anyway?
Rated 28 May 2016
The seats reclined and had a foot rest. Ticket was only $5. Score!
Rated 28 May 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse commits the mortal sin of Guardians of the Galaxy by having an uncompelling, lame duck villain. While Guardians salvages this with comedy and adventure, X-Men: Apocalypse exacerbates the issue by naming the entire film after him. The last fifteen minutes of the film are as pathetic as anything in the six X-Men films, even the lame Alcatraz battle of The Last Stand.
Rated 30 May 2016
Lana. Lana! LANAAA!!! Danger Room.
Rated 27 May 2016
With a disjointed, plodding screenplay, a lack of action scenes, a generic plot and villain, a cheap look, and a stagnant feeling, X-Men: Apocalypse is the worst X-Men film in a while, and signals the time that Bryan Singer needs to step away and let someone else take the reins. We're not progressing anywhere; we're just getting similar film after similar film and, if nothing else, the law of diminishing returns has gotten to the point where we're getting almost nothing of value back.
Rated 04 Jan 2017
Generally likeable, but a bit hit-and-miss throughout. A decent villain, some good performances and some well-handled action help it through the weak parts - some of the "lesser" X-Men aren't particularly engaging, and it feels like we've seen a lot of this before. Competently made, reasonably enjoyable, but feels a bit unremarkable.
Rated 18 May 2016
This may lack the dramatic weight of the previous sequel but makes up for it in cosmic scale of destruction and comic character faithfulness. This ushers in the Uncanny X-men we know and love and is very faithful to the late 70-80's Claremont era in particular. Fans of the comics will see homages to both the comics and previous films. Casual fans and critics may be a bit lost but probably no more than another continuity comic film. I found this to be the best comic film of 2016 so far. Sue me.
Rated 12 Sep 2016
Disappointing. Lots of CGI but the actors are so poorly integrated with the visual effects that at times it looked like a made for TV movie. Feels like a film from a decade ago and is often rehashing storylines from earlier X-men films. Jennifer Lawrence seems to not care about this film and gives a flat effort. The final battle reminded me of Fantastic Four (2005). A city is destroyed, I think maybe Cairo? It passes the time but overall it's not great. What a waste of Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse.
Rated 13 Jul 2016
Absolute waste of potential here. Just when you start getting a bit hopeful of a franchise (after Days of Future Past), you get some of the laziest and cheesiest tropes from a superhero film imaginable.
Rated 21 May 2016
This movie is great. Probably the best of the whole series. It has everything at the right spot. And it is so epic I hardly believe it could be surpassed. Well done, well done.
Rated 16 Jan 2017
Really unbearable in parts.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
Oops Fox did it again. In eye rolling self-referential fashion this third film of the newest X-Men series is easily the worst. Astonishingly despite the fact Bryan Singer left the franchise opting not to direct "X-Men: The Last Stand"(2006), this films is eerily similar in its flaws. A muddled script with too many characters that mishandles two gigantic X-Men stories in "Apocalypse" and now "The Dark Phoenix Saga" for the second time. The bigger and dumber schlocky sequel X-Men fans didn't want
Rated 13 Dec 2017
With the soft reboot, I felt there was a good chance that X-Men was about to be run into the ground, replacing actors so strongly associated with characters can really polarize an audience, but X-Men is as strong as it ever was, it even shed a bit of it's kitsch-iness along the way. Mc-Avoy and Fassbender are awesome, Hoult is good, but still looks weird. Smit-McPhee is ugly as fuck and Lawrence doesn't do blue right. It's a good movie, but just doesn't quite feel as Apocalypse-y as it should.
Rated 28 May 2016
really good really awesome 10 out of 10
Rated 31 May 2016
Confusing "higher stakes" with "absurd," the movie focuses so much on cranking it to 11 that it kind of loses you in the process. Almost worth it just for the Quicksilver scenes and Nightcralwer in a thriller jacket though.
Rated 11 Jun 2016
Poor follow up to the fantastic "Days of Future Past". Acting was all fine but it's just getting to be the same movie over and over again.
Rated 10 Jun 2016
A massive step back from Days of Future Past. Apocalypse (at least this interpretation of him) is extremely cheesy, and some of the characters (Angel, Psylocke) do almost nothing other than look cool. Portions of the cast are great (Fassbender, McAvoy, Sheridan, Peters, a certain cameo), but the screenplay just isn't very good, and it kind of feels like it's back to the drawing board.
Rated 23 Oct 2016
Would've probably enjoyed it more had the film not looked as though its very soul had been swallowed up by the MSC Fantasia Candy Store, or had any attempt been made at injecting some kind of complexity into the mostly perfunctory proceedings. Instead, we get a pointless and mostly forgettable addition to the 20th Century Fox Marvel canon which obviously has no other purpose than milking the cash cow dry. You know your film sucks when presidential debates offer better entertainment value.
Rated 29 May 2016
Wow that Havoc guy really messed that whole "don't blow up everything" thing up
Rated 15 Jun 2016
Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac, buried in makeup), a mutant who has lain dormant since the days of ancient Egypt, plans to wipe the Earth clean and build a new world...and it's up to the X-Men to stop him. As big-budget superhero spectacles go, it's not great, but it's not that bad, either; it entertains without becoming especially memorable (or in the case of the finale, coherent), which seems par for the course with this series. As with DOFP, Evan Peters' Quicksilver provides the brightest moments.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
Sure, Apocalypse as a villain is one of those all-powerful destroy-the-world cards, but he works because he's dosed sparingly enough around actual character drama -- no doubt thanks to Singer's smarts. This is just a solid screenplay, actually. Apocalypse has a trite motivation, yet a believable one given his ancient background, and it cleverly corrals all of our lovable mutants together in ways that make sense. This makes the film easy to invest in. I approve.
Rated 28 May 2016
Singer & Co. have managed to successfully transition so many of the comic's stories into cinematic form that it's no wonder this 1 can feel like it takes a while to really get moving. Setting up new arcs & emotional conflicts for so many leads takes time, but it gives us another entertaining film that's still putting new spins on its discrimination themes that resonate with the real world. Whatever its flaws, comic book fans, like myself, are living in a golden age & this franchise is 1 reason.
Rated 18 Mar 2017
Definitely impressive from a visual standpoint and a creative standpoint which certainly helped it with the comic book blockbuster flare it was going for. Tye Sheridan impressed me as I am a huge fan of Cyclops the character. It was nice to have a film where Wolverine was not the complete focus and they were able to establish the core three for the future of the series and do so without completely ruining X Men canon.
Rated 06 Jun 2016
Better than I expected.
Rated 04 Jun 2016
I honestly don't get why this film is so divisive! I loved every moment of it. The action scenes are exhilarating, the younger versions of Jean Grey and Scott Summers added much needed character depth, and the relationship between Charles and Erik is emotionally compelling. And just like in Days of Future Past, Quicksilver absolutely steals the movie. I do have to complain that (Erik aside, of course) the Four Horsemen were hardly developed at all. Wasted opportunity there.
Rated 01 Jan 2017
Relies too much on having seen DoFP because it really does nothing interesting with its characters on its own, and even then it doesn't reward fans of the series in any meaningful way. Just highly bloated and pointless for the most part. Massive disappointment from Singer after a truly great previous entry.
Rated 27 May 2016
I enjoyed it, but as a big X-Men fan I (sadly) have to admit that I didn't outright love it. Definitely suffers from being more of the same in a lot of ways, and some parts were hammy. But at the same time, there were plenty of great scenes that make the filler ones forgivable. X-Men movies don't lack destruction, but rely less on fight scenes as a whole than the MCU, making them deeper and more substantial... like they have something to say. I've always admired that, still do here.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
Apocalypse (buried in 3600 B.C. Egypt) apparently has the power to learn everything by touching a tv. Sure, it's overly convenient, but I'm ok with it. I'm just sad they missed the opportunity to have all his dialogue be old movie/tv quotes. That would've added a bit of flavor to an otherwise straight-forward baddie.
Rated 15 Jun 2016
I don't get why people are shitting on it. It was solid.
Rated 28 May 2016
This is on par with (or maybe even better than) First Class, which was my favorite X-Men film to date. The X-Men are in every way more interesting, engaging and entertaining than the other superhero groups running around on screen these days.
Rated 17 Jul 2016
I am probably being gracious to this due to two equally excellent (but for entirely different reasons) scenes: Quicksilvers "Sweet Dreams" and Magneto returning to Auschwitch, the latter almost reaching some trascendent promise that the movie almost entirely fails to live up to.
Rated 27 Nov 2016
Unlike many, I think that Oliva Munn's costume was just about the best thing about this. I couldn't care less about these underwritten characters, though, and the villain was awful in every respect. McAvoy is still brilliant, however, and I actually found the film sort of enjoyable because of (rather than in spite of) all its overwrought blandness. Particularly the opening sequence.
Rated 31 May 2016
Comparable to "Batman v Superman" as far as rushed motivations, zero development, trying to force as many characters in as possible just for the sake of them being there, and not even staying true to those characters in the first place. It doesn't balance its huge cast nearly as well as other X-Men films, and thinks that just hinting at stuff done in past movies makes up for not having enough in this one. Certainly not "Last Stand" or "Origins" bad, but not "First Class" or "DOFP" good.
Rated 13 Jun 2016
It's good, but doesn't exactly blow anyone away who has kept up with the scores of super hero movies released in the last few years. All that said, you basically find the ones you like and they are like a nice warm blanket. Nice to see them bring back Quicksilver who is a very fun character, and Tye Sheridan as Cyclops is interesting. Hopefully future installments will be more of those two plus Nightcrawler and Jubilee and less of the characters who have dominated the last few movies.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
I really enjoyed this one. I thought it had the right combination of action & fun, and even though some of the new characters don't get much screen time, Jean Grey & Quicksilver get some great scenes (with Sophie Turner really stealing the show), and Magneto has some awesome, heavy material to work with.
Rated 24 Jun 2016
The alternate universe X-Men trilogy has been lots of fun up to this point, so this was a disappointment. Despite threatening worldwide devastation the stakes feel low, and despite cranking up the angst, it just feels like melodrama. The two most fun scenes (Quicksilver and Wolverine) are just cribbed from previous films. Still not as bad as X3 tho
Rated 01 Jun 2016
Flawed, but certainly not the garbage fire the critics made it out to be by any means. Sure, the dialogue is shoddy in parts and there seems to be no real protagonist, but at least these movies are finally starting to look like the X-Men of the comics in terms of visual design and scope.
Rated 21 May 2016
Finally a superhero movie with an actual villian. Dont like the Farts of Egypt type openning tho.
Rated 08 Aug 2017
Immense amount of "Where are they now" setup. All the attempts at drama come off as silly (Magneto's family particularly is introduced as a silly plot device with little impact since we know what's going to happen.) Incredibly generic plot and villain - Apocalypse and all the other new characters get no development. Psylocke might have 2 lines in the whole movie, though she does get to strike a pose a lot. Quicksilver scenes are again the best part. McAvoy does a bad Patrick Stewart impression.
Rated 22 May 2016
It lacks the character-driven parts of First Class & the cool, fan-service parts of Days of Future Past. McAvoy & Fassbender are good, but Lawrence still looks bored. Quicksilver is a lot of fun again, and blows his big scene in the previous film out of the water. Issac doesn't always work & isn't very intimidating. Lots of CGI & a lot of it is mediocre. Singer's not great at big action scenes. I enjoyed the experience of watching this latest one, but I kind of wish they would stop now.
Rated 09 Nov 2016
Just over half of it is a slow lining up of characters with very little plot. Could have been forgiven by having an epic showdown, but the action is merely competent and lacks emotional punch. Isaac is great, wish the voice effects had been canned though. Never felt a sense of global threat. Quicksilvers big moment and the beast vs psylocke fight were the highlights of a storyless, drab film. With 40 minutes cut i might have been more forgiving of it as a straight action film.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
Singer opts to imitate an Emmerich-style disaster movie for X-Men: Apocalypse, and for the most part pulls it off. At its worst mediocre, the film is otherwise action-packed, quippy, and fun. While not really offering anything new, it nicely pays homage to what came before and is enjoyable throughout; though it contains a few too many motivational speeches. McAvovy and Hoult are great, Fassbender the only portrayal of emotional depth, and shockingly I want to see more of Turner's Jean Gray.
Rated 04 Jun 2016
Honestly, I kind of dig this. It's deeply, deeply goofy and flawed, but in a very earnest way. It's more interesting than DC's "flaming hot trainwreck" method of filmmaking or Marvel's coldly calculated smarminess.
Rated 17 Jun 2016
Not great, but still fun.
Rated 09 Jul 2016
I am still not sure why Apocalypse, who could apparently manipulate all matter, needed Magneto who could only do metal. That aside, I enjoyed the film but I was hoping we were done with the Professor trying to convince Magneto to be a good guy yet again.
Rated 06 Nov 2016
Another excellent entry in the franchise. McAvoy has somehow lived up to Patrick Stewart as a young Charles. I really enjoyed the fun 80s-ness of it all. I think the only real flaw was that Apocalypse was a little too much of a generic, empty bad guy. Also, hot damn Tye Sheridan looks exactly like a young James Remar. I kept waiting for him to put on a Warriors vest and try to sexually assault an undercover vice cop.
Rated 11 Mar 2017
I didn't think they could do another Quicksilver slow motion montage without losing the charm of the original....I was wrong!
Rated 16 Jul 2016
Some great moments and fine performances hardly make up for the log stretches of nonense that populate the majority of the film.
Rated 17 Jul 2016
How can you not be on the side of Apocalypse???? Sure, the end spoils him being the good guy but for about 2 hours I was fully on board. But I guess it matters where you land w/r/t to racial issues. Probably the most noteworthy superhero flick since Man of steel or Ghost Rider 2.
Rated 01 Aug 2016
This one could have been good. The story had a lot of potential. Unfortunately, there are just so many characters that no one (save for Quicksilver) gets to shine. You never get a true sense of anyone's motivations because they can only express them in the ninety seconds they're given. It's an odd comic book movie that fails because its story did not receive enough attention, but that's what this is.
Rated 10 Aug 2016
Please start making good X-Men movies again. You'd think a movie featuring the biggest, baddest and almost unstoppable villain of all would showcase said villain a bit more or at least make him appear more threatening/intelligent. Instead there's a weird deviation back to Weapon X, checking in with about a dozen mutants in their dreary day to day lives and a bunch of nonsense leading up to the climax of destroying the man who can literally warp reality way too easily.
Rated 02 Jun 2016
Slightly greater than the sum of all its parts, though the parts don't individually add up to all that much. Fassbender is still a standout in this series, but the other performances range from OK to dull. It would take a very skilled writer to make Apocalypse interesting, and this film could not. But hey, at least we got that Quicksilver scene!
Rated 30 May 2016
Y'know, it's only when I'm watching THESE particular superhero movies that I really wish I was more deeply-steeped in the comics and the lore. For whatever reason, X-Men in particular gets confusing to me. That said, I quite enjoyed this. The emergence of Jean Grey was I think really well done, and I feel that Sophie Turner actually kinda stole the show. Probably suffers from some cornball (don't all comic book movies?) but, as a whole, I'll definitely take this. Look forward to the next one!
Rated 21 May 2016
It's good and it has more ambition than other films of it's genre. I did feel there was more "this is in the comics" moments than the other two. Storm and Psylocke are given almost nothing in terms of development or even lines. Overall a decent watch.
Rated 22 May 2016
Rated 07 Jan 2017
There are a few things that work, most of the time it feels like a B movie from the future where computing power is aplenty and you can do whatever CGI is needed for your fan movie. It is time for the fans to stick to the comics and give up on the movie franchise.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
it's a singer x-men movie so it's more smart and resonant than your usual marvel/DC garbage. it's also 90% the same movie again, only even more crammed and therefore more rushed, with the returns inevitably diminished. a new angle is needed. most interesting here is his using the cold war as catalyst for a discussion of militarisation that concludes, joltingly, with the new testament god of this allegory making a small compromise that's seismic in its implication of lost faith.
Rated 21 Mar 2017
I feel like I spent 144 minutes learning how Xavier lost his hair.
Rated 23 May 2016
Meah. I still don't get why they let Bryan Singer take the director spot again after Matthew Vaughn made the best X-Men movie ever with the First Class episode.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse is a solid entry into the series, and has critically taken a back-seat to Captain America: War of the Closet Cases probably because Disney has thrown so much cash to critically loosening 20th Century Fox's grip on this part of the Marvel franchise so they can squeeze every penny out of it. This movie is messy and lacks the tight story telling of the previous installments. It never reached X3 levels of batshit fuckery, but it still never elevates itself beyond the lukewarm.
Rated 16 Aug 2016
After possibly the best moment any villain in the franchise has had, X-Men: Apocalypse just forces itself to go on for another hour and a half and sorta becomes forgettable.
Rated 04 Jun 2016
The Quicksilver scene happens again.....and Hugh Jackman shows up, which is neat.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
I have to say, this one surprised me. X-Men Apocalypse could have easily been garbage... and I thought it would be, but with a fun and consistant tone, great visuals by Singer, and lovable characters who surprisngly never felt too underdeveloped, Apocalypse is kind of a treat this year. Certainly not the best X-Men movie, considering its predecessor, but it beats the hell out of Batman v Superman and Civil War.
Rated 29 Jul 2016
Its ok, but far inferior to the marvellous previous episode
Rated 04 Jun 2016
I guess I was basically entertained by it. Apocalypse feels like a more, well, apocalyptic villain than Ultron did, and there's some moderately clever little special effects action sequences. It's all a bit busy and generic and it seems like half the movie is the setting-up-the-characters first act, but I didn't feel I'd wasted my money.
Rated 05 Jul 2016
A fun and fine flick, but disappointing after enjoying First Class and Days of Future Past so much. Acting was spot on, just the story didn't seem to give them much to act upon. I think I was a little spoiled by just seeing Civil War. Sophie Turner did better than I expected, probably because her character in GoT seems so one note (until recently).
Rated 10 Sep 2016
i don't get it. they cram each and every one of these movies as if they weren't putting them out every two weeks. and it's always more of the same, except for the occasional seconds that don't suck completely, there's just an abysmally lazily scripted ever-changing blob of who's good, bad and the most powerful in this current scene. apocalypticon, or whatever his utterly redundant name was, is absolutely right: this needs to end. and soon.
Rated 17 Oct 2016
Rated 25 Sep 2016
A mess from start to finish with little care for the action scenarios or the story. Apoc can manipulate matter yet decides to choke or fling x-men like a toy. Most of the new replacement xmen have terrible presence and there is far too much grandstanding in the action. Even the Wolverine cameo is awful. Magneto spends an inordinate amount of time just twirling metallic objects. Final showdown was not satisfying. Maybe the worst x-men movie.
Rated 02 Feb 2017
The film relies a lot on mostly bad CGI which ultimately makes it have little substance. While the film has some fun and interesting moments these moments aren't formed in to a coherent film and in the end it overstays it's welcome. Bryan Singer should be told that sometimes 'less is more'. "Well, at least we can all agree the third one's always the worst." The irony of this quote is amazing. Let's just hope Woodie Turner doesn't become too much of a thing in films.
Rated 23 Jun 2016
Non bello quanto i precedenti perché è un po' troppo fracassone ed ha un finale sbrigativo, ma comunque molto avvincente.
Rated 02 Jun 2016
The best superhero movie I've seen. Did drag a little long at the end, for once I think a big budget film deserved to be split into two movies. Fassbender looked sexy AF when he was working in the factory.
Rated 16 Jul 2016
Better than expected based on the weak trailers. Even though Singer dosen't get Apocalypse right at all, some of the subplots are rather excellent: Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Jean get the right focus, Magneto's story is emotionally touching, and McAvoy is at his best as Xavier.
Rated 17 Sep 2016
Everything that makes XMen great (views on ostracism, political stances on igualitarism, etc.) is non-existent in this film and reduced to cliché stuff about what constitutes "family. Fortunately, I put it on 1.3x speed the moment I knew there was no turning back the crappiness.
Rated 27 Nov 2017
X-Men: Apocalypse maybe doesn't hit the exact same beats as the first two, but it's pretty damn close. While some of the characters feel poorly juggled, with a convoluted plot, and less than stellar Jennifer Lawerence. Singer does everything I love about these movies. Singer catches the struggle of these characters so well, and manages to keep them interesting, if yet rehashed. The visuals are beautiful, action is done well, and Issac as Apocalypse was perfect. Overall, Great.
Rated 25 May 2016
Ah, they dragged this one out too long. Also, sorry to say this, but Oscar Isaac is not a scary villain - not even as a weird blue alien-looking mutant.
Rated 23 Jun 2019
After establishing so much good will with First Class and Days of Futures Past, this one fell off the rails real quick by trying to shoehorn so much stuff into it and then going ridiculously over the top with the climax. I was bored by the end of it.
Rated 13 Sep 2016
Came to this late and was expecting a mediocre film based on reviews, but I was thoroughly entertained. Not a superhero movie fan but if I was X-Men would be my thing. There's a solid story here with some superb performances, let down only by some shoddy FX in places and the movie's attempt to retrofit itself as a prequel to a series started back in the 90s. It manages to do the whole Avengers-style ensemble with a lot more character and emotional depth than that franchise ever managed.
Rated 18 Aug 2017
Dreary, convoluted and confusing chapter ignores the cardinal rule of great super hero movies - make the goals and aims easily identifiable, and be creative in the details. Dense and laborious plotting means interest is lost well and truly before the mind-melding finale -- but the show-stopping sequence where Quicksilver (Peters) has to clear a building during an explosion is spectacularly imagined (especially in 3D) and almost makes the movie worth seeing.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
You might think that having an already standard cast of multiple supernatural beings is enough to get things going, but alas! what would a superhero movie be without a supersuper villain. Hence a blue idiot was found and this grand plan executed with gusto and same old x-people moral considerations as in the previous 15 x-people movies. In the end as the blue idiot was no more, you could have felt disappointment from the characters that have won the day to come back in the next movie.
Rated 19 Jun 2016
As a human I would get really pissed off with all these mutants fucking about. Anyway, it's a great entertainment and I wonder how they're going to top this.
Rated 25 Jul 2016
Not as good as 'Days of Future Past' but not awful either. Good if you're interested in seeing more backstory to your favourite superhero.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
Superhero spectacular with plenty of cool visuals and some well-staged action sequences that suffers thanks to a generic save-the-world plot without much of anything else going on.
Rated 30 May 2016
Mostly generic summer superhero blockbuster plot gimmicks with a couple of high points, especially quicksilver doing his thing to "Sweet Dreams"; and Wolverine was a pretty low point. They left one superb plot point lying there panting on the floor unfulfilled where it was free for me to pick up and run with (or something) in a another genre. So that alone made it worthwhile. Can't say more until I get it c.'d, except muchas gracias--though I'm positive they'll never make the connection anyway


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