Win Win
Win Win
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Win Win

Win Win

Comedy, Drama
1h 46m
Disheartened attorney Mike Flaherty (Giamatti), who moonlights as a high school wrestling coach, stumbles across a star athlete through some questionable business dealings while trying to support his family. Just as it looks like he will get a double payday, the boy's mother shows up fresh from rehab and flat broke, threatening to derail everything. (imdb)

Win Win

Comedy, Drama
1h 46m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 55.87% from 1114 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 08 May 2011
A warm, pleasant, inherently likable little film. It is in no way innovative or revelatory and will never be anyone's favorite movie, but it's definitely worth watching, and will play just as well on DVD as in theaters.
Rated 11 Oct 2011
So this is 2011, where we are so beset with garbage at the cinema that when a nice little film with an indie sensibility like Win Win comes along, it becomes artificially elevated among critical circles due to its mere competency. The fact is that this is a very mediocre film. Literally nothing that happens stands out or will stick with you for any amount of time.
Rated 27 Nov 2011
Not my idea of a win... it's more of a bland tie between pandering to the indie-crowd and being amiable. Don't get the love for this.
Rated 25 Apr 2011
A fresh, engrossing, well-written, and well-acted dramedy. It's not life-changing, but I was glad I saw it.
Rated 31 Dec 2011
A hearted but not too sentimental sports drama, Win Win is not a great film -- I was enjoying it and knowing how was it going to end --, but it presents an entire cast giving sincere characters, real life people dealing with real life issues, and you just want to care about them. It was a joy watching this one.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
Standardised-pseudo-comedy-coming-of-age-story that sincerely doesn't want to step one anyone's toes. Wow, what an accomplishment.
Rated 03 Jun 2011
I don't know how, but Thomas McCarthy really knows what I like, and he nails this one to the wall. God, Bobby Cannavale deserves to work more.
Rated 04 Apr 2011
Feels like an overgrown sitcom or dramedy pilot, but the script has many admirable instances of attention to detail and is often genuinely funny. It's "nice" for better and worse.
Rated 30 Apr 2012
The movie starts of slow but then it catches pace and holds it well. Paul Gimatti is good as always, really liked the acting of Alex Shaffer who plays Kyle. It is not a dark comedy or anything but just a good drama sprinkled with some funny moments. A good movie to watch any time.
Rated 29 Jan 2012
Giamatti's character is kind of an asshole and while the film does a good job of making us understand his situation, he's never quite sympathetic enough to make everything fit together. He is sympathetic enough to carry the movie and make it work, and that's good enough.
Rated 31 Dec 2011
I can't toss off this feeling of "enh" the film is giving me. It's pleasant enough and it has a lot of nice moments, but it's just a competent little film and basically is as nice as a film can get without it becoming great. People talk about Giamatti's acting, but I think Amy Ryan takes this one. Not a bad watch but no one will frown on you for missing it. Score is not a grade.
Rated 20 Oct 2011
"Despite embroiling its characters in thorny ethical and legal quandaries, Win Win is after only uncomplicated tidiness." - Nick Schager
Rated 18 Oct 2011
The acting and atmosphere are very good, but Flaherty's (Giamatti's) decision to movie the old man away from his home isn't sufficiently motivated. Why should he risk his law license when he could spend a chunk of the old man's savings on live-in caregivers and still keep the $1500 month? Since the entire plot hangs on this decision, its lack of credibility is unfortunate.
Rated 07 Sep 2011
An extremely solid dramedy with fun characters and great performances, Giamatti and Amy Ryan especially.
Rated 06 Sep 2011
Never too whimsical, never too heavy. Just a nice, little movie with a great cast.
Rated 06 Aug 2011
Enjoyable little film with such great acting and such a nicely structured script that you only realise in the third act that you've seen it all before.
Rated 15 Jun 2011
One of those "nice guy movies" like "About Schmidt" or McCarthy's "The Station Agent," where the put-upon, eternally likable everyman/audience surrogate goes through some moderately tough stuff but doesn't suffer too much, and all's sunshine and lollipops by the end. A pleasant diversion.
Rated 10 Apr 2011
Rated 16 Jan 2024
Seen: 2. The plot hits a number of familiar beats, but the journey is rewarding and the cast shines.
Rated 31 May 2018
Rated 03 Mar 2018
There is a certain sub-genre that I would call "modest american dramedy" that is recently in much better shape than the rest of the industry. The secret of it's artistic success seems to be in its being unpretentious and sincere. These two qualities seem to be completely erased from today's cinema. Win Win may be not the best one in this genre but it still works beautifully. The plot is so natural yet it has everything to keep the attention, and everything is psychologically realistic.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Rated 26 Mar 2017
I am a Paul Giamatti fan, and his performance was great as usual.
Rated 09 Mar 2017
I like Giamatti but in the 30 I watched this never even hinted at deviating from the usual troubled kid sports guff, couldn't be arsed.
Rated 30 Jan 2017
"Win Win" might not have that indie, outsider aura that McCarthy's first two films had and a lot of people might find the finale a little too convenient, yet his personal stamp is all over it. The character of Mike Flaherty seems to have been tailor-made for Giamatti and the entire cast is very convincing, with Cannavale and Tambor stealing the show. "Win Win" is one more slice of real cinema, with multi-dimensional characters, good humour and realistic dialogues. Immersive despite its flaws.
Rated 27 Feb 2016
Mildly funny and mildly touching, "Win Win" may adhere to a predictable, 'awkwardly' cathartic plotline too closely, but the down-to-earthness of the writing and performances give it an effortless likability. The dark beginning was my favourite bit before McCarthy gives in to a lot of easy-to-swallow resolutions in the end. But it's enjoyable through and through.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
Engaging and enjoyable family drama.
Rated 23 Mar 2014
Rated 25 Dec 2013
Rich, wonderful characters and strong performances populate Win Win, with writer/director Thomas McCarthy continuing to emerge as a great American humanist.
Rated 19 Dec 2013
eng; [win win]; ein anwalt übernimmt die aufsicht uber einen dementen mann, doch dessen enkel taucht plötzlich auf und dieser sieht so garnicht freundlich aus - er entpuppt sich aber als guter ringkämpfer.;
Rated 26 Nov 2013
An off beat indie dramedy that comically and honestly heartfelt. although there was nothing specials about the characters,both Paul Giamatti and Bobby Cannavale performance were well-balanced with light punching seriousness and silly fondness. "Win Win" has sweetness and bitterness that goes seamlessly with its satire of family and relationship.Which is why this modest and well-grounded indie flick deserves a praise.
Rated 22 Sep 2013
Nice little drama but in the end it doesn't offer anything new.
Rated 06 Jun 2013
Rated 28 May 2013
Wryly amusing and utterly enthralling character study. Paul Giamatti is outstanding.
Rated 22 Jan 2013
A slightly quirky meh.
Rated 03 Jan 2013
Okay, but okay is about it. Not sure it should be classed as a comedy though ... I don't think anything really made me laugh.
Rated 16 Dec 2012
There's virtually no drama whatsoever in the first hour of WW, and when it finally arrives it's all pretty soft stuff and resolved very quickly. Undoubtedly the glaring fault with this otherwise-enjoyable indie (the wrestling storyline for example, given plenty of screentime without any requisite gravity or consequence): Giamatti's always watchable and its a nice film to sit through, but in the end you won't feel you've taken anything from the experience.
Rated 04 Dec 2012
Great Indie flick
Rated 26 Oct 2012
* Casting, Acting : 6 * Script : 6 * Directing, Aura : 6 * Ease of Viewing : 6 * Naked Eye : 6
Rated 01 Oct 2012
It was a nice story and always good to Uncle Pauly.
Rated 31 Aug 2012
Grittier than I had expected, and all the better for it. Very touching. Great characters, especially Kyle. Excellent movie. [SPOILER] The ending was a bit too neat, tidy, and quick in comparison to the rest of the film.
Rated 18 Aug 2012
I really liked this. Paul Giamatti was great as a lawyer who moonlights as a wrestling coach who stumbles upon a kid who is great at wrestling while he becomes the guardian of the kids grandfather. Alex Shaffer was really good as the kid, I loved his deadpan voice and confidant attitude. I also like that my wife's doppelganger Melanie Lynskey was in this as the boy's fresh out of rehab mother. This film was just sweet and very nice to watch. It portrays people in a very real way.
Rated 15 Aug 2012
The plot to this film probably doesn't sound all that interesting on paper, but the talent involved makes it great. McCarthy brings a whole lot of lovely little nuances to his films and the characters within them. Led by the brilliant Paul Giamatti, the film also has an impressive cast of great character actors. It's a quirky film with an indie vibe to it, but not in an obnoxious way. I liked it a lot.
Rated 26 Jul 2012
Pleasant enough. Perfectly watchable, instantly forgettable. It's hard to care too much about the characters, although Giamatti once again shines.
Rated 11 Jul 2012
Funny and heartwarming. Paul Giamatti is fantastic.
Rated 19 May 2012
Not quite as witty as I would've thought, but a decent story.
Rated 16 May 2012
Far too predictable but I don't regret seeing it.
Rated 09 May 2012
A familiar feeling movie is raised by the presence of Paul Giamatti. He continues to be one of the most solid actors working today.
Rated 22 Apr 2012
Good as a real drama, the modern life kind.
Rated 04 Mar 2012
A film that has its heart in the right place, even as the execution has its flaws around the edges. McCarthy emphasizes the comedy of the piece without pushing it too far over the edge and leaving the drama behind. Most everything surrounding the kid, Kyle, is well done, leaving much of his past as a loose end. Also, Amy Ryan is magnificent with her well rounded character. That said, the character of the friend and the mother are cartoonish, and the end is just a bit too neat.
Rated 27 Feb 2012
whatever the fuck it takes!
Rated 14 Feb 2012
A generally well written, cast and well made comedy-drama with a few really nice scenes. It has a foundation of solidly structured and meaningful character relationships, which is always a good thing and if you stick Paul Giamatti in the middle of your movie you'll always get a few bonus marks from me! That said I can only point to Giamatti as being the single outright brilliant thing about this movie. Everything else is good, but it's not going to amaze or emote to any great level.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
All around solid movie. Directing isn't bad, and the writing, acting, sense of humor, and characters really drag you in. Good performacnes from Giamati and the kid, but everybody does an excellent job. Never drags either. Worth a watch for sure!
Rated 31 Jan 2012
A decent little drama/comedy. Characters are unique and interesting, but the plot is kinda predictable. There are a few unanswered questions though, and a few "guns on the wall" that went un-fired. I think it could have been tweaked in a few small ways to make it a lot better, and the ending was kind of unexpected.
Rated 30 Jan 2012
A very lovely movie. There are concepts and plotlines that on the surface seem like they are a little tired, but the cast definitely keeps it fresh. The film has a great ensemble of actors who really create a very heartfelt film.
Rated 19 Jan 2012
Nothing radically new, but a solid family/sport drama which avoids the very worst cliches. Excellent performances, although Bobby Cannavalle's role is very caricatured and kind of psychotic and takes too much space.
Rated 10 Jan 2012
Not bad but half baked. The kid/wrestling storyline is the strongest but some of the rest could have used some more work. Decent performances by all, just doesn't manage to get the pin (that's a wrestling term, right?)
Rated 05 Jan 2012
Lovingly written dramedy featuring quite a winning set of characters going through the strain of a downer plot but pulling joyous aspects without betraying them or realism.
Rated 31 Dec 2011
Thomas McCarthy is one of my favourite new(er) directors working today. His first feature, "The Station Agent", was one of my favourite films of 2003. His second feature, "The Visitor", was one of the better films of 2007. This is his third and most recent feature and while it may not be his best, it most certainly conveys his talents as a great screenwriter and realist.
Rated 13 Dec 2011
This is a well made drama and Paul Giamatti is excellent in the lead role. Alex Shaffer is also great as a talented but troubled kid. Overall this is an enjoyable film well made by the director Tom McCarthy.
Rated 11 Dec 2011
Low-key but effective drama, very well written and acted. All the parts are really well cast and there are just the right number of characters, each of whom gets enough focus. Despite being at the heart of the film's moral dilemmas, the Paul Giamatti character is not the most interesting - that role falls to the awkward teenager who just needs a little nurturing to bring out his human side.
Rated 05 Dec 2011
Everything about it is quiet and subdued. I like that in a film. I'd like that in life.
Rated 17 Nov 2011
A fairly mediocre indie dramedy, elevated to greatness by Giamatti's outstanding performance.
Rated 22 Oct 2011
A nice little indie drama that works in large because it's got a great cast. It manages to take a somewhat tired premise (family of nice people taking in a troubled kid and helping him turn his life around) and not making it a cliched mess. Giamatti is phenomenal, and everyone else is very good as well. Plus, it's always nice to see Burt Young in a movie.
Rated 12 Oct 2011
Proof that you can make a family film without the schmaltz and cloying mushiness. Enjoyable in its humor and lightheartedness with just the right dose of dramatic gravity.
Rated 29 Sep 2011
Great, warm story with nothing wrong with it. It's like DAN IN REAL LIFE with a script more about the economy and with a more complex protagonist.
Rated 27 Sep 2011
This movie blows. I was expecting so much better, since I love PG.
Rated 19 Sep 2011
Very subdued and unfortunately too similar to many other indie dramaedies (especially Sideways) that have been spewing out ever since Sideways and Royal Tenanbaums. Doesn't have enough to really give it an edge over the eariler, superior indie flicks.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
It started out as an average drama, but it ended up being a really solid film. Great acting all around. I liked the sort of bleakness of the whole story, it isn't completely black & white. Overall it was just a really good film, not incredible, and I might forget about it in a year, but it was worth a watch.
Rated 07 Sep 2011
Although all of the unfolding conflict is the result of the the main character's single, unethical action, the film still leaves me wondering whether the title holds true by the end. I like that it doesn't heavy-handedly beat you over the head one way or the other; it's effectively minimalistic and genuine. Also, Kyle is so mellow and cool and I wish he had been my friend in high school.
Rated 23 Aug 2011
Charming and fun, if a bit predictable. Oh, and Alex Shaffer does look a bit like a young Eminem in this movie :))
Rated 18 Aug 2011
Predictible, slow, long. Could not finish it.
Rated 10 Aug 2011
What kept this from being a 90 and genuinely amazing to me was a bit maybe 3/4 of the way (give or take a bit) through, where I felt it dragged and didn't hold up. The first little while was really funny and well written, then there's this awkward transition period where it went from comedy to drama, and I felt it fell off a bit and didn't transition fluidly, but then it ended in a good way, so it regained its footing. Also, it's nice to see a movie use wrestling as its backdrop. Touching movie.
Rated 04 Aug 2011
ikinci bir sans vermekten cekinmeyin, cunku bazen o sans sizin de umudunuz olur...
Rated 07 Jun 2011
People need some morale in their lives, especially when money and self-esteem are low. This is that rare indie film about the struggles of a family that, without having much of a theme, gets all the details right. Alex Shaffer as the troubled teenage wrestler is a marvel of authenticity.
Rated 31 May 2011
"McCarthy does a fine job of juggling the domestic mystery, situational comedy, and inevitable drama, and his terrific cast is well-suited to the deadpan ethical satire."
Rated 28 May 2011
Really nice work from everyone involved... Lots to like, here... GO!(Rent/Buy!) I think you'll be pleasantly surprised...
Rated 02 May 2011
"Win Win" is a bit of a slow grind on getting to the point, but it's well worth it. They let you know the high stakes game that Mike plays in order to keep his family happy and healthy, but then it's pretty much forgotten as Kyle ends up on his ward's doorstep. The genius thing is that you warm up to every character at about the same rate that the family does to newcomer Kyle. Not until you care does all that immoral action Mike was involved in come back to slap him in the head.
Rated 30 Apr 2011
(spoilers) The film glosses over Mike's transgression--from Giamatti's acting to the way the film handles the aftermath--and this was a big problem for me. Giamatti's performance is just flat and not really convincing to me. The movie depends on his character and his performance (and his relationships to Kyle and Jackie), as the story isn't very interesting by itself. I guess if you feel Giamatti can do no wrong, this film will be for you.
Rated 07 Apr 2011
Another film from the Robert Benton school -- the virtues of moderation. A number of ordinary people -- some nice, others not necessarily so -- stumbling through their less than wonderful lives; some comedy and some drama ensue. A small, effective little film. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about it is that one of the plot threads is that of a screwed up kid who finds himself and blossoms upon exposure to a loving family, and that the movie doesn't make a big deal of this *at* *all*
Rated 17 Mar 2011
Even though Giamatti is almost always excellent, the movies he's in don't necessarily follow suit. But in this case it's excellent as well. The film is genuine from start to finish as are the characters. Don't pay any attention to the poster.


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