Wet Hot American Summer
Wet Hot American Summer
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Wet Hot American Summer

Wet Hot American Summer

Romance, Comedy
1h 37m
Set on the last day of camp, in the hot summer of 1981, Wet Hot American Summer follows a group of counselors who are each trying to complete their unfinished business before the day ends. (Eureka Pictures)

Wet Hot American Summer

Romance, Comedy
1h 37m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 52.28% from 1799 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 15 Jul 2008
This could be the most underrated comedy ever. It is so goddamn hilarious and just gets funnier as the movie progresses.
Rated 21 Jul 2007
Totally underrated. One of my favorite comedies... of which there are few, being that I hate the sound of human laughter. You either get the absurd humor and love it or you wonder what the hell kind of dumbass fever dream you just woke up from.
Rated 21 Jul 2012
I once saw a YouTube clip of a The State skit that parodied those 'greatest hits of the 70s' CD and cassette commercials from late night TV--the only song on the CD being "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay." Never before had I laughed so hard. The fact that I'm telling you about this in my review instead of actual scenes from the movie should be a good indicator of how little I enjoyed this comedic equivalent of a diaper taken from a baby after his very first curry.
Rated 08 Apr 2012
A rare comedy that deals (and succeeds) with both absurdist and conventional humor. It also sports one of the funniest ensemble casts I've ever seen. It's hard to imagine ever getting sick of it, either.
Rated 20 Sep 2010
The precursor to everything alt-comedy that came after it. Wain and his compatriots from "The State" throw away reality, normality and most other "-ality's" in this hilarious take on a 1980's summer camp. Chock full of unknowns who are now everywhere (Bradley Cooper, Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, Elizabeth Banks) there are so many ridiculous moments it almost takes 2-3 viewings to take it all in. Even the extra's are hilarious: "I neeeed Parsley." One of my favorite comedies ever.
Rated 12 Jan 2010
Though the movie fails as a parody for the most part, it succeeds in its ability to really make me laugh by its non-sequitur humor. There are a few scenes of nonsense that get me every time (the van into the tree, flying hamburger out of nowhere, changing hair length from one shot to the next, and the shed scene, for example). But the thing about Wet Hot American Summer is that it doesn't care if you like it or not. And I think I like that about it.
Rated 03 May 2009
The brand of comedy the Stella guys think up is pretty love-it-or-leave-it stuff, and I don't blame anyone for thinking this is terrible. However, if you can get on the same wavelength, it's pretty much great.
Rated 07 Jun 2007
I'm definitely not part of the "cult" of this film (I believe I've seen it twice ever), but I do enjoy it. I was doubled over with laughter at the upbeat-musical-montage trip into town when they did the coke and heroin. Some bits don't work as well, others are inspired. Paul Rudd owns all his scenes. "You taste like a burger. I don't like you anymore."
Rated 24 Jul 2019
Hard thing to explain. It's a parody that constantly slips into absurd farce while also periodically flirting with narrative coherence. An implosion of tone that handles some of those switches with such alarming subtlety it almost becomes some weird meta satire about tonal control & emotional manipulation. Anyway that's my desperate pretentious rationalisation of the fact that I was laughing like a complete lunatic through most of this. I should've justs used the "comedy is subjective" card.
Rated 28 Apr 2016
While some sketches don't really work well -- the entire Victor/Neil segment, for example --, this really plays like a hilarious take on camp movies and 80s comedies, with some brilliant tiny bits of self-conscious comedy -- the fact that these grown-up actors are playing nerdy, horny teens are amazing, specially when you've got characters like Gene (the horny Nam Vet), Andy (Ruud's rude playboy) and Coop/Shemper (the inadequate kid and the crazy talent show host).
Rated 31 Mar 2014
Crass and tasteless, "Wet Hot American Summer" sets off as a middling exploration of predictable comedic territory only to explode into a near-exhilarating cliché celebration, half brilliant half idiotic and all the way entertaining. Lots of memorable characters and gags in a film that, despite its crude appearance, actually hides a lot of sophistication in its portrayal of both 80's Americana and its film world equivelant.
Rated 12 Jun 2012
The parts that worked were fucking hilarious, but the parts that didn't made me want to drink some bleach to make me forget. That said it was fun and Paul Rudd and Christopher Meloni are fantastic.
Rated 26 Jun 2011
Fairly even if low-key parody of 80s teen sex comedies as well as a few other genres. Most notable for the cast, many of whom have had increasing success. A few superb gags, but long stretches are merely serviceable. Has a very authentic feel, with spot-on set dressing and costumes; the major exceptions are gay jokes that would not have been possible at the time.
Rated 11 Jun 2016
If you like obvious gags you can smell a mile away, shameless over-acting, and endless mugging for the camera, this flick is for you. Um, David Hyde Pierce and Janeane Garofalo as love interests?? As in... each other???? More eye-roll-worthy than most of the awful gags.
Rated 23 Feb 2016
Some of the smallest gags work best, like that ridiculous clay pot breaking sound or how all there's always someone just off-screen for the characters to hand random objects to. Everyone mentions how great Paul Rudd and Chris Meloni are in this and they're right, but I thought David Hyde Pierce really came outta nowhere and rocked it too.
Rated 27 Sep 2015
I'm genuinely surprised at how much I laughed. Going in and expecting something dumb to pass the time and coming out with a hilarious comedy with some interesting characters and casting choices, it really made my day. I loved it.
Rated 12 Aug 2015
It's so much fun to spend time in town, even for an hour!
Rated 26 Jul 2015
Well this was certainly... something. I saw on Netflix that there'd be a prequel to this as a series and there were some pretty big names so thought I'd check it out. While there are a few gems of laughter in here too, a few gags did fall fairly flat and it's a little imbalanced and clunky overall. It's so absurd and silly though that it gives it a sort of charm. I'm a bit confused yet intrigued by it all, but I'm definitely interested in this prequel series
Rated 28 Jun 2015
Every once in a while, a comedy film appears with an all-star cast of talent, and everything "clicks". This is one of those films.
Rated 10 Apr 2015
My favourite part of this movie was sitting there not laughing as my friend who brought it over after talking it up forever slowly died inside.
Rated 21 May 2014
Ahead of its time.
Rated 18 Feb 2014
Utterly hilarious and absurd satire. Christopher Meloni pretty much steals the show. The scene in town when the gang start smoking cigarettes and end up strung out on heroin is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Rated 09 Nov 2013
This is so fucking hilarious, I was cracking up the entire time. The whole thing is jarringly unreal, but it plays off of this trait well. It takes a lot of the tropes laid out in summer camp movies and popular, retro-themed ensemble comedies like Caddy Shack and Dazed and Confused and flips them on their head. The humor is more in line with Mel Brookes or Clue, but much more contemporary and bizarre. I love this.
Rated 27 Mar 2013
Meh. While Wet Hot American Summer isn't a dumb comedy, the characters are (mostly) intelligent at times and the acting is pretty good. On some levels this movies totally fails, but I laughed quite a few times and thought it wasn't the worst comedy I've ever seen. Didn't really need to see the scene with Bradly Cooper and his lover but this movie earned stars like that a ticket to stardom. The untruthful character, whose name I can't remember, is awesome!
Rated 22 Jan 2013
Takes its time getting going, but its dark, subversive humor is wonderful. Another one of those movies that starred a bunch of famous people before they were famous.
Rated 03 Nov 2011
Don't believe the "underrated" hype. The only thing I laughed at was Chris Meloni and his talking can of peas.
Rated 18 Jul 2011
Just brilliant absurdity. Only reason it didn't get a 100 comes from a handful of story arcs that just weren't as funny as others. I was not prepared for how funny this movie is. I was going to comment on Paul Rudd, but then remembered far too many other actors that made this film hilarious and decided to just applaud the cast in general. Most underrated comedy I've ever laid eyes on. Bring on that Prequel I saw mentioned!
Rated 20 Apr 2011
Disjointed, random, and balls-out hilarious, this is the loosest parody the world has ever seen. It's also one of the funniest. Everyone is hilarious, every one is perfect. This movie makes me laugh every time.
Rated 28 Dec 2010
Really funny movie, I was entertained the whole time.
Rated 24 Mar 2009
If you can sift through the retardation element, this has some crazy/funny satire that makes it worthwhile. I was nearly in tears at the best parts. The middle section seemed to be picking up but the ending goes and mixes it up like the rest. Paul Rudd & Christopher Meloni are the stand-outs.
Rated 17 Apr 2008
It's a little funny, but at times the humor is very stupid. Not enough to be bad, but it's not as good as I heard.
Rated 24 Nov 2007
I saw this after watching all of Stella. Some of the inane references finally make sense. This was really great.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A true modern day cult classic. It was hip to like it before anyone knew about it and now it has become legendary due to all of the future comedy stars within this film. This movie is absurd and wacky and sardonic and goofy and so many other adjectives. It's just fun and ridiculous entertainment.
Rated 05 Apr 2007
This movie is so god-damned hilarious they got away with everything. It's completely random and awesome, I don't know how I've lived this long without seeing it.
Rated 02 Mar 2024
Has 3-4 really hilarious gags, but unfortunately that's about it. The rest is randomly thrown together with no real story or goal, nothing that would justify an hour and a half of film.
Rated 06 Jan 2023
Completely underrated. Very funny movie - particularly if you grew up in the 70s/80s.
Rated 05 Dec 2022
"Wet Hot American Summer" doesn't take itself too seriously and it's all for the better. It quite often enters hilarious territory and has enough first-rate material in it to avoid quality dips. The cast is really good, and especially Janeane Garofalo, Paul Rudd, Zak Orth and Christopher Meloni display some excellent comic timing. It's great at parodying '80s teen sex comedies and their myriad cliches, but it's actually more than that: a wacky, hysterical, memorable laughfest in its own right.
Rated 18 Feb 2022
Bears all the hallmarks of the acquired taste of the "stoner movie"; successful entries usually depend on a strong anchor point character or relationship which this film sorely lacks; Garofalo and Hyde Pierce come closest to filling this role, but they are ultimately side-lined in favour of the repetitive hi-jinks of the other characters. While it ultimately results in much ado, Moreau and Showalter’s minor arc is the most satisfying, especially resolving in an amusingly confounding way.
Rated 21 Jul 2021
Rated 21 Mar 2020
Seen: 3.
Rated 30 Nov 2019
böyle filmleri puanlamak çok zor değil mi? hiçbi sik anlatmamalarına rağmen aslında bir şeyler deneyen, farklı bi komedi kurmaya çalışan. cheesy'nin allahı bi film ama izleniyor yani
Rated 28 Sep 2019
Pretty fun. The characters are engaging, the jokes tend to be clever, and the film is surprisingly skillful at jumping between just about every comedy genre in the book while (mostly) maintaining narrative cohesion.
Rated 01 Apr 2019
okay movie
Rated 25 Sep 2018
I can barely explain why this works, let alone why I was laughing nearly the entire time. Despite being released during the teen sex comedy craze of the late-90's and early 00's, it plays more like a parody of a parody of these films. It's style is hypnotic, if you see any scenes outside of the context of the film they are terribly unfunny but when put together they work wonderfully.
Rated 11 May 2018
Even though it isn't nonstop laughs… when it hits, it hits hard.
Rated 10 Apr 2018
David Wain 1.
Rated 25 Aug 2017
I must admit it took a second viewing as well as watching both series for this to *fully* click for me. I enjoyed it but couldn't quite resolve my thoughts on it first time around. Now I see it as vulgar 80s parody, with occasionally absurd and jarring scenes, yet with a great cast of likeable characters and a real warm hearted love of the genre it is sending up. Both netflix tv series compliment it further although never quite surpass it.
Rated 08 Dec 2016
I'm supposed to love this movie, but much like The Other Guys, I think it strains and mugs just a little too much. Certainly has its moments, though.
Rated 20 Sep 2016
I still find myself drawn to films that are based in American summer camps. I'm not sure why, but I find the whole concept fascinating, and the horror films tend to be as amusing as the comedies. Anyway, this is alright. The cast is very likeable and familiar (now), and while some of the humour is a bit hit-or-miss, there are some very funny moments, particularly where the camp film tropes are being skewered somewhat. Worth a look.
Rated 25 Aug 2016
This movie is so stupid. I loved it.
Rated 07 Aug 2016
Dull, but good-natured.
Rated 21 Jul 2016
The tone of the film is great, but I found the subject matter too uninteresting.
Rated 10 Apr 2016
I think if you are 15, you will love this movie. If you are over 30, you may find it boring, not really as funny as it wanted to be, and, well, boring. As I did.
Rated 23 Oct 2015
Possibly the best comedy ever made.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
The fantastic cast of Wet Hot American Summer melds together this hodge-podge comedy. There are many moments of sweet blossoming love, which gives this movie a great story and a memorable plot. The comedy movies from sweet and playful to absolutely raucous. The side-splitting non-sensical moments were those that really made me fall in love with this film. I love those moments because I really wasn't expecting that kind of humor. A summertime classic to be sure.
Rated 23 Aug 2015
I didn't get this one at all
Rated 16 Aug 2015
Now I will say that I watched the new Netflix series first before this movie. I picked up a few things that now make sense in the show, but, and I know this is going to be weird to say, but the show was more zany and because of that, funnier.
Rated 16 Aug 2015
When I first watched this, I hated it and gave it a score of 35. I still stand by how horrible it was, but having now watched the Netflix mini-series and rewatched the movie, the additional context makes it much more enjoyable, though there are some parts in the final third that are still rather weak (it does end well enough though).
Rated 09 Aug 2015
Fun summer movie. Funny, cute... very 80s.
Rated 02 Aug 2015
Rated 31 Jul 2015
This movie puts the campy into camping. Well, the whole thing wasn't campy but I did find some moments in it pretty strange like the end of the world scenario by the geeks and the ability of white water rafts to stay perfectly still for hours at the top of a waterfall. This movie really has an amazing cast like Molly Shannon, Paul Rudd, Bradley Cooper, Marguerite Moreau (hooray Mighty Ducks!), Christopher Meloni, Amy Poehler and Elizabeth Banks...
Rated 14 Jul 2015
This was fun, and the sudden turns from maliciousness to support and vice versa were really charismatic. Got a couple of lines I'd quote from here on out, that's for sure
Rated 10 Jul 2015
While I can see how this has garnered a cult following (and a Netflix series), personally I felt that it was trying way too hard to be quirky and fell flat. It's occasionally quite amusing, has a killer cast of (then) up-and-coming talent and they certainly got the 80's look and details right, but it feels like someone is specifically trying to create a future cult film instead of trying to create a good movie and let is speak for itself. Watch a real 80's comedy or a Wes Anderson film instead.
Rated 26 Jun 2015
It's probably the funniest film ever made
Rated 20 Jun 2015
It's like Sleepaway Camp with somewhat fewer violent deaths. Gloriously absurd to the point where you end up a bit disappointed that it doesn't completely devolve into a Benny Hill skit.
Rated 31 May 2015
watched: 2015, 2021
Rated 28 Jan 2015
H. Jon Benjamin stars as a talking can of vegetables and Rudd bein Rudd.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
A comedy that knows exactly what it is and doesn't try to be anything else. This was a refreshing treat to all the comedies that try to have 'weight' behind it. This is a great movie to watch with a group of friends, but watching it by yourself will likely leave a lot to be desired.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
I can see why this is somewhat of a cult classic now. The filmmakers were obviously trying to capture their youths as well as the films of the 70s and 80s, and I think they succeeded. I wouldn't say it's a great film by any stretch, but it was fun. The truly bizarre and ridiculous scenes made me laugh the most. The cast is good, with several actors who weren't famous at the time, but are now.
Rated 07 May 2014
Some elaborate weirdness going on here!
Rated 06 Mar 2014
I try to write a mini-review in my criticker gournal every day.
Rated 25 Feb 2014
this is everything i want in dumb fun summer teen comedy.
Rated 16 Sep 2013
From all the over-hyped american comedies out there, how come I knew nothing about this gem?! Very underrated film that truly delivers.
Rated 08 Sep 2013
Wow, that was a weird trip down memory lane. As awkward and stupid as it sometimes got, it touched the absurdity and awesomeness of those times. A solid watch.
Rated 25 Jul 2013
God damn hilarious.
Rated 14 Jul 2013
Although maybe the parody aspect went over my head this is still a very very funny movie. Full of ridiculous and stupid gags and an excellent cast, with a great mean-spirited sense of humor (although it does also have some heart) and the way the plot revolves around a huge cast of characters over one day means that it's a little more sketch-like and doesn't need to get serious at all to tell a story.
Rated 11 Jul 2013
This movie was funny as hell and I thought it was going to be stupid.
Rated 16 Jun 2013
It's fairly straightforward at the beginning but spirals into extremely ludicrous territory. That transition is fantastic. There are several terrific running gags, and some bizarre moments that carry the film. Not everything works, but most cast members get a chance to shine. Paul Rudd is a glorious douchebag in this, and that is definitely a compliment.
Rated 29 May 2013
Funny but not hilarious. Notable as watermark of insincerity past which you start to get into Tim and Eric territory. I do think, however, the behind-the-scenes doc Hurricane of Fun shows it fails the Gene Siskel test: "Is it more interesting than a documentary of the same actors having lunch?"
Rated 27 Feb 2013
Just couldn't get into it. It had its moments, which few and far between, but it was pretty weak overall.
Rated 02 Feb 2013
Dazed and Confused at Camp!
Rated 03 Sep 2012
I keep laughing about this even weeks after I watched it.
Rated 18 Jul 2012
Lovely actors playing in one of the stupidest movies of all time. Sad waste of resources and talent. Something funny, something good could have been made, but instead this is a collection of idiotic ideas that doesn't work at any level.
Rated 30 Jun 2012
Wet Hot American Summer is not a milestone in comedy. However, what makes it unique is that it is so much closer to the ideal comedy than most films. The script is hilarious, and the performances, especially those by Meloni and Rudd, are absolutely perfect. I found myself wanting more as the credits began to roll, an abnormality with comedies.
Rated 23 Jun 2012
Not being a yank, I missed a lot of the camp send-ups but I thought this got the eighties vibe nailed down. You could watch it back to back with a Cusack comedy and not be sure which was made when.
Rated 16 Jun 2012
Pretty much the funniest movie I've ever seen, and probably the only comedy that actually gets funnier the more you see it. (four times)
Rated 11 May 2012
It was funny, for 12am on a Thursday night, but I honestly don't see what everyone else seems to - some of the scenes were funny simply because they didn't fit - especially the day out scene at the beginning, and the 'Nam veteran who has PSTD and talks to a can of peas. Insane, but not the funniest movie ever made :/
Rated 05 Mar 2012
It's so impressively absurd, and it's got a great cast. Campy camp movie.
Rated 15 Jan 2012
It's not perfect but every time I watch it it gets closer and closer to my top comedy of all time. It's so good.
Rated 25 Dec 2011
One thing I like about Wain is that even stuck up movie snobs can take solace in his work without it having to be a guilty pleasure. It isn't very high brow, ironic, satirical or cynical but its still very intelligent. He manages to walk that line of the comedy spectrum which is somewhere between pretentious humor and fart jokes.
Rated 18 Dec 2011
This is one wacky hilarious movie. It sends up a lot of genres and has a great funny ensemble cast. It is from the same director of Role models. If you are a fan of unconventional comedies definitely check this one out.
Rated 07 Aug 2011
Childrens Hospital brought me here. Everyone says that Wet Hot American Summer is underrated. It can't be, because everybody I know who's seen the movie is now an evangelist. If anything it's under-seen. Or, it used to be, because I was the last person on the planet to see it. So we can all relax, guys. Oh, it's a good movie, by the way.
Rated 24 Jul 2011
david wain my heart
Rated 12 Jul 2011
Silly plot, almost too silly. Yet its comedic stars come together to produce one of the funniest B movies I've seen.
Rated 11 Jul 2011
Successfully parodies about a dozen different types of movies. Really funny with a great cast. Christopher Meloni is absolutely hilarious.
Rated 06 Jun 2011
Surprisingly funny and enjoyable send-up of trashy camp movies.
Rated 05 Jun 2011
I had the strangest feeling while I was watching this; it reminded me of a specific idea. It struck me when I realized that I think this was getting at the same idea that FLCL was gesturing toward.
Rated 29 May 2011
Most underrated comedy ever? Just might be.... "If you wanna smear mud on your ass, smear mud on your ass - just be honest about it. Look, Gene, I've never told anyone this before, but I can suck my own dick, and I do it a lot."
Rated 14 May 2011
So fucking hilarious.
Rated 14 Apr 2011
Only kinda sorta works as well as it should, although parts of it are admittedly pretty hilarious.


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