Warm Bodies
Warm Bodies
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Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies

Romance, Drama
1h 38m
After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world. (imdb)

Warm Bodies

Romance, Drama
1h 38m
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Avg Percentile 42.45% from 2159 total ratings

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Rated 28 Mar 2013
I've spent years telling anyone who will listen that zombies have been done to death and they should just stop. Warm Bodies proves me wrong. An exceptional film that could easily (judging by the premise) have occupied the same gutter as the likes of Twilight and Beautiful Creatures. It ends up being a great example of how anything can work if there's something real at the core of the film, and some artistry in the execution. Too much voiceover, but it was kind of inevitable. Great soundtrack.
Rated 14 May 2021
After Twilight turned vampires into nothing more than a YA love story, you have to hand it to this picture for reconceptualizing what zombie mythology can be. And they get it, with the idea that eating brains can cause a change in personality. But otherwise the new gimmicks are few and far between, as it rides on Romero's themes that zombies double for humanity's downfall or consumer culture. While it isn't laugh out loud funny or full of action it is cute enough and has some okay gags.
Rated 24 Jul 2013
Could Romeo & Juliet get any more emo?! The zombie genre is over-saturated right now and this little number could have been lost in the leg-dragging shuffle if it went the polished melodrama route. Instead, thanks to a capable leading couple and a few creative liberties with undead lore, it makes charming twists on the horror genre. A bit like the Unforgiven-light of it's ilk, it suggests (lovingly) that zombies are becoming obsolete. Genuine heart, good acting and great music are highlights.
Rated 06 Jun 2013
Gently satirizes the Teen Paranormal Romance genre, not through mockery, but by displaying qualities that movies in that genre usually don't have: real emotion and characters you might care about. Asks questions most zombie movies don't bother to. It's a slight movie, thinly plotted and overdependent on musical cues, but it has heart. Possible cult classic potential down the road.
Rated 16 Feb 2013
Warm Bodies truly isn't a bad movie on any scales. Still a better love story than Twilight. It's a good look at love and how we are affected by it. The cast works fine and acting is pretty entertaining. A fine mix between romance, laughter, and a zombie apocalypse. The bonies were a smart idea too.
Rated 05 Feb 2013
This was totally unexpected. I only went because I thought it was just going to be a take off on zombie movies, which it was, but it was much more--except for Malcovich as the manic father and the predictable ending, very well done. Good use of music pushed it over the top to an 80. Is this an indication that zombie, vampire, slasher movies are on the way out? I doubt it but I can hope.
Rated 02 Feb 2013
A great romzomcom that makes up for a lack of substance with originality and a great sense of style. Like the zombies that inhabit the film, it moves along at a plodding pace, but it slowly won me over with its zombiefied Romeo & Juliet love story. Director Jonathan Levine (The Wackness, 50/50) is a talent to watch, as his films exude style while telling very human stories.
Rated 19 Aug 2013
Perfectly adequate Romeo and Juliet adaptation filtered through a zombie gaze.
Rated 17 Feb 2013
I found it enjoyable enough. And thus continues my unbroken streak of basically every non-Romero piece of zombie media I actually connect with being a comedy (Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, Return of the Living Dead, now this).
Rated 15 Feb 2013
I'd be more mad about this movie breaking nearly every rule it previously established if it were a serious movie. As it is, it's a lighthearted and amusing romp that's elevated by some great Rob Corddry moments.
Rated 06 Feb 2013
Up till the ending bits this was a delight. ROMEO AND JULIET WITH ZOMBIES AND MUCH LIGHTER
Rated 05 May 2014
A very odd but original twist on how zombies are represented. I really liked the creativity and in some of their characteristics. Palmer was underwhelming and the sluggish pace, whilst probably unintentionally in keeping with the genre, started to bore me after a while. Intriguing and a nice, refreshing concept, but there are still a few flaws for me.
Rated 04 Dec 2013
I went in thinking that this movie would suck, but my allegiance to all zombie movies forced me to watch it. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this movie had more to offer than the previews showed. The best laughs come from Corddry, everything else is decent.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
You've going to be of two schools of thought about this one. Either you can accept that this movie isn't about "strict tournament rules about zombies" and that some (okay, a lot of) creative liberties are taken with zombie capabilities and mannerisms, or you can't accept that. If you can't, well, this is gonna be a rough ride for you. If you can, chances are you'll enjoy what is a fun, warm, comical and well-executed dramedy. More than worth taking a chance on; better than expected for sure.
Rated 30 May 2013
It's ok if you want to make a zom-rom-com, but you should stick to the rules of the game. Where Shaun of the Dead succeeded in being original, this fails. Take away the zombie aspect and it's a shitty Katherine Heigl vehicle with all the cliches about "love conquers all". Curse my cold dead heart!
Rated 24 Feb 2013
Good, if lightweight. Finally does something interesting with the zombie idea after so many recent rehashes of the same old stuff. Has good performances, and a good central theme, well explored. The special effects are a little rough, but the zombie effects themselves are great. Warm and funny (in a more subtle way rather than big, boisterous laughs), with a surprisingly funny and sweet performance from Rob Corddry - I like him, I just didn't know he had range outside of "asshole" before!
Rated 17 Feb 2013
Highly enjoyed this. While the plot is predictable it kept me entertained enough throughout not to care. Makeup was also really impressive. Hoult was a great lead and Corddry definitely made the most of his supporting role.
Rated 04 Feb 2013
An impressive piece of writing 4 what presents as a high-concept one-joke idea. Zombies don't make 4 interesting protagonists, so this initially needs to lean heavily on a lot of classic pop tunes & silly jokes; but it progressively expands into a well-thought-out, unexpected narrative that's not only cleverly & funnily self-aware, but uncovers a metaphorically profound idea at its heart, however simplistic that idea might be.
Rated 30 Jan 2013
There wasn't gut-busting laughter, but there were chuckles throughout (thanks to well-paced awkwardness, and Rob Corddry's use of the movie's swear word budget). Not amazing production values, but I have to compliment the set design and makeup departments. The use of genre cliches makes this feel familiar, although it's a decidedly new twist of perspective. Overall, Warm Bodies never tries to be great, but it does succeed at being enjoyable. A worthy addition to the tiny ZomRomCom genre.
Rated 22 Feb 2023
At least the non rom com part of the part is slightly fresh. Nothing special though and obviously even at the time zombies were done to death.
Rated 18 Mar 2018
A different take on a zombie film. What an interesting mash-up. Zombies plus romance? Well, the premise is better than the execution, but the movie does try, and does succeed, in some ways. Not a total loss, but it fails to be as innovative as it pretends to be.
Rated 29 Nov 2016
The sweetest love story you could tell in a zombie apocalypse. Rob Corddry is never better than he is here.
Rated 05 Nov 2014
WB is numb as to why the zombie mythology appeals to people. The zombie film's metaphorical resonance stems from an ethic of individuality -- the thought that you are different from an anonymous, inhuman horde (e.g., of consumers in DotD). Nothing's more destructive to that resonance than an exploration of the zombie's rich inner life. Insofar that it ignores the essential facets of the mythology it draws upon to tell a hacky story of adolescent love, its immediate point of comparison is Twilight
Rated 12 Sep 2014
Romantic zombie comedy for adolescent girls who are into the over self-conscious mall-rock guys who always wear black hoodies. All the good jokes were used in the trailer, which tricked me into two hours of girl doing make-up for a zombie boyfriend while Coldplay delightfully plays in the background and similar shit. It somehow manages to be bearable.
Rated 06 Nov 2013
A dumb idea turned into a... well, a dumb movie. Some decent ideas and scenes but as a whole not that great.
Rated 05 Aug 2013
I suppose only zombie purists are put-off by this film? Comparisons to Twilight NEVER crossed my mind. It provided everything I expected, and more. It's highly creative, with a ton of heart, and it will ween your girlfriend onto zombie flicks! Nick Hoult and Rob Corddry are fantastic.
Rated 01 Aug 2013
An interesting movie. It's a nice fun zomromcom, but doesn't hit the level set by Shaun of the Dead. Some pretty good acting from Hoult and Corddry considering they could only grunt out a word or two at a time.
Rated 31 Jul 2013
Silly, but very, very sweet, and Nicholas Hoult's character just steals the show with his dry, witty observations (well, in his mind, at least). I would've liked some more story development, though. Also, any film that has John Waite's "Missing You" in its soundtrack steals my heart, as cheesy as it sounds!
Rated 16 Jun 2013
Now we know the cure to zombies is a hot blonde. World saved
Rated 02 Jun 2013
A genre defining movie? Too early to tell but this movie was a lot of fun. Nicholas Hoult was awesome as the lovey dovey zombie "R". Teresa Palmer also did well but I wish that Analeigh Tipton had that starring role instead of just being the friend. This would have to be Rob Corddry's best movie. It was a small but mighty role and really made him look human, even though he was a zombie. There are a few laughs but a lot of love to be had with this film. I want to eat this movie's brains.
Rated 01 Jun 2013
Seemed like this movie found itself an original concept but had no idea where to go with said concept after the first 10 minutes. The wry tone of those first scenes was typical Jon Levine. Nicholas Hoult can lurch but he needed to dig much deeper to find the essence of this character and "bring him to life". Teresa Palmer is cute but it was hard to care about her or the zombie when it became apparent how lame the rest of the script was. Levine can amuse but it seems he can also stink a film up.
Rated 28 May 2013
All the good parts were in the trailer. It didn't strike that nice balance between drama and comedy, so I didn't know whether I was supposed to care about the characters or laugh at them. It also relied way too much on music to convey emotion. Perhaps the biggest problem was the lead actress, Teresa Palmer. She was dull and did nothing with the character. Nicholas Hoult was much better, thankfully. Yeah, it was just a mediocre film with little to no substance and I didn't like it much.
Rated 23 May 2013
Rob Corddry was great. Nicolas Hoult was great. John Malkovich is always great, and I'm a fan of Jonathan Levine's work. All around a lot of fun.
Rated 19 May 2013
An improvement on the novel; the plot has been tightened, the overly pretentious narration mostly cut, and while I'm not surprised that they cut the religious fundamentalism of the bonies (it has to play in the midwest, I guess) it mostly works. It's still a fairly clumsy Romeo & Juliet ripoff with flat characters and a tacked-on happy ending, but what it lacks in braaaaains it makes up with heart. Speaking of which, though, the beating hearts REALLY have to go.
Rated 08 Apr 2013
How can this not be called the Twilight of zombie films? I romanticizes an undead creature and completely ruins decades worth of lore. The main difference between this and Twilight is that they found a leading lady capable of being more then a bump on a log. Other then that, the romance is comparable, the lack of action is bothersome and it never fully decides if it wants to be a drama, rom com, action flick or parody.
Rated 24 Mar 2013
A few more laughs would have pushed this over into an 80 for me. The beginning I found really funny then the laughter sort of died out for a bit. It's not necessarily bad because the drama took over and it's surprisingly emotional. Still, it just got a few minor chuckles here and there as it went on so while it didn't live up to the standard it started with, this is a movie like Twilight but much much better.
Rated 25 Feb 2013
First half is fun, well-written and original, but the second half of the film decreeses in quality.
Rated 16 Feb 2013
-,- Yeah, lets murder another classic horror concept to make a fast buck, woo hoo. Fuck off with this bullshit.
Rated 11 Feb 2013
If you know me well, you'll know that this movie earns major brownie points for its music choices. Warm Bodies is a very good film far beyond such superficial choices, though; a romantic comedy that doesn't lose sight of the comedy, never daring to take itself too seriously and all the better for it. Nicholas Hoult imbues his character with a warmth (pardon the pun) it could so easily have lacked; Teresa Palmer's gradual acceptance of him is convincing. Far more enjoyable than it might've been.
Rated 05 Feb 2013
Warm Bodies may be the best example of a movie overcoming its premise. For a romantic comedy with a zombie protaganist this is probably the best they could do. The jokes often fall flat (Levine's directorial trademark?) but the script is so perfect it often makes up for it.
Rated 02 Feb 2013
A young zombie, R (Nicholas Hoult) falls in love with the human Julie (Teresa Palmer), which bit by bit restores him to life--but the future of their relationship faces many obstacles, not the least of which is her hardass father (John Malkovich). A bizarre blend of sincere romance, zombie gore, and dark humor, but for the most part it works marvelously; Hoult is a perfect lovestruck puppy, but Rob Corddry, as always, steals the show. Director Jonathan Levine lives up to the promise of 50/50.
Rated 02 Aug 2024
I think i agree with the sentiment that this movie is quite's just sort of forgettable. Which is unfortunate.
Rated 05 Jan 2024
Surprisingly decent acting and small clever bits, but overall story is trite and full of tropes.
Rated 29 Aug 2023
I didn't really dislike this zombie Romeo and Juliet flick, but it's really not very well written. It largely gets by on the fact that Hoult is a very charming guy, Palmer reminds you of Stewart and Malkovich can make a meal out of even the sketchiest part.
Rated 14 May 2023
Pretty adorable, but not terribly memorable.
Rated 24 Feb 2023
Funny enough, some decent zombie stuff, likable but a tad forgettable in the long run.
Rated 12 Sep 2022
I watched this at my 15th birthday party. It is a very cute concept.
Rated 17 Feb 2022
A simple but interesting twist on the zombie mythos let down by some weak writing and shoddy direction. Fun for a quick watch, but doesn't rise above that. Also, theficionado's review makes my head hurt. Zombies can be more than just Romero's take, dude.
Rated 11 Nov 2021
Fun zom-com is not quite as innovative as it thinks it is (especially in the shadow of Edgar Wright and ZOMBIELAND); light and superficial, but it certainly has its charms, especially in Hoult and Palmer who make for an endearingly cute couple. Arguably there's not much here for Malkovich to do, but it's nice to see him play relatively "normal" for a change and do it well. A certain bland familiarity at its core means this will never be overly memorable, but it's still an enjoyable time.
Rated 11 Jun 2021
I would have probably loved this as a teenager. Some bits are really silly, and it falls into a lot of emo tropes, but it's alright as a concept I guess. Any zombie movie that's not the 100th iteration of your standard zombie movie is worth existing just for that reason.
Rated 03 Dec 2020
It is fun and sorta cute, even if it is at a weird place in between zombie horror and romantic comedy that makes you wonder about the target audience. The plot ends up being nothing original in itself and it is not the most special delivery ever, being cheesy too. But the world building is interesting and some bits are unheard of in zombie movie lore too, so one wonders where it goes. A big lol at Montreal being used as post-apocalyptic
Rated 31 Oct 2020
Rated 13 May 2020
Passes the time.
Rated 13 Oct 2019
The story is actually really interesting and the acting is okay but how the movie was made was not good more like it tried too hard to be something like "Juno" or some such hip indie flick. The over use of hit pop songs started to get on my nerves by the midpoint.
Rated 12 Feb 2018
okay movie
Rated 01 Feb 2018
Even though the ending was a little cheesy, it was nice to see a zombie flick with an actual happy ending. I wasn't expecting much and was very, very impressed at most aspects of the movie: the acting, the humor, the dialogue, and the effects.
Rated 10 Aug 2017
Neat ideas, cheesily and lazily done. Gets dumber by the minute in the third act. Nice ending.
Rated 09 Aug 2017
Two charming leads and a funny twist on the timeless classic make Warm Bodies the rare zombie/romcom movie that comes to life.
Rated 14 Dec 2016
Liked music, acting and the fact that zombies falling in love and getting human isn't everyday's sight.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
Watchable but I only saw this when I was in a craze of anything with zombies in the plot for a few months.
Rated 31 May 2016
After Mad Max: Fury Road, I have been on the lookout for more Nicholas Hoult material, because of how well he played that role and he offers a similarly good performance here as R. The premise of the movie itself takes a little too long to develop to abruptly end, but I ended up enjoying it and Jonathan Levine's direction (especially the choices of music) for quite an unconventional love story.
Rated 21 May 2016
Delightful rom-com demonstrating an interesting side to the acting talents of Nicholas Hoult. Unbelievably great Zombie Story that really works.
Rated 15 Mar 2016
The most innovative zombie movie i've seen in years.
Rated 27 Jan 2016
there's no horror, just comedy, drama and romance
Rated 16 Nov 2015
Plenty of plot holes, but charming little piece nonetheless.
Rated 09 Nov 2015
target population: high school, teen comedy movie with yet another silly, light zombie romance (what an invention! but wait there was Twilight). Problem is for those over that segment.
Rated 09 Oct 2015
Dumb, but interesting to the extent that there seems to be an earnest attempt at allegory going on here. Pretty roundly botched, but it was an attempt at least. Who knew zom-rom-com was a genre?
Rated 28 Aug 2015
Surprisingly glossy and CGI'd romance -this isn't a comedy. Really dull, complete waste of a Malkovich.
Rated 05 Jun 2015
There are plenty of issues here no doubt, but all-in-all it's a sweet little film with some really good scenes mixed in amongst the muddle.
Rated 02 Jun 2015
A romzomcom that delivers on the rom, the zom, and the com. It's odd, and far from perfect, but if you can remake Hamlet with talking lions I don't see why you can't do the same to Romeo and Juliet with corpses.
Rated 13 May 2015
Though its premise may understandably turn off potential viewers, and the comedy is hit-or-miss, "Warm Bodies" does an okay job at connecting the supernatural to the human experience--as good zombie flicks do.
Rated 19 Apr 2015
Silly, but enjoyable
Rated 13 Apr 2015
Enjoyable movie, doesn't take itself too seriously.
Rated 02 Dec 2014
I don't see the hype. Though it is a pretty intriguing premise (kudos), I thought it was dumb in its execution. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and groan at the ludicrousness of some scenes. There's a considerable number of plot holes in this film. It's clunky, and, to top it off, it's cheesy. The love relationship between the two leads is not only corny, it's disturbing considering their circumstances. I did like how the film occasionally poked fun at itself, but overall, it's too silly.
Rated 16 Nov 2014
It seems like this movie is a little different then most romantic movies. It is, however, only the appearance. The story it self is truly a romance and isn't anything different then we have all seen before. That doesn't mean it isn't entertaining, because I actually thought it was. 53/100.
Rated 08 Nov 2014
Funny, witty, unusual point of view for a zombie film, heart warming, etc A good film
Rated 09 Oct 2014
* Casting, Acting : 6 * Script : 6 * Directing, Aura : 5.5 * Ease of Viewing : 6.5 * Naked Eye : 6
Rated 01 Oct 2014
Warm Bodies is sweet and kind-hearted but it's also terribly mediocre and has a narrow focus which means we don't get to see much of the world the filmmakers have created. It's all about the love story, and because the only kind of works -- there is no chemistry between the two leads and the film never explores why the female would fall for the corpse -- it all falls apart. This isn't going to offend anyone and it remains watchable throughout, but it's not something that's worth seeking out.
Rated 24 Aug 2014
It started with an amazing concept and lots of fun but got boring quite quickly and lots of things didn't make sense even the film universe. Enjoyed it even though I got bored towards the end.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
A decent idea, competently executed - but it's not really taken anywhere original. Unspectacular, in every way: performances, music, cinematography, story; though never really terrible.
Rated 24 Jul 2014
Not as good as most would say. It's filled with weird plot-holes and a few good lines. Acting is pretty good but the story and just about everything else is just strange and lacking the right execution for such a tone.
Rated 05 Apr 2014
Way better than expected, though the central conceit is pure tween cheese.
Rated 21 Mar 2014
Although intrigued by the novel spin on the traditional rom-com format, I was initially not entirely sold with this film. Watching it, however, put all my apprehensions to rest (where they fortunately did not reanimate). The film deals very well with it's horror/action and romance elements, and it has a few genuine comic moments aside from the humorous premise. I warmed to all the characters (even the "cold" ones) and the story felt well-rounded and unrushed.
Rated 13 Feb 2014
It was not romantic enough, was not dramatic enough, and was not scary enough. Its genre should be "dull".
Rated 15 Jan 2014
I thought zombies were supposed to be slow? And how did the zombies figure out to find a place to live?
Rated 15 Jan 2014
A film lacking in almost every regard. An adaptation of a book by the same name that retells the story of Romeo and Juliet with zombies. The movie is nothing outside of its premise. It neither expands on nor explores much of anything: love, humanity, diversity, acceptance. But the film even fails to execute the love story properly or have the characters feel any genuine emotion, so expecting more is a bit much for it. Everything feels as lifeless as the zombies are in the beginning of the story.
Rated 10 Jan 2014
Pretty cool take on a zombie movie. Movie was a little bit too slow for my liking, but pretty good movie overall.
Rated 10 Jan 2014
If someone had told me I wouldn't believe it, but this is surprisingly well made. Beautifully shot, well acted, and genuinely sweet. OK, the Romeo & Juliet nods are stupid and awful but they're sort of subtle. . .Who knew the legacy of Twilight ($$$) could result in something handled with care. For a B-grade Hollywood cash-in, that's all you can ask for.
Rated 22 Dec 2013
6- pretty good, decent :: much better than expected
Rated 29 Nov 2013
It takes courage to make a romantic comedy in zombieland, but there's not much else going for this. You don't miss anything by just watching the trailer.
Rated 17 Nov 2013
This movie surprised me, entertained me, moved me and made me laugh. I especially liked the style mixing they did here. We get a great mix from zombie, over romance, comedy and even Shakespearian drama (Which made the balconyscene between R. and Julie so much more entertaining).
Rated 29 Oct 2013
Rated 20 Oct 2013
I have no clue why this movie did not get a higher rating. May be it is the spate of zombie movies or a post-Twilight saga thingy. Around half of dozen of us who have watched it loved it absolutely. The humour is hilarious in this movie because you a zombie and romance don't go well together. Watch it!
Rated 12 Oct 2013
it was nice. just nice :)
Rated 12 Oct 2013
Warm Bodies is a great movie for anyone who likes zombies but wants something different than the usual. It does drag in the middle a bit, but is a great take on the genre.
Rated 03 Oct 2013
Is it cheesy? A little. Okay, yes, but I still liked it.
Rated 03 Oct 2013
Nothing bad to say.
Rated 26 Sep 2013
The choices are too convenient. It's neither funny nor scary. It just kind of is. I guess that makes it the Taoist zombie movie. The use of Hungry Heart was a nice touch, though.
Rated 17 Sep 2013
For the first hour this is quite the funny charmer - that has more to offer than just being an tongue-in-cheek romantic comedy, and the drop-off from there on isn't that post-apocalyptic. *Preview*: #13#, exp-3*, popcorn, hype, story, reviews, director Levine/1, cast, R2.
Rated 15 Sep 2013
A great twist on Romeo & Juliet, and a really fun zombie movie. I like that they put their own spin on the undead. Very well cast, too.


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