Waltz with Bashir
Waltz with Bashir
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Waltz with Bashir

Waltz with Bashir

Drama, Documentary
1h 30m
One night at a bar, an old friend tells director Ari about a recurring nightmare in which he is chased by 26 vicious dogs. Every night, the same number of beasts. The two men conclude that there's a connection to their Israeli Army mission in the first Lebanon War of the early eighties. Ari is surprised that he can't remember a thing anymore about that period of his life. Intrigued by this riddle, he decides to meet and interview old friends and comrades around the world... (IMDB)

Waltz with Bashir

Drama, Documentary
1h 30m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 67.71% from 2509 total ratings

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Rated 29 Dec 2009
The animation looked nice, but the story was completely uninteresting. I felt like the archive footage at the end was really out of place. I understand why they would use it, but why not put it in the style of the rest of the movie? And for that matter, why not just make the rest of the film live action? That's right, because it would be *insanely* boring because you'd have nothing interesting to look at as well.
Rated 20 Feb 2009
The lack of a "real story" is irrelevant and the animation most certainly is not sloppy. Waltz with Bashir is a stylish personal study on war and the effect of its cruelty on an individual. Folman uses the form of animation exceptionally well, stepping into reality only in the end: not to underline any political commentary but simply to tie the film to reality (since it's form is quite stylized at times).
Rated 25 Jan 2009
At first I doubted the need to do this film in rotoscope-style animation: it allows for poetic touches, but it didn't seem necessary and I thought it might be more effective without it. But the stunning ending removed all doubt. It's a bold and fascinating choice. I'm left with the sense that the ending is something like a "money shot", however, and that leaves a somewhat bad taste in my mouth. What I really liked about this film were the comments on memory, and I wanted a little more of that.
Rated 09 Mar 2010
People liked this animation? If so, I have some pretty cool flash videos for you to watch, you might like them. The film is very redundant, going through the same motions over and over. He made his point within the first 10 minutes and just keeps repeating it constantly. It probably would've been the greatest 20 minute short film ever if he realized he didn't have much to say, but at 90 minutes it feels like a waste of time. Ending was solid but nothing I haven't seen before.
Rated 29 Dec 2011
Beautiful, surreal and even powerful at times, but its message, that war can have a significant effect on the psyches of its participants, isn't something I find particularly original or insightful in the 21st century. The rotoscope-style does nothing for me except bring to mind films like Linklater's Waking Life. Not that this is nearly as bad as that torturous, pseudo-intellectual piece of shit, but I did find the clumsy philosophical conversations about memory to be particularly grating.
Rated 16 Nov 2011
"You can't film this, but you can draw it if you want." There's a reason this memoir of the director's part in the 1982 Israel-Lebanon conflict is (beautifully) animated rather than live-action. It's partly about the mutability of memories, the tendency of people to ignore or misremember things that tell them things about themselves they don't want to face. Looks like nothing else, perhaps slightly self-serving (which of course is the point) but harrowing.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
An imaginative tale on the effects war can have on individuals who were involved later in their life. It's not only a great a moving story but it's animation is unique, unconventional and used in great effect with the story. It does have a tendency to get redundant from time to time which really shouldn't happen in a 90 minute movie. The footage at the end, while powerful, felt more like a tool to beat the point into the viewer and was unnecessary.
Rated 01 May 2009
I was worried that the animation style was going to be nothing more than a gimmick to try to elevate an uninteresting topic, but fortunately I was completely wrong. It uses it to blur the lines between dramatization and reality, as well as using touches of fantasy, without ever letting the viewer forget that this is a documentary.
Rated 08 Apr 2009
"Okay, i'll tell my own massacre story"
Rated 02 Mar 2009
We know War Is Hell, so: does Bashir offer any new insight/meaning? The answer: No, not much more than some vivid animation. It touches on the dissociation &memory loss such horrors produce, but we know this 2. Like a survivor, the viewer is left w/ fragmented, sometimes surreal shards of memory&dreams that in the end still add up2 little more than War Is Hell. Had film's pacing kept up w/ its more fantastic imagery & energizing soundtrack, this lesson might've been worth sitting through again.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
As if it wasn't enough that this is an outstanding stylistic achievement, this animated docu-drama is utterly powerful. Does well not to take sides, but rather opt to portray a series of impressions from the war. Portrays the human psyche very well. Tackles an extremely difficult subject in a delicate, informative and diplomatic way. Goes on a little too long for a film without a real plot and it isn't always as captivating, but I can easily forgive these faults.
Rated 13 Nov 2023
A searing film about war in general and the Middle Eastern crisis in particular. Not rated higher because it's still too apologetic of Israeli "innocence" and doesn't get "political" enough (the Lebanese Civil War is seen today as a struggle about religion when it was also very much a Cold War conflict.) The director is currently quite vocally trying to equate Hamas's recent attack and the scale of the collective punishment Israel unleashed in retaliation, so take it with a grain of salt.
Rated 10 Sep 2022
"Vals Im Bashir" has excellent animation, some memorable, suitably distressing imagery, a well-integrated soundtrack, self-evidently important anti-war messaging and intriguing themes of memory and psychology, yet the documentary style becomes increasingly cold, distancing the viewer from Ari's personal journey that was set up in the beginning, and the animation, although justified by the premise, sugarcoats the brutality of war in a way that cannot be redeemed by the extremely brief finale.
Rated 05 Jun 2022
I'd never heard of the phrase "shooting and crying" prior to reading about this film after watching it. I imagine it's common for invading/oppressing soldiers to block out their traumatic memories in this way. They're all just 'just following orders' after all. Every superpower has put their kids through this shit at some point. Unfortunately some more recently than others.
Rated 08 Apr 2018
A powerful animated documentary that builds its story slowly (and, intentionally, a little confusingly). The story is about an attack on a small town in Lebanon in the 1980s and how it impacted various people the director knew who were involved in it. It makes a pretty haunting anti-war statement, even with the quirky animation style that suggests a not-quite-connected-perfectly relationship between memory and reality.
Rated 11 Aug 2015
This film wants to be anti-war in the vaguest of terms. Guilt is concealed by memory loss, atrocities become nothing but compartmentalized reflections, political discussion is generally avoided, and no actual confrontation about Israel's role in the Sabra and Shatila massacre occurs. We're given a grotesque money shot and the movie quickly ends before judgment is allowed to begin. The resolution seems to be: "You were firing flares, not killing people." This doesn't sit well with me.
Rated 11 Feb 2015
the shattered psyche of genocidal imperialists. sure, there's a parade of self-awareness and no explicit attempt to justify anything, but ari folman is still asking for an awful lot of sympathy when showing his personal journey to find out whether or not he was present during the massacre (!!!). i wasn't that impressed with other qualities either, from the random philosophising to the baffling decision to animate a documentary about mass murder. no, the insulting ending does not justify it.
Rated 02 Aug 2011
The documentary is taken to its logical extreme as a meditation upon the subjectivities of memory and its fallibility.
Rated 17 Apr 2011
Normally I find an excessive use of style in documentaries somewhat inhibiting, but in this case the expressionistic animation-style both makes sense dramatically and makes the whole thing feel more personal.
Rated 24 Jun 2010
Too repetitive but an amazing ending.
Rated 24 Oct 2009
A completely unique film, it is essentially an animated memoir, pulling together the remembrances of Folman and others as they come to terms with their actions as members of Israeli military forces in the 1982 Lebanon War. Using animation allows Folman to visualize incidents as they exist in the memory, even as they shift and grow as different people fill in his blanks. The animation is sharp, jagged, earthy and engrossing, often creating vivid images that couldn't be realized any other way.
Rated 22 Jul 2009
Stronger as a reflection upon the nature of memory than a clear historical account, Bashir certainly merits a viewing for its unique approach to the documentary form and incredible, jarring end sequence; but ultimately this film left me wanting, especially since I personally have a very limited knowledge of the Lebanese War.
Rated 09 Mar 2009
Very one-sided cartoon. I don't see how this adds to any understanding of a difficult issue.
Rated 01 Mar 2009
Groundbreaking. An animated autobiographical war documentary, this movie just "carpet-bombs" cinematic genre distinctions and excels in everything: It is visually arresting; a grabbing, frank personal narrative; the best, most harrowing Israeli anti-war movie ever (and there have been some great ones); and a most convincingly accurate treatise of a controversial historical event, the massacre by Israel's allies, the Christian Phalangists, against Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila camps.
Rated 27 Feb 2009
Very well made and the way it's told, both with the visual style and the examination of memory is very effective. As the focus shifts towards the actual events, as opposed to the act of remembering, however, some of the visuals get in the way of the film delivering a real impact as the tone sometimes feel light or even playful. The end is affecting, but more on a visceral level than an intellectual one as the animation served to dissociate these events from the reality.
Rated 27 Feb 2009
It's a really impressive documentary and looks great when it's not in motion. But, I'm afraid, the animation itself isn't good. It feels like a Newsground flash or low budget anime. While some of it looks good a lot of it, such as people talking or running, just looks poorly done. I do appreciate that the film used the animation to portray surreal moments in characters lives that otherwise could not be shown in a none-animated documentary.
Rated 25 Feb 2009
Waltz with Bashir is a great anti-war Movie, that walkes an alternative way of story telling...In fact it felt more like a documentary. It's a journey through the Mind of a Soldier, that nearly forgot everything that happened 20 years ago. He talked to the old comrades to set the " puzzle-pieces" together. The result is disturbing. Great independent Work. W.w.B operates Great !
Rated 27 Jan 2009
Looks great but the animation is too sloppy. Also the movie doesn't have a real story which started to bother me towards the end. It's basically just a series of interviews.
Rated 22 Jan 2009
Very cool animation and interesting style, but I did not feel it was a good exploration of the war. If anything, it was much better at looking at memory, but the war issue did not feel as emotional and authentic to me as the movie tried to portray.
Rated 28 Dec 2008
A movie to be remembered. Beautiful, horrific, jarring, and ultimately satisfying.
Rated 20 Oct 2008
#872 - 14 Ekim 08, filmekimi 08, with Mesut, emek sinemasi, 21:30 & farkli bir tarz, etkili bir film-belgesel... müziklerini de begendim.
Rated 25 Feb 2024
Fascinating use of rotoscopy in non-gimmiky way to enhance the narrative. The focus connecting present and past of the soldiers in such a beautiful way sets it apart from other war movies
Rated 18 Jan 2024
Rated 01 Jan 2024
2023 çok olay oldu. Ama dünyayı etkileyen olay İsrail-Filistin savaşıdır. 1 İsrail animasyonu olmasına rağmen, Lübnan, Filistin ve İsrail arasındaki savaşı gün yüzüne çıkarıyor. 1 İsrail askerinin itiraflarını anlatıyor. Savaşın gerçek yüzünü, askerliğin bedelini anlatıyor. Her ne kadar film, İsrail üzerinden anlatsa da, savaşın gerçekliğini yüzünüze vuruyor. Olan yine insanlara oluyor. 1 savaş travması filmi. Filmin sonunda, Sabra ve Şatilla Soykırımı. Bu savaşta vals ölüm dansı.
Rated 30 Jun 2023
Effective, intriguing combining of documentary with animation to tell a historical remembrance of wartime brutality. Gives a visceral sense of the dreamy, half-remembered testimonies of the participants (especially exploring the notions of the fallacies present in such remembrances) in a way that live action would have rendered too literal. Not quite certain of the effectiveness of the finale, which lacks the poetic grace of the preceding 80 minutes. A still worthwhile semi-groundbreaker.
Rated 03 May 2021
Was gonna rant about the bad animation (the characters movements are like the ones from a video game like Discworld Noir) but the film subject is compelling enough to deserve a high score. I sure wasn't ready for the end.
Rated 02 Feb 2021
That ending.... This is powerful cinema. Neat, unique and to the point.
Rated 24 Jul 2020
Interesting visual style. I wonder if the lack of emotive facial expressions is a deliberate choice, or if it was an unintended effect of the hazy dreamlike depiction of the battlefield. Similarly, the movement isn't all that great and besides a couple creative shots, it feels like it's borrowing more from graphic novels than animation. Max Richter's score is a standout. Running out of space to talk politics so let's just say death to Zionists
Rated 28 May 2019
A bit tough to follow if you don't have background knowledge but not impossible to pick up as you go. Fantastic surreal animation.
Rated 21 Sep 2018
Brutal movie about the horrors of war in a stunning visual style with the perfectly fitting Music by Max Richter. Absolute must-see.
Rated 27 Jul 2018
Interesting and original look at the human memory in times of war. Very powerful and moving,
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Ari Folman's artistically creative Waltz with Bashir is a compelling documentary anchored in strong animation, powerful themes, and surreal imagery.
Rated 12 Mar 2017
A fascinating use of animation to subvert the usual documentary footage with a powerfull conclusion.
Rated 29 Sep 2016
Ari Folman's artistically creative Waltz with Bashir is a compelling documentary anchored in strong animation, powerful themes, and surreal imagery.
Rated 01 May 2015
Filmin, Israil'in Lübnan savasindaki rolunu ve etkisini, "suçunu hafifletme" gibi taraflı bir bakisla aktardığı söylenebilir belki biraz. Auschwitz göndermesi de cok lüzumsuz olmus. Ama buna ragmen anti-militarist ve son derece stilize bir film oldugunu dusunuyorum.
Rated 16 Feb 2015
its nice story but we should remember Israel is murder also still not only people who has cross.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
Very interesting stylistic experiment that doesn't feel quite right for the subject.
Rated 18 Jun 2014
Plenty of striking imagery to behold, although with the monotonous voiceovers and subtitles, it felt like the people involved in making it were getting more out of the film than I was ever going to. The broader subject seemed untouchable and I don't know what conclusion was offered. Not sure what to make of this film, at least it wasn't overly long!
Rated 05 Mar 2014
Folman gives us an influential history lesson as we join his guilt-ridden personal journey to unblock memories from the war through conversation with old friends. Through its unique animated style it explores the psychological trauma caused by warfare as well as the power of memory. It perfectly blends the natural dialogue with affecting flashbacks and a brilliant soundtrack, before it culminates in a powerful switch to real footage where both the picture and screams will haunt you long after.
Rated 25 Dec 2013
this was a haunting, disturbing film - the animation was very fitting for the film and very creepy. it was also structured in a very interesting way. it also helped that the film was about a personal journey and not objective facts - it allowed the audience to follow the events like a narrative building up to a horrific climax. very interesting, well-made film!
Rated 23 Dec 2013
As a personal documentary of a conflict I know little about, it's and intriguing and unsettling insight far removed from the normal portrayals of war we see in films. I guess that's what happens when a country at war conscripts liberals and intellectuals into combat at such a young age. It's a crying shame that the imagery, which looks gorgeous in stills, is animated will all the finesse of someone armed with a copy of Flash for Dummies. A great piece of commentary ruined by the medium.
Rated 11 Oct 2013
Stunning animation, a layered plot and a strong emotional core compose a poignant and unforgettable anti-war picture.
Rated 30 Jun 2013
The next time a Japanophile tries to explain to me that animation doesn't have to limit itself to children, I'll now probably have an even better example than he has. I love the animation and I found the portrayal of the subject matter appropriately harrowing (even though the selective use of low saturation had a perhaps-unintentionally disassociating effect). I will never forget the last few minutes as long as I live.
Rated 20 Apr 2013
A surprisingly well done adult-themed animated movie. It actually feels like the animation helps the film as a whole, and it's well-executed. Unlike some other movies, it won't leave you wondering why they animated it instead of just making a live-action movie. Some of this imagery really couldn't be pulled off as beautifully in the live-action medium
Rated 14 Mar 2013
Haunting is a great word to describe this film. This is an original animated film that deals very seriously with the theme of war. There are plenty of disturbing and effective images in this film. There is plenty to think about war after viewing this thought provoking animated film.
Rated 19 Dec 2012
I may or may not have taken part in acts of genocide, as defined by the United Nations General Assembly *winks* Here, take a look at this crudely drawn nude woman!
Rated 21 Nov 2012
Rated 25 Oct 2012
* Characters : 7 * Script : 7 * Directing, Aura : 9 * Ease of Viewing : 5 * Naked Eye : 6
Rated 04 Sep 2012
I liked the animation style. Yes it's flawed, but those dark colours give much style. War is traumatizing, wether you're the attacker, or the victim. Thought it was a tad too long though
Rated 10 Jul 2012
I'm not a huge fan of this style of animation, but it works well with the music and sound to breathe some life into a fairly dry narrative. It's one of those films where I can only think of complaints after watching it. but while actually watching it I was totally drawn in.
Rated 26 May 2012
Am I the only one who thinks the animation is not fit for repeated viewings? I keep getting bored and distracted-and I know its not the script's fault.
Rated 19 Feb 2012
Decent, but little more. The animation is a mixed bag, but it seemed that the film had little to offer except brutal details of an unfamiliar combat situation. Can't work out whether the animation added or detracted overall.
Rated 09 Jan 2012
A very well made move. I feel that having a slightly better understanding of the events discussed in the movie would have made it 10 times better. It would have been a lot more powerful and gripping.
Rated 30 Oct 2011
It's jewish, it's animated and it's about war. Stil it's awesome and the animation just brings every memory to life
Rated 23 Oct 2011
"The animation serves as a distancing device akin to the way that Folman's mind used concealment to shield him from horrific traumas, a canny marriage of thematic and aesthetic concerns that nonetheless can't cover up the unsubtle redundancy of his story." - Nick Schager
Rated 14 Oct 2011
lübnan, israil, filistinli multeci, katliam, soykirim, falanjist, (ari folman 26 köpegin kendisini öldürmeye geldigi bir rüya ile uyanir. Askerligi esnasinda lübnanda yasadiklari hafizasindan silinmistir. Hafizasini uyandirmak icin asker arkadaslariyla görüsür. Sabla ve Satilla katliamlarini anlatan bir animasyon. Pornografik bir iki sahnesi var. Onun disinda iyi. israilliler bir nevi günah cikarmis)
Rated 03 Aug 2011
This is why movies are made and why people should see movies. Cleverly crafted, draws the viewers in and they forget they're watching a documentary. The ending will hurt you and make you reevaluate your outlook on your life.
Rated 27 Jul 2011
Okay movie
Rated 29 May 2011
Shocking story. But hey, its war. Too bad yet again them Jews cant make a good movie about anything but war or genocide. The animation adds a nice , original touch tho. And pretty smart for the budget!
Rated 04 Apr 2011
I really like the animation style{Even if it's a bit sloppy} and the tone was perfect coupled with the imagery. Some scenes, like the one depicted in the cover, are quite mesmerizing and memorable. However, the main problem is that it suffers from a story that's all over the place making it feel somewhat unfocused. The overall film doesn't really feel like it has much of a plot which can kinda make it hard to really follow it or understand entirely what's going on without historical knowledge.
Rated 24 Mar 2011
The most unique, most fascinating war documentary ever made. Brilliant and moving.
Rated 12 Mar 2011
Looked pretty cool, decent music and sound, I liked the first half better than the second.
Rated 21 Feb 2011
A powerful and profound glimpse at war through the memories and experiences of soldiers serving during the Lebanese/Israeli conflict of the 1980's. Ethereal and visually arresting throughout, the animation style allows for Waltz with Bashir to become more than a dry, sterile documentary.
Rated 01 Jan 2011
Rated 12 Dec 2010
Den er overvurderet - og kedelig...
Rated 03 Nov 2010
Eye opening and beautifully drawn/directed.
Rated 24 Oct 2010
Animation as foggy memory works well here. The images alternate between beautiful and horrifying, creating an aesthetic tension that works well for the ambiguous position of the filmmaker. The surprising conclusion works well in concretizing the memory. All that said, the film's meandering exposition falls flat for long sections, leaving the film without a strong narrative arc.
Rated 12 Oct 2010
I previously had some issues with this film, but did not react the same way this time around. Perhaps I have become even more cynical. Still think this had a lot more potential though, and there is a particular scene which overwhelms me and partly explains the decent rating. Not the final scene though. I will even argue that the wake up call of the final scene should have been superfluous.
Rated 04 Aug 2010
Beautiful and uinque but some what slow at times.
Rated 31 Jul 2010
Awesome movie! Sigmund Freud with an Uzi. Rough and harsh trip into the memory of a spotted mind with an ending that will knock your socks of.
Rated 26 Jul 2010
The ending was very abrupt and felt out of place. A lot of the same themes were revisited over and over, which made the film feel mechanical and repetitive. What was interesting initially quickly became mundane.
Rated 06 Jun 2010
"'Antiwar' film Waltz with Bashir is nothing but charade"
Rated 23 Mar 2010
This animated documentary has a real hypnotic quality which grows on the viewer with every scene, meaning the only gripe is that you're left wanting more after the paltry 80-minute runtime. Comes across as slow-moving and slightly pretentious at first, but once the story starts to pick up pace and you get used to the overall style (a mixture of animated visuals/genuine audio interviews, fantasy sequences, and straight reconstructions of events) it's extremely compelling.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Stylistically very beautiful, though I think personally I still favour rotoscoping over this similar but different technique. The story is one that is meant to make your psyche work, and does it very well. Unfortunately I must confess that I knew too little from the background of this film to really appreciate what was being told to me. A bit of research before watching the movie might be desirable if you're not that into Israeli or Lebanese history ;).
Rated 13 Dec 2009
At times its completely mesmerizing and the animation is something else. Just felt like something was missing.
Rated 25 Nov 2009
Rated 31 Oct 2009
Very good. The live-action segment at the end was remarkably powerful. This is another film that proves what animation is capable of.
Rated 30 Oct 2009
Poetic meditation on war and its lasting effects on the minds of all involved. I've seen fewer movies that are as beautiful and intriguing as this one. The animation also takes the viewer to a whole new level.
Rated 22 Oct 2009
Interesting style.
Rated 14 Oct 2009
"Have you seen my tool?"
Rated 06 Oct 2009
*Waltz With Bashir* is extraordinary in several different ways: aesthetically (the director chose to make this very political film in graphic novel-type animation), thematically (the link between individual and collective memory, the real and surreal), and politically: it makes a strong case that Israel facilitated genocidal acts of violence in Lebanon. If you see this film, you will learn from it, and it will resonate in your mind and conscience for a long while.
Rated 20 Sep 2009
Visually, one of the most beautiful films ever.
Rated 16 Sep 2009
Waltz with Bashir is different, and certainly has merits. I admit. It has qualities I can't deny. Good animation images, and great soundtrack, however I couldn't help to feel bored most of the time.
Rated 08 Sep 2009
Story needed a bit more exposition. Style over substance kind of film. Its alright.
Rated 02 Sep 2009
Great stuff, well animated with a mixture of flash, rotoscope and actual footage. And a great story attached to it as well. I saw it on TV last night, am hunting for the DVD
Rated 29 Aug 2009
I kind of fell asleep and I need to watch it again.
Rated 19 Aug 2009
A pretty entrancing documentary, uniquely animated with some very detailed and sometimes very brutal imagery. It asks--and answers--some disturbing psychological questions, as well.
Rated 29 Jul 2009
Looks fantastic, for flash at least. One of the most engaging stories I've ever watched in animation. Some of the images from this movie will stick with me forever.
Rated 29 Jul 2009
Rated 25 Jun 2009
It was the animation that really attracted me to watching this movie in the first place, and it did not disappoint. I'd like to see more docs done like this! However, the themes presented here are the same you see in any war movie: that violence is meaningless, etc. The fact that the stories told here came from actual interviews is still pretty haunting, but I was hoping for some kind of message beyond that, showing what separates their conflict from any other conflict.


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