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Velvet Buzzsaw
Velvet Buzzsaw
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Velvet Buzzsaw

Velvet Buzzsaw

Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
1h 53m
Big money artists and mega-collectors pay a high price when art collides with commerce. (imdb)

Velvet Buzzsaw

Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
1h 53m
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Avg Percentile 27.07% from 799 total ratings

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Rated 01 Feb 2019
All over the place. Cheesy as all hell and tonally imbalanced to the point where it nearly becomes laughable. The attempts at horror/suspense are eyerollingly ineffective. Kept reminding me tonally of The Evil Within, which isn't a good thing, and the plot is a mix between The Devil's Candy and a random Goosebumps/Are You Afraid of the Dark episode
Rated 05 Mar 2020
Look, let's not kid each other, it's gonna play like this: I'll tell you that 'Velvet Buzzsaw' is a complete misfire on every conceivable level and not worth your time. You'll be convinced however, that a premise about haunted art killing the most dreadful people in the world sounds too good to fuck up, and you'll watch it anyway. Then you'll log on to Criticker and become the new me. This movie is some weird 'The Ring' shit that way...
Rated 14 Feb 2019
This is the worst kind of shitty movie. The kind that keeps you hoping for something amazing just around the corner, but never delivers. And like Venom last year, this reeks of that special brand of 1990s mediocracy. But, hey, if you're in the mood for a sub-par Devil's Advocate, replacing the horrible jet-set lawyer-world of New York with the (somehow even more soulless) jet-set art world of LA, then look no further.
Rated 02 Feb 2019
Not scary enough to be a horror, not funny enough to be a comedy, not scathing enough to be a satire, this film fails in every aspect. Almost all the deaths are uninspired and boring, just like the characters themselves. The only shining light is its eclectic cast, especially Collette and Gyllenhaal who embodies Morf. It is becoming increasingly evident that Nightcrawler was a flash in the pan for the Gilroy & Co. Special mention to Dyer whose "oh, fuck" got the biggest chortle out of me.
Rated 05 Feb 2019
Is Gyllenhaal too young to chew the scenery? I dunno, but he seems to be having a rare old time here. The film looks great, but it feels all over the place, trying to cram in too many characters, and the story meanders. Reminds me a bit of a Bret Easton Ellis yarn, with mild horror overtones and some satire of the art world chucked in. This is an ambitious effort with a good cast, but feel a bit unsatisfying.
Rated 26 Jul 2020
Horror movies can get away with passing off all their characters as unlikeable douchebags if the intention is to brutally kill them all off in slow and gory ways. But "Velvet Buzzsaw" thinks that somehow the audience is too invested in these superficial, pontificating, backstabbing pieces of crap to dismember them with glee. Just like the art world, this movie thinks the art of itself is more important than the entertainment it provides.
Rated 17 Feb 2019
I felt like I was supposed to be laughing at it. Which I did. If this was supposed to be serious-ish, yeesh, it's got some real issues. It also needed more kills, too spaced out except the ending. Regardless, the one part of the film that is A+, HOBOMAN.
Rated 08 Sep 2019
Needed to be far, far more grotesque - both in how the characters were written and the horror elements - or cut the horror stuff entirely.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
Liked: HOBOMAN. Hated: Pretty much everything else.
Rated 01 Feb 2019
It breaks my heart to say this but it's a poorly developed movie. Dan Gilroy needs to understand something if he plans to do horror movies in the future: good horror comes from good character driven stories. I didn't care any of these characters till the end. Why would their deaths mean anything to me? Instead of horror, maybe he should have focused on humor more. We could have a dark and edgy satire. And also, who does Jake Gyllenhaal have to f...k to be mentioned in awards season?
Rated 02 Feb 2019
Trying very hard but does not get anywhere for its effort, even with a great cast.
Rated 20 Feb 2019
One part art-world take-down, the other a schlocky gorefest. The real horror show is the machinations of the high-end insular art industry, and these parts of the film are easily the most compelling. Then it all gets a bit Twilight Zone. The cast do well and there are some entertaining death scenes, but for the most part, the narrative is too jumbled and the 'revenge of the artist' schtick has been done better elsewhere. Could have cut the silly horror stuff and it would have been interesting.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
I loved the concept and a lot of the performers, but it suffers from waaay too many characters. The script can't do justice to every storyline so instead we get disjointed scenes scattered across the runtime. The A plot will have a good scene and then it'll be 12 minutes before we even see those characters again. It totally defuses any tension. I have other issues with Velvet, namely the poor use of clues removing any satisfaction from the mystery, but I can't fit them here.
Rated 04 Feb 2019
Ludicrously arch high-concept horror-comedy, a pisstake of the world of fine art (though I'm sure its snob targets have suitable analogs among the members of any self-selectingly exclusive medium) that quickly becomes a B-slasher without ever shifting gears. Gyllenhaal is a real highlight, haughtily preening and prancing all over the frame, threatening to chew up the script and spit it back out.
Rated 11 Feb 2019
A tepidly scripted and indifferently directed horror/satire that's light on laughs and totally devoid of scares. Even the cinematography, courtesy of the normally capable Robert Elswit, is weirdly flat and bland. Most of the cast is fine but not revelatory, while Gyllenhaal is as all-over-the-place as the sloppy script, sometimes seemingly forgetting to play the brittle, caricatured mannerisms he has saddled the character with.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
Jesus, the lack of imagination of this shit is unbearable. This had potential to be truly kitsch, fun and anarchic. But it just sticks to the basics. At least it draws some blood in the last minutes -- when art finally attacks its dealers and find a new home in the streets by 5 bucks a piece.
Rated 05 Feb 2019
It's an art world take on a familiar horror story; something is haunted, kills people. I like Gilroy's direction although it is hardly Nightcrawler level here, and Gyllenhaal puts in an early candidate for one of the better performances of the year, or at least one to consider a nomination for, as he plays oddballs really well. There are some deaths that are neat, but it's pretty slow and doesn't build tension well. Just a very conventional movie once you get past the glitz of fine art.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
Who is supposed to be the protagonist?
Rated 26 Feb 2019
Boy, this really is a mess. It tries to be a snide art-world critique, then a schlocky slasher, and maybe both at the same time, but it tends to fail as both. It's a story that has little consideration for itself (why aren't they trying to find the missing art-works?) and, despite the ludicrous nature of it all, this is far less fun or entertaining than it should be.
Rated 14 Feb 2019
No idea what it wanted to be. Acting and the actual art were all good. Few good scenes scattered but it never delved into any of its tried genres to leave a lasting impact.
Rated 17 Feb 2020
Jeff Koons pieces turn into R.L Stine kills, that's the elevator pitch. Somehow it's either too campy or not campy enough to pull this off and ends up dunking on itself more than anything.
Rated 12 Feb 2019
Could have been a decent satire on the art business. Unfortunately they decided to turn it into a very lame horror story.
Rated 01 Feb 2019
The talent that gave us the superb Nightcrawler team up again and deliver a real mess of a movie. Dreadful performances generally from the large cast with Gyllenhaal especially guilty, although Collette is great and Russo does ok. One minute it's a weak satire about the art industry, the next it's a schlocky supernatural horror, with the outcome akin to being a laughably bad Tales from the Crypt epsode. Probably has the makings of being a cult classic in the future for all the wrong reasons.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
I like Jake in this movie and it has this quirky appeal that hits a pretty high point at about the mid way. It could have been a great horror film but it ends up being really shallow amalgamation of a few talented actors being a bit weird. It absolutely fails with last act when it seemed to be building up to something great. Has the right colors and has a good canvas, but the art piece ends up being ugly.
Rated 02 Feb 2019
Rated 09 Feb 2019
And even where there is death - there isn't necessarily art :((
Rated 09 Sep 2019
This film is all over the place.. It doesn't seem to know if it wants to be a art satire, a comedy or a horror film. The cast do a good job here despite the uneven tone. Overall I would say this film is disappointing.
Rated 18 Jun 2019
The movie couldn't decide what it wanted to be, but among the things that it sure wasn't are satyrical, suspensful or engaging. The talented actors are drowning in the mediocre bland attempt at "comedy horror". Velvet Buzzsaw could have been semi-interesting as a drama/commentary on the world of high-end art, but it fails spectacularly even at that.
Rated 24 Apr 2019
this movie is kinda bad.
Rated 03 Oct 2019
This movie is both appearances and demeanor.
Rated 01 Feb 2019
Velvet Buzzsaw güzel oyuncu kadrosu, Jake Gyllenhaal ve hikayesine rağmen hiç doğal olamayan plastik bir sanat eleştirisi. Dan Gilroy, o kadar fazla egoist ve burjuva karakter yaratıyor ki hepsini yönetmeye çalışınca afallayıp kendisinden taviz veriyor.
Rated 27 Feb 2019
Fairly generic in the end. The satire of the art world is superficial, the slasher part is bad and predictable. These netflix movies often start with potentially good premises but are ruined by trying to be too Hollywood mainstream. Gyllenhaal's acting is always a pleasure to watch though.
Rated 27 Mar 2019
I'm not entirely sure what Velvet Buzzsaw wanted to be; the characters are caricatures and are built up to be vacuous and annoying but their ultimate demises are not fun enough to be considered payoff. There are a lot of dimly lit rooms, corridors and jump scares that it is unmistakably clamouring at horror, though nothing happens that is particularly horrific. Ashton is a touch stiff, while Gyllenhaal seems to be enjoying himself.
Rated 20 Feb 2019
The worst parts of this movie are the supernatural aspects. Everything else is very entertaining. It has an excellent cast. Zawe Ashton owned every scene she is in. It was a wild and fun to peek into the world of high-end art. Excellent production and music. Performances were very good and it has a few clever scenes. Worth watching, but it helps to be in the mood for some bats**t crazy horror.
Rated 02 Feb 2019
Not really sure. It's Nightcrawler and Donnie Darko at the same time - make of that what you will.
Rated 22 Feb 2019
The initial setup is good, and I enjoy the commentary on how fickle the art community can be. Still, it's missing a significant amount of motivation for its action, and only toward the end do they start to blend the art with the deaths. The acting is great from Russo and Malkovich, but hit or miss from Gyllenhaal and Ashton. Some of the imagery is inspired and effective, while some is just kind of self-indulgent and there to appease an audience. Huh. I guess that's art in a nutshell.
Rated 18 Feb 2019
Stiff and uninteresting attempt at both a horror film and an artworld satire. A serious step down from Nightcrawler.
Rated 18 Feb 2019
Plays itself as straight horror much more than one would expect, which turns out to be a huge disadvantage. Enjoyable in the first act as a cynical art world satire. After that, it spends too little time with each of its oversized cast of characters, unable to complete a satisfying arc for most.
Rated 17 Feb 2019
Velvet Buzzsaw starts off as an entertaining genre-less mishmash of people, places and pulpy intrigue with a dash of mystery. However, when it eventually settles, Velvet Buzzsaw reveals itself to be nothing more than a horror movie, with all the clichés, stupidity, disappointment and unfulfilled potential that comes with it. With a first act that can go in so many different directions, mediocre horror really was the steepest way downhill for this movie.
Rated 07 Feb 2019
good movie
Rated 11 Feb 2019
High-budget dumb horror flick.
Rated 04 Feb 2019
Jesus christ it was beautiful, but god damn was it corny. Also, I laughed so hard when they were shocked the that the artist used "bodily fluids" as paint. That's definitely never been done by an artist before. Never.
Rated 11 Feb 2019
"Critique is so limiting and emotionally draining."
Rated 29 Jun 2023
The plot, as many other reviewers have mentioned, is deeply flawed and doesn't really go anywhere, but I'd say that Jake Gyllenhaal's performance almost makes it worth it to watch anyway. Plus Malkovich, as always, is delightful to watch, even though he's not on screen for very long.
Rated 28 Jul 2021
I do realize the comedy and satire but no. Just didn't cut it.
Rated 02 Feb 2021
Yes! Very fresh and humorous.
Rated 22 Dec 2019
Gilroy sure does hate Los Angeles. Not quite as sharp as something like A Bucket of Blood
Rated 14 Feb 2020
I wish it was gorier but I thought it was hilarious and I really enjoyed all of the asshole characters getting killed
Rated 18 Nov 2022
A horror movie with a great passion for visual arts but uncompromised hatred for those dealing with it (except for the artists). It's not very scary because of lack of empathy with all the victims. However, it is intelligent and witty. I found it very entertaining.
Rated 25 Apr 2020
Excellent cast!
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 19 Sep 2022
Messy and funny supernatural slasher set in the fine art world. The satirical elements are stronger than the horror elements, and the two sides don't quite gel as they should, but it's a fascinating experiment.
Rated 16 Feb 2022
A crappy Chris Morris meets an off-brand Bret Easton Ellis.
Rated 01 Nov 2020
neither bite nor bark
Rated 15 Jul 2022
LOL. Kind of like a dark humor type of movie - which got a little bit too caught up on the cgi. Great idea and I liked the buildup in the beginning too.. until people started dying in a very lame way.
Rated 18 Sep 2022
Really enjoyable and suspenseful up until the last few scenes where it becomes unintentional campy horror in a story which was earlier established as being more high-brow. But I'm on a Gyllenhaal spree and out of good will I'll grand that man some extra credit. Also it's a killer cast overall that absolutely delivers. Too bad the movie botches the landing. But it is the hardest thing to do in horror genre so I'm not too unforgiving.
Rated 09 Feb 2019
sanat, sanat camiasi, sergi, müze, kurator, ressam, lanetli resim. Sanatla ilgili kısmı güzel. Korku, gerilim hikaye.
Rated 15 Nov 2019
I liked it.
Rated 10 Mar 2019
bem engraçado
Rated 01 Feb 2019
square'in genel bir perspektifte daha derinlikli yapmaya çalıştığını daha eğlenceli ve alaycılığına kendisi düşmeden yapmayı başarıyor. ton ve karakter açısından dengesi biraz kayık olsa da eğlenceli olmayı başarıyor. ayrıca korkudan ziyade direkt kara komedi demek gerek, zira korku olarak işlemediği gibi ona tam meyletmiyor da -zaten ton problemi bundan kaynaklı.
Rated 02 Feb 2019
40 * 10000000
Rated 02 Feb 2019
this one had bad reviews but I really liked it.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
Rated 04 Feb 2019
bu absürtlüğün içinde bile metafiziksel öğelere alerjim var
Rated 09 Feb 2019
Overall it didn't fail to entertain for me.
Rated 07 Sep 2019
a half-baked idea that never really comes together. the cast has a lot of fun with their characters, but the director doesn't. very bold of Dan Gilroy to follow Nightcrawler with something much worse
Rated 13 Feb 2019
Largely fails as a horror movie - the horror/death scenes are all predictable and largely cliche. It almost succeeds as a satire of the art world - the film's message is presented clearly enough and the characters are all equal parts interesting, human, and absurd. However, the failed horror segments distract from this commentary a bit too much. In spite of this though,The film does succeed as a fun, shlocky, and quotable romp (with Gyllenhaal's performance being particularly tantalizing)
Rated 16 Feb 2019
velveeta cheese is better
Rated 16 Feb 2020
Almost every character in this movie is unlikable, but thanks to a brilliant cast, namely an excellent performance from Jake Gyllenhaal, they're more than tolerable to watch as this story unfolds.
Rated 28 Feb 2019
Quite entertaining actually, a bit underrated for my taste. Gyllenhaal is a star.
Rated 03 Mar 2019
A good fun little horror that cocks a snook at the art world and its pretensions. I enjoyed it.
Rated 14 Mar 2019
The movie has some decent performances and makes some interesting satirical points about the art world but nevertheless never levitates itself above average. I was entertained for its runtime. The horror elements fall mostly flat apart from some funny gore moments.
Rated 19 Mar 2019
Nope, this satirical comedy sure isn't a horror. More reviews here:


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