Valhalla Rising
Valhalla Rising
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Valhalla Rising

Valhalla Rising

Drama, Action
1h 33m
1000 AD, for years, One Eye, a mute warrior of supernatural strength, has been held prisoner by the Norse chieftain Barde. Aided by Are, a boy slave, One Eye slays his captor and together he and Are escape, beginning a journey into the darkness.

Valhalla Rising

Drama, Action
1h 33m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 46.14% from 1400 total ratings

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Rated 11 Feb 2011
Sucked me in, chewed me up, and spit me out...then beat me to a bloody pulp, cut me into ribbons, and left me to die on a boat in the middle of a noisome mist. And I loved every minute of it.
Rated 03 Dec 2010
This film has value only as an art piece, though even that aspect feels contrived and pseudo-intellectual. As a movie in the traditional sense it is merely ten minutes of gut-wrenching violence followed by two hours of repetitive, albeit beautiful, visuals of what appear to be Scottish mountains. The amazing camera work help make this watchable, but the lack of identifiable characters, terribly unsteady pacing, and utter absence of plot are flaws that no art film can completely overcome.
Rated 04 Jan 2013
A mute Viking warrior and a young boy go on an existential journey to hell in this dark and mesmerizing flick by Nicolas Winding Refn. Brutally violent and achingly beautiful in equal doses, drenched in ominous music and intense bursts of color. It reminded me a lot of Aguirre the Wrath of God, but instead of Klaus Kinski lurching around like a goon, you get Mads Mikkelsen brandishing an axe and staring a hole through one motherfucker after another. Epic.
Rated 08 Jan 2011
Aguirre mixed with Gerry, leading to an interesting and hypnotizing but slightly uneven film. The atmosphere is amazing; the gorgeous but haunting landscapes, the uncomfortable dark ambient and the constant sense of danger and isolation go very well together. On the other hand there is barely a story to speak of, and one should be in the mood for a slow and slightly pretentious exploration of primitive man versus the world or be bored to tears.
Rated 17 Dec 2011
All Refn does is putting on lots of air and mimicking the effect of infinitely better films (namely Aguirre and Stalker).
Rated 06 Nov 2011
SLOW BURN: The movie.
Rated 05 Apr 2011
As yet another person versed in Herzog's works I immediately related this to "Aguirre", yet somehow I feel the the actual intent of this movie, hate me if you will, is more intellectual. The setting is more ambiguous, and the real point of it, the only thing we have to go after is the flora. How many movies give you only that?
Rated 01 Jul 2010
Yes, yes, it's very artful and gritty, I get it. The scenery is beautiful and the overall emotion of the movie is that of forlorn darkness, but to hell with all of that when I was so bored, I was ready to claw my own eyes out. I don't require endless action from a movie to like it, but at least some kind of a plot to keep me awake is usually preferred.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
Shut up, Mads Mikkelsen.
Rated 19 Jan 2012
Extremely atmospheric. Hypnotic to watch. Cinematography is mostly fantastic, although the digital photography look feels a bit overdone at times. The plot, and its subtext, is a bit too opaque, but the more I think about it the better it gets.
Rated 28 Oct 2011
Primal men traverse overwhelming and god forsaken landscapes. In its narrative thrust and thematic content, Valhalla Rising owes a debt to Aguirre, Apocalypse Now, and probably Terrence Malick. These influences are worn prominently, but among its contemporaries this is a singular achievement. It is a meticulous and stark film, an audio-visual experience punctuated with ultraviolence and thickly laced with obvious but intriguing religious allegory.
Rated 03 Dec 2010
Hampered in places by some of the supporting acting, but on the whole, staggering. It's terrifyingly immersive, in large part due to digital photography that rivals Antichrist's. The characters may not seem to "do" enough to warrant such heady attention, but that's half the point. A human being in 1000AD is nothing more than an isolated speck in Refn's divine landscape, but as a result every action, every thought, every life is a monument in a sea of mystery, blind to the world it anticipates.
Rated 19 May 2016
Valhalla Rising brings out some of Nicolas Winding Refn's best talent for film making. This is a film that some people will find it to be slow or just won't understand it, and that alone I understand. I had to read about the backstory after watching it. After that, I appreciated it even more. I understood everything for the most part though. It's short for it's own good, but Refn's directing is campy and overrall gorgeous. He needs an Oscar for sure. Really well-made movie!
Rated 09 Jun 2015
I'm trying hard to find something more to say than "stylish" on this film, but i can't.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
Impressive, almost experimental. Compared to Aguirre, but it's no mean feat to replicate the mood of that film.
Rated 26 May 2014
I do love a bit of hyper-stylised Scottish existential death-drama. I guess if you aren't into a Refn movie, with all the trappings that can create - minimal dialogue, strict exploration of machismo and male stereotypes and masculinity, bright colors, somewhat seemingly pointless or overt symbolism, nightmarish violence - you probably won't like one set in 1000AD. But I did, and I'm a sucker for this sort of thing. Nice and tight too, very trippy but not a film to necessarily enjoy inebriated.
Rated 02 Jan 2014
Sometimes revels in its haughtiness a little bit too much but for the most part it avoids falling into its own ass to be a visually stunning, dirty, evocative film. Mikkelsen's performance is fantastic, and not just for its silence, as much a question of force of nature or act of God as the mist that brings the Crusaders to the New World. The score is wonderful as well, heightening the tension and providing a sense of forward motion that belies the otherwise slow pace of the film.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Nicolas Winding Refn, the king of main characters not speaking, has the ultimate hero here. His continuing themes of brutality and vengeance are once again present here. Beautifully filmed, he should have an Oscar someday.
Rated 11 Apr 2013
Feels like a terrifying fever dream in the sweatlodge of your local Renaissance Fair.
Rated 02 Feb 2013
Mood, pace, colour, post production, tension, minimalism, mountain porn.
Rated 26 Aug 2012
I'm glad I read from the director that this movie was essentially an acid trip, because im not sure I would have enjoyed it as much if I didnt have that context. the people I watched it with believed it to be a straight up action movie and were very disappointed, but I was engrossed from the get go. Watch the movie with that idea in mind and its more about the maddening of the soul than it is about vikings.
Rated 14 Jun 2012
A borderline-psychedelic journey through insanity and religion. Here things actually feel and look dirty; there is no escape from the environment. It has its flaws but there's something here in the metaphorical swirl of images that drives it forward, and an eventual rewatch should prove beneficial.
Rated 18 Dec 2011
Rewatch: I'm gay for Mads Mikkelsen.
Rated 05 Oct 2011
Men (only men) wander about the countryside, interspersing their perambulations with occasional gruesome violence. Some heavily-filtered landscape photography and some jabs at crusading Christians were not capable of convincing this viewer that behind the butchery and strolling around there lies much of significance. The addition of a boy who speaks often of wanting to "go home" fails to add any emotion to this monotonous affair.
Rated 27 Sep 2011
Like in Aguirre, the Wrath of God (its most obvious influence), nature dominates the characters, reducing them to an infinitesimal presence against a harsh and unforgiving backdrop. But this isn't just a retread, and Refn's ambiguous and allegorical treatment of religious themes - along with his stunning digital cinematography - make this a haunting film in its own right.
Rated 23 Sep 2011
Rated 05 Jan 2011
Minimalistic to the point of indecipherable, this violent meditation on ancestral exploration does, through great cinematography, create a real sense of dread and awe from the imposing world, and through this, explores the almost schizophrenic position of Primitive Man between nature and culture. That - and a bunch of guys getting gutted, axed, stabbed, impaled, raped and converted to Christianity.
Rated 13 Dec 2010
This movie is what Randal (in Clerks) criticizes Lord of the Rings for: people walking. That's what you get mostly, except for a few violent fight scenes that are quick but kind of gross. The cinematography is astounding and really gives the rather tedious events an air of importance, and the movie doesn't really tell you a lot so you're left wondering afterwards what everything means. One Eye is a badass, and the ending is a WTF, but it feels like it fits.
Rated 12 Dec 2010
Making an arthouse film about vikings has got to be one of the most ridiculous things anyone has ever came up with. Perhaps 20 lines are spoken in this entire film and all of them are said in an apathetic droning monotone. Add a plot that doesn't make any goddamn sense and you have this little head-scratcher of a Conan the Barbarian goes to film school.
Rated 08 Dec 2010
Gorgeous, strange, and intelligent. On a technical level it numbs the mind with beautiful image and sound, and leaves enough unsaid in its narrative for plenty of interpretation. Also, Mads Mikkelsen is simply a badass.
Rated 17 Sep 2010
A beautifully shot film with artful ambitions (or should that be pretentions?) I didn't mind the slow pacing, it suited the mood of the film. But lovely cinematography alone does not a good film make and in the end it is badly let down by the lack of character development and a narrative arc.
Rated 22 Aug 2010
The directing and the style was something odd and beautiful same time. The story was told as you were there; it was nicely cryptic. But the latter half did not give what the beginning promised and evidently it thumbled it's own feet.
Rated 16 Aug 2010
What a treat for eyes and mind! One of the few pieces of art that leaves you with way more open questions than answers it provide if you can see not just watch that is. Yet this is not your usual action movie, or better way to say it not your usual movie for it is slow paced and symbolic to the bone. One eyed man who sees more than the others, young boy who knows better than old men, a travel to somebody's hell and somebody's holy land. Worth seeing but not recommendable to everyone.
Rated 16 Jun 2010
Rated 02 Jun 2010
Arthouse Cinema Galore. Mads Mikkelsen embodied the pure evil. One Eye, a man that shows no emotions, and even speaks no single world in this movie, that's compareable to a dark nightmare prophecy that evokes the apocalypse. Refn, the director of Bronson shows, that he has a lot of potencial. Valhalla Rising looks amazing and disturbing. But as you see at the bad ranking definitely not for the typical movie fan. After all I like the comparison to Aguirre. Watch that movie, it makes sense!
Rated 23 Jul 2016
Shot on a shoestring budget of $5.21, with what looks like that dusty old Betamax camcorder your pig-headed uncle refuses to sell on eBay, 'Valhalla Rising' is one of those rare films that treads a fine line between thrilling arthouse fare and masturbatory B-movie genre fodder, although it probably skews a little closer to the latter more often than not. Did I enjoy it? Sort of; Would I watch it again anytime soon? Probably not; Am I late for work? Fuuuuuuuck.
Rated 23 May 2016
A very long slow burn following the journey of a mute Norse warrior played convincingly by Mads Mikkelsen. Brief but excellent fighting scenes. He throws over his brutal captives then travels with an unstable band of Christian zealots & fortune hunters. They land in the new world & are beset upon by local natives. Much of what is said is done so without words. Good production quality & excellent music. Performances were mostly very good. The ending was entirely unsatisfying.
Rated 11 Apr 2016
A cold, harsh and unforgiving landscape of a film; Valhalla Rising is the unique interpretation of a nomadic Viking's journey into hell, and those who follow with him. Occasionally meddling, and drawn out to lengths that probably never should have existed, Refn crafts a memorable visual and audio experience left open to enough significant interpretation to garner a second viewing.
Rated 12 Jun 2015
Tarkovsky and Bergman had a brooding, vague, bastard child!
Rated 25 Dec 2014
So feverish and hypnotic, it's like a bout of amnesia. It's even difficult to recall the way one tends to think back on films. One remembers it like a dream, less and less in touch with these sights and sounds the further in the past they go, as if they are so strongly textural, so patently experiential, that one absolutely must see it to understand.
Rated 02 Sep 2014
Strangely and disturbingly good
Rated 19 Jan 2014
granted, i am completely clueless when it comes to religion, and i couldn't draw parallels here even if i wanted to. i get that "valhalla rising" refers to the journey of the protagonists towards certain death, and that their beliefs are irrelevant. that's about it. while visually appealing as always, featuring one badass mads mikkelsen, i simply wasn't as invested as in refns later works, and the lengths were pretty noticeable this time around, leading to an ending that left me indifferent.
Rated 26 Nov 2013
Movies like this just make me grateful that I live in the 21st Century.
Rated 17 Aug 2013
Too much style over substance for my taste. Pretty pretentious.
Rated 06 Aug 2013
Rated 17 Jul 2013
My dear spouse watched it so I didn't have to. When I told him that some people enjoyed the metaphorical aspects, he said, "Oh, it's got metaphoricalness coming out of its bottom."
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Right from the start it creates a specific atmosphere and keeps very consistent in its style by the end, incorporating some surreal elements and mixing religious and mythological themes (+ madness and a pinch of history). A character study following the journey of a man who goes through different stages - from slave to warrior to an archetypal hero (or God figure) to human - and is increasingly perceived differently by the people surrounding him. Has to be watched multiple times.
Rated 05 Jan 2013
paced like a coma, with a mist of hallucinatory imagery slowly soaking through to the bone, this allegorical quest into the heart of darkness meditates not just on faith and spirituality but on masculine cinema as myth, trying to externalise the states of being that characterise the films refn grew up with. unfortunately, if there's mischevous glee in the mismarketing toward the 300 contingent, the film itself remains as stubbornly po-faced, dour and inscrutable as its one-eyed protagonist.
Rated 19 Oct 2012
A film I wish I saw in theaters, since the only thing here is the visuals. But damn, are the visuals incredible. I doubt many other people thought this film was "cool" but I loved its poetic and minimalistic nature. A Viking film being so empty and silent, while scattered with moments of brutality, makes a lot of sense to me. The landscape of the final two parts remind me that I need to see The New World.
Rated 03 Aug 2012
Valhalla Rising seamlessly floats in a stasis of silence and the incorporeal; it extrapolates an indissoluble tryst between man and civilization, Pagan polytheism and sycophantic Christian Crusaders collide in a thematic primeval allegory. The misty eldritch imagery conjures aberrant visions of an ascension into the vaporous Macabre underworld of OneEye's clairvoyant prophecies. It's a numbingly experimental trip into an altogether verdant hallucinatory universe.
Rated 26 Jul 2012
I did not like it too much but one should see it. Neo-pagan mystical movie with anti-Christian overtones. A lot of subtle connections with Odin and Norse mythology.
Rated 09 Apr 2012
An underrated Refn piece in my opinion.
Rated 09 Apr 2012
Refn continues his attitude of, "I'll do whatever the fuck I want." I applaud his bravado and his vision. Valhalla Rising is a masterpiece in atmosphere, but it falls short in its minimalist narrative. Really, it feels like one long monologue in its discussion of... I dunno.
Rated 17 Feb 2012
Way too long for a heavy metal music video.
Rated 04 Jan 2012
The main character doesn't say a single word the entire film. Take that as you will.
Rated 23 Nov 2011
It's a departure for NWR. It's very audio-visual, concerned with mood and constructed like a dark fairytale. There is little dialogue. But it's also a typical macho fantasy film. A stoic, mute superman, One-Eye is the teenage or henpecked male's self-ideal: Everyone in his bullshit world respects him out of fear and he needn't bother making a single verbal or facial expression. Besides being a vicious killer, he is unhampered by trifles like a personality or a biography.
Rated 04 Oct 2011
Nihilistic yet enriching. Feels less like watching a film than like taking a good long look at a really powerful painting. The music is great too, especially toward the end when it builds to a chilling storm of noise as the characters realize they're doomed and begin to act accordingly. The only flaw that matters to me is the trendy spurts of bright red blood, the kind of thing added in post to stuff like 300 and Game of Thrones. Who thought that was a good idea for something like this?
Rated 29 Aug 2011
Like a feature length version of the killing of Col. Kurtz. Interesting idea which unfortunately doesn't work. There's simply too little narrativity to justify it's running time.
Rated 06 Aug 2011
Rated 25 Jul 2011
The first couple minutes are pretty cool.
Rated 10 Jul 2011
Amazing. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. The plot is subtle and mysterious. The sound design is highly innovative. Visually, it's perfect. The sky looks awesome at all times. It's almost a silent movie, and almost one long montage. What a great film.
Rated 20 Apr 2011
Bizarre and compelling. Beautifully shot story that felt like a parable ... even if I couldn't figure out what the point was. Gorgeous soundtrack.
Rated 30 Mar 2011
Essentially Aguirre: The Wrath of God minus the substance of its predecessor. While I'm not impartial to films with slow pacing, Valhalla Rising's drags out way too much for way too little in its 90-minute duration. That being said, the remarkable digital cinematography along with the ambient soundtrack establish an undeniably haunting atmosphere. I just wish there was more depth to this than "Vikings wander into uncharted territory, go crazy, and brood pensively about it for a while."
Rated 04 Mar 2011
Hypnotic and amazing.
Rated 05 Jan 2011
Beautiful and plot wise minimalistic to the extend that you wonder whether or not Refn should have made a photo exhibition instead. I was bored through the film but somehow it stayed with me for some time after. The '2001: A Space Odyssey' of viking movies if you will.
Rated 04 Jan 2011
Absolutely stunning. A masterpiece of cinematography and tone. Pretentious, sure, but it works.
Rated 11 Dec 2010
In the land of the blind...
Rated 08 Dec 2010
Good Cinematography
Rated 20 Nov 2010
"The Bruckheimer-style storyline is merely an excuse to film a Joseph Conrad-worthy existential journey to hell." - Lauren Wissot
Rated 26 Oct 2010
Astounding blend of the Vikings discovery of America and a tale of why madness and religion go so well in hand. It has astonishing cinematography, such a work of art, a real treat for film fans. It does not lend itself well to the public though, and it is very vague, even downright confusing, at times but it really shows why Mads Mikkelsen is such an esteemed actor; with a single twitch of an eye, he conveys such strong emotions. One of the best Danish films of 2009. Very surprised with it.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Indeed the movie promises at the beginning and the way of filming the whole thing was okay, very unordinary, and it really captured the scenery which, in contrast with the story, is quite impressive. I also really liked the brutalilty with which the few fight scenes are depicted. However, the movie has such a slow tempo and barely any dialogue or action; it's 2 hours of silent scenery & face shots, and it was too much for me. At least some story would be good...
Rated 16 Aug 2010
How can a movie about Vikings be intolerably dull? Here's how: give it almost no dialogue, and acting that isn't particularly evocative. Pack in at least 10 minutes worth of footage of people staring. Provide no character development. This film shares a lot of traits with super-interesting films like Aguirre Der Zorn Gottes and The Quest for Fire, but unlike them, this is a lot of sound (well, not that much sound) and fury signifying nothing.
Rated 04 Aug 2010
Strange movie that gets better and better the more you start thinking about the symbolism used in it.
Rated 24 Jul 2010
Although the film's strongest asset is its incredibly captivating cinematography (digital done RIGHT, like Antichrist), there IS a lot more here, constantly boiling under the surface. The plot unfolds through the cinematography (maybe a bit too subtly, judging by reactions here), and combined with the soundtrack and Mads, it is absurdly compelling. One Eye, who comes from elsewhere, will lead the Christians to a fate greater than their quest, and a test of their faith they may not be ready for.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
Contemplative and berserk.
Rated 07 Jul 2010
Magnifique !
Rated 27 May 2010
Wow. Visually striking, almost without dialogue, and I found it quite hard to know what to mean about this. I was a bit bored, but the movie has qualitities. Quite a lot of blood-splatter and fighting scenes filled with gore.
Rated 24 May 2010
Hauntingly beautiful and extremely brutal, but riddled with uneven pacing and a screenplay too cryptic for it's own good.
Rated 19 Apr 2010
A dull pseudo-artsy mess.
Rated 21 Sep 2018
Mads Mikkelsen carried this film. The rest of the actors were subpar, the only saving grace was the gradual buildup to action scenes.
Rated 16 Jul 2018
Beautiful, although slightly too fast-paced for an atmospheric movie and, god, CGI is ugly at times. As for the rest, I feel it's hard to understand at which level to interpret it. I was constantly wondering whether it was just an exercise in style, a psychological portrait, or maybe a story where events don't have to be realistic at all because the point is the metaphor... Unrewarding in the end. (To store next to Under the Skin).
Rated 20 Jun 2018
To me this movie is an epic portrayal of a male perspective on self realisation/acceptance and sacrifice. I would recommend it to boys / male teens. Not that many will necessarily get what I did out of it but it is worth a shot as that sort of transformative effect is sadly needed in our day and age. There is minimal dialogue and the overall atmosphere seems to be the main vehicle to drive the messages. Many will not have the patience for this, but for those that do it can speak deeply.
Rated 07 May 2016
(...) Erinnern wir uns aber an die Zeit der Midnight Movies: Wie die grossen Vorbilder ist Valhalla Rising ein Bilderrausch, dem man sich nicht entziehen kann. Die psychodelischen Bilder und der Soundtrack schnüren uns langsam die Kehle zu auf dieser Mission, die geradewegs in die Hölle führt. Ist Einauge gar der Teufel selbst?
Rated 07 Dec 2015
visually impressive and instigating at times, but lacks meaning. the story (or lack thereof) was loosely crafted, the themes are repetitive and hollow, and the pacing is aggravating.
Rated 15 Dec 2014
there's a few things to enjoy here; the nihilistic atmosphere, some of the photography, the sound design and score are interesting enough ... the rest isn't, unfortunately. very pretentious and dull, without no substance at all. winding refns movies continue to be either hit or miss.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
Nothing happens for 90 minutes. But at least it is consistent.
Rated 21 Jan 2014
Rated 25 Mar 2013
Felt like Aguirre: The Wrath of God in a lot of ways. Unfortunately I didn't know what the hell was going on most of the time. It looks great visually and there are some intense scenes, but what does it really add up to? Glad it was only about 90 minutes or I might not have been able to finish it.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
MIkkelsen is incredible. Visually the film is beautiful. The dark ambient score coupled with the occasional blood colored dream/hallucination left me anticipating that a horror film was about to break out. Actually, every scene kept me anticipating that a film was about to occur. I imagine if I put more thought into it I could parse the symbolism into something more coherent. But, I feel that may be as unrewarding as watching this film again.
Rated 08 Jan 2013
Rated 28 Dec 2012
Reminds me a lot of 'Black Death', which I prefer over this film. Still worth a watch especially if you enjoyed 'Drive' as much as I did.
Rated 15 Oct 2012
Haunting atmosphere, but that's about it.
Rated 07 Aug 2012
The themes are certainly something I can appreciate, but I have to scoff at how Refn chose to handle the story. It may have been wise to make the mute Norse warrior as mysterious as possible, but that doesn't mean that he should sacrifice the context of the story itself. We know nothing about the boy or even the pagans that he was with. And the ending was just ridiculously weak. It's the most beautifully shot of all Refn's films though, so aside from all the narrative flaws it is a lovely film.
Rated 25 Jul 2012
23/07/2012 visuals ok, story lacks
Rated 03 Jul 2012
Found it terribly boring and pointless. Redeeming facets were Mikkelsen's charisma and the pretty nature shots.
Rated 27 Jun 2012
this is either a big flop, or a great piece of work. I am somewhere in the middle with my score, only because I just don't know. The only thing I DO know, is that I don't know - as simple as that :P
Rated 17 Jun 2012
'Conan the Destroyer' as co-directed by Béla Tarr and Terrence Malick. I sort of liked the minimalistic approach, but Refn can't hold his nerve and stylizes his brutal violence to the point that you're expecting old Arnold will show up and smash poor Mikkelsen's brain in.
Rated 05 Apr 2012
I liked the atmosphere created, and most of the cinematography, but this had next to no substance to it. Minus ten points for the tacky red font dividing the five parts.
Rated 04 Feb 2012
An amazing space journey in Viking times (!) by Danish cult-director Nicolas Winding Refn (Pusher 1-3, Bronson, Drive). I'm very biased here. Firstly I'm a fellow-Dane. Secondly I'm a huge fan of Refn's work regardless of nationality. I literally like all his movies, although Bleeder might be the weakest of the bunch. Valhalla draws on inspiration from classic, in lack of a better word, ambient-exploration-films like Solaris, Aguirre, Apocalypse Now, 2001: A Space Odyssey and more. Be open!!!
Rated 16 Nov 2011
Gorgeous photography, shocking violence, heavy-handed religious symbolism that ultimately doesn't really go anywhere. Maybe. Should probably rewatch.


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