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Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 53m
When Martin (Liam Neeson) emerges from a coma following an auto accident in Berlin, nothing is as it should be: Not only does his wife (January Jones) no longer recognize him, but a stranger (Aidan Quinn) has apparently taken over his identity. With assassins chasing him and the police unsympathetic to his story, Harris must reassemble his world piece by piece, helped only by the one person (Diane Kruger) who seems able to grasp his plight.


Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 53m
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Avg Percentile 40.55% from 2465 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 19 Feb 2011
Silly, messy and rather dull. Filled with plenty of oh so convenient moments and by the end it's completely lost within itself. Initially promising with Neeson, Jones and Kruger on board has turned out to be a rather lackluster effort.
Rated 07 May 2011
Don't understand all the hate for this movie. Especially the criticism that his wife is not recognizing him is very stupid. Helloooo, did they even see the film to the end? It's an integral part of the premise and the plot. Maybe it's not Neeson's best, but it's still quite watchable. Also the count-down-bomb scene had a quite surprising twist. I'll be happy to watch any other movie with Neeson again.
Rated 20 Feb 2011
Promising trailer. Cool cast. Intriguing setup. Poor execution. Collet-Serra once again makes a movie in which you could swear to have seen every single scene before. Done better. It is, regardless, moderately entertaining. But watch 'Shattered' over this one.
Rated 29 Dec 2012
a ridiculous post-bourne clichéfest, but it is fascinating to see a mainstream thriller where the hero saves the day not because he (or we) is invested in proceedings from a moral or personal standpoint, but as an attempt to fill an existential void (and to please a european chick, which could've been interesting if more parallels had been drawn between her and his 'wife'). reminds that this sub-genre still contains untapped riches - we just need smarter and braver filmmakers to step up.
Rated 19 Feb 2011
"I remember how to kill you... asshole!"
Rated 20 Mar 2022
Less a “Neeson kicks ass” movie than a “Neeson cobbles two Harrison Ford plots together” movie – ungainly mash-up of FRANTIC and THE FUGITIVE weighted down from the start for any vaguely thoughtful viewers, as from the very opening it is clear that the screenplay is going to have to play a major series of cheats to hold everything together; the goofily complex international conspiracy is fun in a silly way at first, but at the half-way point, the arbitrary plotting becomes too frustrating.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
It has loads of problems with plotting, character development, concepts and just about everything else. That could have been forgiven if there was any fun to be had here. Unfortunately "Unknown" is desperately underwhelming and hardly entertaining in the least. It just never gets started and consists of a near two hours of predictability and blue/grey scale tedium.
Rated 15 Apr 2012
This film is an exciting thriller. Liam Neeson is great in the lead role and Diane Kruger really shines with a great performance. The plot has some nice twists and keeps the movie going.
Rated 07 Apr 2012
Not quite Taken.
Rated 13 Feb 2012
An ill-disguised smash-up of The Bourne Identity and Taken.
Rated 07 Feb 2012
January Jones has been aptly described as "like when an athlete hosts SNL" as a testament to her acting quality as well as her thankfully small contribution to this film. The mystery of the lead's identity is ultimately uninteresting and lacks real or even plausible payoff. Unlike Taken, there is no daughter on the line so watching Neeson assault people has little cathartic benefit and the ultimate conspiracy seems cheesy and toothless compared to the likes of better spy films.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
Great performance by Liam Neeson. Although seemingly predictable, the story puts you on a path that suddenly twists into the unexpected.
Rated 30 Sep 2011
Mediocre and awkward script. Bad pacing overall. Waste of Neeson, basically.
Rated 12 Jun 2011
Sure, the plot has holes, but it's still much better than expected. Neeson, Ganz and Langella are great. Quite entertaining.
Rated 07 Jun 2011
Given the advertising, the poster, and Neeson playing a very similar character in a European country, you would be forgiven for thinking this would have something in common with Taken. Those are the only things. This isn't very smart or cleaver, rather it is a run-of-the-mill thriller, riddled with plot holes. Neeson holds it up the best he can, but the majority of this is silly and boring.
Rated 03 Jun 2011
Ignoring convenient happenstances, this one is an enjoyable if predictable ride throughout the 2/3 of total runtime. Then goes right down to clichés. Very good performance by veteran Ganz. Nice car acrobatics if you dig car chases. I don't. And oh, seeing 59-years old Neeson's birthday as 1964 and 1966 in passports, well...
Rated 30 May 2011
Completely dull and stupid. Hollywood is dead!
Rated 29 May 2011
The best thing about this was a bra-less Diane Kruger (but still with a top on) That about says it all dont you think?
Rated 04 Mar 2011
Good: I liked the begining half where it was a thriller and Neeson is great as always. Berlin in winter time is also a pretty cool setting and it shows. Bad: The latter half of the movie is basically Total Recall in 2011 Berlin. For shame. And Nixon dies :C And I didn't know taxi drivers were that awesome when it came to chase scenes and junk. Ugly: Neeson's "wife" Now I ain't saying she did a bad job or anything but she replaced Liam "awesome" Neeson with some fat bastard. She is insane
Rated 02 Mar 2011
Yearns desperately for the Hitchcockian, but only achieves the preposterous. Neeson is commanding as always, and the climactic reveal is kinda cool, I guess, but it's hardly worth the vigorous suspension of disbelief the movie demands, basically from the get-go. We haven't even met the main characters as people before we're snorting in disbelief at the gargantuan plot contortions they're being shoehorned into. There is a good car chase, though.
Rated 21 Feb 2011
Liam Neeson returns to the world of 'Taken,' and the results are middle-of-the-road. The concept is interesting, the action is fun, and Neeson is cool. What else do you need? Well, the plot chugs along until it makes a hard left and gets really stupid really fast. Take that as you will, but it's a disappointment that could be deserving of a rental, but nothing more.
Rated 19 Feb 2011
Perfectly enjoyable but lightweight and forgettable action thriller. Neeson kicks some ass, but the plot twist was pretty obviously telegraphed.
Rated 16 Nov 2022
Another Neeson rewatch for me. This was worth the time imo. Good thrills, enjoyable 80s style B movie baddies, and an overall intriguing mystery. Has its faults w some pacing issues and some weak dialogue, but overall an entertaining film. 6.7 for me.
Rated 13 Oct 2018
Liam Neeson is DOCTOR Brian Mills in IDENTITY TAKEN. Diane Krüger is an immigrant woman that has an accent when speaking English and no accent when spaking German. Together they are... I don't know, man. In a movie together, I guess!
Rated 11 Aug 2018
good thriller
Rated 06 Apr 2018
Another generic Liam Neeson movie. An interesting premise that the movie doesn't really follow up, and becomes another Neeson beat em' up.
Rated 18 Aug 2016
Rated 24 May 2016
good, i think, guns, but none adultish things at all
Rated 28 Sep 2015
I forgot to rate this because I forgot I had seen it until I was reminded because I looked up the director's work because of another awful film he was involved in. And there it was. Even then, I had to check the plot to make sure I was thinking of the same movie. Then I remembered. 'Oh yeah, I should go on Criticker and rate that movie. Let people know the important information.' The film is very bad. That is the important information. Avoid this movie.
Rated 30 Aug 2015
After a serious car accident in Berlin, Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) awakes to find his world in utter chaos. His wife (January Jones) does not recognize him; another man is using his identity, and mysterious assassins are hunting him. The authorities do not believe his claims, and he must go on the run alone. With an unlikely ally (Diane Kruger), Martin leaps into a perplexing situation that will force him to discover how far he is willing to go for the truth.
Rated 12 Jul 2015
It's the one man show you expect from a Liam Neeson movie, but this one rips off the action and style of Taken and Bourne instead of surprise you with mind blowing twists that could come with such a promising premise.
Rated 12 Jul 2015
Most of Liam Neeson's movies (that I've seen) are great, and this was as well. Very good thriller, with some unexpected plot twists.
Rated 26 Jun 2015
A great, suspenseful premise utterly ruined by a bunch of stupid murders and car chases. If Liam Neeson had actually died at the hands of Frank Langella, it might have redeemed this mess a bit. After that it gets real putrid REAL fast.
Rated 24 Jan 2015
eng; [unknown]; ein mann wacht nach dem unfall aus dem koma auf und versucht zu dem wissenschaftskongress zu kommen, doch selbst seine frau scheint ihn nicht mehr zu erkennen - ist er wirklich wer er ist?; (Liam wieder in einem guten Thriller);
Rated 10 Jul 2014
stock standard thriller ft Liam Neeson. Entertaining but not ground breaking.
Rated 16 May 2014
A weaker Taken. Good enough if in the mood for a quick action movie. Neeson is as enjoyable as he always is and Frank Langella excels.
Rated 23 Dec 2013
Its not Taken, it's just a fairly dull thriller that borrows elements from other (better) films so often that you'll swear you've seen every scene before. Also, defibrillating a drowned person while both are in a puddle of water? Does no-one involved in this movie know how electricity works?
Rated 25 Oct 2013
If you can get through the horrible fist two thirds of this, you get rewarded with a mildly interesting finale...
Rated 16 Oct 2013
Rated 23 Sep 2013
Sluggish and absurd "thriller". With such a poor screenplay and such a stupid premise, it is one of those Hollywood productions that one almost cannot believe got the green light, until one realises that it earned $136 million in ticket sales, at which point one tries to stop oneself from asking oneself any further questions. Strictly for "amnesiac spy" completionists only.
Rated 16 Feb 2013
Despite the crazy, unbelievable plot developments, I mildly enjoyed this--to my surprise. Bruno Ganz stole the film for me--I kept wanting to see a film about his character. (ps: 58)
Rated 15 Feb 2013
Entertaining film that keeps you interested to find out what's next and what's really going on. Doesn't really excel in any facets though.
Rated 11 Feb 2013
Much like Taken, Liam Neeson redeems what would otherwise be a dull interpretation of an interesting premise.
Rated 30 Jan 2013
Very solid effort.
Rated 28 Jan 2013
I only remember it being very cheesy..
Rated 28 Jan 2013
The first half of Unknown certainly evokes strong memories of Polanski's Frantic, with the protagonist lost in an unfamiliar European city, racing against time to discover what's really going on. Henceforth it sways from decent to daft in equal measure, some of the plot devices working well whilst others leave you rolling your eyes. A film like this hangs on how its premise is realised, and to be fair the 'reveal' aint too shabby. A rewatch could make it better or worse.
Rated 14 Jan 2013
Good potential for a thriller but it seems the somewhat large budget and big-name stars means the concept escapes under the need to have big action sequences. The plot slowly turns from intriguing to ludicrous, leaving the audience with no reason to root for Neeson's character. Neeson is too serious for the role; he never seems concerned, just angry. A waste of Kruger and Ganz in needlessly complicated roles. January Jones can't act. Boring action, fun intrigue. 2 hours long, still too long.
Rated 14 Jan 2013
Amnesiac action/thrillers have a lot to live up to these days and this ones plot wasn't so slick.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
You could do worse than this fast-paced, cheerfully ridiculous, generally satisfying romp.
Rated 15 Nov 2012
Beneficiary of low expectations; much better than I thought it would be. But my lord, January Jones is the worst actor of modern times. How she continues to get hired is beyond me.
Rated 01 Oct 2012
Complicated plot with many potholes. Liam Neeson was good but his character was very confusing. January Jones is beautiful. Diane Kruger's acting was also very good. The movie is contradictory, the main characters is replaced by someone else, but when the true self is revealed he still acts as if he wasn't that guy. Lots of action from 2/3 in, but it was sadly lacking toward the end, because by then they had lost all credibility. Stupid writers wrote the story into a pretzel.
Rated 04 Aug 2012
A pretty good movie with a unique twist. I almost guessed what the twist was but once it was revealed it shocked me a little bit. Liam Neeson was excellent as always in this. It was refreshing to see him without any crazy military training for once. It was even harder seeing him get beat up after seeing him in films like "Taken". Actors in this also worth mentioning: January Jones, Frank Langella and Diane Kruger. This had a ton of tense moments that keep you hooked to the screen.
Rated 19 Jul 2012
Makes good use of its Berlin location. The script leans too much on convenience but is fairly clever nontheless and the obligatory big twist is serviceable.
Rated 13 Jul 2012
Liam Neeson elevates the proceedings considerably, but Unknown is definitely too derivative - and implausible - to take advantage of its intriguing premise.
Rated 01 Jun 2012
Unremarkable, unbelievable, this is what Taken would be if it was a bad film.
Rated 15 May 2012
Go Liam Neeson! He's on fire after being on film for 30 years!
Rated 28 Apr 2012
Good idea and nicely shot. I figured out the punchline before the final sequences but still think it was worth my while to have seen it.
Rated 28 Jan 2012
I wasn't expecting much from this, I thought it was going to be really predictable but the ending was a big surprise.
Rated 20 Jan 2012
4+ worth experiencing
Rated 18 Jan 2012
#12#, popcorn, hype, story, reviews, L Neeson/5-2, Diane K/7-4
Rated 20 Dec 2011
Taken Lite. Similar tone, European intrigue, Neeson bad-assery. This film has slightly more faults. A tad more bland. Also, January Jones is absolutely terrible. She is the most bland actress. Only Mad Men can capitalize on her hollow, emotionless face/line readings. This film does have one highlight. Look for a showdown between Frank Langella & Bruno Ganz that is both masterly written & acted.
Rated 18 Dec 2011
really good 10 out of 10
Rated 18 Dec 2011
Unknown is a great thriller. It kept me entertained for the entire time it was playing, because even when it isn't going full speed ahead, I was thinking about things that happened earlier and trying to piece everything together. It has two solid actors in key roles, and while a couple of the scenes feel contrived, they only felt that way in retrospect for me because of how involved I was with the film.
Rated 04 Dec 2011
Started off pretty nicely, but ended up in an overly implausible story with ridiculous action scenes.
Rated 03 Dec 2011
A bit too similar to the Bourne movies both in direction and plot
Rated 23 Sep 2011
Okay movie
Rated 22 Sep 2011
I suppose Harrison Ford, ten years Liam Neeson's elder, was over the hill for this role, otherwise it should have been his by right. It's basically a cross between Frantic, Regarding Henry and The Fugitive. Unknown is quite a well-made, tense thriller, if you ignore the fact that it is in the mold of nearly every other American film in its genre and makes little attempt at believability.
Rated 21 Sep 2011
"Taken" was an unsuspected hit for Neeson and he follows it up with this mumbo jumbo? It's got a similar feel and style, but it's an utter failure and borders on simply boring. The majority of the population didn't expect this to go anywhere and they would be right, do yourself a favor and fit nicely into that category.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
It benefits from having Neeson in the lead role but the film goes from being an intriguing thriller and having a good build up to being a chore to watch once the twist comes.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
I thought it was pretty damn good and Liam Neeson still kicks ass.
Rated 08 Sep 2011
Taken 2
Rated 07 Sep 2011
Quite decent stuff with taking into account that L.Neeson starts to kick ass in the end. Also thumbs up for Ganz and Langella, who were above all other cast in terms of performance.
Rated 07 Sep 2011
I enjoyed it but I was disappointed. I was expecting Taken 2 : Electric Boogaloo but ended up with a fairly standard thriller shot through a green filter. The promotional shot for the movie shows Liam Neeson holding a gun, he barely rampages at all though, Kruger racks up a higher body count. One day I hope the Liam Neeson European Rampage movie is considered a genre in its own right, but Unknown certainly wouldn't fit in it.
Rated 28 Aug 2011
Started well, but once things began to get revealed, it just turned silly. Meh cubed.
Rated 08 Aug 2011
I watched this movie without any prior knowledge of what this movie was. The movie starts of differently from what it ends. Once you figure out the premise of the movie around 20% into the movie it starts to become predictable. Liam Neeson isnt a action hero either to pull a Bourne series here. Its ans alright entertainer.
Rated 27 Jul 2011
A more than decent mixture of 'Frantic' and 'The Bourne Identity'.
Rated 21 Jul 2011
If the Bourne movies had been much more boring with worse acting, they would have been Unknown.
Rated 20 Jul 2011
Good thriller with a nice twist.
Rated 08 Jul 2011
To briefly encapsulate the experience of Unknown in a sentence: basically you'll wish you were watching Taken the entire time. I kept waiting for the movie to really take off but instead it's caught in the "I don't know who I am" genre the entire time. Once Martin (Neeson) does remember how to kick some ass you're treated to about 30 seconds of it and then the movie ends. Talk about a massive let down.
Rated 04 Jul 2011
Too many plot holes and coincidences to really make it enjoyable. Also, too much of a Bourne remix.
Rated 03 Jul 2011
Decent thrills, combined with an average run of the mill plot twist makes Unknown an enjoyable film to watch. Neeson is good in the lead role, but he has done better. Kruger has the best part in the film and comes out of nowhere to be the best part of the film. Unknown provides some solid thrills, some good action and a half decent attempt to be a real thriller. Props to those involved the end product was as good as it could be for this type of film.
Rated 02 Jul 2011
medio lenta, suspenso que no atrapa, el final te remonta a una película icono de su clase...
Rated 30 Jun 2011
After the first 20 mins, I thought it was gonna be a great psychological thriller. My mistake. Just another lousy action movie.
Rated 29 Jun 2011
Frantic meets Bourne. It aims for mysterious, but lands closer to ridiculous in the first half. The string of increasingly implausible events makes it hard to take seriously. A pity because in the later stages there are some plot developments worthy of a better film. Pacing is pretty good throughout. Liam Neeson can do tough guy but not so good at confused. Diane Kruger unconvincing. A fairly slick ride but many of the elements feel regurgitated and there is not too much that's original.
Rated 25 Jun 2011
Average. An amnesiac scientist runs around Germany trying to piece together his life in this run of the mill thriller. Mr Neesan has turned out to be a surprisingly bankable action star but he should choose his projects more carefully. This a is an uninspiring film shoddily directed featuring an unfortunate performance by Don Draper's wife who should have stuck with TV. Ok if you catch it on cable. Slightly Recommended.
Rated 22 Jun 2011
Frantic + Bourne + Inglourious Basterds. Comes off to a good start but doesn't quite work all the way to the end. Bruno Ganz steals every scene he is in.
Rated 15 Jun 2011
A decent combination of mystery and action. Not great but ok!
Rated 15 Jun 2011
Liam Neeson is truely a great actor! I was waiting for a whole different twist, and although it was a cheesy twist, I liked it because it was original. Diane Kruger was also great.
Rated 12 Jun 2011
Liam Neeson is still awesome, and the other actors around him are also convincing but January Jones...she's really bad and the story tries to play out like a classic Hitchcock movie but it's just not smart enough. The best thing about the movie is Neeson's line:"I didn't forget everything. I remember how to kill you...asshole."
Rated 10 Jun 2011
Passes the time.
Rated 09 Jun 2011
Basically a somewhat entertaining but kind of lame watered-down version of the Bourne Identity. More predictable too. There are some very lazy coincidences written into the story. So-so film, not particularly good but also not awful.
Rated 31 May 2011
"A not-bad thriller starring Liam Neeson. If that sounds like faint praise, it is, but at least thus overgrown 'B'-movie tickles the brain just a tad..."
Rated 31 May 2011
Was really interesting until the last little bit. Why would the guy, once he remembers who he is, not want to blow the hotel up or whatever? Fucking unprofessional. Old fucker was the coolest guy in the film.
Rated 29 May 2011
Not very original but pretty decent thriller, acting is good and the twist was not bad at all.. There`s some nice&funny `Turkish` touch (taxi driver, couple having sex in Turkish, etc) which fits Berlin a lot and adds a touch of reality for those who visited Berlin.
Rated 29 May 2011
Completely agree with td888! What's with all the hostility towards this movie? No it's not "Taken". It's not supposed to be. And it's not "Bourne". It's also not "Twilight", "King's Speech", "Lord of the Rings", "Tron" (1 or 2), "Star Wars", Bond or Indiana Jones. There are also other movies it's not like, but ya get the idea. It IS a pretty decent psychological thriller with a twist that (maybe I'm stupid but...) I didn't see coming. Fun ride of a flick.
Rated 28 May 2011
Starts off decent with a familiar stolen/lost identity story, and it gets better as the plot thickens, but then comes a surprise twist that gives you all the answers. The twist is unexpected and pretty good, but still a mistake. After that it's just standard action.
Rated 28 May 2011
Hate is unjustified, this is a classy action flick. The inspirations are obvious but still worth a watch.
Rated 27 May 2011
Erinnert an die Bourne-Filme, es bleiben durchaus einige positive Eindrücke. Durch Diane Krüger - pardon Kruger - wird der Film aber nicht gerade besser.
Rated 26 May 2011
Decent entertainment factor, but this really wasn't very good.
Rated 26 May 2011
Taken's slow, lame little brother, struggling to keep up and keep me interested.


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