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Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 23m
While video chatting one night, six high school friends receive a Skype message from a classmate who killed herself exactly one year ago. A first they think it's a prank, but when the girl starts revealing the friends' darkest secrets, they realize they are dealing with something out of this world, something that wants them dead. Told entirely from a young girl's computer desktop, Cybernatural redefines 'found footage' for a new generation of teens. (imdb)

Directed by:

Levan Gabriadze


Nelson Greaves










Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 23m
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Avg Percentile 30.92% from 851 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 17 Apr 2015
They cyberbullied that poor girl straight to another god damn plane of existence.
Rated 09 Oct 2017
Surely this gimmick was thought up by some guy thinking that he'd make a new trend like "Blair Witch" did with found footage. But I'm pretty sure that the only reason any producer picked this up is that they realized they wouldn't have to buy any cameras, microphones, and all their frames would be stationary--in other words, it'd be cheap as hell to make. Throw in four no name actors and you got a recipe for a cheap and really shitty movie. Avoid the impulse to drink bleach after watching this.
Rated 13 Feb 2016
an intriguing gateway toward an entirely new mode of storytelling with unbelievable potential. at its best this demonstrates how that mode can lay bare the unsettling paradoxes characterising our modern tech world: isolation vs. connection, functionality vs. dependence, information overload vs. dearth of meaningful knowledge etc. unfortunately, that stuff is mostly lost amid the lame ghost story freakout complete with samey jump scares and loudddd melodrama. i NEED a better version of this.
Rated 21 Oct 2015
Somewhat creepy in the early stages, but as usual, the concept's self-imposed limitations (in this case - entire movie conveyed through a computer screen) become its downfall. It's screamingly implausible that six teens would elect to stay seated in front of their webcams for the length of the plot, throwing hissy fits while bullied by a ghost. Paradoxically, there is a sharp drop in effectiveness the moment the fatalities begin, creating ridiculous situations as the survivors react.
Rated 18 Apr 2017
Interesting in concept but hopelessly obnoxious in execution, "Unfriended" is filled to the brim with a host of unlikable characters, half-baked ideas, and an antagonist that is entirely uninteresting, most likely due to the fact that the restless spirit is completely justified in her rage, unlike your conventional horror movie villain. More dull than haunting, more obnoxious than interesting, and more ridiculous than restrained. What a waste.
Rated 20 Apr 2015
The gimmick works tremendously well so we should be encouraging filmmakers to take a chance on things like this, even if the concept might only be good as a one-and-done. Besides that, the relationships between the main characters are emotional and believable. Unfriended doesn't overuse tacky jump scares, but instead focuses on creeping you out. The few flaws that exist are slight. The humor works, and there are some incredibly memorable scenes.
Rated 09 May 2015
Unfriended has an interesting premise, but long, boring stretches of nothing and few (if any) scary moments make it a dud
Rated 26 Apr 2015
I'm not going to say its not worth a watch, but it isn't worth the praise its been getting. Unfriended is an interesting gimmick, start to finish, for sure, but it doesn't bring the consistant scares and tension that certain scenes brought. There was a lot of scary stuff in here, but quite a bit of boring exposition, too, honestly. The cast is alright nothing to complain about there. If you're into the gimmicky paranormal, you may review this better, but it was alright for me.
Rated 13 Jun 2016
I hooted multiple times at this film. The gimmick works well. I think more films need to have someone shitting their pants at a party.
Rated 20 May 2015
The concept/idea is great, but the execution is very poor. This movie is not worth to be called horror or suspense, because nothing remotely exciting ever happens. You keep waiting for it, but it never comes. This movie is juvinile, has terrible dialogue and is most of all a big let down. The 'plot' is the worst one ever. Very bad movie from start to finish. They could have done so much more with this concept.
Rated 20 Apr 2015
With its inferences to Rehtaeh Parsons, Amanda Todd, and other high-profile cases of cyber-bullying and teen suicide, this is a smarter movie than many will give it credit for. I love a LOT about this. I love that it creeped me out, legitimately. I love that it so flawlessly incorporates modern technology into a classic concept. I love the realistic characters (who even had GOOD teenage dialogue), and the silly horror tropes, evident, not detracting from my enjoyment. This is something special.
Rated 30 Jul 2015
Perfectly captures the tone of being yelled at by teenagers.
Rated 30 Oct 2015
An inventive found-footage that plays by the rules of a generation that won't disconnect -- and that doesn't realize online might reflect in their real lives. It goes by the classic narrative of slasher but with new tricks -- Skype screens, OSX cursor navigating through the screen, Google searches and Facebook notifications; actually, the desktop POV is something we can't escape, it's a trap full of sounds, noise and undead images. Today maybe there isn't anything scarier than a glitch typing.
Rated 17 Apr 2015
A strong teen slasher that's fun from start to finish, Unfriended is a horror movie with something on its mind, a gimmick that works - at least for this one film - and a strong cast. Horror movie fans need to see Unfriended right away. Even those who aren't the biggest fans of the genre will appreciate its intelligence, humor, and lack of jump startles.
Rated 11 Dec 2016
the way it all plays out on one computerscreen is inventive. But for the rest of it's pretty run-of-the-mill. The way the character act can be forgiven, cause that's the way teenagers probably really act nowadays. The worst thing about it, is that it never really explains what is happening and therefor misses an opportunity to make a real point about cyber bullying.
Rated 02 Aug 2015
Well, it wasn't actually scary, so that was a problem. Still I loved the way they showed the movie through a computer screen, with apps that we all use everyday. I watched this on my laptop so it was even more awesome. I caught myself checking my own skype button every now and then and I even forgot that it wasn't actually my own screen sometimes. So that was really interesting and I hope there will be more movies like this one in the future, but hopefully just a tad scarier.
Rated 05 May 2016
This movie is not without merit. It is a novel idea, there is some tension in the first half, one of the kills is actually kind of cool, and SOME of the dynamics between the characters are believable. But it mostly wastes its premise and overall... I'm not comfortable with the way roofieing is used in this story. Its made equivalent with a bunch of other "bad" things the characters have done but like... raping someone is way, way worse.
Rated 24 Oct 2017
That one segment from V/H/S done about as well as you could possibly do it. A film that actually understands how unnerving it is when the chat program says someone is typing but then they don't actually send anything. A movie that understands the technology it's about, how it works, who uses and how they use it more than pretty much any other movie ever made
Rated 13 Oct 2016
If you die on skype, you die in real life
Rated 24 Sep 2017
Parentless, siblingless, neighborless, brainless teens screaming hysterically for an hour.
Rated 23 Oct 2015
Wasn't horrible and not really that scary. Just annoying that it was on the computer the entire time.
Rated 30 Sep 2015
Like many horror flicks with fresh, clever initial ideas, it unfortunately loses momentum by the end (and has to end with the oh-so-predictable FINAL SHOCK which is so overdone it no longer shocks). But, that said, I will admit I was quite entertained by the first half-hour or so, which was fresh and interesting.
Rated 09 Aug 2017
When I saw the trailer for Unfriended I thought it was for a fake movie. I expected a title card to pop up at the end that said "don't pirate movies" or something like that. Unfriended is terrible. You can get a few laughs at the film's expense
Rated 01 Nov 2020
Conceptually brilliant, potentially offering a critical view into the troubles, awkwardness, and ubiquity of modern-day online communication. But the end product falls far short of those lofty possibilities. An over reliance on audio jump scares and overly complicated drama strains credibility, even of cyberbullying teenage assholes. The game of "Never Have I Ever" in particular struck me as a lame way to force more drama, rather than letting it evolve naturally. A shame.
Rated 11 Aug 2015
It's a little limited by its gimmick, but it works astonishingly well within that gimmick--no seams show, it's genuinely unpredictable, and it really does seem like it's happening in real time. Plus, this movie did what few horror flicks these days can achieve: it made me nervous. Jump scares are easy; creating a gnawing, pit-of-stomach sense of dread is not. UNFRIENDED is able to achieve that.
Rated 12 May 2015
Every bit as lame as it looks. I walked out of the movie feeling like I'd watched a 30 minute short film, not a feature length movie in the theater. If you must see it, I definitely don't recommend doing so in the theater.
Rated 25 Nov 2015
This bland piece of crap might have impressed me when I was 15. In fact I think I'm way too old for this, not just in age but in the sheer number of infinitely more effective horror movies I've seen that this movie fails miserably to live up to.
Rated 09 Nov 2015
Cheap is the best way to describe it. The budget must have been almost non-existent. Worse, is the terrible writing and ridiculous plot. However, the teenage actors made an effort to show emotion, but that is the only thing good. I don't go to movies so I can read text messages on the screen & see random screen cams of one person after the next. Needless to say, this movie disappoints at nearly every level & fails to be entertaining or engaging.
Rated 23 Feb 2016
Listening to a bunch of obnoxious, idiotic teenagers whine incessantly about 2SPOOPY bullshit is not what I consider to be great entertainment, especially since the film seems to have no idea how actual teenagers act or how computers work. While I guess the concept is unique, I don't find the idea interesting. Watching other people sit around on Skype all day using a variety of websites isn't what I'd call ground breaking innovation. If anything, that sounds like low budget crap to me.
Rated 03 Jul 2015
VHS1 did the Skype horror thing better, but this was still an intriguing format to follow. What sucks is that this seemingly novel idea was truly wasted on this story. In truth, the phone is a key character in many horror films (Scream, Halloween, NoES etc.), and the magnitude it has as an object (and weapon) is palpable. Skype replaces it in in this film, but its functions remain the same: the phone is the vehicle for a phantom other, a cerebral fear of the unknown. Good idea but nothing else.
Rated 21 Jun 2021
Excellent idea let down by a needlessly convoluted plot and some of the overest acting ever delivered straight into a camera. "Host" did the same thing much better.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
There wasn't much chance of my finding anything to enjoy here, but I'll still say that for what it is (an idea both stupid and inevitable) it's probably as competently executed as could be.
Rated 11 Aug 2015
uhm..yeah it got me one or two scares and show the whole movie through a computer screen was pretty cool. But other than that I would've liked some explanation. Although I'm not a fan of movies explaining everything (give the audience a little imagination), I didn't quite get how those teens died or killed themselves.
Rated 22 May 2016
Rated 08 Oct 2023
As expected, this is all concept no execution, which is quite unfortunate because at times it can be really good. Most of the time, its sophomoric writing (the ending) or nonsensical editing (every characters' death). Nelson Greaves kill urself.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
It's not brilliant, but it's not truly horrible, either. It does overstay it's welcome with a bit too much teenage drama and the runtime, but it's got a few genuinely tense and disturbing scenes. The format of having everything happening on the computer screen might not be for everyone and it does get a bit tiring and just boring at times. Still, decent thrills here at times, especially in the beginning, but like many horror movies, it goes a bit too overboard in the end.
Rated 18 Apr 2015
Viewed April 17, 2015. Undoubtedly flawed, but I actually really dug this. The trailers totally undersell just how much goddamn fun it is to watch a movie unfold on a computer screen, and how great the acting genuinely is a lot of the time. It's not particularly scary, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Rated 08 May 2015
Well, at least there was a try to introduce something new.
Rated 18 Nov 2022
Top badass moment? Well, that’s well and truly driven a Mydoom sized hole though the idea that Apple products are secure, or that Facebook will actually look after your personal data. This movie also reveals the true reason why Zoom suddenly became THE go-to video app rather than Skype. It’s a clever film technically, but I’ve no idea how the individuals actually got killed; they just do okay, because they’re teenagers and that’s the point of teenagers. No cats, chainsaws, or decapitations.
Rated 07 Jun 2016
Fun and creepy. The best part of the film is the glimpses you get into the protagonist's life, via her internet bookmarks (laughed my ass off at the Jezebel one), iTunes playlist (where was the Drake?), etc.
Rated 16 May 2022
The plot + writing - 3 The acting - 4 The entertainment value - 2 The look + sound - 6
Rated 12 Aug 2015
I really like films that take place on desktops for some reason (The Den, VHS), so I'm a bit impartial here. I actually kinda liked this film, but it got negative marks for the whole ending.
Rated 05 Jul 2021
I would usually say that the relentlessly unlikable protagonist detracts from the movie, but it kind of was the whole point here. Some effective scares too.
Rated 12 Aug 2015
Interesting and original concept executed fairly well. The acting is fine. The story is a little tedious at times, but in the end Unfriended is worth giving a watch.
Rated 18 Nov 2020
Rated 19 May 2020
The concept is really creepy in my opinion and there certainly were some scary bits, however in the end it's quite mediocre with not that great acting.
Rated 12 Mar 2020
It has a good concept but it feels a bit too long at times, like, it got kinda tiring tbh. I thought it was gonna be way worse tho.
Rated 20 Oct 2019
This was actually pretty damn good for what it was.
Rated 21 Jul 2019
With its unique (at the time) concept that puts a new spin on found footage horror, it does have some cleverness to it and is also commendable for having a cast of wholly unlikeable characters, which works because it's by design. Despite those strengths, though, it fails to make the most of its premise and the scares are never really there. It's worth a look, and is miles better than "Friend Request", but it's still nothing amazing.
Rated 25 Jul 2018
Includes grossness, unfortunately. The format has great potential.
Rated 03 Dec 2019
Not as interesting a premise as the sequel, executed a bit better. At least the first two-thirds or so, until they start dying--then it just gets stupid. Nothing is explained, and it's impossible to care about these hysterical teenagers anyway.
Rated 08 Feb 2021
Gets a lot of mileage from it’s fresh premise but sadly fumbles the ending and loses a lot of good will on the way there. Still, definitely worth a watch.
Rated 10 Jun 2015
Bad movie. Incredibly boring to watch as there is no suspense. The plot and script are laughable. No real character development or something that would make the characters more interesting. Would not watch this movie again.
Rated 15 Jan 2019
Rated 07 May 2015
The actual premise & execution of Unfriended is cool, but the amazing technical approach makes it memorable. Lead Shelly Henning is great--giving the film a semblance of emotional weight. The picture (which could've been a great episode of a horror anthology tv show) drags a bit at times. And the story could have used some more sympathetic characters. But overall, it's got some good thrills & dark humor and is even scarier when you realize horrific online bullying like this happens everyday.
Rated 14 Jul 2016
It amused me. Not scary in the least. The idea could sustain a segment in an anthology movie but not a feature. Ghosts apparently cause computers to drop to dsl speeds if the constant lag and pixelation and 46kbs dl of a jpeg are any indication. The chat roulette moment put it below 50.
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Not that great, but somewhat interesting (the "real" technical aspects).
Rated 27 Jan 2016
Wow! A horror movie that actually has no redeeming characters and stuck to it's morals the whole way through. Beautiful in basically every way. Nice to see Olstead in something after Still standing. Wysocki is a delight like usual. Relevant and tense!
Rated 26 Apr 2016
New age film. Definitely a horror film of this generation. It's a refreshing take on the cinematography. Just screens of Skype. It lacks actual depth and story. It got old quickly. Wouldn't necessarily watch again.
Rated 07 Jun 2016
This will go down as the "computer screen found footage horror flick" but it's commendable for the attempt. It's almost something like a cultural portrait. It's like someone adapted one of those "if you don't forward this to 30 people" trollposts into a feature. Rather cheap, and poor music choices, but it rises above other works afraid of silence and lacking ambition. Don't expect to find rich themes or anything of that nature.
Rated 04 Oct 2015
I don't know...nice idea, really good performances, great editing, doesn't really seem to amount to anything. It like watching some weird, supernaturally imposed teenage drama on a desktop. On paper it seems like a horror movie or a thriller. But it isn't. It's not like you feel you know any of them. It's noct like you care about any of them. Maybe because they were all kind of douchebags, I don't know... Oh, kudos to the german dub!
Rated 31 Jan 2017
I have to admit, I really enjoy seeing an entire movie from a computer screen perspective. At some times it does get a little nauseating, but it's very real, from her clicking through spotify to her typing then deleting her messages.
Rated 26 Sep 2015
Somehow I loved this movie. Reminds me of the first time I watched Paranormal Activity.
Rated 24 Oct 2015
"It was supposed to be an anti-Fascist rally."
Rated 29 Apr 2015
Unfriended is a standard R-rated teen fright-flick with one distinguishing gimmick: It's told via computer. So all the Blair Witch Project-style "action," such as it is, takes place on Blaire's laptop, the story progressing through Skype sessions, Facebook updates, text messages and playlists. Oh, and of course, computer cam-filmed suicides. It's a variant on the "found footage" trope, and in a way it's creepily fitting, given how much of teens' lives are spent online. (
Rated 31 May 2015
Entertaining and a very original concept.
Rated 13 Sep 2015
Unfriended may be unique but it just lacks entertainment and scares. All points are rewarded for strong performances and the originality.
Rated 11 Aug 2017
I had very low expectations for this movie when I heard of the concept and saw the teasers, but think it did a better job with the desktop premise than both The Den and the VHS video chat segments. It would probably have been better as a VHS segment, actually. I was also taken out by the outrageous cartoonishness of the death scenes.
Rated 17 Feb 2016
Better than I expected, though doesn't contain many "true" scares.
Rated 25 Jan 2016
Jacob Wysocki is da best
Rated 28 Jul 2015
A movie entirely within a laptop screen could lead to a decent film but don't mistake Unfriended for anything different. It's still teen horror with awful tension and poorly-done scary moments.
Rated 14 Mar 2016
I don't think I would unfriend any of the people who made this film. I couldn't believe that the majority of the movie is shot on a computer screen, but it actually works. Although, it does make it feel like a foreign language film with all the reading you have to do, and some of the text chat is really small even on a bigger screen. Still, I had a good creepy feeling from this movie for a while. I wasn't really scared at any point but I had some fun watching this cyber-thriller...
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Written and Directed by hipgrandpa97
Rated 21 Apr 2015
The best use of the concept of a long take since Birdman, which is greater than this deserves. The concept itself is brilliant, and I hope that there are more movies made that can use computer screens to such great effect (side note: I recommend that anyone who appreciated that aspect check out the short "Internet Story"). However, the level of omnipotence that the girl gained from being cyberbullied after shitting herself made it harder and harder to suspend my disbelief as the movie went on.
Rated 22 Jun 2015
The computer screen only premise is restrictive, but Unfriended pulls it off about as well as you can and manages to slide in some solid messages about online habits
Rated 03 Jun 2015
Rated 01 Oct 2015
Approach it as something other than the teen slasher it's billed as, and it's a strangely effective drama. A lot of love went into crafting a fairly by-the-books story, and everyone deserves a lot of credit for what functions as long-form product placement for Apple, Skype, Google, and Facebook. I enjoyed it a lot. It also doesn't feel its length, which can happen a lot with this genre, and would've been expected given the cinematographic constraints.
Rated 25 Feb 2016
It's basically Friday the 13th on a laptop, but the gimmick works like gangbusters. One request: Please Hollywood cybergods, no sequels.
Rated 24 Jun 2015
I could watch kids putting their hands in blenders for hours.
Rated 22 Jan 2018
Better than I was expecting. It has an interesting concept for a teen horror movie and I'm impressed with how the director was able to pull this off.
Rated 04 Aug 2016
Just stupid

Cast & Info

Directed by:

Levan Gabriadze


Nelson Greaves










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