Unexpected Father
Unexpected Father
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Unexpected Father

Unexpected Father

Comedy, Drama
Jimmy Hanley learns that his former dancing partner has been killed, leaving a baby boy Sandy, so he takes the baby to live with him and his roommate Boris Bebenko. Theatre manager Allen Rand threatens to fire Jimmy for neglecting his work, but Jimmy's girlfriend Diana squares things by going to dinner with Rand over Jimmy's objections. Sandy catches measles and the quarantine causes Jimmy and Boris to miss a big audition.

Unexpected Father

Comedy, Drama
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 57.59% from 1 total ratings

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Rated 29 Nov 2020
Baby Sandy causes chaos in men's life. As she always did. She always made good money for the studio as well, so these films where popular at the time, but largely forgotten since. To modern eyes they're neither great nor terrible, but very much a product of its time. As is Unexpected Father (1939) where probable Mischa Auer gets the most out of the material.


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