Triangle of Sadness
Triangle of Sadness
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Triangle of Sadness

2h 27m
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Avg Percentile 58.53% from 1344 total ratings

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Rated 05 Feb 2023
Pretty much sums up the film year at the moment: overlong, indulgent, and feigning depth when it’s just as ignorant as the systems and people it’s trying to take down. Many individual scenes shine but there isn’t much connective tissue to cohere the experience. Another theme of the year: it’s just mean. Comedy and satire is meant to “punch up” but this punches everything it sees - performative grievance theatre, all vomit and circumstance, signifying nothing.
Rated 01 Oct 2022
What should've been the most interesting part is played out in long-winded fashion, but the rest of the film delivers plenty of laughs and the ending sealed it for me. Cinema would be far less exciting were it not for directors like Ruben Östlund.
Rated 24 Mar 2023
And here we have a gourmet Survivor episode, classic schadenfreude refined for a more sophisticated palate, quite exquisite. The social commentary has a rich, earthy complexion with a playfully bitter aftertaste. Delightful! *vomits*
Rated 24 Dec 2022
Östlund gonna Östlund, smug distance and all. There's something to be said for how increasing success has allowed him to go from satirizing teacher's lounges to multi-millionnaire yachts and finding much the same hipocrisy everywhere. Does it need to be 2 1/2 hours? No, but then, part of it is having to sit in the awkwardness, and driving jokes past the point where we can comfortably pat ourselves on the back.
Rated 26 Nov 2022
Parasite for misanthropes.
Rated 26 Nov 2022
So basically we better learn to fish and make a fire or we're fucked.
Rated 01 Nov 2022
Unfocused and too long. The last hour or so, I’m mostly waiting for it to end, but when it fors, the ending is a disappointment. The main theme is global inequality, but this story is as shallow as the song. It is not all bad and there are some funny scenes. The verdict is 2, but it’s a strong 2.
Rated 21 Oct 2022
Pretty thoroughly perfect. There’s maybe one scene that could be shorter in the final 15 mins but I don’t mind it honestly. Ostlund carefully provides these moments of characterization to make the satire just relatable enough to make our laughing hurt deeper. I like how the first chapter transitions from the themes/world of The Square to this new direction. It’s like Haneke with the subject matter of Bunuel. Ostlund has made something more commercial here without losing his boldness. Excellent.
Rated 24 Mar 2023
Gave me the barf poops. Pretty fun.
Rated 26 Oct 2022
Plenty of amusing moments. Extremely broad, obvious satire. Satire should offer you a perspective that challenges you instead of reaffirming what you already think.
Rated 02 Mar 2023
Perhaps it was false expectations that soured my opinion of this a bit, but I thought it was way too long. I didn’t find it all that funny either save for a few good moments. It is well made though. The acting is great, the production is really good, and I love the way it was shot. The ending saved it a bit for me as well. This is just one of those movies that I have more appreciation for rather than love. Lots of passion and work went in to this though, so I still recommend checking it out.
Rated 10 Nov 2022
I mean it’s a tad on the nose right? Basically having a guys monocle fall into his own puke and shit while he says well I never is a bit much, but who am I to hate on a guy keeping shit humour alive. How many movies this year will have an old lady dying in and rolling in shit and puke
Rated 28 Sep 2022
So Ruben Östlund went straight from elegant satire (The Square) to extremely blunt. I like it because he probably did exactly what he wanted to. And I was truly entertained despite the weaker third part.
Rated 16 Feb 2023
I am not sure if I enjoyed this, but this film went in a few unique directions (the Refused needle drop scene, for example). So, an unenjoyable unique film? Sounds like a fun (150 minute) time.
Rated 24 Nov 2022
Rated 11 Oct 2022
Savage, repulsive, shameless, so-true-it’s hilarious takedown of post-capitalism.
Rated 01 Oct 2022
Parables are laid thick in this satire that illustrates our human condition that is extremely susceptible to corruption. Even if childishly on the nose, I cannot help but to be in awe of this derogatory spectacle. This is some of the best dialogue writing I’ve seen in years. All the characters are deeply flawed and disgustingly opportunistic but still so very relatable, human and endearing. I’ve absolutely met these people in real life. My highest rated movie of the year.
Rated 26 Sep 2022
About as good as 'The Square' and 'Force Majeure', and while nothing here outshines the first half of the latter, I was engaged throughout 'Triangle of Sadness'.
Rated 29 May 2023
The humour is broader than in Östlund’s previous two films and the general approach a little more scattershot, with the result being that, even though the story contains major and unexpected shifts, somehow the whole thing seems to become less interesting as it moves along. There are pleasures to be had, but it ends up as something of a disappointment.
Rated 26 Mar 2023
The stuff that works here--the comedy, the class criticism, and the photography--is really nice. But it's really dragged down by the pacing, which made things feel tedious when it seems like it should have been fun.
Rated 16 Mar 2023
Contrary to what it says on the tin, this actually made my triangle quite happy
Rated 12 Mar 2023
the aristocrats! haha I'm so funny, y'see, it works on multiple levels, let me explain the joke. so–
Rated 26 Feb 2023
Rich people get sick and go boom. No subtext here, but the lack of subtlety and just sheer bravado of this thing is something to behold.
Rated 22 Feb 2023
It has all the subtlety this kind of movie always has, the writing isn't particularly stellar, but it at least tries to be nuanced. Emphasis on tries.
Rated 19 Feb 2023
Dolly De Leon towered above all
Rated 20 Jan 2023
This is a sometimes drama that's not very dramatic, an occasional comedy that's not very funny and a desperate satire that's so unsubtle as to be completely uninteresting. We also have mostly unlikable characters not doing much of anything except being snarky and bickering with each other, and a central section specifically designed to turn your stomach, resulting in a rough couple of hours. Woody Harrelson and Zlatko Buric are kind of amusing in their scenes together but that's about it.
Rated 18 Jan 2023
The 1st act is a bit of a chore but Östlund sets up his cinematic thesis on money, power, gender dynamics & society in a masterful fashion. At ~150 min the film is long (with moments where you feel it) but mostly it's engaging in either a fun, gross or topic-starting way. My favourite moment was the quote-off between Harrelson & Buric. The 3rd act signals a theme of fixed societal roles that people are desperate to fulfil to the point of overlooking anything better & it plays out as expected.
Rated 18 Dec 2022
The surprise of the year. Such a well-written and beautifully crafted satire. Not subtle at all, but the bluntness works wonders. All the characters are clever and have a purpose, and the attention to detail is remarkable. My only negative is that the third act did drag in some parts, contrary to the second act which nailed the pacing.
Rated 09 Dec 2022
Östlund is getting better in his politics in that this time, unlike his previous movies, he points out where virtue may reside, in a surprisingly politically incorrect way. The russian shitseller (Putin) becomes the ship's captain (overtaking sleepy Joe) due to his realism, thougness, and cynicism (he doesn't vomit). The Filippino lady is virtuous too as she doesn't believe in any fake, moralized good of the rich as she makes the model her sex-slave. Apart from those, cinematically unimportant.
Rated 08 Dec 2022
If this movie had lived up to its full potential it would be GOAT-level but the last section is about twice as long as it needs to be and it’s a little messy and kind of flounders around the central theme instead of just going for it but when it’s at its best, which is pretty much most of the first 60%, it is fuckin unbelievable.
Rated 04 Dec 2022
Brilliant 3-part movie filled with dark humor. What is the most masterful about it is that you actually lose the protagonist at the second part. I still have a question about the final scene with the young guy running through the bushes and getting cuts, and the final scene with the 2 women felt a little too dark and out of place. The yacht scenes were just amazingly funny, plus all the crew that was trying to stay as helpful as they could hehehe
Rated 22 Nov 2022
It’s a movie that makes it very obvious what it’s doing. When it’s not rubbing your nose in shit and puke it’s showing you the easiest tokens of excess (and Ulysses which like you don’t need to show your influences but I like to Leo point at screen as much as anyone). Satire gets very muddled once they leave the boat. You can sense Ostlund reaching for something smarter but it mainly ends up being a both sides uhhhh everyone has the ability to be bad person even if they’re poor. Which like eh
Rated 18 Nov 2022
quite a disappointing movie from ostlund. entertaining at times but the movie drags in the second half. repetitive humour, too obvious satire, very flat dialogues, etc.
Rated 29 Oct 2022
Started great, ended worst. Stop making this kind of absurdist shits. This is not real life. cinema must show to us real life. At least a little bit. I am just ok with "satire". Just this
Rated 29 Oct 2022
Subtlety is overrated! Or at least that’s an argument that’s easy to make when the film in question keeps shooting bullseyes in its soft targets. As far as Neon-distributed Palme d’Or winning class-system satire/comedies featuring an erupting toilet go, this doesn’t compare favorably to Parasite, but I had a really good time all the same.
Rated 26 Oct 2022
My initial reaction was tepid, based on a number of scenes where the rich and privileged served as low-hanging targets of derision and shallow satire. But I've warmed up to it a little in the days following the viewing. It has its fair share of clever moments where the hierarchy (triangle) is inverted, whether it's male models making less than their female counterparts, or the captain avoiding food poisoning because he ate a burger instead of the bougie course meals.
Rated 25 Oct 2022
Coming into an Östlund-film, I am looking for a story that will make me uncomfortable, something that will prick and prod at my own masculinity or Western/Scandinavian hypocrisy, making me laugh to suage the truthful sting of his bite. This movie did not deliver in this regard, being neither as funny or as savage as I would have liked. Perhaps it is simply because its' targets are so constantly talked about it takes a lot for it to feel new or interesting.
Rated 23 Oct 2022
I guess there will be a "circle" in Ostlund's next film's title.
Rated 06 Oct 2022
The pitiless gaze of Östlund’s camera, recalling contemporaries like Michael Haneke or Ulrich Seidl, has a deadpan effect that perfectly complements the desperate and absurd goings-on in front of it. Triangle of Sadness doesn’t leave audiences with much to unpack thematically—again, fish in a barrel—but it’s clear-eyed and hilarious about the systems that enforce societal inequities and what might happen if they were ever to unravel.
Rated 20 Sep 2024
The first two chapters are Haneke-lite, i.e. momentarily entertaining with Östlund overreaching for a deeper sense of meaning when it comes to digital technology, surveillance, and the clash of the classes. However, the third chapter is significantly better as a Lanthimos-style take on 'Lord of the Flies'. In having this opinion, I seem to differ from most who call for the film to end with the pirate raid on the yacht, whereas I would start and go form here (perhaps with a 10 minute backstory).
Rated 02 Sep 2024
good topic, but later the film turns awkward and too moralistic. things are not as simple as this piece tries to suggest.
Rated 31 Aug 2024
Rated 30 Jul 2024
Despite an enthralling middle segment, this movie had an overall disjointed feel. I struggled to get through this movie, but if it had been cut down by an hour, I might have liked it.
Rated 19 Jul 2024
A lot of stand-out moments, and the satire is sharp, if a little heavy-handed. Much too long though.
Rated 16 Jul 2024
a well-constructed plot twist
Rated 25 May 2024
First-class acting all round.
Rated 26 Apr 2024
Hey, the poor can be evil too!
Rated 29 Mar 2024
A dark comedy satire about power, equality and the struggle for survival. Winner of the Palme d'Or at Cannes, "Triangle Of Sadness" is a worry wrinkle on the face of the privileged and the wealthy. At times disgusting and with a wicked sense of humor, Ruben Ostlund's social commentary satirizes class disparity, power imbalance and the disruption of hierarchy. With emphasis on political philosophy and social criticism, "Triangle" is very unpredictable and in the end will leave you wanting more.
Rated 28 Dec 2023
The difficulty of this film is that its split into three modestly connected but very tonally distinct parts and as such some pieces naturally feel more compelling than others. Overall though, the whole piece comes together quite well - its fun, thematically cogent, always moving in unexpected directions, and it all comes together to form a biting satire that's relevant but never redundant.
Rated 18 Nov 2023
östlund abim yapıyor bu sporu sağ olsun. abartılı kusmuk şovu olmasa 100'ü vardı.
Rated 02 Nov 2023
Too pretentious for its own good, and quite aimless as well - each of its three sections could be their own separate stories. I understand why some people would like this, but there are many other better movies to watch before I would recommend this.
Rated 28 Oct 2023
erfurter latrinensturz 26.7.1184
Rated 21 Oct 2023
Ostlund it's always so blunt and unsubtle in its satire, i guess his success is because it makes a lot of critics feel smart. The best part is stolen from Monty Python's Mr. Cresote, and the Island part is basically a reverse Swept Away (1974, Lina Wertmüller), but doesn't stand comparison with those inspirations. Nevertheless I can't say the film is not well made, it deliver what it wants to deliver.
Rated 25 Sep 2023
Masterclass. So many underlying subtexts... Could have watched an hour or two more of it.
Rated 14 Sep 2023
This film reminded me of two other satirical films of recent years - Greed, with Steve Coogan and The Menu, with Ralph Fiennes and Anya Taylor-Joy. Its very much a dark comedy and its certainly quirky. Its maybe a little obvious what happens when you think back but there you go. Its not without its amusing moments, though I certainly wouldn't (personally) classify it as an 'out and out' comedy film, more like a bleak drama with a heavy emphasis on upper class satire? or some such.
Rated 15 Aug 2023
Just like his other films, this one doesn't appeal to me either. I wouldn't have watched it if I knew he made it.
Rated 02 Aug 2023
The scattershot satire ultimately says rather little about class, modern society and human nature that’s not achingly obvious already, and does so using humour that rarely hits the mark. There’s plenty of directorial flair on show from Östlund in the first two acts but this completely vanishes in the third, as the story staggers to its uninspired and somewhat predictable close at a needlessly slow pace. Dolly de Leon comes out of nowhere with one of the performances of the year.
Rated 08 Jul 2023
Certainly well acted and directed. The last half felt different than what I'd expected. I would have preferred if there were a few more survivors from the crew. And there is a certain shallowness that comes from a wealthy person making a movie about hating wealthy people.
Rated 06 Jul 2023
Abigail is the captain now.
Rated 29 May 2023
Ruben Östlund brings what's essentially a spiritual modernization of Cecil B. DeMille's Male and Female (1919), bringing a satire on the filthy rich and how roles reverse once stranded on a island. For the most part a nauseating film.
Rated 28 May 2023
With throwing away of the subtletly (that was abundant in The Square) came a more public-friendly black comedy. The second act was quite annoying to see not because of how dirty it was but because of how bugging those two capitalist/Marxist pigs were. I liked the other two chapters.
Rated 27 May 2023
Kara mizah ve hicvin dozu, ilk bölüm hariç biraz fazla kaçmıştı. Bu "parodi" halinin filmin çoğunda hakim oluşu biraz sırıtmış. Yoksa 8,5'dan 9 ederdi.
Rated 20 May 2023
Bu kadar ahmakça ve göze soka soka yapılan bir komedi / eleştiri ancak eşşşşşek Cannes jürilerinin hoşuna giderdi.
Rated 13 May 2023
Weaker than his previous two, but still highly entertaining. The situations as they’re presented are pretty hilarious and compelling, but there are some serious plausibility issues with the way those situations come about that broke my suspension of disbelief a few times. “This is fucking hilarious but why is it happening?”
Rated 02 May 2023
Quite enjoyed this. Superlative in your face satire. Captain's dinner was the highlight for me amongst many stand out scenes. This has such an enjoyable esthetic. It is a bit long, but that's a very minor gripe w an engaging and enjoyable film. 8.1
Rated 01 May 2023
I really appreciated the satire here! It was nonstop and laser focused in accuracy. Extra points were awarded because of the accuracy of working in a service profession with the affluent.
Rated 29 Apr 2023
Pretty entertaining and goes in directions I wasn't expecting, with a good cast. Quite original. There's nothing particularly deep about it's take down of the rich and pompous but it's solid.
Rated 17 Apr 2023
I've been thinking about it for quite a while, but in the end I've come to the conclusion that I'm okay with satire lacking subtlety as long as the satire works as well as it does here.
Rated 15 Apr 2023
While the theme is not broad or complex it is layered like a good pastry and delivered with wit. Also enjoyed the cinematography.
Rated 01 Apr 2023
It's a good movie. A bit self-indulgent for an artsy movie director to be making satire of the world that enables him, but it works regardless. Östlund has proven that he knows how to make black comedy better than most.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Better than what Ostlund shot before. The chapter on the island really saves this film. But the sections before that are pretentious. The people who appreciate Ostlund's films and feel that he is making a smart commentary are the very people he is portraying in the first place. Pick a side, for God's sake.
Rated 27 Mar 2023
alguns ótimos momentos, mas assim, né Ruben...
Rated 16 Mar 2023
Östlund is a highly talented filmmaker, and so everything he does is at least entertaining to look at. I'd have preferred him to develop more on the subtle psychological examination of Force Majeur than on the grotesque satire bits of The Square though, which he takes to an extreme here. The "criticism" particularly in the weak last part remains utterly shallow.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
There are some interesting elements to this movie, but they are outweighed by its lack of coherence, believability, and originality. The character development is weak, and the pacing is uneven. Overall, I would not recommend this movie.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
I thought it was hilarious throughout. The third act had a few plot problems that just took this down a notch. One of my favorites from 2022 so far and, in my eyes, far superior to Force Majeure.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
Not one of Östlund's strongest. Subtlety was never his thing, but this time his overt messaging is also a bit too cynical and overtold.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
Triangle of Sadness is a unfunny comedy filled with extremely obvious satire. The characters are undeveloped, and unlikable. The whole thing is way too long. Now I didn't completely hate it. Why? The cinematography is somewhat good, and the acting is ok. But beyond that I fail to grasp what people liked about this film. IDK, maybe it just comes down to the fact that this is supposed to be a satirical comedy, and it never really made me laugh or think.
Rated 09 Mar 2023
08.03.2023, Falmer/Brighton UK
Rated 08 Mar 2023
Somehow very mild in all aspects. I didn't mind it but I have no idea why it's received so much praise. A perfectly ok film but not great and definitely a bit all over the place and far too long.
Rated 08 Mar 2023
The first chapter could’ve been completely cut and more intricately weaves into the yacht section, which, let’s be honest, is far and away the most interesting part of the film, where the plot still shambles along like it does the whole film, but the filmmaking itself does the heavy lifting raising tension. The final part feels deflated and disconnected, so zoomed out that it’s difficult to keep caring.
Rated 04 Mar 2023
I watched this with my parents, and during the puking sequence, my mom turned to me, laughing, and asked if this really was nominated for Best Picture. But we all enjoyed it.
Rated 22 Feb 2023
Almost all 27 points belong to the first part. Maybe I'll give 1 or 2 to the third part. Consider yourself warned.
Rated 17 Feb 2023
Rated 15 Feb 2023
Quite funny and surprising to be honest.
Rated 14 Feb 2023
This made me laugh really hard.
Rated 12 Feb 2023
Put 20 or so obnoxious people on one boat and ask them to mingle as awkwardly as possible. Add some shit and vomit flying and you just got yourself Palme d'Or. Also.. 147 minutes and it couldn't even get a proper ending.
Rated 05 Feb 2023
2023'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 18. Triangle of Sadness (2022) İlk bölüm, malum "kırılmadan" önceki bölüm özellikle çok iyiydi. Toplum içindeki roller ve maskeler üzerine. 6/10
Rated 02 Feb 2023
Just unbearably stupid and cynical, specially the mid-section, called Yacht. The only true good thing here is Harrelson's performance as the drunk, laid-back, marxist American captain.
Rated 31 Jan 2023
An interesting and unpredictable, though perhaps overly long (especially the first act) film with themes that are timely though not at all subtle. The continual reinvention throughout the three parts is very interesting, though, and some of the scenes are laugh out loud funny (my favorite was the scene where the Russian woman demands the crew member get in the Jacuzzi--the acting from the crew member totally stole the show in this scene.) Ending felt a tad iffy, but a good film.
Rated 30 Jan 2023
I understand the jarring three part structure, but the first and third part just end up repeating themselves over and over again, which results in a bloated runtime. There has to be a way to shave down the first part and bring it on to the ship, and then transition us more slowly from the ship to the island. That would make for better flow. I'm not sure how the ship literally went to shit so quickly. There is lots of confusion, little rewatchability, but a few solid laughs and pointed themes.
Rated 30 Jan 2023
Very good film, but the Captain's dinner almost made me sick.
Rated 28 Jan 2023
While it slows considerably in part three, Triangle of Sadness is a hilarious look at some truly bad individuals
Rated 25 Jan 2023
The first half is decent, but the last hour drags on far too long. I can see how it got a Best Director nomination, but the Original Screenplay and especially the Best Picture nomination are a bit surprising. It being labeled a comedy felt weird as it didn’t seem particularly joke heavy. Overall I’m pretty sure there’s better films out there that satirize the rich.
Rated 21 Jan 2023
Extremily effective at what it's going for, that is, all out shameless satire. However, putting the satire of the third act on the same level as that of the first two made me feel a bit resigned, like mankind is shitty all around. And it's disingenuous : showing people with too much money behaving like assholes is just displaying an obvious social reality. While, showing a former maid instating sex slavery because she can is fun, but it's not how shipwreck survivors usually behave.
Rated 20 Jan 2023
Why did I lost 2,5 hours of my life watching this no-sense movie? I want my 2,5 hours back!
Rated 13 Jan 2023
bi ton film okuması yapmadan yo gemi şunun temsiliydi yok şunlar şuydu demedem dümdüz izlendiğinde bile tertemiz anlaşılır hikayeyi vermiş kral. sondaki sürreal asansör de miss ellerine saglık kraaaaaaaal adamsın ruben reyizzz
Rated 11 Jan 2023
Watchable but not very enjoyable. It could have used more focus and could have been told in an hour less time. At least I liked it better than "White Lotus."
Rated 09 Jan 2023
Will certainly require a second viewing to properly gauge Östlund’s intentions vs delivery, but at first glance it works as a gleefully nasty satire, (with a sometimes too savagely blunt tone). First act is a wonderfully intense two-hander, before giving way to a second act payoff which is a masterpiece of scatological vulgarity to rival Mr. Creosote! (Harrelson’s dead pan reaction shots are invaluable). Loses some steam in the final act, but overall still a fascinating and challenging film.
Rated 08 Jan 2023
Palm winners always are edgy, this one at least had a message of importance.
Rated 08 Jan 2023
It is an Ostlund movie so you get everything you asked for and then some. He strikes his brushes more broadly when it comes to societal criticism this time, and it mostly works quite well. Also for the first time in his young career, the movie has a tidy and timely ending! One of the best movies of the year for sure.


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