Tremors 3: Back to Perfection
Tremors 3: Back to Perfection
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Tremors 3: Back to Perfection

Tremors 3: Back to Perfection

Comedy, Sci-fi
1h 44m
Third entry in series returns to the small desert town of Perfection, Nevada seen in the first and briefly in the second. (imdb)

Tremors 3: Back to Perfection

Comedy, Sci-fi
1h 44m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 22.76% from 398 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 01 Jul 2010
This is as guilty as any pleasure gets. Between Michael Gross's crazed NRA-survivalist, a nice little Jonah In The Whale set-piece and the introduction of a new Graboid-species: The Ass Blaster, this movie does its best. No masterpiece but way better than could be expected of a DTV sequel.
Rated 30 Jun 2010
The acting is just as bad as it needs to be. Michael Gross is not without flair for the material. The special effects are pretty lame and, really, your appreciation of this film will be exponentially proportional to how funny you think it is that the creatures can now fly by farting fireballs. Hey, I just realized... I probably should have scored it higher!
Rated 18 May 2022
While this third installment feels even more aged than the first two, it's still a serviceable direct-to-video sequel largely carried on Gross' flamboyant gun nut character. With each outing he seems to grow more and more of a caricature to make up for the other missing characters. Thus far, the series recognized the importance of keeping things fresh by changing the monsters significantly, and honestly, you don't need a lot more than that.
Rated 20 Oct 2020
This seems to have a smaller budget, but the screenwriters are still doing their best to create something that's not just fun, but retains a moment-by-moment unpredictability. They do this by changing the creature once more which forces the heroes - & thankfully, the screenwriters - to put some thought in how to survive. Both Bacon & Ward are gone now but thankfully the most entertaining character - Gross' Burt Gummer - is still around. His opening scene & worm escape are standouts
Rated 17 May 2018
The last decent "Tremors" sequel manages to be entertaining by cashing in on the nostalgia from the original by returning to Perfection to rejoin some old characters. In addition, it takes a cue from the second film by adding to the Graboid mythology with the now notoriously named "Ass-Blasters". Despite Michael Gross' fan-favorite character climbing the billing to now lead the franchise, the supporting cast around him continually leaves much to be desired, just like all the new cheap CGI too.
Rated 02 May 2017
The second sequel of the 1990 classic is one more step down for the franchise but still safely far from disappointment territory. Although it takes the film a little while to get going, the returning character of Burt (once again portrayed by Michael Gross), his two (eventually) likable sidekicks and the fun dialogues are combined with yet another expansion of the graboid mythology as well as a different environment (Burt having to make do without his guns) to create an entertaining b-movie.
Rated 18 Jul 2010
Finally! The Tremors franchise crossed the border into "good bad movie" country. This movie is so ridiculous it's funny. Now the graboids can fly... but by farting! This movie is as a sequel should be, the plot is more extreme, the monsters are bigger and badder and the acting is worse. Let the battle begin!
Rated 07 Jul 2010
Surprisingly watchable for a 3rd instalment of a hammy horror franchise, largely due to consistency in crew and tone. Another film means another mutation of the Graboid to an incarnation, that is as amazingly stupid as it is surprisingly logical, given the overall spirit of the franchise: The fire farting, fast flying 'Ass Blaster' ... VS. the Dad from 'Family Ties'! ... uh... Game on!
Rated 24 Feb 2015
Tremors 3 offers a few bursts of enjoyment, mostly from the return to the locale of the first film, some characters from the original, and some jokes involving the government, but for the most part it feels like more of a slog than it should. The continued evolution of the graboids produces the "coolest" creature to-date, but the CGI rendering them isn't good and that ruins a lot of the enjoyment they might give us. It's not as funny as you'd hope, and the action feels very been-there-done-that.
Rated 17 Apr 2013
A slight but significant improvement on the second instalment, Tremors 3 is exactly the cheap, late-night B-movie schlock you expect it to be, and then some. Choosing to take a step back in the series and recast more of the original players seems to work, as does the increased, unabashed silliness (the "Ass-Blasters", for example). It was never gonna win any Oscars but as long as you know what you're getting yourself into and keep the bar low, it's passable guff.
Rated 01 Jul 2010
Despite bad CGI and dialogue that is positively rancid, this third installment manages to keep things moving with yet another upgrade to the creatures and more lightweight slapstick carnage. It's not that it's good per se, but if you find yourself at a Tremors marathon, you'll be relieved at how brisk and relatively painless it is.
Rated 04 Jun 2023
Tremors 2 I found to be surprisingly solid for a straight-to-VHS. This one however was a bit more of the stale retread of the original I expected. The basic mythology is still fun enough but it doesn’t offer much new.
Rated 17 Mar 2023
With the screenwriters having so much fun with “graboids” and “ass blasters”, it’s a shame that this tired series entry couldn’t be more fun on the whole (so to speak) – falling victim to commonly spotty turn of the century CGI which renders the monsters about as threatening as cartoon characters, the film lacks any tension or rhythm in its action scenes, not helped by fairly diffident performances (the exception being Gross, who (Donald) Pleasences his way through this like a madman).
Rated 10 Jan 2022
I'm gonna say second best entry in the series
Rated 16 Jan 2021
really bad but kinda funny though
Rated 06 Jan 2021
Small Nevada village where local president and adventurer Burt Grummer arrives after their travels and slaughtering carnivorous worms called 'Graboids' & their descendants the 'Shriekers'. In their home village they meet; pesky land workers an action-seeking dude named Jack Sawyer who searches for wealth in this potential tourist town & eventually they unexpectedly encounter third evolution of graboids, guaranteeing another exciting battle against Burt & Jack in the village surrounded by desert.
Rated 28 Feb 2015
I'm not giving it a pass but it's worth a watch. Michael Gross is fantastic, and anytime a cast member had to build a sentence around "ass blaster" you could just see how uncomfortable they were -- especially Susan Chuang the poor dear.
Rated 08 Nov 2013
Yazma bir Mini-İnceleme
Rated 23 Jan 2013
you got to get paid to watch this movie. period.
Rated 02 Oct 2012
Thank God the franchise ended soon after as the next mutation would've had the worms operating video equipment and driving stick shifts.
Rated 18 Aug 2012
Rated 16 Jun 2012
Rated 25 Mar 2012
Not too bad in a cheesy B-movie way; I like the first 2 much better, but this one was fun, too.
Rated 03 Dec 2011
Well, love the series. So this one is no exception, love the characters and the scenery. Going back to Perfection is what I love most, identifying with the similar sets and cast members brings back good memories.
Rated 03 Dec 2011
There are monsters that fly around by farting. That's about all you need to know. All respectability is gone from the humor of the Tremors series, now that they've resorted to fart gags.
Rated 12 Dec 2010
Terrible acting and effects, well terrible everyhting but falls into the it's funny cause it stinks category.
Rated 14 Oct 2008
The newest evolutionary step for the graboids brings a bit to the story, and Burt is always interesting to watch, but parts of this story just seem a bit bland and toned down. Otherwise enjoyable, though.
Rated 21 Sep 2008
Rated 25 Aug 2008
not so good
Rated 16 Sep 2007
really bad sequel
Rated 27 Aug 2007
5 points the 'assbusters' concept, 5 for the 'signature' music. Stay for away from this one.


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