This Is England
This Is England
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This Is England

This Is England

Drama, Crime
1h 41m
Roland Rat, Margaret Thatcher; Rubik's Cubes, the Royal Wedding; aerobics, skinheads... It's 1983, and the schools are breaking up for summer. Shaun is 12 and a bit of a loner, growing up with his mum in a grim coastal town, his dad killed fighting in the Falklands War. On his way home from school where he's been tormented all day for wearing flares, he runs into a group of skinheads, who against expectations turn out to be friendly and take him under their wing... (imdb)

This Is England

Drama, Crime
1h 41m
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Avg Percentile 66.79% from 3175 total ratings

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Rated 05 Jul 2007
Impressionable Shaun finds friends in the form of a gang of skinheads, who provide a motley and surprisingly compassionate contrast to the selfish, Thatcherist values of the time. Meadows's true intent, however, seems to be to show us that it's so easy to be sucked into attractive yet morally repugnant ideologies when we are at our nadirs, that [...] Cont'd:
Rated 07 Nov 2008
It's incredible how Meadows manages to mix cute and playful comedy with tense and unsettling drama in this fast-paced portrayal of a 12-year old boy finding friendship and self-image in a gang of skinheads. Very well performed by Stephen Graham and Thomas Turgoose.
Rated 08 Aug 2007
There are a lot of socio-political topics brought up throughout the film, but it is by no means heavy handed in how they are presented. I think the best part is that it lets you notice and interpret them for yourself. Also, this is one of the few movies where the way the characters act and talk seems completely real and not as if they are being portrayed by actors.
Rated 07 Jun 2010
Meadows delivers the best insight into skinhead lore by focusing on the allure of the culture, and the social repression from which it can offer a way out. Meadows' skinheads aren't a uniform mass of mindless hating machines that hasn't been hugged enough as children. They're people, and very different people at that. What gives this film it's punch is that it offers no easy way out, no simple solutions to the hatred. It's the economy, it's the culture. It is England.
Rated 11 Mar 2012
This really hits all the right notes. A wonderful story, great performances and brilliant music. Funny and heartbreaking at the same time.
Rated 05 Jun 2010
I can pinpoint the scene when TIE won me over: Sean's mother goes 'round the Cafe to chew out his new skinhead pals for messing with her boy--it's something we've seen a million times before. But it turns out she's actually mostly OK with everything and she leaves Sean to their care, trusting his judgment. The story takes some unexpected turns (some quite jarring, and what a shame to lose the Woody character) but there were some early moments that deftly captured the joy of adolescent discovery.
Rated 14 Mar 2010
Interesting insight into an undercurrent in British society. It balances sympathy and moral repugnance well, to dole out some well worn but still instructive social commentary on nationalism and the impressionability of youth.
Rated 14 Jun 2007
A great English film that set in 80s that shows that things really have not changed in the last 25yrs. Brilliant performance from such a young cast. The director manges to build a scary/fearful atmosphere without having to resort to typical of uses of violence.
Rated 24 Jun 2024
Even-handed portrait of the seductive allure of gang violence is reminiscent of TRAINSPOTTING, showing the inexorable pull of a destructive force. Meadows takes on a full plate, attempting a scathing critique of how Thatcherism socially and economically poisoned and corrupted 80s Britain; he can’t quite fold in Combo’s descent, leading to a shocking and confronting denouement that makes an arbitrary way to tie up loose ends. Fine performances from Graham and Turgoose are sturdy anchors.
Rated 17 Nov 2016
THIS IS ENGLAND spotlights a fascinating part of the socio-political fabric of Thatcher's England. Viewers should be advised that "skinhead" wasn't always synonymous with "Nazi," though the story of a fatherless boy's dalliance with a group of far-right rabble rousers certainly sheds light on how things began to move that way. The movie loses steam the more it relies on familiar coming-of-age beats rather than historical context, but it never loses sight of its elemental angst and heartbreak.
Rated 30 Oct 2015
Maggie is a Twat
Rated 25 Feb 2015
The tendency towards heavy-handedness is mostly offset by the raw emotional depth and shockingly good performances (Stephen Graham, holy shit). It seemed like Shaun's conflicted loyalties to Combo or Woody (who is almost absurdly good-natured and whom I envy because Lol is amazing) should have been explored more. The ending we got is a bit of a copout character-wise if I'm reading it right (i.e., "It's OK, he's not really racist, he's just mentally ill!") Whatever, it's a good movie.
Rated 10 Oct 2013
Wait, Al Capone is in this? And he sounds like Craig Charles? What?
Rated 10 Aug 2013
A sensitive and mildly affecting film that is a little too on-the-nose with its thematic undertakings and which occasionally falls prey to simplistic characterizations.
Rated 01 Apr 2013
At a time when the frustrated nationalism is on the rise again, this movie is a good reminder of how it is actually fueled. Thomas Turgoose perfectly depicted a kid who was collateral damage in a "nation-building war" and how a tense environment created by a rotting economy can shape your actions. Remove the England part from the title and put your own country instead, and you will get a pretty similar, and equally sad and gut-wrenching story.
Rated 19 Oct 2010
Rated 05 Aug 2010
how do you encapsulate a decade? the impact of a war on a nation? a political movement, a child's road to self-identification and a teen's need to belong? somehow, from a beautifully woven coming-of-age tale, meadows extracted these, wrapped them up in smart dialogues, elegantly chosen music, stunningly strong visuals and made it into a movie called this is england. this is exactly what it is. england, at 1983, under the shade of a war and producing kids like combo every minute. bravo meadows.
Rated 06 May 2010
A painfully realistic account of a young boys search for identity in 1980's England. Turgoose and Graham may well be playing themselves, so believable are their characters. Meadows accurately creates that period's sense of tension - of things about to kick off. A great film.
Rated 24 Nov 2009
First of all... what a fucking ending. A fantastic film in pretty much every way. You have a great cast all around, you have some really inspired and emotional music. You have subtle touches here and there that really flesh everything out, including the look at Far-Right Nationalism. I didn't expect this movie to make me as emotional as it did.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
One of the better films in recent years to deal with fascist minorities. Turgoose is excellent, as are the rest of the cast. Not to be viewed as a film about racism, but about nationalism.
Rated 07 Jul 2009
In its first act, this autobiographical film is brisk and smart. It's also notable for a nice visual senses, albeit one that's overly influenced by the Tarantino school of slow-motion cool walking. Meadows can't sustain the momentum, however. The latter portion of the film is too ragged. This is in part because the focus shifts away from the young protagonist. Instead of seeing this world through his needy, anxious eyes, we're seeing every corner of it, including the dullest relationships.
Rated 28 Jun 2009
the first ~80 minutes were excellent, but for some reason the ending was so abrupt and stupid that it didnt live up to the rest at all
Rated 22 Oct 2008
A fantastic Movie about an outsider that became part of the Skinhead Scene in the early 80's.
Rated 20 Oct 2008
Strong acting performances drive a pretty interesting tale of racism in Thatcher's England.
Rated 28 Aug 2008
If Thomas Turgoose can pull this of at age 13, then I really can't wait to see what else he's got coming for us.
Rated 10 May 2008
10 Mayis 08 & milliyetciligi isleyen en iyi film.son sahnesinde, favori filmim 400 darbeye atifta bulunmasi cok iyiydi.Thomas Turgoose cok iyi bir oyuncu! filmde muzikler cok iyi kullanilmis.
Rated 12 Mar 2008
Fantastic performances, and a great subtle look at far-right nationalism.
Rated 06 Jan 2008
In 1983, a 12-year old falls in with a wrong crowd which then falls in with an even wronger crowd. But This Is England doesn't have any big bangs in it, it's a slow-burning drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat on the strength of its magnificent performances and generally awesome writing. Its only weak points is when it turns into a bit of a morality tale here and there, and the sentimental music which really spoils the otherwise realistic mood. "St. fucking George's cross"!
Rated 08 May 2007
An intelligent look back at the skinhead culture of England in the 80's. Great Film
Rated 21 Apr 2023
Damn I hate these overly nihilistic movies. Besides the whole "look how bad these skinheads are" is an overdone genre with simply the message "do not hate". Feels more like lecture than a movie
Rated 10 Jul 2022
Not entirely conventional on the surface but surprisingly accessible; the film feels like a sort of case study, looking into the lives of a few people, but especially a young boy, and exploring why someone might choose to go down a path of such extreme racism and violence. I found it effective without being manipulative, which is a far rarer thing than it should be in drama, but there you go. Not what I expected. Not what I'd normally watch. Pretty good.
Rated 08 Sep 2021
This Is Brilliant.
Rated 14 Dec 2020
Great Film! Pretty raw and thought provoking. Shows how easily young minds can be indoctrinated. Has a few gut-punch moments. Highly recommend a watch.
Rated 01 Nov 2020
The feature length Brexit campaign
Rated 18 Jan 2020
Very powerful movie that shows the truth about british culture. However the ending is graphic and quite emotional so keep that in mind.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
İkinci bölümde annesi ile Shaun arasındaki ilişkiye hiç deginmemesi (ta ki filmin sonuna kadar) ve diğer önemli karakter Woody de ikinci bölümde tamamen silinip gitmesi bana göre filmin dramatik anlatı yapısını bozmuş ve filmin akiciliginı azaltmıştır.Onun dışında zaten hikaye gayet güzel, çekim teknikleri genel anlamda başarılı.Güzel bir politik film yapmış yönetmen. Bu iki boşluk olmasaydı senaryoda kesinlikle izlenmeli derdim ama skinhead sevenlere öneririm.
Rated 16 May 2018
This movie is not all birds and flowers but you can't blame any of the characters for any of the wrongdoings.
Rated 06 Aug 2017
Ahh, growing up in the '80s. This is England is a grim, humorous, realistic dive into the best and worst of being young in that era. Director Shane Meadows captures it perfectly.
Rated 20 Jul 2017
Terrific movie about how vulnerable and pliable minds can easily be molded to do horrible things by monstrous and broken adults.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
På det hela välgjord film om en näraliggande tid som vi har anledning att begrunda. Skådesperlarinsatserna är som vanligt i engelska filmer helgjutna, särskilt imponerar huvudrollsinnehavaren. Nånting saknas dock för att jag riktigt skall fångas av filmen och den avslutande psykologiseringen hade jag kunnat vara utan. Sammantaget är dock betyget en solklar fyra.
Rated 02 Jan 2016
Great film which starts and amazing set of mini-series.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
This Is England affected me immensely upon it's release and nostalgically it remains a pleasing watch. Shane Meadows masterfully juggles and explores an array of characters and the performances throughout are stellar. Thomas Turgoose perfectly depicts the innocence of a child that is easily influenced by his idols. And his coming of age story is told with great humour. But the introduction of the sensationally brutal Stephen Graham sees the tone of the film take a dramatic and shocking turn.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
* Casting, Acting : 7 * Script : 7.5 * Directing, Aura : 7.5 * Ease of Viewing : 7 * Naked Eye : 7
Rated 05 Oct 2014
Top badass moment? Woody demonstrating more people management skills than many well paid and educated middle managers have. A gang of skinheads befriend an 12-year-old boy who's being bullied at school. They get him some proper clothes, a decent haircut and expose him to some quality reggae. What's not badass is that it all gets spoilt by a racist idiot. I hate how the latter have (thanks to mainstream media) stolen the skinhead look and culture. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 18 Jul 2014
Can't think of many movies that tackle nationalism, but not sure any needs to after this. All the actors are really impressive. The story can be a little heavy-handed, but it's done so well you don't really mind. I did hate that it was filmed on super16 though...I get the motivation, but I don't think it worked well.
Rated 19 May 2014
A horrifying, powerful punch to the gut. It absolutely nails the ease with which extremism can take hold with the disenfranchised, and it paints a terrifying picture of the potential effects of such. A marvellous, meticulously-performed masterpiece.
Rated 29 Dec 2013
A somewhat questionable look at the white nationalist movement at the height of the Falklands fervor in England. Comedic at times; absolutely heart-wrenching at others, as you watch Shaun struggle to make sense of it all in his 12 year old mind. A rather interesting subject, but falls flat in the final act.
Rated 25 Aug 2013
A little overwrought at points. Nevertheless, I liked its treatment of how the personal can bleed into the political, how, for better or for worse, powerful conviction is for the ostracized of society.
Rated 22 Jun 2013
Its depiction of how children idolize young adults is fantastic, but when the conflict moves beyond the protagonist, the film becomes more conventional and sensational. And as usual, the victim of the film's climactic act of violence is a prop given only token development; films decrying hate crime have had plenty of time, and can and should do better.
Rated 10 Apr 2013
Admittedly I'll miss a lot of the purposely local things but this is an interesting look into nationalists and how even at their core they are just looking to run away from some pain that's been inflicted on them. Good acting throughout.
Rated 22 Mar 2013
Sometimes straining for artistry. The way that Meadows decides to end the scene where the mum confronts the gang is such a wonderful way of sidestepping cliché and the opening montage is excellent.
Rated 07 Mar 2013
What's with the sudden ending?
Rated 06 Mar 2013
beautiful and brutal, stephen graham is immense
Rated 24 Feb 2013
The first 30 minutes are great. But when the focus shifts from his coming-of-age to his rasicm-topic, the story becomes horrible plain. So the characters are either a simple cliché (oh, no one loves me, I need to destroy everything) or make no sense at all (oh, you hated me, but now you want to smoke weed with me - ok, let's go). The awesome opening montage really set the ton. This could've been a really complex display of the skinhead-culture and their search for orientation. What a pity.
Rated 20 Jan 2013
One of the most memorable films I've seen in recent years, "This is England" depicts the skinhead subculture with realism and wit. Kudos for a impressive performances by Stephen Graham and that damn kid!
Rated 30 Oct 2012
you paki bastard :)
Rated 07 Aug 2012
Felt a bit like American History X set in England at times, which was definitely a good thing. Having the whole movie framed through the perspective of a naive and innocent child really helped point out the brutality inherent to racism.
Rated 31 Jul 2012
Despite some strong performances it all felt a bit too 'allegorical'; deliberate, regular pacing and confused-but-definitely-not-London location, almost a lord of the flies in thatchers Britain.
Rated 12 Mar 2012
A very catching attempt to figure out the 80s. While the setting may somehow summon the feeling of greasiness, the characters and the story can only catch your breath till you can gasp some air in the end. Another great piece of the British cinematography.
Rated 11 Feb 2012
Some great acting in this movie and a really genuine portrayal of early 80s England. Too bad that despite some pretty intense scenes, the movie ultimately left me a bit underwhelmed; the story took a couple of bad turns and it felt incomplete. Because of this it didn't end up being quite as good as it could've been.
Rated 01 Dec 2011
A really good film. Directed with a somehow 'neutral' perspective, you never feel that judgements are being made for you, and indeed, the judgements there to be made are a lot more complex than are typically portrayed. There is some excellent ensemble acting, along side excellent performances by Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham, and Joseph Gilgun. A touching, never patronising, and complex look at a period of history and lifestyle that receives precious little attention.
Rated 21 Nov 2011
idk why everyone is saying how dark and intense this movie is. American History X wannabe.
Rated 08 Nov 2011
Jesus christ. One of the best films I've seen in along time. I'm still shaken by it. Fantastic.
Rated 16 Oct 2011
milliyetçilik, irkcilik, göcmen düsmanligi, serseriler, farkland, ingiltere-arjantin, yetim cocuk (Olaylar 12 yasindaki yetim Shaun'un gözünden aktarilmis. arka planda ingiliz-arjantin gerilimi, zeminde ise yükselen milliyetcilik ve göcmen düsmanligi olan genclik filmi) cok küfür var. kücük cocugun öpüsme sahneleri anormal.
Rated 31 May 2011
"Meadow's recollection of his own youth...lend a terrible immediacy to an unusually potent coming-of-age story."
Rated 08 May 2011
Excellent story, acting, and score.
Rated 28 Apr 2011
Moral; racism is bad.
Rated 28 Feb 2011
I felt kind of distanced, for some reason.
Rated 13 Feb 2011
An intense, heart-breaking movie.
Rated 27 Jan 2011
"This Is England" is an interesting piece of storytelling but mostly it's an insightful view of a modern, rotting England. It's calm and violent, optimistic and pessimistic, sweet and raw, gentle and spontaneous. In one word, it's realistic. And, although the film is set in the '80s, its society is somehow familiar. It's up to the viewer of course, but indirectly the film gives the solution: it rejects violence after testing it and believes in believing.
Rated 17 Jan 2011
It's only a half-great film, which is to say that its best moments are more perceptive and powerful than any other movie this summer.
Rated 09 Jan 2011
Dark and disturbing, this film is the epitome of "The Gritty British Drama". Like a more indy Harry Brown.
Rated 01 Jan 2011
A heart-breaking Tale with underlining messages, looking back at an era that brought in social revolution; this film is a must watch.
Rated 17 Oct 2010
"The director's affectionate warts-and-all portrait of his milieu and subculture is blistering, cogently capturing how England's early-'80s skinhead movement was driven less by blind racial intolerance than by intense socio-economic tensions." - Nick Schager
Rated 15 Oct 2010
This film is so startling, and yet weirdly beautiful.
Rated 15 Sep 2010
I wanted to like it i really did, but the movie jsut didnt do it for me.
Rated 31 Aug 2010
Blistering account of grim, working-class life in the 1980s, and the easy temptations to blame immigrants for economic hardship. The first two-thirds of this finally look like the film that the talented Meadows has been threatening to make for years -- potent, funny and visceral. And in child actor Turgoose, he has unearthed a real find. Yet some characters are inconsistent: Shaun's mother, concerned at first for her son's well-being, simply disappears from sight.
Rated 21 Aug 2010
Stephen Graham's preformance was absolutely amazing. The ending came a bit sudden but the rest of the movie was very inspiring.
Rated 06 Jun 2010
Maggie is a twat
Rated 05 Jun 2010
The English kid throwing the Cross of St. George flag in the river at the end says all you need to know about where this director is coming from. If you want to see a movie about skinheads, watch Romper Stomper instead. Not that any film has really portrayed skinheads fairly.
Rated 26 Apr 2010
very dark, realistic portrait. a brilliant cast and performance and the star role is just magnificent.
Rated 04 Mar 2010
A Ken Loach-esque story of an 11 year-old who becomes a skinhead, This Is England does a good job getting inside the head of its characters, not just the protagonist, but also the gang members who each have their own reasons for joining.
Rated 27 Dec 2009
A Meadows film with good performances from Graham and Turgoose, the simmering tension is omnipresent (personified to perfection by Graham) and you know what’s gonna end up happening, it’s just a case of when and how. Feels hauntingly real, but also lacks a real storyline, and is more just a window into the era and these people. Perhaps the TV series have the time to address this - I’ll have to check em out.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
It's incredible how Meadows manages to mix cute and playful comedy with tense and unsettling drama in this fast-paced portrayal of a 12-year old boy finding friendship and self-image in a gang of skinheads. Very well performed by Stephen Graham and Thomas Turgoose.
Rated 15 Dec 2009
Filled w/ memoir-like detail, this captures the universal roots & mentality of gangs & the kids who join them before twisting off into something much darker. That change comes in the form of Graham, one of 2 amazing actors on display here (the other being child actor Turgoose).The fear Graham triggers in his mates is palpable, turning relatively harmless delinquency into something much worse. Graham & the script display more sides 2 his criminal than 1 usually sees in a star-making performance
Rated 08 Dec 2009
OK, if a bit uneven. No real motivation for the gang's acceptance of the kid is given. Another thing that bugged me about this movie is that the 'lesson' is so pre-packaged and already given... most of the hard work has been taken out of the viewers' hands.
Rated 06 Dec 2009
Decent enough exploration of the underlying causes of early 80s skinhead culture. It's part all sorts of things with maybe not enough of any one facet to make it really convincing as much other than a period piece.
Rated 06 Dec 2009
Rated 23 Nov 2009
Pretty cheesy and very angry. It promised more than it delivered
Rated 11 Nov 2009
I cant help but think that if in 25 years time a film was made about life today it would be exaclty the same as the era portrayed in This Is England
Rated 09 Nov 2009
A truthful and sorrowful view into the alternative skinhead world as seen through the eyes of a barely out-of-baby boy, raised without a father in a shadow of the Great Britain's Falkland war and national problems. The movie really touched me - there's a great cast, a really deep character progression and development, lots of side stories, and an honest, sometimes happy, sometimes brutal world of the underground movement and the skinhead subculture in the UK. A movie I'll surely watch again.
Rated 04 Sep 2009
Great story, great acting... Thomas Turgoose is a really promising actor.
Rated 31 Aug 2009
very real and not shit
Rated 20 Aug 2009
There's no question it was a well-made and well-acted movie but geez did it ever make me feel really uncomfortable and sick to my stomach.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
Very good movie, but the kid steals the show. I mean seriously, this kid can act. I'm so used to under-18 actors being awful and this is a welcome change. Looking forward to more from this guy.
Rated 17 Jun 2009
Really put Shane Meadows on the map, outside of England anyway. And Thomas Turgoose as the little out of place kid, is mesmerizing. Both tragic and funny, I wonder if I've ever seen a better coming of ace film.
Rated 07 Jun 2009
This film is about group of skinheads hanging around in slow motion. Meadows tries really hard to make Truffaut-ian film, but in the end it looks just like messy story about how problems of the childhood makes one into psychotic, hateful person. Kudos for recreating the feel of the 80's in the England and acting, but it isn't very impressive film.
Rated 29 May 2009
It's both fascinating and repulsive but in many ways is such a strange, strange movie.
Rated 26 Jan 2009
Rated 23 Jan 2009
A benign and mischievous atmosphere gives way to some intense and unnerving scenes, realised by impressive performances. Turgoose is the standout, with Graham the other notable. Loses it's way in the middle when it drops a few characters, but finishes strongly.


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