The Zone of Interest
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The Zone of Interest

1h 45m
The commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, and his wife Hedwig, strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp. (
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The Zone of Interest

1h 45m
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Avg Percentile 64.45% from 782 total ratings

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Rated 13 Oct 2023
One of the most disorienting and harrowing experiences you can have at a cinema. I can’t think of a better depiction in film of how evil can be normalised. So many truly painful moments and some of the best sound design I’ve ever heard. Very impressive to make a movie this visceral and powerful that never feels manipulative in its depiction of atrocity - I’m not sure even Come and See did as good of a job. An all-timer.
Rated 11 Sep 2023
Viewing the inside of history from a safe distance. An examination of the domestic life of an elite Nazi family told through a series of pristine tableaux. This sterile, anthropomorphic method is countered with truly demented sound design, the pitch of pure suffering erupts from the ambient. In a Q&A after the movie Glazer said there are two movies here: 'the one you see, and the one you hear' and in both horrific truths about our nature still reverberate. - TIFF 2023
Rated 04 May 2024
Earnest, but the fact that the phrase “banality of evil” rolls so easily off every pen ought to be cause for reflection: hasn’t the notion of not showing the horror the better to invoke its insidiousness itself become banal? Is this anything more than yet another high school lesson for a generation that is no longer in the zone to learn it, because it has lost interest? If anything, I wanted the filmmaker to suddenly use all of the affective power of 21st century cinema to show me the horror.
Rated 08 Feb 2024
An edifying nightmare of a movie. This is a movie about the banality of evil, but not in the comfortable way it seems people think. The Höss family is pitiless in their ordinariness, able to ignore the unshowable horror that assaults their senses. Our stomachs turn with every daily, banal scene and from that queasy stew a central question should bubble up: “How different are you, really?” For the Höss family, moral hell is within earshot. How far away is it for you and me?
Rated 09 Oct 2023
On its face it seems like it could be a piece of nihilistic euro arthouse trash but never feels as empty as those. These daily routines hiding and of course abiding the horrors within your own borders. Haunting more than anything.
Rated 26 Jan 2024
If you were daydreaming about a Jacques Tati/Michael Haneke collab centered on the Holocaust, it’s your lucky day.
Rated 23 Feb 2024
Does for Rudolf Hoss what Downfall did to Hitler: humanizing an abominable person, while also never glorifying his image. The lack of music and constant static shots creates a calm yet uncomfortable atmosphere. A burning chimney ever present amounts to a beautiful and brutal viewing, cause you never really see the horror. But you sure as hell will hear it.
Rated 12 Feb 2024
Hannah's Arendt's banality of evil is the obvious point of reference here, but Glazer keenly brings two planes together in the unfolding of the film-the visual and the aural. The former is absolutely characterized by banality, the latter anything but. That Glazer resists the use of "music" for most of the film's runtime makes the interludes where it appears all the more affecting. Offscreen activity combined with occasional music combined with the bland main action creates an unsettling mix
Rated 13 Mar 2024
I did not enjoy watching this, but it's an undeniably accomplished feature with a bold premise that, actually because of rather than in spite of Glazer's restraint, somehow makes the audiovisual experience even more unpleasant than the subject inherently dictates.
Rated 17 Feb 2024
It’s not that evil has been normalized, it’s that they don’t see it as evil at all but as work/everyday life. This aren’t sadistic monsters, they are us, our neighbors - terrifyingly normal people. A masterclass on the use of sound and probably the best movie on the holocaust in my opinion. Important to note that there ins’t a single scene with explicit violence.
Rated 27 Jan 2024
The art of this film is a vacuum of meaning. It says absolutely nothing - certainly nothing new or uniquely valuable - but its adjacency to something inherently profound forces the viewer to apply substance. Technically, this film is immense, but its content is specifically and actively meaningless. What a bizarre and unsettling experience, to be bored and/or get a few charming horror-movie tingles from a film (nearly) about the Holocaust. There's something wrong about that.
Rated 08 Jan 2024
The normalcy here is what’s so upsetting in this horrific, bold, and unforgettable film.
Rated 18 Mar 2024
A modern day couple in their 30s living in the Bay Area with their children. They recently bought a house and they pay the mortgage via the husband's job in a tech company as software developer. The house is beautiful and close to Whole Foods and Equinox, but to keep paying the mortgage, the husband needs to meet the goals and increase efficiency. He can even get more stock based compensation if he pleases the CEO. Homeless people are increasing day by day, but hey, we can't help them all.
Rated 03 Apr 2024
Technical flair deployed in service of telling you stuff you already know. All kitsch imitates the avant garde!
Rated 11 Feb 2024
What a movie. Not the easiest watch by any standards, but definitely worth it. The ending ultimately makes the movie.
Rated 10 Feb 2024
It is an art to making a Holocaust film without showing any Judes on the screen. Don't try to explain to your mother. She can hear through it. If you get used to it, you will ignore it. She didn't get either. The soundtrack was the scariest part of the movie to experience. It haunted you for a long time after the movie was over.
Rated 23 Feb 2024
Does impressively well for a 2 hour movie about a suggestion, and -if anyone needed this- proves that the Holocaust cannot even be depicted from the side of the perpetrators. Joins the Holocaust top film tripod along SCHINDLER'S LIST-93 and THE PIANIST-02. Fantastic ending: the jews may have walked quietly into martyrdom but the nazis walked willingly into hell.
Rated 08 Jun 2023
Jonathan Glazer's film, "The Zone Of Interest," offers a unique perspective on the Holocaust. It juxtaposes everyday German life with the horrifying backdrop of the Holocaust. Glazer's innovative approach leaves violence to the audience's imagination, creating a chilling impact. However, the film's challenges, lack of on-screen violence, and unsettling nature may not appeal to all viewers. This approach could be seen as sanitizing the Holocaust for some.
Rated 06 Feb 2024
In every dream home a heartache
Rated 03 Mar 2024
Disturbing at first, but as it goes on you realize it's kind of a one trick pony. The entire movie revolves around "the Nazis are living normal lives while doing irredeemable horrible things." Once the shock value of that wears off, the lack of a real story really starts to shine through. It is completely uninterested in expanding on it's themes beyond that. Until then, it just repeats the same stuff over and over. But it still stays interesting throughout even without a real story.
Rated 04 Feb 2024
In the Allegory of the Cave people live in a world of shadows cast from a fire that they cannot see. Here we see people who are simultaneously arson and puppeteer, having set the world ablaze and puppeteering shapes to cast shadows on the wall. Duty, nation, gardens, pools, fur coats, kayaking, fishing, uniforms, promotions, parties. Shadows on the wall. On the other side of the wall is hell. Quite literally sickening.
Rated 04 Mar 2024
Rudolf Höss: "The life we enjoy is very much worth the sacrifice."
Rated 06 Mar 2024
It's deeply unsettling and finds a unique way to show the horrors we've seen in so many other Holocaust films.
Rated 28 Jan 2024
Revolting, disgusting, off-putting, unsettling, but in a very good and probably necessary way. Could well be the best one can do with a perpetrator perspective, and more than that. Felt like having to stop myself from throwing up a few times when watching. Beware of cleansing: whenever we feel it’s for polishing, it’s nonetheless always also for hiding, excluding, concealing, and (risking) forgetting.
Rated 16 Feb 2024
On the one hand, it relies on the art of omission which I happen to generally like when implemented fittingly but here seems to lessen the effect of the perpetrated horrors by not making certain technical elements - especially the sound design - more impactful, and on the other hand, you’re stuck watching a film about some truly despicable human beings, the combination of which didn’t mix and match too well for me.
Rated 27 Jan 2024
I like how the movie has you wondering about little (call them banal) details of the Nazi family and then just ends because that's not the goddamn point
Rated 09 Mar 2024
The normalization of fascism and theme of "banal evil" is well-trodden, but one has to admire a film which simply moves at a rhythm most others wouldn't dare.
Rated 25 Feb 2024
I find myself laughing nervously and then immediately feeling unsympathetic. The horrors are so great that I know that if I don't laugh, I will fall into depression - and it's as if Glazer hands me this escape on a silver platter, which I'm eager to use. The result is that my conscience lies there vulnerable, paralyzed, like an open wound, and makes me think about my choices in life. Very well done. By the way, watching with a subwoofer is indispensable: the sound design is a story on its own."
Rated 26 Feb 2024
A brilliantly uncomfortable movie. Anything depicting real-life atrocities or horrors off-screen is much scarier than actual horror films. Much like the family at the center of this film, we’re almost supposed to pretend everything is totally fine and nothing is going on beyond the fence, but the screaming, trains and gunshots are hard to ignore. Impeccable sound design and a harrowing score. The river scene is gonna stick with me for a long time… Hüller and Friedel were really good too.
Rated 20 Jan 2024
It was pretty boring, and yeah I know you’re seeing the side of the Nazi’s family perspective with the horrors of the Holocaust happening off-screen, but I just didn’t feel it warranted a feature length running time and it didn’t feel like there was much of a plot going. Maybe that’s the point, but it didn’t hold my interest and got quite tedious. Nothing wrong on a technical or performance level, but yeah I knew I was in trouble when it was a black screen for 5 minutes at the very beginning.
Rated 11 Jan 2024
As bleak as cold sunlight.
Rated 15 Mar 2024
At first impression, I was most impressed that Glazer was able to find new routes into a subject such as the holocaust - to deliver the horror of its history through the mundane and everyday. What I've really taken away from this work though is how the horror of the film carries over into my own life, confronting me with how I might hide my own complicity in evil through everyday routine. Truly haunting.
Rated 14 Mar 2024
Deserved the Oscar for sound. the sound tells another story much more important than the story we see.
Rated 22 Mar 2024
داستان زندگی یه خانواده فرمانده نازی در اشویتز
Rated 10 Mar 2024
Can't not compare to "Son of Saul", from which it clearly borrows the idea of a Holocaust movie that doesn't show any of the atrocities, which is fine. It's a wise idea and Glazer takes it elsewhere, whereas Nemes follows a victim around with claustrophobic nape-of-the-neck tracking shots, Glazer logically keeps an alienated distance from the Nazi perpetrator with static long shots. Glazer's is a bit one-trick "banality of evil" thing with not much development, but he does it excellently.
Rated 13 Mar 2024
One of the most unconventional and inaccessible films I’ve seen. There’s little to no focus on characters or story. Instead, the film is mostly about the setting and atmosphere. The way it’s shot is certainly an interesting experiment. It always keeps you at a distance, which would normally be a bad thing, but works here. Sound design is excellent, and worthy of the Oscar it received. The movie didn’t fully work for me, but I thought the final scene was one of the most jaw dropping I’ve seen.
Rated 10 Mar 2024
I’ve never seen a film that takes such a quasi-sympathetic approach to Nazis. Not glorifying them, but rather depicting them as extraordinarily common people. Where this film faltered was overtly underlining the banality. The audience didn’t need 17 minutes long running scenes of gardening and swimming right next to a Holocaust to drive home the point that these people were detached from the surrounding world. I’d like it more if the apple-hiding girl would’ve been one of the family’s children.
Rated 03 Mar 2024
Cennet ve cehennem. Auschwitz soykırım kampının hemen yan duvarında, 1 alman subayının ailesinin hayatını ve yaşam tarzını izliyoruz. Çok riskli 1 konuyu seçen yönetmen, Alman askerlerinin cennet hayatı yaşatıp, Cehennem azabı çeken Yahudilerin, çığlıklar ve silah seslerini üzücü 1 şekilde izliyoruz. Normal dışı 1 durum. 1 de annenin evde kalma ısrarları. Boğasım geldi. Riskli 1 çalışma. Filmin sonunda, Kampın son hali. Ayakkabıları yok edememişler.
Rated 09 Mar 2024
beğenmedim. tipik bir festival filminden bile daha kötü. geçişler hatırına bu puan verilebilir. hikâyesi yarım; anlatısı, örgüsü çok zayıf. en kötü holokost filmlerinden birisi olabilir.
Rated 08 Mar 2024
Leave it to Glazer to take the hoariest of movie subgenres, turn the sensibilities inside out and hit a home run, telling a compelling consideration of moral abdication in the face of evil - with a time-jumping sequence towards the end cleverly asking the audience to reflect on the packaging and marketing of historical tragedies that distance their visceral impact – we all are quite happy to listen to the screams over the back fence, as long as they don’t impede our own zones of interest.
Rated 24 Feb 2024
The movie was beautifully crafted. the camera work and production were a job well done. shots that the camera hang on to the scenery, or you would see the flowers but hear the cries of children, or the gradual fade-in to the red frame, show that the director knew what he was doing; they had a sort of antonioni vibe but yet weren't the same, they were something of their own and it was perfect for the movie. Direction: 4/4 Cinematography: 4/4 Actings: 3/4 Design: 4/4 Music and Sound: 3/4
Rated 12 May 2024
There's something very unsettling about the bland domesticity of the life of one of the most heinous mass murderers in history. The way that it's shot really leans into that. Really, really creeped out by it, and rightly so.
Rated 22 Jun 2024
Watching a nice normal German family raise their kids while they are running Auschwitz in the background
Rated 19 Jun 2024
It is exactly the experience you think it will be. I’m also of the opinion it took considerable more talent and courage for Douglas Sirk to create his expression of disgust for these national socialists in A Time to Love and a Time to Die. Still, a worthwhile effort to take that quote everyone knows from Arendt, and create an environment through film to experience it.
Rated 08 Jun 2024
Still in shock, really moving movie
Rated 07 Jun 2024
Fascinating and horrifying
Rated 06 Jun 2024
Horrible human beings doing mundane things doesn't do this movie justice. You should watch this movie even if you don't want to.
Rated 29 May 2024
Man who has an interesting ( yet gruesome) day job, comes home to routine boring family life. Whilst his routine boring family life is somewhat at odds with his day job, concentrating on this aspect of his life created a boring film, where wheelbarrows moving around paths were noticable highlights. Yes, we get the message, we know the horror of it ... but it doesnt make this film any more interesting
Rated 19 May 2024
A zona de interesse estreava há 1 ano no Festival de Cannes. É impressionante que uma obra-prima como é o livro do Amis evolua para outra obra-prima que não tem nada a ver com a primeira no formato desse filme. Peraí, nada a ver em termos, ambos são brilhantes na forma que utilizam suas respectivas linguagens para demonstrar a banalidade do mal pura e simples. Plus: Todo apoio à Palestina, quando se fala sobre a banalidade do mal, também se fala do Estado sionista. Plus 2: Amis morreu há um ano
Rated 18 May 2024
Holocaust films that don't take place inside a concentration camp are more impressive to describe the devastation that took place. It's also harder to make one of those films successfully, The Zone of Interest is one of them.
Rated 13 May 2024
Refreshing, non-exploitative Holocaust film that engages intellectually. Fantastic performances, cinematography, and score. Takes risks that pay off in a resonant, thought-provoking experience. Incredible, haunting film. Purposeful, unique visual style and storytelling. Strong writing, directing and acting. 9.5/10
Rated 13 May 2024
Creepy. But shows that even the most evil among us are still human beings- they still laugh, love, and feel all the emotions you and I also feel. They’re not monsters, they’re just like you and me. If you don’t think you’re capable of evil, you must not be human.
Rated 06 Apr 2024
A powerful movie, with an incredible soundscape, and immaculate attention to detail. It is an all time example of reading between the lines. The day to day life of an ambitious matriarch, the patriarch obsessed yet desensitized to his work, Nazi LLC going about its restructurings and quota meetings. Ultimately though, I wish there was more to latch on to, more of a narrative to follow and ground Glazer's quiet but powerful ambitions. It's a tough but important watch.
Rated 08 May 2024
A remarkable production about the mundane nature of evil. It brought to mind Hannah Arendt's 1963 book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, in which she describes her experiences during Adolph Eichmann's trial. At the time, Eichmann coordinated the logistical planning of the concentration camps. Arendt found Eichmann to be a typical, fairly bland bureaucrat who was 'neither perverse nor sadistic', but 'terrifyingly normal'...
Rated 28 Apr 2024
For a subject that has seemingly been covered from every conceivable angle, it's miraculous that Jonathan Glazer & co. can still deliver a perspective that is completely unique and 100% effective. Packed with bold, outside-the-box creative choices that perfectly convey the film's themes and make for a captivating and gut-wrenching viewing experience
Rated 28 Apr 2024
It’s a unique way of showing what it looks when evil has become normalized. Although I’m not sure it needed to take that long to make the point.
Rated 26 Apr 2024
I know some movies are not meant to make you feel good. This one certainly succeeds. Unfortunately, it also lost me in some of what it's trying to say or convey. Powerful though !
Rated 23 Apr 2024
Okay look, imma be straight with myself and admit that I didn't fully understand EVERRYTHING, but, I certainly left the theatre with this lingering feeling that beneath the facade of everyday life, this great unseen evil, like a dormant virus, needs to be acknowledged.
Rated 20 Apr 2024
When the film ended, i felt a sense of emptiness and thought "is that really all"? I was expecting more and i guess it's in line with the film's theme - banality of evil. The film abounds in metaphors and symbolism, to question one's own comforts of how easily we would put blinders on and ignore the horrors. Sound design was great especially when paired with a blank screen. The composition was terrific with the shear amount of still shots making it all the more everyday.
Rated 15 Apr 2024
A unique take on the atrocities of the Holocaust with a powerful conclusion
Rated 06 May 2024
Very original idea. Presenting holocaust without actually showing it, insisting on the contrast, making use of the sounds almost non-stop, etc. These are all great, but is it enough to make a movie? There is almost no story here (or at least no depth) at all. This would be an impressive short movie, but not in this form. Good idea, but not good execution.
Rated 10 Apr 2024
It has a lot to say about how people learn to live with atrocities. It's deliberately slow, which doesn't make it the most enjoyable film, but it is extremely well made and beautifully shot.
Rated 21 Jan 2024
Slow but engrossing. Very interesting angle on WWII. Can't stop thinking about the main idea. Really got under my skin
Rated 14 Feb 2024
Haunting sound design is the stand out feature in this unusual perspective of complicity in the Holocaust.
Rated 14 Feb 2024
Intellectually and conceptually this is a great film, but also I wasn’t too keen on it as one long sustained note of dread. The rigor here is admirable yet misses the opportunity to expand on its point—which is understood rather quickly. Can’t argue its effectiveness, however. A movie that needles its way in to your psyche and is impossible to purge.
Rated 08 Feb 2024
This is not entertainment.
Rated 06 Feb 2024
Suffers from being all concept, though I did like the ending, especially some music that will stay with me.
Rated 06 Feb 2024
It's conceptually very interesting, but leaves something to be desired in execution. There are memorable scenes, but most of the time it's just overly-drawn-out shots and painfully slow pacing with us as the audience gaining very little new from moment to moment, start to finish. That's probably the point, to show how "boring" these lives are, separated from the atrocities, but it feels like it might've been better accomplished with the most memorable scenes happening quicker in a short film.
Rated 04 Feb 2024
A perfect fit for Glazer’s chilly, aesthetically-arresting directorial hand, where voyeurism and detachment are not just the style but the substance. Perfect ending, and while Mica Levi’s score only pops in a few times, their end credits piece is one of the most striking cues I’ve heard in ages.
Rated 01 Feb 2024
Rather monotonous. Visually and formally it's impeccable, but it's a 1h 46m joke without plot or development about people living a lovely life a few metres from the horrors of Auschwitz. The much praised sound design is just an incessant background of screams and gunshots. Could serve as a reminder of how easily we can disregard the evil in which we participate, but it won't.
Rated 28 Jan 2024
Nothing "dramatic" happens in the film. There are no shootouts, chase scenes, dramatic crying fits, the good guys don't win in the end. But that's all on purpose. It's all little subtle touches illuminating the "banality of evil", how Nazi families all just went along with the slaughter, as if it was as natural as the sun rising and setting.
Rated 27 Jan 2024
An essential film about the Holocaust that squarely addresses a topic not often fully fleshed out in film: the banality of evil. There are no snarling Nazis here or Nazis frothing at the mouth. What is presented in front of the camera and with dialogue is a boring film about a family going about their mundane daily life. What is beyond the camera, however, only glimpsed beyond the wall, occasionally mentioned in passing, and most viscerally presented using sound, is what makes it. Remarkable.
Rated 20 Feb 2024
I left the theatre with mixed feelings, actually, almost no feelings at all. Did I become numb after all these years or distanced myself from the horror with fear as the director did? I realised retrospectively that the whole film was a construction of sound, visuals, camera movements, and acting, almost entirely in its technique. There is one scene where I think the director, by and large, contradicts his distanced positioning, but I won't tell which, not to spoil, you'll know.
Rated 01 Mar 2024
I found myself wishing it was an art exhibit, because as an object of history it could be moving and powerful. Keeping the soundscape and wandering through documents, correspondence, and artifacts could create something. But as a narrative feature, what does it have to say through the full length of the feature? What do we learn or experience in the second hour that we hadn't in the first? I didn't find much beyond guilt that I wasn't as moved as everyone thought I should be.
Rated 08 Mar 2024
The Zone of Interest >>>>> Schindler's List
Rated 25 Feb 2024
Somewhat a real craft of a film, the framing of many shots in particular really hitting hard the film's impactful theme on the banality of evil, despite the LUT-less looking digital look of it all. The film presents these very serious themes in a very serious manner, and although I found myself wholly engaged by it, I also had a strong feeling of "I get it" all throughout. Ultimately, feels like a 105 minute short film.
Rated 20 Oct 2023
61st nyff
Rated 17 Oct 2023
filmekimi'23 - sinematek
Rated 16 Oct 2023
(Filmekimi, City’s Nişantaşı – CINEWAM Premium | 10/16/2023)
Rated 07 Apr 2024
Glazer, once again, shows his master work with audio and visual aspects of a story. This time, he shows how banal evil can be. The juxtaposition here is pretty stunning. A difficult watch but masterfully crafted.
Rated 10 Feb 2024
Stayed in my brain
Rated 24 Feb 2024
I think what Glazer is asking us here is whether it was possible for a Nazi who spent most of his time murdering Jews on an industrial scale in an extermination camp (Auschwitz) could also be a good father and husband at home. While this is a legitimate question of ethics (which many have pondered) and I think Glazer responds in the negative, he does not fully follow through. This is rare to say, but the film needed to be much longer in order for Glazer to properly address this question.
Rated 02 Mar 2024
@Kadıköy Sinemasi &Demet Sıradan yaşamın içinden çıkabilen vahşetin, nedenlerinden ziyade, olma durumuna eğilen liberal bir bakış. Arendt teyzelerinden öğrendikleri.
Rated 29 Feb 2024
Interesting idea that does not turn out to be so interesting to watch. I is hard to stay focused and I may have nodded off for a second or two.
Rated 28 Feb 2024
The irony is received after five minutes, ridiculous when it goes on to ever new tableaux. When Hüller has her monologue about how this home is what she always dreamed of, the text goes beyond parody, or what’s the word? seriousness? As people we can compartmentalize almost everything with enough will and routine and, in this case, a raging, cold sociopathy. By praising this film for its artful aesthetics we practice that effect too. As we do in everyday life, of course.
Rated 27 Feb 2024
a close look of the grim reaper's life behind the scenes
Rated 27 Feb 2024
I loved how Jonathan Glazer worked in this movie, even though at the end I was a bit upset he didn't dig more into Rudolf Höss' life. Even so, the movie makes total sense as it was intended.
Rated 27 Feb 2024
A very ambitious movie and extremely effective in spots. But some strange artistic choices and some confusing bits make it tough to recommend.
Rated 25 Feb 2024
2024'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 47. The Zone of Interest (2023) Glazer'in anlatım tarzı ile , yaşanan dehşeti inanılmaz özgün bir şekilde, kampın içinden neredeyse tek bir kare göstermeden özgün bir şekilde ruhunuza işliyor. İzlemesi kolay değil, insanlığı nefis anlatıyor. 8/10
Rated 24 Feb 2024
Amazing ending.
Rated 24 Feb 2024
Pointless self-parody
Rated 02 Mar 2024
Rated 22 Feb 2024
The undercurrent of horror and dread almost makes its relentlessly boring nature worth it. Almost.
Rated 22 Feb 2024
Watching this it's obvious that Jonathan Glazer knows his way around directing a film. He's laser focused on the point he wants to make and everything is in service of this. It's slow, sparse, naturalistic and concentrates almost exclusively on the mundane, leaving the heavy lifting to the viewer, and while it's thought provoking, disturbing and features chilling sound design it's also a film where not a lot actually happens onscreen; that kind of being the point. Just don't expect any fireworks
Rated 21 Feb 2024
It cannot be overstated how immaculate the sound design is. The lack of subtlety works for the film.
Rated 21 Feb 2024
So subtle, yet so powerful. The narrative is not spoon-fed and the historical context comes through the story little by little, in pieces that make up a very unsettling account. The film's cinematography, music score, and characterization add to the creepiness.
Rated 21 Feb 2024
Oh, come on. So is this the ultimate film about the banality of evil? Such a waste of talent of everyone involved -- specially the cast -- and Glazer's approach seems so mechanically self-conscious -- it's really A24 doing its very best of creating an European art film (with Cold War's DP, of course lol), which is just the most boring project ever made and bound to lure reverence from a very specific kind of cinephilia -- I didn't care for anything going on from the very first shot.
Rated 21 Feb 2024
This film acts as a reminder than the most educated and enlightened country in early 20th century Europe could become an instrument of the worst kind of atrocities because an extremely large number of its citizens with no particular ideology was willing to go along with it if it meant personal success. It reminds you quite vividly that this is not only an esoteric bit of historical fact, but a reminder that everyone needs to be wary.
Rated 20 Feb 2024
audiovisual 95 acting 85 overall feeling 86 avg 89
Rated 20 Feb 2024
Expected more... typical A24


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