The Worst Person in the World
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The Worst Person in the World

2h 8m
It chronicles four years in the life of Julie, a young woman who navigates the troubled waters of her love life and struggles to find her career path, leading her to take a realistic look at who she really is. (imdb)
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The Worst Person in the World

2h 8m
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Avg Percentile 68.23% from 1289 total ratings

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Rated 24 Feb 2022
Movie of the year for me without a second thought. Julie is an imperfect human being. She’s very indecisive, being in her late twenties and not knowing what she wants to do or who she wants to be with. I love that the script neither punishes or rewards her for her actions. The script and characters are frustrating but also respectful of her choices. I adored all three of the leads and found the directing is be very careful and beautiful. I can already tell it’ll only grow on me over the years.
Rated 21 Feb 2022
Julie lives a typical post-materialist, late capitalist, individualistic life that is beset by nihilism (hence the reference to Vivre Sa Vie [12 chapter]). All her relationships are "chance" encounters. No roots, no trust, no long term commitment, thus, pure flow of desire. I see this as a symptom of our culture. We don't commit, don't sacrifice, don't believe in anyone or anything. Trier, instead of criticizing this miserable life, embellishes it and frames it as a romantic story. Bull shit :)
Rated 17 Oct 2021
Television has recently bombarded viewers with the lives of single and awkward twenty-something women. Joachim Trier shows why cinema is a better venue for those stories. His natural empathy embeds audiences the profound context for Julie's choices. As a filmmaker he wonderfully breaks rules: via 12 short story chapters, fantasy sequences, and great flashbacks. It's also a fantastic movie for adults, as it makes you ponder your life path. Highly recommended. My favorite film of the year.
Rated 13 Mar 2022
Utterly enchanting, highly original film manages to pack a considered study of the creep of unease that descends in one’s thirties (ahem), along side off-beat, even bizarre digressions (echoes of ANNIE HALL) on the nature of love and relationships. It is Reinsve’s show (and what a show it is), but Lie and Nordrum score strongly as the other triangle points, helping anchor the episodic story through bouts of magical realism, leading to a beautifully ambiguous (and completely satisfying) finale.
Rated 02 Feb 2022
Trier’s uncanny observation of faces and stakes and desires culminates to one of the best films I’ve seen in recent memory. It understands, acutely, the inherent vulgarity of navigating all our vapid social contracts while also acknowledging and obsessing over every detail of our lives because we know just how spiritual they all actually are. In the fits and stops is still life lived abundantly. Clearly, I’ve seen the last three years of my life flashed before me whether I like it or not.
Rated 14 Mar 2022
When am I going to meet my hot norwegian girl that wants to smell my armpits?!
Rated 08 Apr 2022
"I began to worship what had been." A breathtaking account of being an adult and feeling like shit because you change your mind from time to time. Trier weaves an incredibly honest and funny story that is rare to see but is so timeless. Both Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie give tremendous performances.
Rated 10 Apr 2022
Watched this because I thought it was a documentary about the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. Imagine being at a party, looking over to the corner, and seeing two people smelling each other's armpits. "Hey, honey, I didn't cheat on you -- I just watched another person piss!" This film really sneaks up and hits you with a sucker punch of emotion in the final 20-30 minutes, then it drops one of the most beautiful credit songs -- Garfunkel's Waters of March.
Rated 04 Apr 2022
A film that lets itself submerge into careful and close and unselfconscious reflection. Perfect balance of story and expression.
Rated 21 Jan 2022
ah shit. Joachim Trier perfectly and succinctly made a movie about my anxiety about the passage of time. the comedy, the intoxicating romance, the gut-punch sadness - it's all either layered or compartmentalized here in a way that works, when it could so easily not.
Rated 09 Dec 2021
I absolutely adored The Worst Person in the World. The essence of the relationship, the value of life, the endless search, the adjustment, the non-belonging, the unfilled emptiness and the great songs. There are also two memorable sequences in the 12-episode storytelling. This film will definitely be one of those movies that I will watch over and over again. (12/09/2021 - Capitol Spectrum Cineplex)
Rated 15 Sep 2021
TIFF 2021: It does feel like a reprise of "Reprise" but whatever. I still think Trier and Vogt write some of the most cerebral and nuanced characters in cinema today. Renate Reinsve is unbelievable here.
Rated 11 Feb 2022
A truly artistic movie, in all it's aspects. A thourough, truthfull and honest depection of a contemporairy view on an individual life. A movie that will keep being interesting over time, even over many decades, I expect. I hesitate about the title though, i'm affraid it's a bit off...? A bit too eager? A detail though.
Rated 02 Dec 2021
It'a a bumpy and messy ride, but one that eventually leaves a lasting impact. At first, I could hardly identify with, let alone condone Julie's narcissistic, amoral demeanour, but with every passing chapter, I found myself reacting more emphatically to the various up and downs that defined her tumultuous and complex journey. A 2nd viewing will surely cement this feeling even further.
Rated 27 Mar 2022
Just want to live...
Rated 25 Feb 2022
I haven't seen a better film this year, nor have I seen a better performance than Reinsve's. She grounds this really episodic and inventive film and I was entranced by every second of the film that she's in, which is about 99% of it.
Rated 26 Dec 2021
People are shitting on about this, and it's certainly well made, looks great, has some very involved performances, some good music, and a handful of nice directorial flourishes. But it's also aggravating to watch, feels like we've seen similarly indecisive bitches in many other films before (some better, some worse), and there's a lack of cheeky facetiousness that's at least present in the title.
Rated 12 Dec 2022
I acknowledge that the film is probably made for people around 35-45, living in the big cities and having some sort of reflection about life in general and children in particular. Therefore made pretty much for me. But that doesn't take away its impact, the perfect script and the heartbreaking performance from Lie.
Rated 30 Jun 2022
this guys films seem kind of mundane until you find yourself still thinking about them years later and realize how deeply they somehow burrowed in
Rated 15 Mar 2022
I watched this movie 17 days ago and I still think about it every free second I have. Nobody writes like Vogt! Absolutely nobody!
Rated 21 Feb 2022
sometimes a film does what it does so well, you simply cannot give a quick account of it without sounding like a douche. the feeling it leaves on you is so embracingly poignant, how could trier's technical acumen be the first thing you make a comment about -before getting to the part where you didn't want to leave the theatre and return to your own life that feels like decidedly average yet incredibly soul-crushing, all the while relating to the film until realizing that's exactly what a douche-
Rated 05 Feb 2022
I’m 31 and this movie gave me CTSD (current-traumatic stress disorder)
Rated 26 Feb 2022
Negative reviews actually criticized aspects that I thought were really well done. They mentioned that we never actually learn that much about Julie’s passions or professional life—claiming that this shows a superficial engagement with the character. But I read this as emphasizing interiority and a more interesting and less fraught kind of femininity which isn’t tied to external achievement and validation. I also keep thinking about various moments of characterization that were really well done.
Rated 12 Apr 2022
Damn...that was probably the best movie in the world. Well, other than the Paddington movies. I give 9 Bobcat comics out of 10.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Go chuck your male gaze out the window.
Rated 08 Apr 2022
Brillaint Acting!!!
Rated 11 May 2022
Speaks about life, always questioning where you go, did I study the right science, am I doing the right job, am I in the relationship of my life? Romantic movie that touches several aspects of life everyone questions. In the end she finishes a relationship with her boyfriend (comic artist) and starts another relationship with other and gets pregnant (while didn't want children). Her ex gets cancer and she decides to take a break from her last boyfriend. In the end she's losing her child.
Rated 21 Jun 2022
Well being around the same age and similar difficulties, this film is both hard and beautiful to watch. It feels genuine and character development is progressively natural and intelligent, and ties the story really well together. I wasn't convinced on shroom trip and it would need more research. Overall an emotional rollercoaster about very human behavior cruising in this thing called life, with all the beauty and hardship alike. I liked it but it's also a bit of caricature-ish on times.
Rated 25 Nov 2021
allahım sana bin şükür sinemaya iyi filmler geliyor. ve millet bu filme sanki çok örneği var gibi düşük veriyor ya ne diyim ayrıca joachim abi yaşayan en iyi yönetmen diyebilirim rahatlıkla.
Rated 25 Feb 2022
Excellent depiction of someone who is insecure, imperfect, human.
Rated 18 Apr 2022
um belo filme
Rated 02 Feb 2023
Non-commital. Seems to skim through everything it does, which is a shame, because a deeper look would have helped any one of its many elements.
Rated 15 May 2022
a favourite
Rated 16 May 2022
It may not be quite on par with Trier and Vogt's two first parts of The Oslo Trilogy but I really like that the plot doesn't move in a straight line from A to B, and Anders Danielsen Lie is as great as he's ever been.
Rated 08 Aug 2022
It's engulfing from the first couple of scenes. The small, unspoken emotions are captured so well. The ups and downs, the indecision, the irony, the internal compromises. It's a bold statement, but realistic human nature has maybe never been captured so well by cinema. This movie feels like an important, existential landmark. I need to think on it some more, and revisit it soon.
Rated 03 Oct 2022
I was worried about where this was going initially, but it certainly won me over. Excels at the tough task of being thought provoking without doing the thinking for you.
Rated 04 Nov 2022
However well made or finely acted the movie is, the story is purposeless. What are you seriously trying to depict? Yawn. Whatever it is---doesn't appeal to me.
Rated 04 Feb 2022
Enjoyed this. Didn't really know what to expect.
Rated 31 Dec 2021
"No, no. No way. This is bad. What. What the fuck. Can he manage to pull this off for real? Holy shit." (my out-loud reactions as Joachim Trier changes the whole mood of the movie with superb dialogue writing in the second half of this film and breaks everyone's heart again)
Rated 04 Jan 2022
There are two movies in here, both pretty amazing (especially the one of the first half). But put together like this, they almost cancel each other out. Oh my, what could have been...
Rated 21 Jan 2022
Trier is giving us one of the best models for our modern condition. At times, the social adversity he is analyzing is too clearly written, but Julie's character captures the exact uncertainty that one meanders with in the struggle for commitment and purpose. Does it not say enough that a dying man simply does not want to be just a memory? An ending that portrays what reflection may come in solitude, the journey is never sought out exactly as planned.
Rated 14 Feb 2024
I've had bowel movements more interesting than this film.
Rated 20 Dec 2021
Mundane and self-involved - not the best combo in the world. There's some slight variation on the indie relationship up and down, with Trier retreating the paths of his first two features (which also didn't have much of a story, just personal narration basically). To me, this Julie girl is not particularly interesting or bad, but if the recognition of a real, insecure person suffices, then here is some literate cinema for you. Literate, as in, not a laugh to be had.
Rated 13 Feb 2022
Top tier! The way I was able to relate to all the characters made this a very human experience. Leaves you with a mood of introspection. Director of photography did his job very well and the use of music was amazing! Best film I've seen in a year
Rated 13 Feb 2022
Rated 14 Feb 2022
A very enjoyable movie about a flawed but relatable protagonist who is trying to find her place in life.
Rated 27 Feb 2022
Just Great.
Rated 15 Oct 2023
Living you life according to society's expectation might or might not be the right way for you. You just have to figure it out for yourself.
Rated 05 Mar 2022
Life's never as we expect it to be. We're never ready.
Rated 10 Jun 2024
10 Juny 2024 - No tinc gaires paraules, com sempre, i menys encara bones, per dir. Però és increïble tot. Tots els moments són bons. La puta vida. I ara què?
Rated 22 Nov 2022
The mushroom scene was a bit overindulgent and silly, and it does seem geared towards massaging the egos of liberal white people on the verge of middle age, but Reinsve is incredible. The soundtrack is also one of my favorites of this decade so far, so yeah I'm definitely in that target demographic.
Rated 10 Dec 2022
Modern Western people and their pathetic lives... The movie is clearly well-made but it's just not for me. I don't enjoy watching these Godless, miserable people trying to cope with life.
Rated 06 Nov 2022
A bit rambling (and seemingly pointless?) at times, but always pleasant to watch.
Rated 05 Nov 2021
Came in with high hopes and, perhaps unfairly, the movie did not fulfill them. There is a lot to love in Joachim Trier’s direction. No other director looks at Oslo so romantically. His playful mix of reality and form keeps it all exciting. Perhaps the problem here lies with me. Julie reminded me so much of a sort of person I do not like, which I honestly think is a testament to how good of a character she is, but it left me cold when the movie itself was not telling me anything interesting.
Rated 18 Dec 2022
Begendiklerim:Postmodern kadınların içsel sorunlarının hayat akışlarında yol açtığı zikzakları çok gerçekçi ve yalın bir dille yansıtmış Begenmedilerim:Yönetmenin olayı ağır bir drama bağlama ve onu yoğun yaşatma huyunun bu filmde de kendini göstermesi
Rated 24 Dec 2022
Trier uses all the tricks in the book: telling the story in chapters, fantasy scenes, animation, and flashbacks and stops just when it would become too much or right after it does. Still alright. Add outstanding acting to these, and you get TWPITW. For a moment there I thought it would turn into a romcom. Glad it didn't. A crisp and delicate film, leaving a taste of not sugary honey in mouth.
Rated 20 Jan 2023
Emphatically not what I expected it to be. Trier picks apart the romantic comedy and, unlike the proverbial frog, actually makes me enjoy it. And I love watching a film maker love his city this much.
Rated 18 Jan 2024
that drug scene has stayed with me for two years now
Rated 19 Feb 2023
Well-acted especially by the comic book artist character. I enjoyed the setting as well. However, I didn't feel like I knew the main character other than that she couldn't figure herself out and ultimately, she went nowhere over the course of years depicted.
Rated 19 Feb 2023
audiovisual 76 acting 75 overall feeling 78 avg 76
Rated 24 Mar 2023
Yönetmen, aslında 'bilindik' mevzuları kendi perspektifinden öyle ustaca, alışılmışın dışında ve bir o kadar da hayatın tam içinden ele almış ki, filmi salt "Romantik Drama" janrından çıkarıp daha nitelikli bir hale büründürmüş. Senaryo ve oyunculuklara diyecek yok. Fakat Renate Reinsve'nin Cannes'da aldığı en iyi kadın oyuncu ödülü o kadar hak edilmiş, tartışmaya kapalı, kılçıksız bir ödül ki.. Muazzam oynamış, ne kadar övülse az kalır.
Rated 14 Dec 2023
Do you cuddle your kids? Sure, a lot. They’ll be drug addicts. They’ll be addicts because I cuddle them? Yeah, according to new research. New research says you shouldn’t cuddle your kids? I realise it must be counterintuitive for a mother. But motherhood upsets your limbic system. So my kids are going to be drug addicts? That’s ridiculous. Do you have children? No, but I’m a doctor. I have a medical perspective.
Rated 05 Nov 2023
Aksel: "I always worried something would go wrong, but the things that went wrong were never what I worried about."
Rated 21 May 2023
i watched this twice in 24 hours. i could've sworn i wouldn't gonna have an existential crisis anymore but
Rated 27 May 2023
Top badass moment? Anytime something bad happened to Julie. I’ve met women like her, (in fact I’ve been out with one or two) and they’re basically over-educated, self-centered, deluded sociopaths with zero emotional intelligence, who only pretend to give a shit about anyone else. It’s a shame, as the film’s otherwise top-draw material across the board, but it was never going to make me feel the least bit of sympathy for its main character. Okay, rant over. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 30 Apr 2022
Viewed March 13, 2022. Trier's direction often becomes overly literal, the script falls back on silly gimmicks. The breakup sequence, for example, is full of annoying choices: not just the corny freeze-frame trailer moment, but also the maudlin scoring that drowns out the subtleties of Reinsve and Lie's performances (and don't get me started on "I love you. And I don't love you"). Ditto the drug trip sequence, a cliche that Trier fails to improve upon. Good soundtrack, though.
Rated 04 Dec 2021
@Kadıköy Sineması
Rated 27 Dec 2021
w/ Kaan
Rated 09 Jan 2022
Yaaani. Bekar kızımız Julie, erkeklerle yaşadığı aşk ilişkilerini izliyoruz. Ota değil boka konan tarzında ilerleyen film, gelecek kaygıları anlatılmak istenmiş. Renate Reinsve'nin çok iyi olduğu film, ilişkilerin ne kadar pahalı olduğu ve elindekinin değerini bilmemizi anlatmış. Ama yapacak 1 şey yok. Filmin sonunda, evli mutlu çocuklu. Dursun zaman dursun diyorsun ama oyun değil ki yaşamak.
Rated 23 Jan 2022
hard to empathize with a protagonist when you feel that literally every move they make is a mistake
Rated 21 May 2022
hiç etkilenmedim, yine popüler kültür rezaleti, git 500 days of summer izle daha iyi
Rated 04 Mar 2022
Rated 11 Mar 2022
Harika karakterleri, anlatımı ve muhteşem oyunculuklarıyla The Worst Person in the World son derece doyurucu bir film.
Rated 16 May 2022
Girl does some uninteresting stuff and give some uninspiring (and dated) speeches and writes some lame article or something. No one would care about this movie if it wasn't 'foreign'.
Rated 27 Mar 2022
#22#, exp4, rw3, story, ratings.
Rated 25 Apr 2022
It's an accomplished movie, but I had a really hard time connecting to the characters and also didn't understand what the director was expecting me to do. Overall found it a tad overrated. I wish I went in with a clean slate.
Rated 05 Nov 2022
Joachin Trier: The Most Earnest Filmmaker in the World
Rated 05 May 2022
& anil
Rated 07 May 2022
2021 yılının bana göre en iyisi. Filme iki bilet bakındığım sıralarda iki biletin artık fazla olduğunu öğrenmem ve filmin de neyi anlattığını çok iyi bilmem nedeniyle izlemek için bu kadar uzun süre bilinçli olarak bekletildi iyi ki de bekledi. Ne kırgınlık, ne kızgınlık o her zaman haklıydı. Film izlendiğinde de verildi tekrar hakkı. Yolu taşsız olsun.
Rated 19 May 2022
the best one of the trilogy. maybe it should have been shorter
Rated 02 Jun 2022
Pretty solid romcom in the first hour, not so much in the second. It's mostly a millennial angst film about this constant search for something invisible, unreachable called satisfaction -- not just plain, straightforward happiness, but actually a routine you don't end up wanting to kill yourself in the end of the day. And this quest is just sad sometimes, and angry, lonely and painful. Chapter 5 is my favorite by far -- the Oslo freezed so Julie can decide who she wants.
Rated 07 Jun 2022
Very thoughtful and deep, you think you could live it. I liked the girl very much
Rated 15 Jun 2022
Done nicely, but I couldn't find even one character to relate to, definitely not the heroine, even though I did like her better towards the end. There were some parts that felt very real (mostly the dialogs) and others were bit unbelievable. The best part was the cheat section, very original!
Rated 23 Aug 2022
I know everyone found it so *deep*, but I found it so middle class and so full of cliches. And I just had this very strong feeling that Trier centers Aksel actually, instead of Julie, in the narrative. It did have some nice moments. The 'cheating' chapter actually had something interesting to say and the breakup also felt real in places.
Rated 11 Sep 2022
A more realistic version of (500) Days of Summer. The movie effectively depicts the inner confusion that insecure but talented young people (not necessarily girls, I think) have. I really liked a few scenes, including the time-stop scene and the ending. Yet, it still lacked something for me to get immersed into it.
Rated 24 Sep 2022
aka The Passion of the 30-year-old Adolescent


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