The Witches
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The Witches

1h 46m
Based on Roald Dahl's 1983 classic book 'The Witches', the story tells the scary, funny and imaginative tale of a seven year old boy who has a run in with some real life witches! (imdb)
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The Witches

1h 46m
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Avg Percentile 22.09% from 262 total ratings

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Rated 22 Jan 2021
Not really different enough from the first adaptation in 1990 to justify adapting it again, but it's also not any worse. Hathaway is decent as the villain, but it's hard to compete with Angelica Huston.
Rated 02 Nov 2020
I never thought I'd see the beautiful Anne Hathaway dressed out as a creepy deformed 3 fingered freak with a Joker face smile and gross lesions all over her head. It is a rather awful children's movie and even worse for adults. It became intolerable at roughly halfway. Not worthwhile, but it was slightly amusing for the few minutes I was able to tolerate it.
Rated 24 Oct 2020
Octavia Spencer is a god damn treasure, but this whole thing felt like it'd been cut down so that it'd get a U rating. Every time "danger" arose, nothing happened (*spoilers*obviously apart from the initial dead parents and mousening*spoilers*). I kept expecting some shit to go down, but it just didn't. Even at the end I expected them to cut back to "present" day and Chris Rock with his slideshow, but no. So much felt half done.
Rated 14 Jan 2021
I should have started with the 1990 version, which I hadn't seen. After a slow start, this turns out to be quite unsettling for a family movie. It flirts with but is never actually scary. Overall it isn't bad, but I think it misses the mark enough that this one is safe to skip unless you really enjoy the book or want to see it.
Rated 09 Nov 2020
Most of the stuff regarding the witches themselves is suitably scary and really fun. That goes double for Anne Hathaway, who is an absolute hoot in this. Stanley Tucci's a delight as well. Unfortunately, pretty much everything else ranges from casually dull to toe-curlingly poor (the first half-hour leading up to the hotel is particularly rough). That said, there are definitely pleasures to be had here, even if it ultimately falls well short of Roeg's 1990 original (or indeed Dahl's book).
Rated 30 Oct 2020
bad movie
Rated 28 Dec 2020
This wasn't terrible but it wasn't that good either. Too much stuff was added to the story which made the whole thing drag, especially during the first half. The CGI wasn't that good but that can be overlooked but Chris Rock was miscast in this and was more annoying than anything. If I want to rewatch this story I'll stick to the '90s version.
Rated 29 Dec 2020
A hollow experience is what you get when cutting out its Norwegian roots. Still it was a spectacle to behold. Both Anne Hathaway & Octavia Spencer make the most out of what they're given and some of the effects were amusing. Doesn't quite work to the level it hopes, but one can lose oneself in the magic if you shut your critical urges off for a couple of hours.
Rated 24 Oct 2020
I enjoyed Zemeckis' take on the The Witches, despite it sacrificing the spirit of the 90's film & novel. I liked the direction, though the CGI lessens the novel's creepy aesthetic. Spencer & Bruno are great; Hathaway was awful. Rock's voiceover sounds comforting, but his additions bookending the plot felt pointless. It's a heavily Americanised retelling, with an added female mouse & some minor race-baiting characterisations, but at least they committed to their colourful vision & it's decent.
Rated 26 Oct 2020
Octavia Spencer and Anne-Hathaway's teeth.
Rated 03 Nov 2021
Worse than the 1990 version in almost every way. The CGI used for the witches is pretty terrible and pales in comparison to the practical effects of the original. Even though she had no chance of being as good as Anjelica Huston, Anne Hathaway was pretty bad. Octavia Spencer and Stanley Tucci were the probably the best parts.
Rated 18 Sep 2021
Uninspired adaptation has better production values than Roeg's chintzy version, but it has less 'personality', and Hathaway isn't a patch on Huston. The digital effects also vary wildly in quality.
Rated 03 Jan 2022
Rated 30 Jan 2021
What the hell was this movie even trying to be.
Rated 31 Dec 2020
Why remake it but anne hathaway is solid as herself
Rated 23 Nov 2020
Don't understand the critics here. Not enough political hot topics? The movie has a very strong first act, and it's scary enough for children (though not as scary as the first adaptation). Hathaway was good, but not as great as Anjelica Huston. Tucci's role was too small to stand out. Octavia Spencer infuses once again her character with her warmth and good acting (of course). Nothing bad to say about this movie, it's good. Isn't that enough?
Rated 18 Nov 2020
I'd have to rewatch the original to make a proper comparison. But I think this one seems pretty underrated. As far as family movies go -- specially outside Disney's franchises --, this feels with enough personality to please Zemeckis' fans as well as providing darkly funny entertainment for kids. First half is specially strong, with the convention scene looking great in spatial action and magic tricks. I just wished there was more room for Zemeckis' weird CGI stuff -- like claws bleeding black.
Rated 04 Nov 2020
Looks about as digital as it is. Apparently they didn't like the creepy, yet quirky vibe of the 90s version, so they went for silly, yet dull instead. Hathaway was fun half the time Chenoweth was decent. Liked the music. Sort of. I really didn't notice it much. Which isn't really a good thing. But not a bad one, either. This movie really needs to be seen in a movie theater. Because otherwise you're gonna be easily distracted, because most things in a room are more interesting than this movie.
Rated 24 Oct 2020
Robert Zemeckis does it again. His take on The Witches should join Willy Wonka and James and the Giant Peach as classic takes on Roald Dahl source material. Just the right amount of kid-friendly jokes and grown-up scares makes this a thoroughly enjoyable romp through the eternal struggle of children vs witches. Anne Hathaway's acting was hammy and a little over the top but Octavia Spencer, Stanley Tucci and Chris Rock were all excellent in their roles.
Rated 25 Oct 2020
I love the 1990 version of this film. There were things I liked about this movie but overall I thought it could have been better. I like that this movie took place in America. I thought that gave it something more relatable for me. Octavia Spencer is the standout performance in this movie. She was on fire throughout; tough yet loving. I liked that they didn't pull any punches with how creepy the story is. I was dissapointed with Hathaway and would have chosen differently.
Rated 08 Jan 2021
Late 1967. A young orphaned boy named Bruno moves in with his loving grandmother in the rural Alabama town of Demopolis. After meeting some seemingly charming but devilish witches, the boy and his grandmother take refuge in a luxury hotel on the coast. Unfortunately, they arrive just as the Chief Witch has sent undercover her henchmen from all over the world to carry out her demonic plans.
Rated 28 Feb 2021
çocuk filminde nasıl okula gitmemek övülebilir ki? çocuklara istediği çocukluğu full eğlenmek ve boş yapmak için kullanılmasını öngören bommmboş bi film.
Rated 31 Jul 2021
I've never read the book or seen the 90's version. This just wasn't very good.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
A sort of pointless re-adaptation, in that it brings very little new to the table, and what it does (Jordan Peele's THE WITCHES?) it seems timid about and unwilling to follow through on. Taken at face value, and discarding memories of Roeg's more icily creepy take, this is still an enjoyable fantasy film, fired by a brilliant, full-bore camp performance from Hathaway, balanced by Spencer's warm "grandma". Hampered somewhat by far too much exposition, especially in Rock's unnecessary narration.
Rated 08 Feb 2022
It's fine. Octavia Spencer was fine, Hathaway was fine. Tucci was fine. Everything was just fine. Kids will enjoy it (as opposed to being scared by it, like the original)
Rated 21 Jun 2022
I appreciate diversifying the ethnicity of classic stories but witch stories will remain misogynistic until we start including male witches into the mix.
Rated 30 Dec 2022
It's a pity because it starts out with an interesting frame and setting and interesting characters. But the moment they start using CGI, it turns into a massive mess. It's lower than made for tv movie level of CGI, it seems 15 years older than it is, and it takes you right out of the movie. The 90s version had ugly puppets but they were way more charming than this. Some parts are dragging on for so long kids will probably lose interest for the rest of the movie
Rated 24 Apr 2023
Roald Dahl'in cadılar hikayesi. Roald Dahl kafası güzel. Octavia Spencer'in harika babaanne rolünde izlediğimiz film, torununa bakmak zorunda kalıyor. Yediriyor, içiriyor, banyosunu yapıyor. İlk 20 dakika çok iyiydi. Sonra Cadılar gelince, fantastik 1 gerilime dönüşüyor. Çocuklardan nefret eden cadılar. Fare fobiniz varsa izlemeyin. Tom ve Jerry, Ratatuy ve Harry Potter seviyorsanız ilginizi çeker. Çok kötü de değil. Filmin sonunda, Cadı avcıları. Bedava peynir sadece fare kapanında olur.
Rated 01 Jan 2024
Over the top Cronenberg body horror in a kids movie you say? Can't see how that could go fucking horribly.
Rated 17 Jan 2024
A decent remake, even if it's not quite as trauma-inducing as the original one was (when watching it as a kid). I liked the new characters okay and the setting was well selected. Octavia Spencer is great in everything she does, too. CGI felt a little bit cheap and obvious, though the effects for the witches worked well enough. Hathaway's accent seemed to shift from one to another, so that was weird?


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