The Witch
The Witch
Your probable score
The Witch

The Witch

1h 32m
New England, 1630: William and Katherine lead a devout Christian life, homesteading on the edge of an impassible wilderness, with five children. When their newborn son mysteriously vanishes and their crops fail, the family begins to turn on one another. 'The Witch' is a chilling portrait of a family unraveling within their own fears and anxieties, leaving them prey for an inescapable evil. (imdb)

The Witch

1h 32m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 61.25% from 3782 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 20 Feb 2016
Nothing really sets a movie's tone faster than a baby in a mortar and pestle.
Rated 23 Feb 2016
On one side, nature: obscene, murderous, insensate to pain & suffering. On the other, civilization as an attempt to master & control nature (human reproduction included): hopelessly compromised by hypocrisy, arrogance, & weakness. The Witch paints the founding of America as a war between an ascetic ideology of domination & a disinterested, godless reality, a war that gives rise (um... literally) to wholesale slaughter in the name of self-interest. "Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"
Rated 08 Jun 2016
Incredibly atmospheric and continually immersing us in a sense of dread, The Witch is the type of horror film that draws me in effortlessly and gets under my skin more easily than a buttered-up tick. The commitment to making the movie look and sound realistic deserves praise, not unlike my new hooved master from the Third Netherhell.
Rated 19 Feb 2016
THE WITCH is a treat for American horror fans because it's ambitious, with an enormous attention to detail and an intimate, actor-driven approach. It's a chamber drama in line with Bergman's "Silence of God" trilogy. At least, that's the high mark it aims for (it misses). Horror isn't its raison d'etre, horror is the byproduct of a uniquely American convergence: New World anxieties intersecting with Christian fanaticism. It falters here and there, but this is an impressive debut from Eggers.
Rated 01 Nov 2017
There is some fairly chilling imagery (e.i., the rabbit) and it does a great job building up tension for it's 92 minute run-time, and if you're a patient viewer, you'll be just as invested as I was. It's short and it's not so in-your-face and jumpy like a lot of modern horror films are. Acting is all really good, even the younger stars, and it's also beautifully filmed. It gets better each viewing as well. If you're patient with your movies, I definitely recommend it.
Rated 16 May 2016
Every generation sodomizes the English language, sloppily pleasuring itself in short-lived rapture then leaving its stinking seed to fester and rot in barren fields that will one day be paved over--stained with leaking oil from a tricked-out pickup blaring Kid Rock and navigated by the next generation of mirthless sodomites. I fucking loved this movie.
Rated 05 Apr 2016
Didn't at any stage let me feel at ease. Among each unnerved situation are incredible shots and sublime performances. Any film that has me thinking and talking about it weeks after I watched it, is definitely something that has ticked a lot of boxes. That cut to the crow, wow.
Rated 27 May 2016
This came so close to being something really special, but they just had to throw in the supernatural nonsense. It could have been a quite exceptional tale, but apparently the writers are just not clever enough to write something great. I loved the performances from Anya Taylor-Joy. Ralph Ineson was also exceptional as the father. Kate Dickie had a no-win role. What fails here is the story. Take the garbage about the Devil out and make it about superstition and you would have a wonderful classic.
Rated 17 Sep 2016
This masterfully directed art-film-like horror movie features picture perfect shots and a wonderful use of old language. It's thematically rich and refreshingly different.
Rated 16 Oct 2017
There's a lot to like about "The VVitch" the camerawork is good, it's unsettling, the sets are fantastic. It's the nontechnical stuff that makes me score it so poorly. For some reason, that double "V" thing irritates me beyond explanation, I feel like it's some hipster-esque statement, one that makes me want to punch the director about as much as the retarded-ly puritanical characters. The mother in this is terrible, the ending made me want to shit on the floor in the theater. Fuck this movie.
Rated 02 Mar 2016
Eggers' influences and touchstones share in common a grim, deeply serious worldview meant to convey the uneasy fact of existence in a world in which God may or may not be present. (Think McCarthy, or Bergman, or Current 93.) Less a horror film than a study of existential crisis, man grappling with the cruel indifference of nature. Needless to say, that's not for everybody, but there's a purity to The Witch that makes it, at the very least, an admirably serious work of art.
Rated 26 Feb 2016
Reviews rave about the "atmosphere" and tone of dread the film allegedly creates. Like Blair Witch, it seems watching people fret for most of a film's running time qualifies as compelling horror. Sure the cinematography and acting are far better than most horror films, but so what? I don't expect scares any longer but the film is sparse in creepiness as well: no more than 5 minutes of scenes qualify as genuinely unsettling imagery. What's next? A film interlaced with a few creepy photos?
Rated 09 Aug 2016
(2nd viewing) One of those films where when it ended, I had to see it again ASAP as repeat viewings allow for a stronger appreciation and an even better understanding of the film's technical merits and expertly-woven themes, respectively. In that regard, Eggers' directorial debut stands as a thought-provoking, genuinely haunting entry into the horror canon, one that doesn't resort to cheap tricks or tacky jump scares to paralyse its audience. People bored by this need to STFU.
Rated 01 Aug 2016
I can see that this will rub a few folk up the wrong way. The "ye olde wurlde" speak doesn't always resonate, and the score verges on intrusive at points, but taken as a whole the film really works. Creepy, atmospheric, and occasionally ambiguous, a lot of the themes aren't fully explored in the short running time, but get enough attention to have an effect. This is technically very sound, and the cast, particularly the younger actors, is very good. Definitely worth a rewatch.
Rated 27 Feb 2016
Ultimately insubstantial chamber drama, but w/ two things going for it: 1) the period dialogue and research are wonderful, and 2) by not going completely nuts-- as much as there's a place for that [cf. "The Devils"]-- with the religious aspect, the family's faith, and by extension their dialogue and their -fear- is -completely- believable. Also, seeing this in a nearly empty theatre, I enjoyed hearing this elderly woman in the back interjecting w/ the occasional "SHIT!" or "CHRIST!"
Rated 22 Feb 2016
You are constantly sitting in dread and suspense the entire movie. I generally like these atmospheric horror movies more than the jump scares and ultra-gore movies that seem to dominate the genre. My only complaint is that at times it was hard to understand the dialogue, both because they tried to make it as historically accurate as possible, and at times the audio wasn't clear enough and I couldn't make out all the words. Last thing was potentially a theater problem.
Rated 26 Oct 2018
Humble family enjoys seasonal retreat as part of their Game of Thrones consolation prize but unfortunately forget to check themselves before they VVriggity VVreck themselves. Soon the poor bastards are up to their hat buckles in bedevilment with no Jesus in sight and the only upwards mobility involves a freaky pimp/ho contract with a Skyrim NPC. As the Daygo kids say, "Haggard, brah".
Rated 01 Nov 2017
Yeah I guess I'm kind of the dumbass/contrarian on the outside looking in with this one. I could respect its authentic historical vibe and slow-burn dread and moody visuals and convincing performances and of course Black Phillip, but honestly I found it such a staid, somnambulant experience. Like, I was perfectly well-rested going in and I found myself fighting back yawns and my eyelids getting heavy by the end. I'm not much of a Kubrick nut so I'm not surprised by people's Kubrick comparisons.
Rated 13 Oct 2016
Ambient horror tale (of the best kind) that takes 17th century tall tales, folklore and religion, adds a dash of evil nature metafors (and milk and butter), grinds it all up and delivers a more or less perfect (and deeply disturbing) horror-instant-classic.
Rated 22 May 2016
A supremely well-crafted and deeply satisfying horror film that drips with pervasive dread and unnerving atmosphere. Eggers confidently explores the oppressive hold that religious fanaticism can have on man's psyche and he is equally successful in his rebuke of the misogyny and patriarchal repression of ages past. The film is a wicked delight right down to its deliciously perverse and subversive ending.
Rated 09 May 2016
If you view this with the perspective that it's based on new world folklore and an old wive's tale from the settler days it becomes much more intriguing. Only "flaw" is the cacophonic sound is jarring and a bit overcooked at times to the point of distraction. The child actors in this are simply amazing and without their stellar acting this would have fallen apart quickly. The wooded atmosphere and creepy biblical fanaticism all add to the weird aura of this film right to the eerie conclusion.
Rated 03 Apr 2016
I'm a sucker for anything witch themed, and while I think this could have been better in some ways, I was so totally enthralled by it. Granted, a great majority of the actual horror occurs in the final 20 minutes of the film (but then again, what else should I expect?). The tension, acting, and the awesome effects totally push this film forward, but I felt like it could have taken a more creative route. I like how it questions what's more evil or evil at all: fanaticism or living deliciously?
Rated 18 Mar 2016
Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? Refreshingly nice horror costume drama, well made with high production values (you can really tell that the director had worked as a production and costume designer) and excellent acting. It has a rare degree of sincerity, and its effort toward authenticity shows. While all the themes are familiar, The Witch does sidestep the corniest cliches and tropes, delivering a worthy, straightforwardly creepy resolution.
Rated 22 Feb 2016
Black Phillip is the film's MVP.
Rated 20 Sep 2015
[TIFF Experience] Maybe my impression is clouded by the thrill of seeing the midnight premiere, but it's hard to deny just how fresh and even frightening this chiller is. As much a descendant of Kubrick as it is of Bergman, The Witch inherits an interest in exploring an unfathomable but very human kind of "evil" and does so with the same slow-burn intensity and meticulousness of its ancestors. The cinematography and music are especially eerie. It is a beautiful, ominous, and serious debut.
Rated 17 Jan 2017
Beyond the mysticized style of setting the period, there's not really a whole lot of fresh story in there. Not to say it lacks interesting drama or compelling themes, it just seems more interested in experimenting with atmosphere & tension than working the story. To its significant credit though, it does succeed wonderfully as a horror experience although some of the setups & stylistics seemed slightly conflicting or hokey to me. Feels a lot like a directorial debut. A promising one at that.
Rated 30 Dec 2016
Wheeeere's the BABY?! THERE HE.. Oh. Oh! OH NO YOU DIDN'T!
Rated 29 Dec 2016
FUCK YEAH *smears self in butter* WOOOOOO *climaxes* *smears self in even more butter*
Rated 28 Jun 2016
Well done psychological horror. The director wisely leaves the supernatural elements with some measure of mystery, makes ample use of close ups to increase our sense of disorientation, and creates an interesting theological and sociological portrait of this family in crisis. The Calvinist emphasis on personal sin and the corresponding pursuit of holiness combined with a belief that believers have to perceive God's judgment through circumstances leads to a disturbing and unsustainable environment
Rated 25 May 2016
If you're the sort of horror fan who can't stand anything 'artsy', and wants a jump scare every 5 minutes - this is not your movie. The cinematography is beautiful, yet natural. The score is amazing, creating such atmosphere and dread. In terms of the story, it's fairly simplistic, but explores fascinating themes. The language is wonderful, and the actors speak it very convincingly. The performances in general are fantastic from all involved. It's an extremely impressive debut.
Rated 17 Mar 2016
This is more supernatural thriller than it is horror. Regardless, it's one of the most masterful entries of either genre in recent memory. For my money, the most successful (both technically and in the creepiness it evokes) of the recent spat of art house genre films.
Rated 03 Mar 2016
Pride goeth before destruction. I thought I'd cooled on brute austere film like this but maybe I just hate Haneke. Wrapped in religious symbolism/belief and light touches of tarkovsky/Bergman is a movie about a woman's liberation "Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"
Rated 01 Mar 2016
The Witch is about an hour's worth of solid paranoid family drama surrounded by weaker bookends. In other words, it's at its weakest when it's at its weirdest. The soundtrack is a blatant imitation of Ligeti, which is fine, but it's often way too loud. Amateur mistake? But the acting is solid, so it still has that going for it.
Rated 19 Feb 2016
More creepy than outright scary, The VVitch succeeds based on its desire to soak us in atmosphere and ideas rather than jump startles or blood - although we get small tastes of both of those, too. Thanks to a great cast and a penchant for period authenticity, the film immerses us to the point that we feel like a member of the family - and then proceeds to ruin it all. It's a slow burn, and if you are expecting a splatterfest you'll leave disappointed, but this is a rare breed of horror movie.
Rated 20 Sep 2015
Excellent in tone, performances, feel, and horror. It doesn't give too much away and leaves a lot up to interpretation. This does not hold the audience's hand. One of the better recent horror films.
Rated 16 Apr 2021
Not to rip off MadMan but Black Phillip is the G.O.A.T.
Rated 06 Mar 2021
I'd Rather Slam My Head Into A Wall Repeatedly Before Watching This Crap Again
Rated 19 Jul 2020
Robert Eggers makes some weird movies. It's similar to Hereditary for me in that the supernatural scares don't hit me as hard, but it's very unsettling throughout and made extremely well.
Rated 16 Mar 2018
I was invested from start to finish, which is a rarity for me regardless of quality. Great cast -- the oldest son's performance was awesome and daring for someone his age; the father with the bass in place of a voice box could not have been more convincing in his role -- and characterization; always enough tension, never so much that I turned on any of the characters. Low-key cool score, too. Glad I knew almost nothing about it, though what little I knew was already too much. 22nd film of 2018.
Rated 21 Dec 2016
Unbelievably good. I was amazed to find this was Eggers' first big film as it feels like something Kubrick would have directed at the top of his game. The atmosphere and authenticity of its 17th century New England setting delivers a constant feeling of terror and isolation. The cast do an amazing job with the great script, all in authentic dialect of the time and the child actors are the best I've seen for a long time. Probably my best film of 2016.
Rated 12 Jul 2016
Good idea, generally well done, but it seemed to this viewer that the conventionally "natural" acting style, while probably meant as a concession to audiences, detracted somewhat from the ability to conjure a nightmare world: something a little more alien, or perhaps almost trancelike, was called for, if the filmmakers were hoping to transport audiences to a radically other, horrifically frightening, dark world of yore.
Rated 28 Jun 2016
Often drawn in the lineage of Bergman, and of course it's true that the Swede is cinema's godfather of Christian malaise, but I think The Witch, in its folklore lyricism and aesthetic purity, also bares strong resemblance to Mizoguchi. In any case, it is singular among modern American horror films, made with a sophistication sorely missing from its contemporaries, opting for discretion and meticulousness, and remarkable for its insistence on visual and linguistic authenticity.
Rated 03 May 2016
i'd say it's a great movie, it's just not a great horror movie. granted, some of the superb imagery might be unsettling if you are not completely numb yet. but what worked best for me was the conflict at its core. if you want to make a movie set hundreds of years ago compelling, you have to give it contemporary relevance. man's attempt to hide, but strangely also legitimize, his animal nature behind a mask of faith will carry that relevance for some time to come. and watch out for taylor-joy!
Rated 28 Apr 2016
they misspelled witch
Rated 17 Apr 2016
Zero chills, zero scares....people who call this horror are wimps! You need an old English dictionary to keep up with the dialogue and adding in obnoxious, screeching music is just as much a movie sin as jump scares are. Just because something is different, doesn't make it automatically good. The one good thing that can come out of this being a critical success is that, maybe studios will make less Paranormal Activity films and take more risks.
Rated 17 Apr 2016
The atmosphere was great, but the tension was lost on me. Did not find a bit of this tense. I would rather have watched a high school rendition of The Crucible.
Rated 15 Apr 2016
I thought I'd love it but I only liked it. You can't fault the foreboding atmosphere and the cinematography, along with the wonderful performances. The dialogue is hard to understand at times, but there was a lot of research here. My issue is that for as creepy as it is--not allowing us to feel any sanctuary from the tone--it doesn't have enough moments in it that impacted me. There were a couple, but I wasn't terrified (and I thought I would be). Works more as a drama than a horror.
Rated 12 Mar 2016
I don't know who to scapegoat (pun intended) for this film being such a mess. It looks murky & has an overly stylized dialogue that kept me at arm's length. Most of all, The Witch misses an opportunity to tell an impactful story. Its big themes--evangelical Christianity, fear of others, & family secrets--are worth exploring given our current cultural and political landscape. But the script fails by not having a good take on them. I literally forgot that I'd seen this movie--on my walk home.
Rated 02 Mar 2016
In Puritan New England, a family living in religious exile is beset by witchcraft, but is torn apart by their own paranoia. The story is really a framework for the striking camerawork and staging, and at times the film feels more like a calling card for writer/director Robert Eggers than a fully formed narrative. But his skills and the generally strong acting keep one watching, even considering the sometimes-poky pace and unsatisfactory denouement. Black Philip, by the by, is badly underused.
Rated 27 Feb 2016
Extremely disturbing. Uses 2001-style discordant choir pieces to amp up the tension and terror. I was legitimately terrified through most of this (that being said, I don't have a particularly strong stomach for horror). What I loved was that this was a horror film based entirely around empathy. The things that these characters fear (God, the Devil, Heaven, Hell) are things that I barely think about on a day-to-day basis. Transferring their fear to me is an impressive feat.
Rated 26 Feb 2016
Great atmospheric horror. The tension between an established (or an attempt to establish) a household protected by religion, with the large (evil) wooded area, creates the film's dread. The natural lighting is wonderful and helps create the mood.
Rated 19 Feb 2016
The White Ribbon meets Blair Witch with some Antichrist imagery. Excellent performances and dialogue. The themes are rich and explored every scene. Surprisingly entertaining and doesn't overstay its welcome. The very ending is a bit over the top but still appropriate. As good as It Follows from last year, except more authentically human.
Rated 11 Oct 2021
A family of farmers living near a remote forest in 17th Century New England experience a series of misfortunes and begin to blame unseen supernatural forces. Generates an awesome sense of dread, mostly using the psychotic religious fervor of the family to ratchet up the tension. Really solid script, grim sound design, and bleak's an excellent throwback to Hammer Horror witchcraft/satanism flicks, which were more about creepy atmosphere than action and gore.
Rated 16 Jan 2021
The Witch lends itself into the type of horror that is based on how much can it draw you into its actual story. Few and far between is it truly scary, but it does a great job of demonstrating emotional toll and study of ideals/beliefs. It's a pretty steady, slow burn of a film that I'd say would take multiple viewing to fully understand it 100%. Robert Eggers has a lot of interesting ideas, and Taylor-Joy really did well too. It goes to without say, it's pretty solid and effective.
Rated 27 Mar 2018
How is this not boring and pretentious?
Rated 02 Jun 2017
Why did they reveal that the witch was real and that she had kidnapped the baby right at the beginning? What a stupid, stupid decision. It undermines the tension the movie is trying to create, and the otherwise amazing ending. It was so well-made too, and it's exactly the kind of movie I should love. But that 2 minute scene ruined it.
Rated 15 Dec 2016
Literate and quite restrained horror tale that could have been even more effective had the supernatural elements been more ambiguous, as the film shines when focusing on the religious fervour, paranoia and self doubt of the characters. The last ten minutes or so let the film down somewhat but overall it's atmospheric, beautifully shot and features good performances all round - especially Anya Taylor-Joy.
Rated 22 Aug 2016
Easily one of the best debut films of the last decade. Eggers' craft is immediately evident in a complex narrative so tight and so unnerving, you cannot add or take anything away from what is an inspirational, consummate horror experience - one easily compared to Day of Wrath in tone, quality, and moral. (Of that, as a former Jesuit once tried explaining to me, Satan is never really after those easily seduced - he's stealing souls from the Kingdom. ...)
Rated 13 Jul 2016
I was hoping for a little bit more in the finale (especially after that baby-crushing start!), but then again, If Satan would talk sweet to me like that I would also sign his book in an instant.
Rated 21 May 2016
Best horror period piece I've seen since "Sauna". Layered, atmospheric, genuinely and consistently unnerving, The Witch knows when to play the expected beats and when not to. #relationshipgoats
Rated 21 May 2016
minus one point only because the atonal choir was too much like the sound in 2001 whenever you see the monolith and it took me out of the fly-on-the-wall element this movie offered; plus one point cuz it's an amazing movie
Rated 17 May 2016
Rich with thematic details, this is a brilliant movie about man's struggle to understand god's intentions in the face of insurmountable evil. It's also about our tendency to jump to paranoid conclusions when we're presented with stuff we can't explain. But like most good horror, just because the characters are paranoid doesn't mean the world isn't out to get them. Beautifully shot, perfectly acted, and pretty damn scary.
Rated 01 May 2016
The Witch is unnerving as all hell. It places you right into the wilds of New England with the unfortunate family and doesn't let you leave until the credits roll. I'll take this over jump scares any time. A rarity for sure.
Rated 27 Feb 2016
Powerful tension between the very real presence of black magic and the complete absence of God or Christ.
Rated 24 Feb 2016
Overall great premise, direction, writing, acting setting, etc. Pretty incredible in a lot of ways. My one big problem is with the long shots of the woods paired with super dramatic soundtracking -- it was trying to do way too much and ended up being extremely melodramatic and almost comical, especially in the eyes of a New Englander who can't help recognizing his own backyard in the images.
Rated 18 Feb 2016
Like every A24 movie, an exercise in how to create atmosphere for 90 minutes with absolutely nothing else happening at all. Film students will LOVE it. If you're looking for tension, horror, thrills or anything other than people talking in "historically accurate dialect" then it's probably best to avoid this. Best actor is the black goat. The movie's as stupid as the VV instead of W in the poster. Calling this the Drive of horror movies is somehow an insult to Drive. 5 points for lighting.
Rated 17 Oct 2023
Religious people leave other religious people to make it on their own and then everything goes tits up in a blaze of paranoia and superstition all the while I don’t really care about anyone involved. Excellent allegory of America, I guess. I feel as if I am owed a “Chaos reigns” from that goat, though.
Rated 06 May 2023
Remarkably confident and accomplished debut effort from Eggers is like an unholy mashup of THE CRUCIBLE and CARRIE (with a little SHINING for good measure) – favours a slow, gradual build-up of queasy unease and ambiguity, keeping the viewer constantly off-guard right up to the elliptical finale. Joy’s excellent lead performance anchors a uniformly terrific cast; it’s nice to see Ineson get a rare lead role and completely run away with it, perfectly balancing fanaticism with genuine compassion.
Rated 01 Feb 2019
I never felt terrified nor did this film rely on typical gore or jump scares, which makes it a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed the "New England folk story" atmosphere. Screaming was grating. Fav scene: kids overhearing parents.
Rated 27 Nov 2018
Well shot, well acted. I just couldn't get into it. I don't have an issue with accents really ever and I had trouble understanding things. But casting 'finchey' as the dad actually broke my immersion repeatedly somehow.
Rated 25 Nov 2017
Outstanding. Eggers = a real Dir talent | AJT impressed, much as J Lawrence did in Wintersbone (hope -> similarly fine career) | All cast inc children = V strong | 1st gen Puritan life's inherent miseries, paranoia & desperation evoked superbly, thus depressing (viewing feels like It Comes @ Night). Totally immersed/suffocated me in creeping dread from start 2 end. Totally my type of horror. I 'loved' this powerful piece. Watch it then (maybe not same day!) go on 2 his The Lighthouse
Rated 26 Oct 2017
Kind of a less extreme version of Antichrist, which I mean as a compliment to both films.
Rated 15 Oct 2017
Sufficiently creepy and technically impressive, but I really didn't appreciate it for more than that. There's been a lot written about the strong thematic elements, but they just didn't really work or connect for me.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
good movie
Rated 20 May 2017
I just couldn't get into it. Got a decent nap.
Rated 30 Apr 2017
Billed as an "atmospheric horror" The Witch might have a certain claustrophobic ambience but is unlikely to scare even the most jittery audience member. If you can put up with the family speaking in a range of ye olde northern English accents the performances are decent - particularly Taylor-Joy - but the story banks too much on the viewer being terrified by the ideas presented alone. There's just about enough going on to keep you interested, but the payoff isn't worth the wait.
Rated 03 Mar 2017
While not really a horror film, I did enjoy it for it's scenery and atmosphere.
Rated 28 Feb 2017
Seeped in authenticity and bare-faced candor this carefully constructed period horror is tense and impactful. The tight script and masterful performances just suck you into its desolate, isolated world. Reminscent of Anti-Christ, there's a gloomy moodiness to this film that's straight out of the historical "Witch House" in Salem.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
Building his film on the diabolical aftershocks of Puritan repression, Eggers raises The Witch far above the horror herd. He doesn't need cheap tricks. Eggers merely directs us to look inside. Be warned: It'll scare the hell out of you.
Rated 02 Jan 2017
That feeling between "I am fine" and "I am having an anxiety attack" in movie form.
Rated 20 Nov 2016
A masterpiece of modern horror. The Shining of the 21st century. The Witch is a slow, slow burn, but one that never lets you get comfortable or eases you from the very beginning. With an unforgiving score and fantastic performances, The Witch is one that should be remembered. Though I know it is quite divisive, I must admit I loved this movie and its haunting, atmospheric horror.
Rated 01 Nov 2016
This movie starts slow and never really picks up. Occasionally something exciting happens but it is not worth the long waits in between. Overall this film is very disappointing.
Rated 31 Oct 2016
Fairly amazing debut, it's well directed and beautifully filmed. For the modern viewer it may seem slow or underwhelming, but its so wonderfully detailed and full of dull grim detail that you can't help but be immersed into the world at least a little. Acting is all well done, especially for there being a large amount of young actors. Good stuff.
Rated 23 Oct 2016
I come to think more & more that the more we live inrganic lives, separated from the nature conceived as a living entitiy comprised of blood and mud, the more it becomes "supernatural" to us. Because we're not familiar with its ordinary workings, funnily, it seems extraordinary (take the Black Phillip). This aside, even though it was beautifully shot with a powerful feminist subtext, it seemed too calculated and from the beginning it's clear where it was heading, could've been more complex.
Rated 14 Oct 2016
I really enjoyed the paranoid thriller aspect but was less interested in the horror aspect. I really like how the film zeroes in on this family and we get to witness how their isolation makes them strong at first but leads to their downfall as mistrust and fear take over their lives. The actors do a really good job and the atmosphere strikes that balance of creepy but realistic where what you don't see creates suspicion and doubt. Then you get to see and it loses something, but it's still good.
Rated 04 Oct 2016
Such a wonderfully dark and atmospheric film. I loved the bleak cinematography, and while it was frequently difficult to follow every word, I admired the decision to use authentic dialogue. I was mesmerized (bewitched?) by Anya Taylor-Joy's performance, and loved how the story focused on the characters evolving relationships amid the supernatural influence in the background. Still processing the ending though. I'm cool with the 'outcome' but maybe something more understated would have sufficed
Rated 08 Sep 2016
atmosphere was so perfect i could smell their fireplace burning in the brisk autumn air. Getting totally enveloped early on made the ride incredible. It's not scary, but it is tense, bewildering, emotional, and unnerving. It embraces the concept of the supernatural as a bizarre "otherness" -- something that might only be known out in the darkness while we are alone. There's some wonderfully striking images. I was most terrified by how precarious basic survival used to be. I cant even chop wood
Rated 06 Jun 2016
Good suspense & thrill. Gives lots of things to think about and talk about. Some short scenes of horror were more like not there to scare you but there to scare you in dreams.
Rated 06 Jun 2016
I think the best recent example I can think of that matches this movie tonally would be The Babadook. This one's a slow burn for its entire runtime, with escalating tension and dread, steeped in symbolism. Given its basis in 17th century folk tales, the characters can be forgiven for being fairly archetypal and wooden (hell, you get that in characters TODAY). If you're a tone junky like me, you'll find a lot to like here, even if it doesn't stick with you long-term. Check this one out for sure!
Rated 05 Jun 2016
Going to a cabin in the woods was a recipe for horror already in the 17th century.
Rated 30 May 2016
Where's a priest when you need one?
Rated 23 May 2016
Super atmospheric!
Rated 21 May 2016
The sense of dread that The Witch elicits is pretty incredible. Be it the unsettling score, the eerie vernacular, or the brooding photography, Eggers gives a solid debut. This is fresh horror like nothing else out there. Loved it.
Rated 13 May 2016
Unique for sure. But that doesn't matter much when the story basicly sucks. This is far from a horror movie. More like Drama with a couple of semi horror scenes. I aprreciate the attempt Robert, but you have to do way better than this. A plus for the acting. Especially the kids.
Rated 08 May 2016
Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? Yes. Yes I would.
Rated 20 Apr 2016
I can see why it has some very high ratings, but it didn't just work for me. Maybe if I knew the following beforehand, I would have rated it differently. Who knows......... ..."This film was inspired by many folktales, fairy tales and written accounts of historical witchcraft, including journals, diaries and court records. Much of the dialogue comes directly from these period sources"...
Rated 09 Apr 2016
Probably one of the most overrated films I've seen. I just don't get the fuss. It's not at all scary (perhaps creepy at times) and the fact that they speak in "old English", whilst artistically great, just made it hard to understand at times. The use of natural light and the performances were great but I felt it failed to engage at the best of times.
Rated 20 Mar 2016
Amidst feeling tense and fear, how can you not also feel happily satisfied when you watch the ending, knowing that the movie perfectly stuck the landing?
Rated 14 Mar 2016
Some great sets and ambience, but no real tense or scary moments at all. You never feel 'in danger'.
Rated 14 Mar 2016
A horror film that actually makes me feel feelings of fear!? How unusual. Though maybe a bit overdone on the soundtrack side of things, as well as a wonky start when the family doesn't care too much about the mysterious disappearance of their baby, this builds up ye olde religious fanaticism amongst this family until it passes breaking point and is just left in splinters and debris. The second half contains quite a number of properly scary scenes, which I think is owed to some bizarre acting.

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