The Visit
The Visit
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The Visit

The Visit

Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
1h 34m
A single mother finds that things in her family's life go very wrong after her two young children visit their grandparents. (imdb)

The Visit

Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
1h 34m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 40.72% from 1537 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 11 Sep 2015
You'll figure it out within 5 minutes but the big twist Shymalamananadananadana throws at us is that it's not bad!
Rated 09 Jun 2021
I enjoyed it. At times it seemed like it was about to drag but was quickly followed by something hilarious or creepy. I worked around the elderly and I can confirm that they can be a bit creepy at times… Anyway, this was actually well acted, and with sole genuine heart. I'm not sure what genre I'd classify it, seeing as it's definitely unsettling but definitely funny. I just can't believe that Shayamalan's best movie in years was a found footage film of all things. Effective twist!
Rated 12 Jun 2018
Shyamalan tries to put the Wow back in ShamWow (but with less prostitute slapping) with this novel little thriller starring an aspiring filmmaker and her gang-star wrappin' home-brother, Whitey McShade. Smaller budgets and a daily diet of humble pie have done wonders for the wannabe Hitchcock, as the Visit proves almost entirely watchable, especially if you enjoy elderly folks shitting themselves and home-baked apple pie.
Rated 15 Jan 2016
I find weird old people infinitely more scary than weird children (an over-used stable of horror flicks), and therefore I found some of the scares quite disconcerting. It's Shyamalan's best film since 'The Village'. Which is definitely not saying a whole lot...
Rated 15 Sep 2015
Someone finally capitalizes on something I've been telling friends and family for years, that old people are terrifying. Scariest part is when they open the birthday card and there's a check written out for five dollars. Seriously, seriously disappointed by the last five minutes. There was a point at which to stop it and let it be...TWIST!!!...they don't.
Rated 26 Jan 2017
Shyamalan got his shot, he had been plenty of opportunities to wow us, somebody handed him "Avatar", and "After Earth", the guy had tremendous budgets for both, and when they were critically necrotic he returned to his roots. This is a return to form, he pulls out the regular M. Night mystery, where the first 80 minutes of a movie are just prologue embellishing the twist at the last ten. The twist here was pretty satisfying and for what seemed like a fall from grace, this is a mild recovery.
Rated 30 Apr 2016
A bit of a return to form for M. Night, it isn't groundbreaking, but there are some genuine creepy moments (old people in general are creepy) and the kids do an alright job after a bit of a wooden start. The twist isn't huge but its effective and pretty fun. It's a bit slow in building the tension at times, but there are some laughs to keep it moving for the most part.
Rated 12 Sep 2015
Not that I've seen Shyamalan's last 2 films (not very well-reviewed), but this seems like a step in the direction his fans, including me, want. His direction and casting is on point, as its harder to tell who steals the show, the child actors, or him behind the camera. However, as good as both of those were, the writing was a bit mixed, usually suffering from some tonal problems. But really, this is a HUGE step in the right direction. Go M Night!
Rated 10 Mar 2019
Some of the home movie / found footage films work for me However this one did not Too out there for my taste
Rated 01 Nov 2015
Everyone guessed the ending at literally the same time. Around 49 min or so. But that said, there was some actual real suspense past that point due to the circumstances and tension that was actually earned. The weird cruise ship advertisements and idiot mom were really distracting and awful though.
Rated 17 Sep 2015
I paid real money to see this in a real theatre, and I didn't completely hate myself for spending that money. Why? This film is fun camp. Shyamalan gets back to basics, and tells a simple story that manages to be comically tense. The twist is pretty easy to guess, but that shouldn't detract from the film. I gave it a low score, despite my praise, because of reasons that I do not understand.
Rated 14 Sep 2015
Creepier than most horror-comedies I've seen, and funnier than most straight horror films.
Rated 13 Sep 2015
When movies like Birdman win best picture this is what happens.
Rated 12 Sep 2015
This film's conceit--two kids visit their creepy-ass grandparents and get increasingly creeped out--plays out only a little more interesting than it sounds. But Shyamalan's horror game has improved to a surprising extent. The acting makes this film. All five main actors balance occasional comic relief with surprising believability over a shaky script. Shyamalan does a lot with a little. In his most horrifying twist ending yet, he made his first movie in 15 years that doesn't completely suck.
Rated 11 Aug 2023
M. Night Shyamalan has it in him to direct solid films. The story is fine, and the ending feels plausible. The acting is good. Olivia DeJonge was distracting, because she looked just like a younger Emily Van Camp. Once that was in my head, I couldn't not think it. I won't watch this movie again, but I'm glad I watched it.
Rated 09 Sep 2022
Effective Shyamalan effort evokes memories of his more unsettling earlier films; like SIXTH SENSE and SIGNS, this builds a genuinely unsettling and unnerving atmosphere, with fine performances from the starring quartet carrying the film through its outlandish (and ghoulishly amusing) story elements. Not sure the "twist" holds water as well as SENSE; the establishing scenes are a borderline cheat if still technically class as misdirection (or Hahn is just a horrendously irresponsible mother!)
Rated 14 Oct 2021
The only gleaming problem in this movie is that Kathryn Hahn isn't in more of it.
Rated 12 Mar 2021
First Shyamalan movie in a decade that isn't embarrassing.
Rated 06 Sep 2020
I remember this being a semi-return of form at the time for Shyamalan, and I couldn't agree more. This seemed like it was gonna go downhill quick, but The Visit actually picks up and provides enough surprises here and there to make it a interesting watch. The kids and grandparents are both pretty solid and play into this well. Even though I again, saw this twist coming, it wasn't exactly how I thought it would be. This does enough here to be satisfying, I'm happy for Shayamalan.
Rated 10 Apr 2018
This is a very well made horror film. The story is simple but it really works. The cast does a great job especially the two lead children roles. Overall I would highly recommend this film.
Rated 01 Sep 2017
That old lady was creepy as hell.
Rated 30 Jul 2017
While The Visit isn't the sharpest of the found footage genre, it is both hilarious and frightening, and represents a welcome return to form for M. Night Shyamalan.
Rated 08 Jun 2017
good movie
Rated 26 Feb 2017
All the bad rapping aside, I found this to be an entertaining little horror thriller. M. Night is back!
Rated 22 Sep 2016
The Visit captures an eerie atmosphere well. There's not much else to say about the film. It's not scary (which isn't a bad thing) and it has moments that are quite funny (though I'm not sure they're supposed to be). I guessed the "twist" early on, though I don't feel it had any impact on how I viewed the film in its entirety. The ending is a little lacklustre and the whole film lacks an impact.
Rated 10 Jun 2016
Proving once and for all that there's nothing wrong with being very afraid of senior citizens.
Rated 17 May 2016
Greater emphasis is placed on the comedy than the horror, but it more or less succeeds in playing on several fears and anxieties not normally the focus of attention for this genre. The cinematic self-reflexivity is less about "deconstructing" the genre than about including the audience in the process of construction itself, but this lesser ambition is probably more fun for a genre that has become perhaps rather too keen on self-dismantling its own conventions. The young lead actors do very well.
Rated 13 Jan 2016
Spoilers! Let me get this straight. These kids brutally murder two demented old people, who are not even possessed by the devil or anything. Their only sin is being mentally ill. That is twisted on a whole new level. Despite its troubling moral lesson, the film had a few atmospheric and chilling moments. Sadly this is all the positives I was able to see.
Rated 11 Jan 2016
Never reaches the heights of its potential. Just when things are starting to get creepy, it's over. But a worse offense of this movie is the horribly written child characters. Shyamalan can obviously write good parts for kids, but here he wrote dialog WAY too mature for the characters speaking it. Giving kids "sophisticated" dialog doesn't make them more interesting, it just makes the writing tremendously transparent. And fuck that rapping bullshit. God I wanted to murder that kid.
Rated 03 Jan 2016
I'll be the first to make fun of Shyamalan's work, but this time he did manage to deliver. I haven't laughed with a horror movie like this for a long time. It may be not his intention but it was quite funny and I enjoyed it.
Rated 17 Dec 2015
Somehow worse than The Happening which I didn't think was possible. It combines two of the worst cinematic endeavors: child acting and found footage. The twist is about as predictable as anything I've ever seen and the entire movie is just this boring shitfest where nothing happens. It just repeats the same formula over and over to the point of boredom. Extremely lazy filmmaking, a poor script and terrible acting make this the worst movie of 2015. Don't believe the reviews. 63% on RT is shameful
Rated 25 Nov 2015
It might not be saying much, but it's Shyamalan's best in more than a decade. Proving to still be a master in tension after all his duds, he gets great performance out of unknowns (the kids are amazing) while infusing a much needed sense of humor into his trademark thorough structure. Recommended.
Rated 24 Nov 2015
Probably the mostly well-crafted found footage film of all time.
Rated 19 Nov 2015
Pretty effective
Rated 06 Nov 2015
Meta meta meta, Jump Scares! TWIST. Shyamalan ruins a basic creepy story everyone has heard before.
Rated 02 Oct 2015
Obvious twist, unnecessarily being FF and nonsense actions by the characters. PASS Oh and jump scares as cheap as they come
Rated 27 Sep 2015
Entertaining take on an old camp fire story. Good script, engaging young actors. Plus a few good scares that made me jump.
Rated 27 Sep 2015
This movie was honestly a work of art as far as horror genre movies go. The movie did a great job maintaining tension throughout the entire film without ever giving too much away until the end. There was a constant feeling of being on the edge waiting for hell to break, but it just keeps you waiting and wanting. It was a pretty good time watching this flick.
Rated 25 Sep 2015
M. Night's back (mostly)! More an Uncomfortably Building Dread Movie than a Horror Movie, The Visit capitalizes on great performances and some great found footage work to get your heart in your throat even before there's any true threat presented. Unfortunately, it keeps going after what would have been the perfect end to have an atrocious and didactic coda, that undermines so much of what the film did well. Also, while Ed Oxenbould is great elsewhere, the rapping is just obnoxious and grating.
Rated 21 Sep 2015
When a filmmaker becomes so self aware of how the film community views him it's bound to be good. Don't think he could ever make anything like this again. But it was a joyous experience. One of the better ones I've had seeing a "horror" film. See Bay's Pain & Gain or Sandler's That's my Boy for similar experiences.
Rated 14 Sep 2015
I didn't know this was a "camcorder" film going into it which is kind of a pointless gimmick these days, but it's handled pretty well considering. Far from great but much better than it should be. Some parts actually made me watch through squinted eyes in anticipation of something creepy happening.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Great twist of plot with a very cold-blooded and calm attitude in storytelling which creates a great suspense. There is also a critique of the family as an institution: they are so distanced that they can't even know who their grandparents are. The final parts reminded me of "Funny Games". I think it's one of the best horror films of this year.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
What a tweest (for real this time)! After creating an uneasy, uncomfortable atmosphere, the signature Shymalan twist delivers in a way it hasn't for over a decade. The meta and comedic touches are enjoyable too. Of course, the film has its share of awkward moments, and the tacked-on end scenes degrade the movie appreciably, but it wouldn't be M Night (even on an apparent rebound) if he didn't fuck up at least a little.
Rated 10 Sep 2015
With its found footage gimmick, a bunch of jump startles, child lead actors, a morality lesson, tonal whiplash with its final third, and a premise that feels like it would have been better suited for a short film than a feature, The Visit is yet another disappointing entry in the career of M. Night Shyamalan. The Visit isn't any good, and it makes you have to wonder whether this will be the one that puts an end to Shyamalan's career.
Rated 09 Sep 2023
This should've been a campy horror like Shaun of the Dead or Army of Darkness. The boy character was hilarious and served the cringy comedy whereas everyone else was playing it straight. It didn't mix well and the boy ended up being the highlight for me. Nothing vaguely scary except for like two scenes with the grandma. (Holy shit the socle scene!)
Rated 11 Mar 2023
Nice plot is all build up that ends with almost nothing. Also pointless found footage style and a very annoying kid/boy.
Rated 03 Oct 2022
no. poop? immediate no. the plot twist? eh
Rated 06 Feb 2022
Creepy but not really scary movie as is typical of M. Night Shyamalan. He had an interesting way of avoiding the F word to keep it to PG-13.
Rated 22 Nov 2021
Really weak script. The twist was just so incredibly obvious it didn't even feel like a twist. Still kinda entertaining overall but it's just not good.
Rated 11 Mar 2021
wow. creeeeeepy
Rated 20 Nov 2020
I don't see how people love this film. It is really stupid with a plot twist that seems forced rather than organic. The acting is pretty terrible and there isn't much in the way of true scares.
Rated 18 Nov 2020
Rated 06 Jul 2020
This movie was a huge disappointment for me. Complete waste of time. I'd rate higher if this came out as a comedy but man, this movie wasn't scary.
Rated 12 Feb 2020
denial = over9000
Rated 15 Dec 2019
Undoubtedly one of Shyamalan's better efforts, it features a slew of very strong performances by a talented cast, a very eerie tone, good use of the found footage format, & a very sweet underlying theme that adds quite a bit to it. The twist is a little reaching, but it's far from underwhelming & it doesn't really lessen what came before it. The ending packs more of an emotional punch than expected, which is also a plus. Overall, it's a pretty clever & creepy horror that's worth a look.
Rated 03 Aug 2019
Better watch it after Creep and Creep II ''welcome to the encounters beachezzzzz!''
Rated 10 Apr 2019
As soon as that main gal called rapping "extemporaneous rhyming" I knew I'd be rooting for her death
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Nice plot twist! But I just really think that the mother was so stupid not to give the kids at least a photo.. plus her reaction, when she found out random people were looking after her children, was a bit dramaless.. Pretty unique movie and good acting by the boy mostly :) I didn't guess the plot twist, so it was good
Rated 25 Jun 2018
Is it time to give up on the idea that M. Night will one day realize he should just stop writing and direct other people's scripts?
Rated 16 Apr 2018
The found footage conceit kinda works, and the main kids are alright, but overall this movie was too campy for my taste, and trying too hard to be disturbing. Also, weirdly offensive towards the elderly.
Rated 11 Feb 2018
kamera kullanımı kofti gerçeklik furyasına oranla çok daha başarılı ve anlatıya katkı sağlayacak biçimde kurulmuş. PC kültürüne rağmen böyle bir anlatı kurmaya kalkışmak da ayrıca takdir edilesi -ki buradaki yorumlarda da görülüyor nasıl tepki gördüğü. janr sineması içinde -fazla bir şey beklenmediği sürece- eğlenceli bir karışım.shyamalan'ın kariyerinin en iyi işlerinden biri kesinlikle.
Rated 10 Jan 2018
The Visit is a mild step up for renowned fancy schlock factory M. Night Shyamalan. The kid acting is surprisingly decent and due to the found footage style, there is no need to endure the director's regular painful attempts at having a unique visual style.
Rated 24 Sep 2017
Decently crafted. Feels very confused tonally - is this a shocking horror or a family drama or a teen comedy? And much too self-congratulatory in its style - nothing too surprising from Mr Shyamalan.
Rated 03 Jul 2017
A stupid plot, ridiculous ending and annoying characters makes this movie unwatchable at times
Rated 27 Jun 2017
Yeah the twist is extremely obvious to anyone who's every watched a horror film before but that doesnt prevent the creepy antics from cranking up an uncomfortable tension. Characters are solid as are some added emotional moments. The found footage gimmick is used effectively and you might even for a second forget this style has been done to death and almost never done well.
Rated 27 Apr 2017
Rated 10 Feb 2017
hilarious and fun if you temper expectations and watch in a group. not actually a good scary movie so that makes it a bit tough to rate
Rated 19 Dec 2016
Better than I was afraid it was going to be... this was a step up for Shyamalan.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
The Visit was a fantastic addition to the found footage horror genre and a win for M Night Shyamalan. To quote Robot Chicken, "What a twist!" The child actors were compelling and easily carried the movie forward with charisma. The grandparents were terrifying. Especially the grandmother when she would crawl around. I do not think multiple viewings will be hurt by the movies ending.
Rated 04 Oct 2016
Suffers from two big issues. One would ruin the twist so I won't say it. The other is the same issue with many found footage style films. The girl wouldn't keep filming when shit went down (down to trying to open a door one handed, left hand no less, so she can film)
Rated 27 Jul 2016
didn't know for hours how i felt about it. Just know that I was affected with chills and extreme discomfort. I think if a film affects me this way it deserves some credit. Even if I wish I hadn't seen it.
Rated 25 Jul 2016
Advice for M. Night Shyamalan: 1. If you employ Little Miss Thesaurus again, kill her in the first 7 minutes. 2. Stop with the twists. 3. Stop altogether.
Rated 18 Jul 2016
A charming adolescent amateur-doc delivery gives this flick a relatable spooky-fun sort of feel in its kid-investigation first two acts featuring an enjoyable smattering of random creepy events (see especially Grandma's nighttime escapades). Its believability comes into question post-(great)twist as the action picks up, but it makes it no less chilling. The family drama vacillates between feeling like an enriching and an irrelevant sub-plot but is consistently well-acted (Hahn especially).
Rated 17 Jul 2016
This film is hilariously bad, I don't know how anyone can take it seriously
Rated 15 Jul 2016
Horrible acting and a shitty script. The worst Shyamalan yet.
Rated 14 Jun 2016
Rated 23 May 2016
Over the river and through the woods to Gradmurderer's house we go! This M. Night Shyamalan movie isn't his best one, it also isn't his worst either. I'm not a huge fan of the "found footage" style of the Blair Witch project, mainly because I hate the constant re-explaining the characters have to do while telling us why they have a camera with them everywhere they go. This movie at least has some really good humor, which adds to the entertainment factor...
Rated 10 Apr 2016
This movie was embarassing
Rated 20 Mar 2016
Pretty lame story, bad dialog, bad acting. The found footage format also didn't do it any favors.
Rated 07 Mar 2016
Es gibt viele Horror Klischees, die mich nerven. Das Schlimmste von allen: "found footage". Shyamalan aber belebt dieses verdorrte Sub-Genre mit Adrenalin. Ja, es ist ein Stereotype. Ja, es ist absurd, dass jemand in den spannendsten Momenten noch mitfilmt. Shyamalan aber konzentriert sich auf die Stärke von "found footage": Den Überraschungsmoment... mehr auf
Rated 06 Mar 2016
Smart pacing and a deep-seated sense of unease keep this movie humming along, delivering several genuine scares and an enjoyably low-key twist. The character development is half-baked, but the performances are strong and there's just enough nods toward magical realism to keep you guessing throughout. The found-footage angle may lead to a cheap scare or two, but it's all in good fun and the movie earns most of its tension. The humor elements work less well, but help with grounding. Worth a shot
Rated 04 Mar 2016
Does so much right and so much wrong.
Rated 16 Feb 2016
Few old school scares, M. Night Shyamalan is a master of twists, sorry to disappoint a few (not as if anybody cares, but I read a couple of reviews where this was bashed badly) but I think this was finely made and I enjoyed it.
Rated 15 Feb 2016
Like the Shyamalan films of old, there is a great atmosphere of suspense built up and it keeps you interested, but make no mistake, this is not on par with Sixth Sense/Unbreakable/Signs.
Rated 15 Feb 2016
Funny, intentionally and otherwise. It doesn't take itself seriously which sets it miles apart from other Shyamalan movies, to the point where it's actually a good movie.
Rated 04 Feb 2016
Features a better twist than most of Shyamalan's other work, and makes decent use of the found footage style, but it can't escape the trappings of its painfully bland genre.
Rated 19 Jan 2016
M Night plays small ball to get back in the game, which turns out to be his best in years. As empty as this statement may be, The Visit is still a decent horror film.
Rated 13 Jan 2016
Tells a story of how for a lot of people nowadays, the most meaningful relationship is their relationship with so-called technology (This is how children play!). Too bad it's an all-around terrible film with some heinous acting.
Rated 26 Dec 2015
Yes yes this has a twist at the end and all that but it's not the Shyamalan shit fest that you may have come to expect in the last 10+ years. It actually does a pretty good job setting up with creepiness juxtaposed with the tranquil atmosphere of grandma's house. Fine acting job by the grandparents and the sister. The one enormous flaw with this is the stupid rapping kid brother. If Shyamalan cut out the antics of stupid rapping kid's dialogue this film might easily be 10 points higher.
Rated 03 Dec 2015
It's frustrating because there are a lot of moments that remind you how good Shyamalan can be, but ultimately the characters are too broad and the bad generational comedy is a lead weight on it all.
Rated 18 Nov 2015
Rated 11 Nov 2015
As a huge fan of M.Night Shyamalan's latest work; Wayward Pines i had some what high expectations for this before the release (Even tough he made some really shitty movies). After i saw the reviews I have to see i'm very pleasantly surprised because this was much better than what the IMDB score shows. The fact that it wasn't a supernatural film was a big + for me and it was actually pretty creepy at parts. I did not see the ending coming even tough maybe I should have. Very original movie!
Rated 06 Nov 2015
This film blew me away and I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. It whiplashes between funny / quirky to creepy / horrific while constantly revealing new things about the characters. The acting was good all around and this is the most watchable, least shaky-cam found footage film I've seen. I could have done with less rapping.
Rated 03 Nov 2015
Anybody reading this review should only take this as a recommendation knowing that I have a serious, inexplicable weakness for everything Shyamalan does, but this was one of the best movies I've seen in a while. It actually has something to say about technology, family and our fear of the elderly, specifically the death and decay they represent, and it's just a really scary concept executed in a genuinely frightening way. Don't be surprised if Olivia DeJonge ends up becoming a star.
Rated 24 Oct 2015
This one was someone having a laugh, which in itself is a quality. Though it's the only one here.
Rated 19 Oct 2015
All sorts of scenarios crossed my mind as I watched The Visit... but I won't go into them here. The actual twist, however, wasn't one of them. I'm not sure if I'm disappointed about that... All in all it's a decent effort from Shyamalan, but did the grandson have to be so goofy?
Rated 13 Oct 2015
M. Night Shyamalan's best movie since Unbreakable (and the best twist since Sixth Sense.) Very tense throughout and it kept me & my friends waiting for the other shoe to drop. The red herrings were very well done. Great performance from Olivia DeJonge.
Rated 10 Oct 2015
Starts as if it might become an earnest plea for empathy and understanding in relation to dementia, aging and mental illness, but then (SPOILER ALERT) doesn't. The actual trajectory doesn't have the unpredictable or unconventional quality of, say, the end of THE BURBS. Still, it is actually among the better works of M Night.
Rated 09 Oct 2015
Passes the time.
Rated 06 Oct 2015
Decent comedic horror with some family drama elements, and one of the rare found footage movies I found somewhat enjoyable. The kids' acting was pretty solid.


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