The Untouchables
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The Untouchables

1h 59m
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Avg Percentile 61.18% from 7284 total ratings

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Rated 06 Jan 2017
Kevin Costner yells like Jimmy Stewart. The musical score doesn't fit this movie at all, people are getting blown away by shotguns on a bridge while the song that blares when a little league team wins the big game plays.
Rated 08 Aug 2018
"What did you say?" "I said your friend died screaming like a stuck Irish pig. Now you think about that when I beat the rap." Spoiler Alert: He doesn't have to think about it.
Rated 24 Aug 2010
This is terrible on just so many levels. Sean Connery's the closest thing I have to a father but winning an Oscar for that performance is absurd, his attempt at an Irish brogue is futile and he speaks entirely in caricature stock phrases - as does everyone else. Capone is presented as an evil cartoon against which the prohibition laws go unquestioned (the last line notwithstanding). Even Morricone's score is abused to the point of either laughing or crying.
Rated 03 Jan 2010
Not good
Rated 15 Feb 2007
This movie was great. Not a big fan of Kevin Costner thought, but he didn't give a bad performance. At times I found some scenes very cartoony.
Rated 19 Feb 2008
Good acting by De Niro and Connery, but the script just falls flat. The attempts at post modernism are just embarrassing; the fact that you make fun of the fact that you're using a cliché does not make it any better. Ennio Morricone produces a good score that sadly does not fit the film at all at times. Also, what's the lesson here? Capone never really comes of as a bad guy and all I got out of it is that it is OK to kill in a personal vendetta, as long as it is in the name of the law.
Rated 01 May 2013
Probably the most uneven movie I've ever seen. Some parts felt like they were part of a masterpiece. Some parts felt like clips from Not Another Gangster Movie. And time hasn't been kind to much of the score. There was enough good to keep it entertaining, but wow is this overrated. The abrupt tonal shifts between bad comedy and melodrama are just too much.
Rated 29 Apr 2015
Not a lot of this worked for me. Morricone's score was sentimental, which gave the film a jaunty tone -- a nostalgic view of the thirties, perhaps? Costner is an affectless bore (which is what his character is, but Costner manages to make it even more boring), and Connery, while entertaining, is really just playing Connery. There is some nice cinematography, though.
Rated 16 Nov 2007
what a dreadful script, mamet. points mostly for sean connery's performance.
Rated 03 Oct 2015
Aside from an excellent jazzy score and a great looking 1940s set, this film is largely underwhelming: Its compelling cop vs. Capone true tale is lost amidst a script that breezes through simple plot points with little development or character study, and a notable cast gives middling performances (apart from an underused DeNiro) thanks in part to often unmemorable dialogue. The dashes of bloody violence ("TOUCHABLE") grab you but they don't make up for the mostly weak writing here.
Rated 04 Apr 2016
A 'funky smell' movie that compels me to keep sniffing so I can better appreciate why it bothers me. Music constantly sounds misplaced, the script is frequently cringe-worthy, the forced sentimentality leaves a poor taste at every turn. It looks nice but my eyes were on conveyer belt rollers the whole time. Connery taking a hundred bullets and still crawling away just so De Palma can shove opera singing over it in slo-mo...that is the essence of the funky smell emanating from this movie.
Rated 02 Mar 2019
This movie is more riddled with clichés than its bodies are with bullets. But hey, throw in a reference to an old movie and the critics go wild...
Rated 23 Nov 2008
It's really overrated but Sean Connery pretty much carries this movie.
Rated 19 Jul 2007
The suspense, cinematography, and acting was all great. De Niro was a delightful Capone but there weren't enough scenes to give his character enough villainous justice. A big problem with this movie is the score, and that's disheartening since it was by Morricone, who I usually like. At places it's too corny, or too happy, or too... wrong. Also, the portrayal of Nitti is just so histortically wrong. Good movie but a way better Chicago gangster film is Road to Perdition.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A true crime classic. I still get angry and upset during Sean Connery's final scene. Costner is passable as Elliot Ness, but the supporting cast is exemplary.
Rated 27 Sep 2011
De Palma loves tracking shots! And like the film, these shots are more showy than substantive, trying to wring as much tension as possible out of what is essentially a series of action set pieces. Connery and Garcia bring a bit of life to the proceedings, but no one else has much to contribute. De Palma seems to bury the humanity beneath his layers of self-conscious style, leaving the film feeling empty and without a truly empathetic character or situation for the audience to latch onto.
Rated 27 May 2007
There is a badass scene where De Niro beats someone to death with a bat but that's really the only memorable part of the film. Extremely overrated.
Rated 27 Feb 2016
The worst offender here is the terrible music that feels out of place at least 85.324242242123% of the time. It made it very hard to get into it, and it wasn't helped by an awful script and performances that range from mediocre but passable (Connery, De Niro, Garcia I guess) to outright bad (Costner). "Cartoonish" is a word that has been thrown around and it's fitting. There could have been some emotional resonance here but the silliness trampled all over it. I dislike the train station scene.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Overblown cops and robbers melodrama. Hard not to wonder what the makers of movies such as this thought a few years later when they saw what Scorsese did with GOODFELLAS.
Rated 18 Oct 2007
Really dull and long.
Rated 13 Aug 2018
(2nd viewing) Sean Connery sounds about as Irish as my tumble dryer while Morricone's score sounds like The Sicilian Clan had sex with a one of his westerns and their child never seems to shut up. Having said that, this movie is a lot of fun - despite its odd, over-the-top presentation - and De Palma's cinematic style, while obviously heavily influenced by Hitchcock, may just be my favorite of all time.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I always thought this movie was merely okay. It's pretty boring for the most part. DeNiro's scenes are outstanding, but some of the scenes with dialogue between Connery and Costner are just tedious.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The Untouchables is a classic revisited; a true story made cinematic gold. It's one of the greatest prohibition-era crime stories there is, and Brian DePalma's fast paced telling along with a very solid cast, make The Untouchables an unforgettable thriller. Awesome!
Rated 06 Jan 2008
A sensational movie, with an involving story on gangsters. With a respectable cast, a brilliant soundtrack and a script with the striking fact of world history.
Rated 05 Feb 2020
Pretty good period crime drama. Thought there would be more action, but the story never drags. Occasional nice crowd scenes. But this film lacks a sense of scale. We never get a full sense of just how far-reaching Capone's organization actually is.
Rated 25 Feb 2009
Sean Connery and Andy Garcia are the only actors in this movie that are above average, the rest are--for the most part--bad. The direction could have been much better and the whole thing seemed amateur, and the music was unbearable. All around, the only redeeming quality is the story it's self, too bad what De Palma did to it is this.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I've always loved this film! Costner is beautifully earnest; Connery is a perfect heroic mentor/martyr; and you can tell from his first scene that Andy Garcia knew he was being given a future as a movie star with this role... It's also some of de Palma's best visuals ever... The train station staircase scene is masterful! 7 minutes of non-verbal brilliance!
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Costners wooden acting probably helps a little here. The supporting cast all steal the show.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
De Palma's best - wonderful all the way around.
Rated 27 Jul 2010
A heartwarming tale of a group of men battling to overcome leprosy. Apparently the cure lies in shooting people and abstaining from alcohol.
Rated 03 May 2020
Ripping yarn of cops and gangsters in 30s Chicago. Some of Connery's best work (if you ignore the occasional attempts at an Irish accent.)
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Some great sequences, but too gimmicky and lacking in heart to be a good film.
Rated 23 Sep 2007
I think Connery's performance is better for the fact he spends a lot of his time next to a wooden Costner. Some wonderful directing, some disappointing decisions but all in all an entertaining tale.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Epic gangster movie, De Palma's last.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
On a personal level there is plenty to put me off this movie. Much of the cast, but particuarly Costner and Connery are, lets say, far from my favourite on screen performers, and De Palma is at best a hit and miss director. Here though for the most part he gets it right, and that includes the casting of Sean and Kevin! While "The Untouchables" never reaches great heights in any department (bar the epic musical score), it is an undeniably slick, classy and engaging crime thriller.
Rated 11 Jan 2008
Not too bad, despite the stench of De Palma's tendency to completely overdo it.
Rated 08 Feb 2008
It's a good movie. It's action sequences are decent enough but certainly are over the top and honestly I don't think that suits in this type of film. Normally I really enjoy Costner but I didn't find his performance stellar. In fact I didn't find De Niro or Garcia particularly amazing either. I think the main thing that really didn't set with me and kept taking me out of the film was the soundtrack. It's just so terribly 80's. Some of it's good but a lot of it is glaringly bad.
Rated 18 Jan 2017
De Palma's over the top style makes this gangster film a lot of fun to watch. Connery is charistmatic as an old beat cop getting a second chance and De Niro is deliciously hammy as the legendary Al Capone. A lot of people criticize Costner for his performance in this and while it certainly is nothing to write home about I found it serviceable, though the role certainly could've been in better hands. It's no The Godfather but it's not trying to be The Godfather.
Rated 26 Jan 2017
Well made and entertaining, but extremely unoriginal, predictive and overdramatic.
Rated 15 Jun 2012
Simultaneously artful and goofy, The Untouchables supplies several outstanding setpieces (the train station sequence being the highlight) to counteract its caricatured baddies and formulaic approach to its story. Ennio Morricone's score is terrific, but poorly spotted (and faded at unfortunate times on at least two occasions). The performances and De Palma's direction are ultimately more than compelling enough to compensate for the screenplay's shortcomings.
Rated 03 Jan 2010
This will only be remembered for two scenes. The staircase scene and the assasination of Jim Malone. ... It's just too bad De Palma can't put this kind drama in every aspect of his movies. It's like he always has a really nice package, but not the actual gift.
Rated 06 Feb 2008
Sometimes no reviewing is needed. A quote is more than sufficient: "You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get Capone."
Rated 05 Feb 2009
highly overrated
Rated 04 Jan 2008
Punchy and packed with pathos. Marvellously believable performance by Kevin Costner and Connery is his typical self in a strong supporting role. Some good action scenes with a real sense of 30's America and faithful to the reality of the times.
Rated 21 Mar 2011
Not my kind of film - it's way too conventional and often involuntarily hilarious. Kevin Costner has the emotional range equivalent of a tree.
Rated 29 Mar 2009
Kind of fun, sometimes. Costner is a complete non entity in the centre of course, and any scene where people weren't shooting each other was cringeworthy.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The Untouchables is high quality entertainment recommended for all who love crime dramas, especially for those who enjoyed the television show of the same name.
Rated 30 Dec 2008
Truth is, this is a corny crime movie, not deep or complex at all. But it doesn't matter, it's one of my favorite all time movies, especially aiding this is the wonderful score in this movie.
Rated 12 Aug 2015
It's a decent enough film but there's too much in there to mark it down from being good film.I know the story of nailing someone for tax evasion probably needs sexing up a bit but...the baby carriage shootout = nonsense.The courthouse shootout = nonsense.Walking around said courthouse with the address of your last murder in your pocket and a list of all the jurors you've bribed and how much you've paid them = nonsense. Oh, and Sean Connery's 'Irish' accent - laughable
Rated 25 Jan 2017
A slick gangster thriller from the prohibition-era. Highly entertaining with a great cast and some memorable scenes.
Rated 17 Jun 2009
Underrated film for sure, all the performances are great. Plus Deniro had to get really fat to play in it, which takes lots of dedication.
Rated 28 Jul 2010
Who better to play Capone than DeNiro?
Rated 23 May 2021
It is a really hard job to make a mob movie that I hate. Congratulations.
Rated 08 May 2016
without that fucking soundtrack this movie would be Naked Gun
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This movie is probably Costner's best as he gets the viewer to fall in love with his charisma and dogoodedness. Sean Connery's accent is only one country off, but they sound pretty similiar so it is easy to let slide. Overall, this movie stacks up against some of the best gangstar movies of all time.
Rated 18 Jul 2009
campy, but fun
Rated 08 Oct 2020
Instead of delivering an 12 hour ganter epic, De Palma decided to make a straightforward 2 hour crime thriller and the movie is all the better for it. Entertaining, tense and well crafted with a great cast.
Rated 26 Feb 2009
Entertaining, but annoying soundtrack, and just not as appealing as other movies like it.
Rated 26 Aug 2016
So visually striking and with such a great performance from Sean Connery that it did stick with me for a few days after watching it. The famous staircase shootout really is an amazing scene, even if everything after it turns out to be a complete anticlimax by comparison. De Niro is also disappointingly forgettable as Al Capone.
Rated 24 Aug 2014
Although there is far too little de Niro for my liking, with the great supporting cast and the very Mamet dialogue, The Untouchables doesn't feel diminished. It's admittedly almost entirely style over substance directorially though - the extended Battleship Potemkin riff was pretty obnoxious. Props to de Palma for the excellent action directing in general though.
Rated 18 Dec 2008
Love the time period, love the idea of the movie, love the actors, but you don't get to connect with the characters as much as I like.
Rated 20 Apr 2011
Robert De Niro and the cinematography is what makes this movie worth watching. Costner is almost worse than he usually is and some of the dialogue seems really cheesy and out of place. Connery delivers a stellar performance, nothing in oscar-territory though. Overall the movie really failed to suck me in and some of the scenes that were supposed to be very gripping really weren't, mainly because of the mediocore acting which could not make me care for the characters. Really over-hyped.
Rated 08 Nov 2016
66 for good (expensive) scenery and hiring the best Italian film composer who did mediocre at best this time. 'Gangster' movie done for young adults and wide audiences. A lot of blood and 'cruelty' yet it cannot be taken seriously, not for one second. Story, progression, shootouts, character development, action scenes, acting, writing... are all weak parts of this movie. And Al Capone. Ugh. Would never watch again.
Rated 30 Nov 2008
Very cartoony.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A great story about an epic showdown between the cops and the gangsters as Elliott Ness and his Untouchables try to take down the crime boss Al Capone. It's a very suspenseful adventure and Sean Connery and Robert De Niro are both great in it.
Rated 16 Jan 2011
The stairway scene is incredibly intense. And sean connery is awesome as always, and ageless.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
ver the top, wonderful ensemble cast. Sean Connery steals the movie. Robert De Niro is great as always. This is probably one of my favorite Brian De Palma movies.
Rated 29 Jun 2010
Yep. Nothing much to say about this one. It is a movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A decent film with some fine performances.
Rated 16 Sep 2018
2./ dönemin cycle'ı içinde truva atı. de niro bu açıdan örnek casting kullanımı. de palma öne çıkmamak için uğraşmış, mametse hayatının değişecek güzergahına dair işaretler veriyor. melodrama dokunuşu ağırlaştıkça şu ekipten çıkan iş "costner vehicle"ı olmaktan öteye geçemiyor. morricone'nin melodramayı bile parlatabiliyor olması haricinde ekipten beklenecek iş burada yok. yine de hikayenin içkin kavramları senaryo içinde görünmez kalmıyor, o da ayr
Rated 26 Oct 2011
Rated 16 Aug 2012
It's a Brian de Palma movie from the 80s with Robert De Niro as Al Capone and Ennio Morricone doing the music. They would have had to make a conscious effort to screw up that kind of movie.
Rated 24 Jun 2008
Kevin Costner just shouldn't make movies. It could have been a great movie. He drug the flick down into depths that only he can plumb.
Rated 21 Aug 2018
Such brilliant camera works (although sometimes not very substantive) and variety of angles (reminiscent of Welles) for such a cheesy black-and-white movie with a terrible soundtrack. The long choreographed take in the corridors just before Wallace's death is brilliant.
Rated 05 Dec 2023
Certainty overrated. I don't know if this was always the case or if it just aged badly. My main issue is the bizarre tone which keeps shifting between scenes. Some are weirdly joyful, almost comedic (the bridge attack and ensuing interrogation), others are dead serious (Capone, TOUCHABLE) followed by exaggerated, borderline ridiculous scenes like that fist fight with Connery. Also, I'm not sure what's the point of taking historical characters and events if you're going to write fiction anyway.
Rated 06 Aug 2007
"Isn't that just like a wop, bringing a knife to a gunfight." (Should be delivered in the most half-arsed Irish accent of all time.) Connery, De Niro and Mamet are all you need here for a good time.
Rated 25 Sep 2009
The untouchables, directed by Brian De Palma, is a good action film with great casting and has memorable soundtrack by Ennio Morricone. Historical accurance is not on the focus here but you couldn't care less when the story of Eliot Ness trying to capture Al Capone is so entertaining and well written by David Mamet. Each of the cast members carry the film to higher level, altough the near-cameo presense of Robert De Niro is more amusing than convincing.
Rated 09 Feb 2009
nice movie
Rated 18 Oct 2007
One of the greatest modern day gangster films-loved the scene where Sean Connery gets it!
Rated 11 Jan 2008
If Capone pulls a knife, you pull a gun. If he puts one of yours in the hospital, you put of of his in the morgue!
Rated 05 Jan 2015
Entertaining, in the end. Some scenes radiate epicness, you know of what scene i'm talking about. But too over the top. Too much emphatic and caricaturized acting, too much romanticized history, too much melodramma and "good vs bad guy". Maybe also too much Morricone's (God bless him) soundtrack, but it holds many scenes by himself, so ok. I'm not really a big fan of Brian De Palma, now i can say it.
Rated 21 Aug 2007
Ecellent all around entertainment.
Rated 15 Sep 2014
A great cast, tale, soundtrack and photography. Oddly sort of ties into The Rock in a weird way.
Rated 09 Jul 2010
Basarili bir donem filmi, harika oyuncular ve dekorlar izliyoruz. Ama basyapit beklememeli.
Rated 14 Dec 2011
This movie is just a few notches away from being a great film, as it stands now it is a good film. It would have been nice to have some more scenes in the movie with Robert De Niro as Al Capone. The story and time period is interesting and the cast works well together.
Rated 25 Mar 2021
What a completely underwhelming film! Whilst it looked good, and had supposedly good actors in it, the whole thing was unexciting, ( I blame De Palma, who consistently strung out any "tense" scene until it was tense no longer) unbelievable (We are supposed to believe that four Chicago cops became the good, the bad, the old and the ugly and ride horses into a gun battle? Connery still alive after swallowing 50 rounds?) and with no threat from Capone (couldnt they at least threaten Ness's wife??).
Rated 18 Apr 2016
Kevin Costner is literally awful.
Rated 20 Jun 2008
Sly, quick paced and filled with lean parts that Connery and DeNiro hit out of the park.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of those great movies you always forget about until you stop to watch it on TV, then you remember how much you enjoyed it the first time.
Rated 02 Mar 2021
A whole film of Connery/de Niro doing blatantly Mamet dialogue would slap. This is not that unfortunately but it does have a few moments of that.
Rated 02 Jan 2013
Rated 29 Jul 2009
Fantastic action film. Brian De Palma's best, second only to Carrie (not that his career is all that illustrious). While Sean Connery's Oscar really is the reward of rewards, he's still great. Fabulous production design and costume work, as well.
Rated 26 Apr 2009
Good movie, but I had trouble completely following the plot.
Rated 23 Jan 2008
Connery beats them all. Kostner in his promising perioid.
Rated 25 Oct 2015
Costner's actually bearable. It's an awesome film, all things considered, with Connery bringing up a bang-up performance and stealing show
Rated 21 Mar 2009
Grossly inaccurate but entertaining if you suspend belief
Rated 24 Nov 2010
A good one. De Niro was superb as Al Capone. But some episodes looked more like a western that a crime movie. There is also something, it's in the way it's made, probably, that keeps you from scoring higher.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Entertaining, but annoying soundtrack, and just not as appealing as other movies like it.
Rated 13 Dec 2009
The movie is very well made, but one thing that I just love about this is the opening. Sometimes I just put this pic on and watch just the oppening with Ennio Morricone's tune. Amazing!
Rated 10 Nov 2007
it might have been better when there is Sean Connery in it!


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