The Truman Show
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The Truman Show

1h 43m
Twenty-nine years ago, a baby boy was adopted by the OmniCam Corporation to become the subject of the most popular television show of all time. His name is Truman Burbank.
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The Truman Show

1h 43m
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Avg Percentile 64.32% from 23105 total ratings

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Rated 01 Jan 2021
If this film were made today it'd be about a generation of TikTok & Instagram influencers upset that they don't have Truman's audience. Instead, the genius of this picture lies in understanding the era. Like The Matrix or Dark City, this was a rumination on false consciousness and day-to-day paranoia, with Weir creating an unsettling nightmare that attempts to sooth you via production design and hypnotic montages. And Jim Carrey's performance makes this movie the sweetest dystopia ever created.
Rated 29 Jun 2016
Both a deeply human character study and a scathing critique of the nascent reality TV craze. (Good thing we got past that, eh?) Excellent writing, acting, and direction create a moving and thought-provoking experience, especially during the transcendent final scenes. A classic.
Rated 05 Nov 2012
This one holds up really well. The premise was conceived by Niccol shortly before 'Big Brother'. What makes his sharply satiric script especially thought-provoking is the epistemological connotations which not only fit the end-of-millenium nothing-is-what-it-seems paranoia trend but allowed Weir to tell a sort of Gnostic story of an individual managing to realize and break the confines of his world. The casting is sublime. Ed Harris and Linney are very intense, each in their own way.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
This is just a great film. Funny, thought provoking, brilliantly paced and shot, and well written. I really couldn't trust a person who didn't like this movie! It's not often a film has a character as complex as Truman, without being an in-depth serious character piece or a pretentious load of twaddle! The last half hour of this film in particular is exceptional, driven by Carrey's excellent performance and Weir's emotive and clever direction. Everytime I watch it, I love it that bit more.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Jim Carrey's all-time best movie and one of the seminal films of the 90s. It gets better and better through the runtime until we reach a perfect and evocative ending. Also, what do they do every time Truman masturbates? The process of censoring the teenage years must have been pretty stressful.
Rated 04 Jan 2007
Wonderful concept pulled off with great style. Everyone can relate to the ache of wonder and curiosity we see in Truman. While we aren't blinded the same way he is, most of us are just as isolated in our own worlds.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I really enjoy when Carrey does serious (with dashes of humor). That said, this is an amazing effort. Truman is a likeable character, and you really feel his pain. I just thought it was a really cool concept.
Rated 10 Jul 2012
A funny, tender, and thought-provoking film, The Truman Show is all the more noteworthy for its remarkably prescient vision of runaway celebrity culture and a nation with an insatiable thirst for the private details of ordinary lives.
Rated 13 Jun 2008
Truman shows me I can reject the tiny, tidy world I was handed. Truman worked hard. He escaped. His viewers just changed the channel. They're still trapped.
Rated 09 May 2011
This film is one of the most thought provoking I've ever seen. I have never watched another film that so effortlessly and instantly puts your entire life in perspective for you. Heart warming but spooky, it's dark and damaging and yet uplifting and exciting at the same time. The film itself is hard to weigh up in conventional terms: the acting, cinematography etc. are all perfectly acceptable, but even the plot and characters are irrelevant compared to the magnitude of the theology. Watch!!!
Rated 23 Jun 2016
Along with The Matrix it appears to be born of discontent with the almighty desk job - emblem of the safe and boring, the ultimate consequence of a society that values pragmatism over dream-chasing. Truman Show cranks up the creepiness by keeping the lens border frequently visible but throws just enough dead dads and lost loves in to keep it a feelgood affair. I think Philip Glass and Ed Harris kinda make it seem bigger than it is.
Rated 07 Feb 2010
Still an enjoyable watch all these years later. It's got a great premise and good pacing throughout, but it falters in one key area: its disposition is just too sunny for the cruelty done to this person. Every relationship Truman has ever had has been because the other person has been paid. The deep and tragic consequences of the premise are never really explored beyond a creepy performance from Ed Harris. Otherwise, the filmmakers seem more complicit in Truman's world than they should be.
Rated 06 Feb 2019
The Truman Show is absolutely brilliant. It's hard to imagine that this movie ever could have been as culturally impactful as it is now, but I'm glad it got there. Amazing acting from all over, and a fantastic and witty script make it a more interesting movie than any 90's Carrey movie has a right to be. I loved this, and I won't forget it soon.
Rated 28 Jan 2009
The Truman Show is a genuinely serious, well thought out movie with Carrey turning around a hammish yet cogently potent performance, sky-rocketing him up the charts of fame and fortune. Overall an engaging and thoroughly evocative film.
Rated 21 May 2012
A great sci-fi comedy-drama that transcends its reality TV setting to take some affecting swipes at the idea of an interventionist God.
Rated 20 Sep 2010
Sure it's overly sentimental and a little too obvious at times, but it is an excellent mix of comedy and drama with an interesting plot and good actors. Can't ask for much more.
Rated 09 Jan 2011
I love this film. I love Jim Carrey's acting, I love the screenplay, I love the story and all the different interpretations/allegories you can gleam from it. It's deeply moving in places, and is highly effectual at making you care about what's happening. Bravo, Peter Weir and Andrew Niccol, and everyone else involved.
Rated 28 Sep 2012
This movie has a really great premise and an interesting script. Jim Carrey does a great job with the material. There are not a lot of other interesting characters in the film besides Truman.
Rated 01 Dec 2012
"Cue the sun."
Rated 20 Mar 2007
Carrey is for once in a more serious role, he makes a great job of it as well. If you are willing to look over the occasional plot hole you will be in for some great viewing.
Rated 15 Dec 2013
Jim Carrey's overacting is enough to put you off your food, but the beautiful direction, structure and its wonderful sense of humour make it a delight to watch. Watching Truman Burbank puzzle his way out of hyperreality is a fantastic experience. Joyful, funny and thought-provoking in its critique on the world we live in today.
Rated 22 Sep 2018
A very smart and well-made film about the nature of life, television, and reality. Maybe the best performance by Jim Carrey in a feature film. He helps elevate this from thought-provoking to genuinely emotional and touching.
Rated 01 Apr 2020
Very funny and thought-provoking, but sacrificed plausibility for the sake of comedy, which makes it a wonderful comedy but a mediocre drama/sci-fi.
Rated 20 Oct 2010
Anyone who gave this film a 70 or below, has no idea what they are talking about. This is a true masterpiece.
Rated 21 May 2011
Interesting film considering that it preluded the explosion/popularisation of Reality TV. A little bland in retrospect but still interesting enough.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
I wonder if we'd have as many terrible reality TV shows if it wasn't for this movie? Ed Harris you evil genius.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Jim Carrey takes the world along with him on this beautifully constructed thought experiment. The film is able to be simultaneously thought provoking while remaining fun and heart warming through Carrey and the rest of the cast performances.
Rated 09 May 2011
Fuck yeah, this is great. You do realise his wife's a prostitute though. I want to read that "acting" contract. No backdoor action for Truman I'm guessing - giving or receiving. I've tried that cut to commercial thing too, fucks with peoples heads when you start selling them lubricant in the middle of a performance review.
Rated 14 Nov 2009
Possibly the earliest film I remember finding truly inspiring. Breathtaking performances and endless attention to detail.
Rated 02 Feb 2017
A brilliant idea, and its potential was used very thoroughly.
Rated 02 Sep 2012
If it were really true for a corporation to legally adopt a person, someone needs to recall the Kartrashians. Turns out they're a choking hazard for kids.
Rated 18 May 2008
A PG-rated movie starring Jim Carrey and directed by Peter Weir. I wanted to scream bloody murder, of course, but this movie really works. I must thank Mr. Carrey for letting us have a big-budget sf film that's not the usual stuff about rockets or aliens or whatever
Rated 22 Feb 2008
I can watch this movie a hundred times and still love it. The concept of not knowing your life is a reality television show is awesome. It also says a lot about what reality television may one day become. the only problem was that I was dying to know more about his life after he entered the real world. It wouldn't have been as strong as an ending but I JUST WANT MORE!
Rated 09 Nov 2015
A compelling intro here (with the beginning of a great score) sets up a fascinating premise and an instantly endearing lead: A man born into a TV show, unknowingly living a fabricated life. His journey of self-discovery is as tragic as it is thrilling, as his whole world turns against him in his attempts to escape, and while the plot is not without its holes (like a lack of moral questioning), it has more than enough affecting moments ("The last thing I would ever do...") to make up for them.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
I really love the engaging story and its seems surprisingly real, also I really liked the pacing, acting and all the little details.
Rated 13 Mar 2009
Will capture the heart and mind of a wide audience, this is a great film.
Rated 12 May 2021
Don't know what to say that's insightful but it was awesome
Rated 25 Jun 2013
A great concept perfectly executed. Carrey's performance is diverse; both entertaining and realistic, and the sets feel beautifully small and idyllic. It's a funny movie with serious notes, and these two aspects blend perfectly, both strengthening the other. This movie possesses the rare combination of powers to both entertain you and make you think about it for long after it's done.
Rated 18 Apr 2008
The first "serious" Jim Carrey flick, I believe. Poignant, if not entirely believable vision of the future in media. Good performances all around.
Rated 09 Jan 2007
one of the smartest scripts ever written, if not the best...
Rated 01 Sep 2011
Makes you actually question your own sense of reality. Clearly its not like this, but still.
Rated 28 Dec 2010
Carrey's zaniness is a bit annoying even when he's playing a straight role, but it's a decent film with a lot of heart. And it's kind of impressive to think that this came out two years before Big Brother was thrust upon the world. People being watched every second of the day by tiny cameras that broadcast their every move to huge TV audiences?! Pfft, people would never sacrifice their dignity for a fleeting brush with fame! Would they? Oh...
Rated 08 Apr 2008
Meta sans the pomp. I'd rather hang out with this than a Kaufman. Superb, with fleeting, jewel-like romance.
Rated 01 Mar 2007
Great film.
Rated 04 Oct 2011
It's a fascinating premise that doesn't seem to have been used to its fullest potential, but delivers a pretty good movie nonetheless. Thankfully it steers away from the sappy stuff. The parts where little things went wrong, breaking the illusion of reality, were great. It must suck to be an actor in Truman's world though. "You can't leave the set. You can't do anything fun. You're roleplaying a boring douchebag. Oh, and you're in this for life." Yikes.
Rated 20 Mar 2007
Jim Carrey's first dramatic turn, a solid overlooked performance anchoring Peter Weir's very interesting film.
Rated 30 Aug 2010
Outstanding movie. Terrific cast, great social depth to the story line and backed by a sublime soundtrack. This is just a fantastic movie and still a must see.
Rated 27 May 2009
Peter Weir demonstrates with some great ideas a really dark and scary prophecy of being under observation. the instruments in here might be a kind of unrealistic fantasy but behind that curtain lies the invasion of privacy. Very well acting by Carrey ( maybe his best role ever ) either
Rated 13 Apr 2012
The fact that the plot of this film becomes less fantastical as time goes by is all the evidence you need that it is really effective satire. All the better that is was executed almost perfectly. First film to show that Carrey was more than a one-note comic actor.
Rated 16 Sep 2019
Seemed obvious at the time, but it has gained some currency since the late 90's for unfortunate reasons. It isn't a sophisticated engagement of the subject exactly, but it isn't stupid either, and the ending, while trading in crowd pleasing heroics, does contain some ambiguity about the relationship between spectators/consumers and the object being consumed. Carrey surprised critics and audiences with his effective performance, and Weir's direction is completely assured, if a little safe.
Rated 28 May 2007
great film
Rated 13 Mar 2010
Whilst I feel this is neither a masterpiece nor the pinnacle of Peter Weir and Jim Carrey's careers, it remains a very good, well directed film with an intelligent and relevant premise as well as a sinister turn by Ed Harris as the God playing Christof. My personal reading of the film is as a dream rather than a nightmare, with Truman Burbank actually in the luckiest of positions- able to escape the artificial hollow world he inhabits.
Rated 15 Oct 2020
I liked this movie.
Rated 16 Feb 2020
Truman: "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"
Rated 03 Aug 2007
A great, old-fashioned thoughtprovoking bit of sci-fi, and Ed Harris as the beret-wearing villain is some kind of masterstroke.
Rated 27 Dec 2009
Unique and scarily prophetic comedy/drama that's played to perfection by virtually all those in front of and behind the camera. A fantastic film in so many ways, although the speed of Truman's realisation and the niggling impracticalities of the show play on the mind just enough to hinder your suspension of disbelief. Amazing to think this preceded the Survivor/Big Brother reality-TV boom by a good year or so.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Wonderful premise, brilliantly executed by Peter Weir. No one else could've captured Truman's troubled, witty, and tragically self-aware personality like Jim Carrey. An excellent score, and unbeatable cast, and a great message; one of my all time favorite films.
Rated 31 Dec 2010
This is one of the most MOVING and symbolic movies I've ever seen. Jim Carrey's vulnerability and determination as the truth unfolds is at once heart-breaking and inspiring. This movie truly touched me.
Rated 13 Mar 2021
the concept is excellent, the script is very well crafted and Weir's direction, with all its 90s flavor, is on point. The only downside of this movie, oddly, is Carrey. This movie was made at the absolute pinnacle of his career, and not only the film relies on his star power to draw the audience, it also relies on his physical comedy to keep the audience engaged. this nudges the film from a natural drama to a more palatable, albeit inferior, dramedy. still, a 90s classic, solid all around.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The concept is fresh, and Jim Carrey keeps the character of Truman perfectly. Nothing wrong with this movie.
Rated 18 Aug 2016
Really liked this movie, one of Jim Carrey's best, and I'm not a fan of some of his stuff. This is a light movie that can really make you think.
Rated 14 Dec 2009
An interesting concept and great performance by Jim Carrey. Unfortunately, by the end of the movie, the kitsch has been laid on a little thick.
Rated 25 Jan 2009
Great story! Usually I dont like Jim Carrey.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Slightly overrrated, but still a stunning concept and a great story pulled together in a satisfactory manner. Carrey plays the characters a little over the top for my tastes, but I fell he was still finding his stride in '98.
Rated 18 Mar 2011
a film that really moved me. while watching it for the first time in the movie theater, in the first half, i was paranoid about whether my life was also like truman's, but then i realized, i'm gay, hence no chance of ratings! :p
Rated 16 Oct 2014
Uses Jim Carrey's limitless energy to great effect here, but keeps him from his usual over-the-top antics. Peter Weir establises himself as a director to be watched.
Rated 26 Jul 2010
This movie is perfect. This movie is amazing. This movie is my favourite of all time. I've loved it since I was a kid and I will love it til I die. This is Jim Carreys first movie doing a somewhat serious role, Peter Weir directed this film in such a different way and it pays off amazingly. Philip Glass's score is fantastic and I don't believe anything will ever top this.
Rated 24 Jun 2020
A genuinely sad story of surveillance and manipulation that's likely not far off reality for those born in this day and age. It's no Caché, but few films are. Carrey rightly received much kudos for his performance - his developing paranoia, which is not paranoia at all - as did Linney. But for me it's Noah Emmerich as the best friend that most powerfully depicts betrayal (a key theme of the film).
Rated 14 Jun 2008
Rated 07 May 2018
A classic of criticism towards the media and society as we accept it. The films shows us an amazing use cinematography to tell the story. The ambient of the show is always set up in a way to fit with the thematic of personal privacy. While Carrey deserves praise for his performance, is the supporting cast that amplifies this uncanny valley effect from the fake behavior we are so used to in our real media, making you feel uncomfortable while watching it from a 3rd person perspective.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is the perfect kind of role for Jim Carrey. It's not a very physical comedy, but rather a subtle and smart comedy that he excels at. On top of his excellent performance, the story is unique and captivating, and Ed Harris has a fascinating character who is also brilliantly portrayed. Really good!
Rated 19 May 2011
Watched this again and upped my rating. Outstanding movie and performances!
Rated 07 Dec 2009
one of jim carrey's best. and i didn't even laugh once!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.
Rated 03 Mar 2014
Really love this movie. I love the idea and how it predated how much reality TV would explode. I also love that Carrey got to do a serious role as I am a huge fan of his.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A feel-good movie about feeling good. A tad heavy-handed, but if it doesn't make you smile a few times, you have no soul. Better luck next life.
Rated 09 Dec 2020
great (prescient) premise, though I'd prefer a darker satire, as the feel-good and silly moments take away from exploring the implications. it's too easy to take it as just another movie and leave behind any actual themes in the theater, because look! shiny happy people! and I still can't unsee Carrey being, well, Carrey; guy gets typecast for a reason
Rated 03 Jul 2021
An absolutely perfect movie for anyone, brilliant directing and genius performances by Jim Carrey and Ed Harris. -2 points because there are one or two scenes that go on a bit to long, but they're crucial ones so it's all good. Strongly recommend.
Rated 19 Aug 2021
Though The Truman Show may seem like an outlandish story, it's terrifying how it isn't that far away from reality. Something always feels off yet, it feels real, almost. A deeper look into the concept would have definitely made this better.
Rated 13 Feb 2008
"If it was more than just a vague ambition, if he [Truman] was absolutely determined to discover the truth, there's no way we could prevent him" christof. This quote says it all to me.
Rated 13 Aug 2014
This film is about shattering boundaries in the eternal search for something grander than the monotonous lives we lead.
Rated 07 Jan 2013
An intriguing and thought-provoking film, The Truman Show is easily one of Jim Carrey's best
Rated 30 Jan 2012
The Truman Show is a great film because it gives us a character to empathize with, strong performances and some thing to think about. This review featured a lot of questions, and I mean every single one of them. When you finish watching, you might just want to watch it again. You'll want to experience this film more than once -- it's just such a fun journey to take part in. And you do feel like you're going along with Truman on his quest to discover the truth about his life.
Rated 26 Jun 2010
one of my favorite paranoid movies
Rated 26 Jul 2014
Starts off being just interesting, ends up real good.
Rated 03 Dec 2011
Great Great Great Idea. love you peter Weir!
Rated 08 Jun 2010
Interesting subject matter, slightly tearjerkery,
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Weak screenplay and directing were about to ruin the whole great idea!
Rated 06 Sep 2008
A very creative movie. I really liked when I saw it.
Rated 21 Oct 2013
A tentative review, this. Acclaimed at the time as a masterpiece, the core issue is now rather clear: the premise is a fascinating and thought-provoking one, but the treatment is Hollywood business as usual. At 95 minutes, sans credits, Andrew Niccol's script doesn't dig nearly as deep as it could (and it doesn't end so much as stop). But it's entertaining and compelling in its own right, Jim Carrey and Ed Harris are strong, and Peter Weir's direction is smooth. Good score, too.
Rated 19 May 2019
An interesting premise that has an excellent casting, with Jim Carrey giving his best non-comedy performance of his career and possibly the best performance of his career in general.
Rated 03 Aug 2017
A fantastic performance. An intriguing premise. Adept direction. On-point script. Yes, this is good.
Rated 06 Jun 2016
The Truman Show is a thought-provoking examination of reality, and features stellar performances from Jim Carrey, Ed Harris, and Laura Linney.
Rated 09 Dec 2010
I have a strong feeling this film is probably one of Carrey's least popular films, because it really isn't a screw ball comedy like he is famous for. What this film is, however, is a thought provoking character piece that shows that this guy can act. Ed Harris is great in his supporting role. Highly recommended film.
Rated 30 Jun 2017
Great, very telling about the world movie. If someone else was in the Truman role this would be the masterpice with him its still very good one, but somehow carrey doesnt work for me in this.
Rated 05 Mar 2014
A compelling, satirical drama that's smartly written with a prescient knowledge of the modern celebrity culture and our thirst for intimate details. Its light humor is charming and works very well while you're always reminded of the gloomy, dark sides beneath the surface. It could probably have benefitted from a deeper exploration of the fictitious relationships but still maintains its lasting impression.
Rated 18 Mar 2011
a masterful and still thoughtfull movie with somethingon its heart even this day today, and with a stellar Jim Carrey
Rated 26 Aug 2009
One of my favorites
Rated 05 Oct 2010
you are looking at me God!
Rated 24 Aug 2008
This movie. Dang, did it predict the next decade, or what? It's brilliantly written, magically filmed, and Jim Carrey finally revealed how amazing a dramatic actor he could be. By showcasing this idea of society being obsessed with watching a person's life on screen, it effectively foreshadowed the reality television and social media boom that followed in real life. The creative set design, masterful direction and emotional story earns this film a spot in the top ten of the 90s.


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