The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
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The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

2h 6m
Frank Dobbs and Bob Curtin, two Americans searching for work in Mexico, convince an old prospector to help them mine for gold in the Sierra Madre Mountains.
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The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

2h 6m
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Avg Percentile 75.25% from 2880 total ratings

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Rated 04 Feb 2020
There are only two types of Bogie. Grimy and dripping with sweat or cool as a cucumber. This one is pure sudoric.
Rated 29 Jul 2009
Completely captivated me. Bogart portrays his character wonderfully. Credit is also due to Holt/Huston who more than hold their own. The constant paranoia is present throughout and this feature keeps you on your toes all the way. A great ending to top it off also. Its the sort of story that you want told well and this doesn't disappoint.
Rated 18 Nov 2008
I love movies that end on a high note after dipping down low, really, really low, tapping into greed, paranoia, hate and general loathing. They are few and far between. And even fewer manage to do it convingcingly. 'Sierra Madre' is one of them.
Rated 11 Mar 2008
I had no idea someone could portray the descent into being a complete and utter piece of moral garbage but Bogart did it masterfully and is certainly the highlight of the film. That's not to say Tim Holt and Walter Huston are both not excellent as well, because they most certainly are. Yes it's terribly depressing (or rather it's highly karma based) but damn is it well done.
Rated 06 Sep 2021
Perhaps I'm jaded as the story was spoiled for me by the Simpsons Three Men and a Comic Book episode. But this film is too one note in arguing that greed corrupts. And that theme could've been illustrated by giving characters wants & drives that make you want to root for them. Instead, the same paranoid suspense repeatedly plays out. The landscapes are nice and it's obviously influential for filmmakers. But it's a marginal recommendation intended for film students and Turner Classic Movies fans.
Rated 09 Jun 2007
"Wait till you see me in my next picture. I play the worst shit you ever saw." Right you were, Bogie. Humphrey is the highlight of this film, and consequently, this role the highlight of his acting career - Fred C. Dobbs is one of the most bitter, petty, paranoid, selfish, hopeless old misers you could ever come across in your entire life. He's a real bastard. This has to be among the bleakest movies I've ever seen - Dobbs gets what's coming to him, and so does everybody else.
Rated 10 Jun 2020
A good morality film that loses my interest in the final 3rd. The black and white camera coupled with the interpersonal discussions remind me of 12 Angry Men. Subtle score. Fav scene: when they decide to kill the newcomer, then the bandits come, and then they hit you with a gut punch with the letter from his wife.
Rated 09 May 2008
Fantastic, to say the least, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is one of the most riveting westerns of the studio era that you'll be able to find. With its take-no-prisoners mentality, it is harder, more brutal, and through and through more entertaining than anything else of its era in the Western genre. This gets the highest recommendations I can feasibly give out.
Rated 04 Nov 2011
Wastes a bit of its time dealing with shoot-ups and a couple of loose narrative threads, but the chiaroscuro showcase of Man's good/bad is seriously cool. It is a bit rich believing the whole character corruption of Dobbs, but hell, it's still great.
Rated 23 Jan 2018
Reviews? We ain't got no reviews. We don't need no reviews. I don't have to show you any stinking reviews...but if I did, I would probably say I enjoyed most of this simple adventure story. Despite maybe not aging so well in a few spots, the direction and quality acting flesh out what seems like a classic tale about human nature and greed. The plot and pacing however, make the movie feel like it stops and starts instead of really flowing or building. Not a perfect classic, but worth a watch.
Rated 16 May 2008
Bogart is a real son of a bitch here and you spend the whole movie rooting against him. Somehow, that's a great compliment.
Rated 15 Jun 2009
i really cant understand what so many people see in this, sure bogart is good, more so than in most of the other classics he was in, but the plot is relatively uninspired and carried out in a way that really failed to get my attention. also that ending was just terrible.
Rated 22 Apr 2010
Bogart plays a greedy, low-down, good-for-nothing wonderfully. Some of Huston's best work and one of the best to come out of its era. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre does show its age at times, but that doesn't stop this riveting adventure.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
Bogart is great again, but Holt and especially Huston are right up there with him. Great screenplay and solid directing.
Rated 19 Sep 2017
The kind of movie that absorbs me and keeps me thinking "what would I do?". Bogie plays a paranoid fortune-seeker perfectly but Walter Huston almost steals the show. Huston's jig as he mocks Dobbs and Curtin as noobs is my favorite little part of the film. Why don't we needle people while dancing a jig anymore? Side note: I didn't clue in until after this viewing that he and the director are father-son. Very cool.
Rated 30 May 2011
If you have allergies you might want to avoid this one; it might be the dustiest movie ever made.
Rated 14 May 2007
This thing draws blood.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Vicious flick about a trio of unsavory types working a gold claim, and how each of them is overwhelmed by greed and paranoia. Powerful stuff, my favorite Bogey film...he's such a bastard.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The build-up of greed and desperation among the three leads is remarkably well done, and Bogart, Holt and Huston turn in spectacular performances.
Rated 29 May 2008
Greed, mistrust and desperation overshadow every sign of romance in this pessimistic adventure-film, criticizing the potentially destructive effects of "the American dream". Sturdy, but not wildly interesting.
Rated 15 Aug 2020
Money (specifically gold) corrupts, and paranoia ensues if you're bad of character. And if you're good of character, well, just enjoy the ride. This is a gloriously filthy, sweaty and bloody film.
Rated 05 Jun 2009
Bogart probably portrays one of the most disgusting and hateful characters in movie history. Together with the absolutely brilliant performance of Walter Huston this should be enough to convice you to watch it. ... If that isn't enough, you should takes notice of the plot, the moral decadence of greed and the volatility of it all.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
One of Bogart's best, and Walter Huston's too. This is perhaps the most powerful film about greed ever made.
Rated 21 Jun 2020
Neat how Bogart can invert his kicked puppy dog charisma and make you hate him. The violence also made me feel a little sick, which was tonally perfect. Probable score 100, eh yeah, accurate.
Rated 27 Jun 2016
Huston understood the dark desires that lurk deep within the hearts of men, and how quickly the promise or materialisation of those desires could pervert their souls beyond all recognition. T.T.O.T.S.M is a straight forward morality play, but Huston's artistry turns it into something greater. It's easy to see how PTA found inspiration for There Will Be Blood in this film; Bogart's moral degradation is analogous to Plainview's, and there is an unsettling aura to his descent that's hard to shake.
Rated 10 May 2019
I was so tired one night, I turned this off for Amy Schumer's "I Feel Pretty". Glad I came back to this.
Rated 01 May 2011
It's hard to buy a character so extremely paranoid and mean as Dobbs is but Bogart really sells it well. Not a mind-blowingly amazing movie, but a fun adventure despite how dark it is. It is a pretty good joke, after all.
Rated 16 May 2021
Bogey delivers one of the best portrayals of paranoia I've seen. It's a grand adventure with great characters.
Rated 02 May 2019
It's no "Greed" even though the moral is even less subtle, but between Bogart, Huston and Bedoya, it's a feast for the eyes nonetheless. Don't watch this as your first Bogart movie; you'll spend the rest of your life on that mountain, digging and digging and hoping to find another one as good as this.
Rated 17 Feb 2016
Flawless turns and a snappy script bring forth a captivating character dynamic: Three men down on their luck, brought into tenuous partnership by their common pursuit of gold. Howard foretells the greed and paranoia early on, and the plot doesn't disappoint as it expertly builds the tension with calculated conversations (see the debate about dividing the wealth), heated stand-offs, and a suspicious 4th party. The bandit action interrupts the flow a bit, but it adds another element of excitement.
Rated 13 Nov 2013
Well-meaning but sadly way too dated - not so much in terms of subject matter ("greed, deception and... and... MURDER", as Leonard Maltin puts it), but mostly in terms of execution -, "The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre" is never fully engaging but is interesting enough: a worthwhile film overall, but nowhere near a masterpiece.
Rated 13 Dec 2006
This is probably one of the most perfect adventure flicks ever made.
Rated 08 Feb 2007
Classic. Bogart's downward spiral is dark and captivating. Great main cast.
Rated 22 Mar 2007
One of the most absorbing old-time adventure stories ever committed to film. Most of the old stuff hasn't aged well but this is brilliant
Rated 02 May 2007
Imagine my delight when I finally discovered the origin of the "We don't need no badges!" line.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Greed consumes and burns in this magnificent western that defies the standards and customs of many westerns that were being made at the time.
Rated 11 Oct 2022
A lot of fun watching Bogie be almost entirely unlikeable. And watching Holt and Huston's characters strike up a genuine friendship, in contrast to Bogie slipping into a deep paranoia, was a lot of fun too. There were a few meandering parts. Fortunately, it would redeem itself afterward. This was also quite brutal and dark at times. Dobbs meeting his maker the way he did was more hard-hitting than how other movies might have handled it. All this for what? To die by the hands of some bandits?
Rated 05 Sep 2007
Humphrey Bogart shows the world exactly how to play the role of a man on the descent. His transformation in this movie is uncanny. Couple that with a strong support cast and an exciting plot and you've got one of the best films of all time.
Rated 23 Oct 2007
Bogart really makes this film from the acting side. He communicates his full on paranoia with a kind of animalistic posture, becoming more ape-like as the film progresses. Walter Huston steals most of his scenes, with a leprechaun-ish attitude that plays both genuine and creepy in the context. Of course, John Huston's visuals are nothing if not fantastic. He has a wonderful sense of where to place the camera, uses great variety in his shot depths at just the right times, and knows when to cut.
Rated 22 Feb 2008
Gritty adventure with a perfectly-cast Bogart. Slow at times but this adds to the moodiness where in any lesser film it would bore the audience.
Rated 09 Mar 2008
Gritty tale of the quest for gold in ye olden days, and it's consequences. Highly recommended.
Rated 02 Jun 2008
Classic that time hasn't treated well. At best it's an entertaining story but at worst it's filled with music thats really out of place, crappy dialogue and woody acting.
Rated 04 Dec 2018
A fascinating portrayal of greed and paranoia. Bogart turns probably the best performance of his career, and it is all around a pretty, well-made captivating film. I just feel like something is missing though, while it gives plenty for amateur psychologists to look into, I would've liked to have seen more social commentary: what is it in the history of capitalism, colonialism and materialism that allows and helps these evil thoughts grow in men's minds in the first place?
Rated 19 Nov 2008
A cinematic testimony of man's greed and paranoia.
Rated 05 Feb 2009
Typical Hollywood classic that everyone loves. I was looking for something more, although it's still excellent on many levels. Apparently Paul Thomas Anderson watched this film every night before filming "There Will Be Blood", and it shows...
Rated 29 Jul 2014
Seems massively overrated. I haven't exactly liked the other work of John Huston I've seen though. The story is decent. Bogart is probably the best I've seen him as he becomes both increasingly greedy and paranoid. Other than Bogart though I really found nothing here exceptional.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Bogart is sensational. Really one of the great films of its era.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
"Batches? We don't need no steenkin' batches!" If you dig old movies, you've probably already seen this. Bogey is great here as a bad guy--basically a bum who goes into the mountains with two other prospectors to search for gold. Remember that episode of Gilligan's Island where everyone gets "gold fever" except for Gilligan? This is the movie version of that, sorta. The acting is SOLID. Walter Huston and Humphrey Bogart do some memorable work. Worth seeing again!
Rated 03 Jul 2014
One of those classics that just didn't do it for me. 10 years ago I would have pretended to love it to not sound like a troglodyte but I'm too old for that shit now.
Rated 10 May 2010
I probably could've made educated guesses as to the nature of many of the major plot points of the film ahead of time (the ending was particularly obvious), but one thing I didn't foresee was just how much of a son of a bitch Bogart's character would be. He's bordering on cartoony in how paranoid and unscrupulous he turns out to be, but Bogie's great performance sells it. Actually, a lot of the film is quite cartoony, but it's still fun and exciting, and absolutely worth seeing.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
I was expecting a classic adventure movie and got a lot more. Even as you know where it's going, it doesn't lower the fascination of this captivating character portrayal.
Rated 18 Jul 2010
Despite it's age, Sierra Madre is a film that holds up very well today. Bogart is compelling in a role that could have easily been over or underplayed as the paranoia grows throughout the movie.
Rated 25 Aug 2010
It took 59 years until another movie could depict such a relevant catalogue of statements about greed as Sierra Madre, and that feature is There Will Be Blood. I just know I love both of them.
Rated 24 Aug 2021
Pretty good, but I find it a bit overrated. A few truly suspenseful sequences, some lyrical imagery, and a couple of great performances from Holt and Huston. The sheer greed and paranoia is one-note simple, and for all the acclaim given to Bogart - who I usually enjoy - he's really hamming it up here.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
I was very impressed with this movie because it has some very uncommon characteristics for an American movie, the story about poverty, how Huston uses a star like Bogart in a very unflattering way and the set up in Mexico, all this and a very good script, performances and action makes this film a must watch.
Rated 18 Feb 2016
A fantastic examination of human greed, paranoia, and mental decline. Does occasionally feel really unbalanced between Bogart's Dobbs and his two seemingly saintly companions, but over all it's a proper genre classic.
Rated 06 Mar 2018
Gold Hat: "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges."
Rated 15 Dec 2011
This is a classic film about greed and so much more. Humphrey Bogart is outstanding and the rest of the cast are also great. The story is interesting the entire way, you are not sure what is going to happen next. I obviously highly recommend this classic!
Rated 10 May 2021
I remember when I was younger, long before I ever saw The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948), I saw UHF (1989) where they did... Badgers... badgers? We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers!. So guess which scene I can't watch without laughing. Anyway, yeah, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948). Massive film!
Rated 17 Feb 2012
A most unsettling tale of greed, paranoia and morality in a place where the only person to judge you is yourself. Flawless execution by John Huston.
Rated 05 Feb 2016
Two hours of bogart oozing high octane slime and nastiness? Directed by john huston? What's not to like here? rightfully considered a classic. walter huston was a ton of fun as the wise old prospector.
Rated 24 Feb 2014
The screenplay is fantastic, and the performances are all very strong -- it's refreshing to see Bogart play a total piece of shit. This seems to be a trend for me, though, in films of this era: strong writing and performances but fairly bland visually. I really can't stand that kind of musical score, either. Hard to dock it too much, though, and that ending is great, though I'd have preferred it just ended with them laughing.
Rated 09 May 2021
This one was a banger, can see why it made so many 'best of' lists. The acting is on point and more than anything, it says something about the human condition, i.e. greed. The story telling is top notch too. Not sure what else there is to say about this one that hasn't already been said.
Rated 30 Jun 2013
No real surprises here in the story, which makes it all the more remarkable that it is as engaging as it is. Walter Huston made the template for which all other crazy prospectors must be measured against. Bogart sells the bejesus out of his character and it's a wonderful choice to focus the movie on Dobbs.
Rated 01 Sep 2015
Now I finally understand why Humphery Bogart kept showing up and asking for change in that one Bugs Bunny cartoon.
Rated 10 Dec 2013
Another Bogart character who very likeable in his unlikeableness. The old prospector is very funny, and the young American is nice without laying it on too thick.
Rated 26 Oct 2020
Bogart's character is paranoid beyond belief and nobody even attempts to refute his wild accusations
Rated 04 Dec 2006
My ★★★★★ review of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre on Letterboxd
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Score based on distant memory.
Rated 08 Jul 2015
Walks a thin line between Fun and Consequential almost perfectly. Nails all the fundamentals. W. Huston steals the spotlight from Bogart, who himself delivers a performance which would probably be considered career-defining for most other actors.
Rated 19 Nov 2007
Almost a Shakespearian drama that transcends setting, language, culture, nationality and time. The characters are iconic and timelsss. The plot and acting are first rate. Those in Hollywood looking for a great platform for a modern day sequel should look at "The Treasure...". Many decades old movies seem faded and uninteresting but this film endures as a good story that was well done.
Rated 02 Feb 2008
Widely considered cinema's definitive treatise on greed, although it may not be the absolute best (I feel that "There Will Be Blood", obviously heavily influenced by this, digs much deeper and darker). It is a memorably nasty and thrilling adventure, even though it isn't quite focused enough and the writing is sometimes awkward. Bogart gives one of his absolute best performances (bizarrely ignored by the Academy) as the increasingly paranoid and vicious Dobbs.
Rated 12 Apr 2023
The arc of Humphrey Bogart's character Frank Dobbs in this movie was something else. At the beginning, the audience was meant to root for him. He was down on his luck but he wasn't scared to work for his supper. Once he got up into the mountains and the gold started to pile up, he turned into every anecdote the old prospector relayed to him. He caught the gold fever and turned cooky. Huston and Holt were fantastic opposite Bogart. The main bandito was also a lot of fun. A must watch.
Rated 26 May 2017
Not bad at all, a great tale, when it comes down to it, of struggle. Everybody talks about how evil bogart is here but i actually kinda felt bad for him, he was a begger in 40s mexico, you really don't expect him to be a little rough around the edges? kinda wish he would have learned some lessons, had a chance to show some heart, instead of how it ends. but owells. not a bad flick at all, though the paranoia is maybe a bit overplayed to near comical levels, but still great.
Rated 09 Sep 2020
I always love John Huston and Bogart together, and Humphrey Bogart is great as the antagonist is very fun to watch. The best part of this film however, was Walter Huston.
Rated 02 May 2008
Bogart is such a badass in this picture.
Rated 17 Jan 2017
Never go on a camping trip up country with Humphrey
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Rated 07 Nov 2021
Well-made, beautifully shot, just a bit of a downer!
Rated 07 Oct 2018
It was okay, but felt a bit sluggish.
Rated 04 Mar 2009
The actors adopt exaggerated masks -- Bogart with shifty eyes and unshaven stubble, Walter Huston with a penetrating squint and Old Codger whiskers, Holt with a babyfaced pout, and a Mexican bandido with roughly sixty-four teeth -- which plainly declare their positions in this primer on Human Greed. They are so adamant about pushing the thesis, their behavior seems barely plausible.
Rated 22 Mar 2009
Nearly a perfect movie. The film starts strong and only ramps up to a violent conclusion. It also has great moments of humor and action sequences. Every character and location feels real. I enjoy this movie more every time I watch it.
Rated 28 Apr 2009
Really great adventure film with a definite moral compass at work. Recommended.
Rated 06 Jul 2014
A captivating adventure story of greed and gold. It has a classical pace to it, builds slowly but always keeps you interested. The characters are intriguing, with Howard's (Huston) upbeat energy and wittiness, sort of a moral guide for the audience. And on the other side Dobbs (Bogart), who shows the human dark side when his lust for gold becomes too great. A selfish man that gets greedy and paranoid and struggles to maintain his humanity in times of trouble.
Rated 25 Sep 2009
There is no better film to potrait human greed than The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. The cast is excellent (especially director's father Walter Huston and of course Humphrey Bogart) and John Huston directs with a sure hand and clear vision in this classic tale of three goldminers that hit the jackpot. I can't find a single flaw from this movie because there ain't one.
Rated 07 Nov 2009
watched: 2009, 2016
Rated 19 Apr 2010
A classic, but not aged so well, is somewhat boring to watch.
Rated 17 Oct 2010
"Transcends the medium to become a mandatory viewing experience for anyone that identifies themselves as a human being, period." - Rob Humanick
Rated 05 Dec 2010
A great story of gold, greed and paranoia! Bogart is amazing, as well as the others but the whole side story with the indians is a bit boring and los bandidos act so poorly that my mom could have done better. With that said said, it is still a great and recommendable film...
Rated 24 Dec 2010
The grizzled prospector of Walter Huston is the capstone of his great and varied career. Bogart brings a conviction to his pathological role that few other actors could supply.
Rated 28 May 2014
The best stereotyping of Mexicans in a movie ever
Rated 23 Apr 2011
Certain aspects of the story seem out of date, but it's a pleasure to watch the devolution of Bogart's character as the stakes get richer and richer. Definite precursor to There WIll Be Blood.
Rated 30 Nov 2011
Rated 19 Dec 2011
Sheer delight, classic in every meaning.
Rated 29 Nov 2012
Excellent as an exploration of human greed, less so when it's mucking about. Bogart plays paranoia to perfection.
Rated 01 Dec 2012
My favorite Bogey performance. It's great as an adventure movie, but it's got great character development as well.
Rated 23 Feb 2013
Greed and paranoia abound in this tense film. Dobbs is a wonderfully despicable character- everyone loves Bogie as a hero, but he sure can do mean. The ending is utterly perfect.
Rated 02 Apr 2019
John Huston's first film after WWII is one of the best action adventure films ever made. It's one of Bogart's finest performances, and Huston is even better. It's ostensibly about the search for gold, but is really about the character of men and the cruel vagaries of fate.
Rated 15 Sep 2013
The ridiculously happy soundtrack can be a true atmosphere killer from time to time because the themes and events in this film are pretty dark. But anyway: overall a very good film. So much witty dialogue my head was about to explode.
Rated 19 Sep 2013


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